The Talons of a Dark Heart Ch. 08


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"Honey, she wanted me to tell the story," Gareth said a little more vehemently than he wanted to come out.

"Well! Excuse poor Delia from the story please. I'll go sit by me lonesome away from my best friend you are so intent on stealing from me every itty bitty of time I get to see her..."

"Delia," Talyis pleaded, trying to calm the melodrama. "Please let him finish."

Delia smiled, kissed Gareth on the cheek quickly, and curled her fingers through his hair, content with listening.

Gareth smiled and his eyes twinkled with genuine amusement. His wife never gave him a dull moment. "We sent messages which our people passed onto the others; we regrouped as a people, found this new land and territory. As for the artwork, many of us were given pieces from the castle by the guards when the siege was nearing, and those of us who survived have returned them to our new castle."

"But it aint the official King until he weds and brings us a queen. But since Gareth stepped down and Novak aint in the grave. Gareth isn't our king and I our queen, that unless Novak dies, then since we are married...." Delia added quickly.

"Darling, what does that have to do with what I am trying to tell Talyis," Gareth smiled at Delia.

"Nothing, I'd just thought I throw that in to stop any more confusion, me girlfriend might be having on our monarchy system and why he is taking Calena and not Ta-" Delia blurted almost saying 'not Talyis' but Gareth pounced on her and kissed her lips quiet.

Delia giggled wrapping her arms around Gareth and the two tumbled to the floor, still laughing and kissing each other.

"Is there anything else you want to reveal to Talyis might she be confused," Gareth mocked teasingly with a wicked smile.

"Emm, well, if you kiss me like that. How about why Novak plucked her from her castle..."she giggled but Talyis was swaying in a swirl she did not hear.

She sat still in deep thought until the bile in her stomach again pushed through her body. "Delia!" she cried and motioned. Delia quickly snapped into action, pushing Gareth off of her to deliver a wash bucket to her side. Talyis threw up again; her head spinning.

"Pige, maybe your parasite ain't a parasite," Delia commented. She rubbed Talyis's back as she hunched over, heaving.

Talyis clutched the rim of the wooden bucket. Her voice husky, she said, "It's just the smell of Aricin food."

"You've got to get used to our food! And anyway, maybe it ain't the food either... perhaps you're pregnant?"

Pregnant?! She clenched her eyes shut and the pit of her stomach dropped, causing her to feel even more woozy.I haven't thought....Oh Heavens! That would be a nightmare unto its own. I cannot be pregnant.

"Don't fret, we will do a test," Delia quickly got up to go to the bar. She shifted around for a pan. She placed something in her dress and brought them back to the table. "When arewe going to have a babe, Gareth?" She pulled an egg from her dress and cracked its contents into the pan. "There we go. Now go and use it as a chamber pot. We will put it in the sun. If the yolk separates from the egg, you are with babe. But if it's intact, it's not quite exact."

Talyis slummed out of the bench and took the cast iron skillet to the hallway to use as a chamber pot, the guard took notice that she was leaving his eyesight and tried to follow.

"No, you don't! You give a gal her privacy no matter who she is!" Delia shouted at the guard and forced her body in front of him, protecting the entry way to the hall. The guard surrendered and returned to his chair.

"When will I know?" Talyis asked and Delia laughed, oblivious to the dread the princess was experiencing as always Delia was on the bright side of life.

"The sun ain't near the sky yet. It's all but a white dawn. It'll take a few days in the sun."

Talyis scoffed, "It's rained and snowed for a month now, the sun isn't coming out."

"Ah well, it's the raining season, but the itty bit of sun we get for a few days should tell us."

"Oh, I feel like I am going to be sick," Talyis clutched her stomach from the sour feeling moving through her and bent over.

"Tell us another story, luv, to keep our Talyis's mind off the anticipation," Delia hurriedly requested.

Gareth finished the rest of his porridge. "Talyis, if you are with babe you need to eat and take care of yourself. Novak will not be happy if you are sick."

"He won't care what happens to me or this child. He said he would send it to the mines!" Talyis cried and clutched her stomach tighter.

