The Tears of the Stars Pt. 01


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Stacy reached down to the sundress bunched on the floor and pulled the medallion from where she had hidden it. She watched as it began to glow its luminescent green color in her fingers. It would all change, she thought. But she would stand by his side through the ages. No one would ever love him like she did.


Jackson woke from his dream to the warm sensation engulfing him. His eyes blinked open and he looked down at Dana between his legs. Her mouth stretched open and she slid him deep into her throat. Her big brown eyes looked back at him as she got him hard.

She pulled it from her mouth smiling mischievously. "I'm not sure when I'll see you again. And I can't bear the thought of not having this whenever I want it."

Jackson was thankful for the simple words from his sister last night. He had apologized to Dana and went back inside and got lost in her arms. The gravity of his immortality was pushed aside and forgotten while he enjoyed his time with her.

"And all that time you weren't talking to me, I just thought I was a bad lay."

"No one has ever fucked me as good as you." She said looking at the rigid, length of him. "And I've never had a cock like this one. It's huge, Jackson. You've ruined me for other men."

"Now you're just inflating my ego." He joked. "I thought I took care of you last night. But let me see if I have anything left." He pulled her up and flipped her onto her belly. He bent her left up and kept her right leg stretched out straight. "There's that ass." He said rubbing his hands over each cheek. Then his hand slipped between her thighs. "And here's... oh my... your pussy is soaking wet." His fingers found her clit and rubbed it in light circles.

"Oh god!" She squirmed. "You're just teasing me now! Please!"

Jackson climbed on top of her and pressed the head of his cock into her pussy. "Here?"

"Yes! Push it in already!" He slammed forward hard driving himself deep inside of her. "Ohgawd! That feels so good. Why does that feel so fucking good?"

He left it deep and twitched it inside of her. "I don't remember you having such a dirty mouth the first time we slept together."

"Please, Jackson! Just fuck me! Stop talking and fuck me."

He pulled himself back slowly and then slammed it in again. It was harder than he'd fucked her last night. He watched her mouth fall open and listened to her grunts as he bottomed out inside her. Jackson rolled onto his side and slipped his hand around her thigh and teased her clit while he slid himself deep.

"Ohhh..." She cooed straining her neck back to look at him. Her pussy was still tender from last night. It made it more sensitive as he stretched her open again. But she needed the feeling of him inside her, the fullness of it, and she closed her eyes and reveled in it. She felt his fingers touch her labia where they strained around his girth. It was so wet, her pussy leaking its approval. The contractions started deep inside her, involuntarily squeezing him, making it all feel more intense.

"You're going to cum on me." Jackson breathed into her ear as he continued his assault. "I can feel it." She just grunted and groaned and whined with pleasure. He pushed it deep. "That's where I'm going to cum." He kept his thrusts deep and hard without pulling out too far. "That's where I'm going to put our baby."

Those two words did something to her. Her pussy clamped down tight on him as her climax ripped through her. "Our baby!" She cried out. "Ohfuck! Ohfuck!" Her body squirmed beneath him as he continued fucking her.

"Our baby." He whispered in her ear. The idea of it was just as crazy to him.

She writhed beneath him. Dana couldn't ever remember being fucked, not like this. It was as if he unlocked places inside her that she didn't know existed. It made her feel slutty and she liked the feeling. It opened a floodgate of emotions and sensations. She loved that he kept talking to her while he used her.

Jackson shifted around until she was beneath him with her legs spread. She reached out and pulled his cock guiding back into her, where she needed it. It reminded her of the first time he they slept together. His head dipped down sucking on her nipples lightly.

"Harder." She begged uncharacteristically. He pushed his cock in harder filling her up. "No. My nipples. Suck them harder."

He kept pushing his length into her feeling the round knot of her cervix as it rubbed the