"Talyis, he does care. If only you knew."

"Knew what, Gareth? How to save myself?"

"No, Talyis, if you only knew how we came about taking you from your castle."

"You kidnapped me and didn't even offer a ransom. What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, Talyis, and you are wrong on all accounts."

"Then tell me, Gareth!" she demanded.

"It is not my story or place to tell."

Talyis clenched her fist angrily. Why wasn't he telling her what she deserved to know? He had been there, why wouldn't he tell her?

"Gareth, you are no help to me," she spat. The room crackled with tension, not even Delia spoke.

Talyis took a deep breath and composed herself. "I am sorry. Gareth, you have been a great friend to me. You have tried to help me and reason with Novak, I know. I know your hands are tied because of your responsibilities." Talyis sat still, a calming stillness replaced the anxiety that had covered the room the last few moments. "I love my people and my land. I miss them all so much. I am sorry for what my father did to your people, to Novak. I understand your duty is to your people and you had to make difficult decisions concerning me, even defying Novak. I would do anything to protect my people." She dropped her eyes to her lap and wrung her fingers nervously, "I never got a chance to thank you for being so gentle with me that night. I knew you loved Delia and I knew you did not want to do what you were ordered to. When I was told that you stepped down because of that night, I felt so humbled. I am your enemy but you didn't allow retribution to taint your soul."

Gareth took Talyis's hands into his own and squeezed gently, "You have changed quite a bit, Talyis, from when we first met and from what Novak told me of you and your royal family. I am relieved that you are not broken. Stay wild, Talyis, stay wild."


Rain ricocheted against the stone floor of the courtyard leading to the gardens out of tempo with the musicians playing Aricin folk songs on drums, flutes, and hollow stringed instruments. Like glass beads falling quickly to the floor when the water dripped quickly through roof drains, laughter grew louder and thunder competed for attention from the happy couple surrounded by constant stream of visitors.

Coming from the Delia and Gareth's tavern, Talyis snuck through a new tide of people entering the castle, wanting to avoid Calena and Novak. She was trapped between the towering white floral arrangements and the villagers pushing in to get an eager look at their soon-to-be queen. The castle hall was very small in comparison to the one in her old home. It was the only a large room in the castle with the throne at the end of the room. To the right and left, eight arched openings had narrow stairs leading to: two bedchambers, the library, the kitchen, two watchtowers, and the dining hall. Only one arch opening nearest to the throne led to the courtyard and gardens.

Aricin ate at tables set up in the hall. The glittering white and silver fabrics only made the room appear smaller, while jostled waves of people enjoyed the joyful Aricin dancing to folk music. Despite being in a room so filled with people, Talyis felt so alone and wished that Gareth and Delia had attended.

The lightning outside flowed through the hall, highlighting the white, silver and crystals that hung everywhere. The candles flickered as gusts of wind came through the courtyard into the hall, but no one was bothered by the large storm brewing outside. Instead, the room swelled with such excitement, it easily surpassed even Delia's daily exuberance.

Drinks and mugs were passed from person to person over the heads of the smoothed and frizzled haired people. People carried large turkey legs, pulling the sinews apart with large obnoxious bites.

Talyis tried to get Novak's chambers to hide from the pain of the wedding party but her path was redirected her closer to the throne by the pushing and shoving guests. She fought back tears when her eyes laid on Novak and Calena sitting side by side on the throne. He was smiling down on his people, his arm was raised high for a toast. Calena was dressed in a beautiful white gown with crystals dripping ornately from the white and gold bodice that perfectly matched the decorated hall. Her blonde hair contrasted beautifully with the red roses pinned within her curls falling to her hips. She was mesmerizing. Talyis couldn't help but touch her simple navy, brown skirts that felt like rough burlap and smooth her hair nervously.

Novak stood up and the crowd responded with thunderous applause. He looked imperial in his tailored ivory clothing and ornate robe. His legs were strong and towering finely, an ornate tunic with silver stitched designs showed off his muscular chest- he oozed sensuality.

"Enjoy, my friends, enjoy. Tomorrow, I will wed my beautiful princess and be crowned King. Tomorrow, dear friends, our struggle ends and a new era begins." The crowd roared even louder and the musicians banged on their drums. Talyis watched as women waved handkerchiefs, while others swooned.

"Calena, my bride and the Navapa alliance will protect us and we will thrive within this world that has been so against us. We will grow as a people, fall in love, marry, have children and grow old. Our children will grow up never in fear but will be able to study and learn. Our elders, such as Ulie, my Umma, who have seen such terrors will at last have their nightmares calm and will rest in knowing their kingdom stands at last. The sacrifice of those who's lives were extinguished, like Ulie's children; your parents, siblings and children; my parents will not be in vain.

I will rule as your King with the justice, wisdom and humility my father had. I will protect you and we will never fear extinction again." Another roar and Novak smiled on his people, his body strong as he gave the oratory. "Eat, and be merry- tonight is the wedding party of our people."

The musicians struck up another jovial tune and people began to dance and celebrate again. The circling of dresses and men clapping made the room spin; Talyis freed herself from the crowd and leaned against the cool wall. She clutched her stomach, and her troubles began to press upon her again.

Damn him. I hate him. She cried to herself and closed her eyes willing her stomach to be empty, imagining it to be only tissue, blood and muscle. Damn me for losing my mind, for hoping for love, for making him into my green-eyed boy. She pushed herself off of the wall and tried to navigate through the people to the peace and quite of the chambers.

She swore as she saw Calena float through the crowd. She looked so happy as she accepted the praises of her beauty from the villagers while she walked towards the front entrance to the castle. The doors swung open as she approached and clanged closed. The idea of getting fresh air seemed like a good idea and she was already nearer to the courtyard than to the stairs of the chambers.

The rain fell hard and only a few kissing couples stood huddled under the roof that covered only a small portion of the courtyard. She didn't care if they thought she was crazy, she walked to the end of the courtyard terrace into the heavy rain, immediately soaking herself. She closed her eyes and allowed the rain to drip down her face to disguise the tears falling from her face. She chastised herself for falling for Novak; he infuriated her. She should have tried to cut his throat, not welcome him to caress hers with the stubble from his chin in the dark.

"Talyis," the voice that ran through her senses day and night called her from behind.

"Leave me alone," she warned. She could hear the villagers hugging each other under the roof stiffen.

"Leave us." He instructed harshly. The sound of his heels clicking against the stones and slashing the puddles brought her stomach to a twisting. "Talyis."

A warm robe was brought around her rain-chilled body and delicate fingers turned her chin to him.

She looked down at the royal robe surrounding her body, the wedding robe that was crafted for this night. She chewed her lip, feeling the pain deep in her soul of wanting to have this one close to her, to adore and respect her, to marry her, and to want to spend his entire life with her. She let her fingers roll up and down the white fur trim of the satin robe.

"Talyis, I am so very sorry-" Novak began. He had rehearsed it over and over since the night he held the handkerchief with her innocence to his face in tears. He couldn't believe that he had allowed his anger to blind him to the point where he had mutilated the very soul he couldn't live a day without thinking of.

"Sorry for what?!" Talyis spat, interrupting him. Her tears now rolling freely down her face. "You took me from my home and had your men take me. And instead of killing me, which was within my rights, you enslaved me."

"Talyis I shouldn't have... I can't tell you how much I regret-"

"I am a princess, just as much as Calena."


"You claim to be a great leader, but you twist diplomacy with the heir to a crumbling kingdom."

"I know Talyis, I know that your father's rule was slipping. I am sorry, but you must understand-"

"Again, you are sorry!" she laughed angrily though tears. "You took my innocence and perverted me... to make me-." She couldn't say it. She couldn't tell him she loved him. "Make me-. You used my memories of a friend and perverted them to make me-."

"Talyis," Novak shook his head, unable to comprehend her. "I don't know what you are talking about, what friend?"

"You said you loved me and you are so twisted. Just kill me!"

Novak's heart sank, "I am sorry, Talyis."

"Stop saying that!" she screeched loudly and pounded her fist into his chest, he only stood and took the blows. "You cannot apologize to me. You've have done nothing but torture me with false pleasantries since there was nothing left you've already taken everything from me."

Novak tried to take her hands but changed his mind, his eyes looked down. The rain turned to sleet, melting as it touched his heated body. "Talyis, I am truly sorry, and nothing can make up for-"

Another apology, Talyis girded herself, her nose flared loudly in anger. "What kind of new era do you think you will bring? You are a disgrace to your parents' rule and you lie to your people. You cannot and will not protect them. It would have been better that my father would have killed the bastard child of King Belcor than-"

Novak's hatred for Talyis since the moment he plucked her from her castle, against his judgment and advisement of deciding to protect her by bringing her home, was renewed. He charged at Talyis, the images of his father, King Belcor on his knees before the man that shared Talyis's features flashed red hot anger in his eyes. He backed her into the stone fence leading to the gardens she had cultivated. He held her strongly by the robe. Her glare challenged him. She was willing him, threatening him to hurt her, prove that she was right. But he wouldn't, couldn't, his mind raced with anger he could not catch up. The sleet had stopped and transformed into white flakes, falling about them and powdering the ground. Everything was tranquil and peaceful; the storm had stopped but the sharp animalistic exhaled bursts of icy vapors between the two enemies continued.

Metal and chain links jangled against rustled clothing and matched the heavy clopping of boots on the pavement running towards them. Nothing broke the concentration of their stand-off. Two men huffed loudly, their voices fragmented by their exhaustion, "My lord, my lord!" Novak turned, tossing his hands from his robes. "We are under siege!"

"Protect the Queen!" he yelled, but the men shook their heads. "Where is Calena? You must protect her."

"My lord, she is the leader of the siege. They are attacking the outer villages."

"It's happening again," the other stronghold watchman shuddered.

Novak's face flushed and his green eyes watered with great distress, he had brought the infiltrator into the heart of his people. He glanced at Talyis who stood just as stunned as he, but she could not stand smugly anymore. He grabbed his head, wanting to pound it to stop the bells clamoring inside, and ran towards the stables to ready for battle.


So sorry its been awhile to update. Very busy life going on here. I hope you like the description a play on a play. Lol. As Always thank you to my beta readers, Cris for editing and those of you who have stuck through letting these characters tell their story to the end. But this is not the end. Voting and comments are always much appreciated.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Yes!!! I knew Calena was a witch! I love how you've dragged the story out although it's driving me crazy.

janedoesamjanedoesamalmost 15 years ago
Interesting Story

Great interesting story. I cant get enough. I love how it blends a lot of genres especially your take on interracial issues. Keep going!!! The story grows and develops beautifully each chapter. I wonder what will happen with this battle. Novak is a great anti-hero. Submit soon please. I hope you continue to write. BTW What does morning becomes talyis mean. I have an idea :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Keep rolling!

Story continues to be quite interesting. Talyis still really haven’t come into her own. After such extreme torture, hard for reader to believe she’s now “in love” with a person who is so sadistic. No matter what Novak feels and thinks, it comes across as contrived and not authentic. Talyis possible pregnancy is kinda typical and still gives power to Novak. To call them “lovers” just isn’t appropriate, “sex/rape object” is more fitting. Something more has to be developed in the Novak character to illicit a more humane feeling. Even his years spent under Talyis father doesn’t quite speak to any severe punishments that would make him so sadistic toward Talyis and then call it “love.”

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Better chapter...

God, I wish Taylis' people were the one's seiging the place. I just want Novak to die. Dont care how. Just have him die.

bad_girl69bad_girl69almost 15 years ago

First off.... im glad you wrote another chapter it was great!!!

Secondly... YES THAT BITCH WILL DIE! hahaha. I have been waiting and wanting so badly that you got rid of that Calena. He should have and will be with Talyis! :) Now im all excited to hear about the next chapter. Plus, he still needs to find out that she is pregnant!

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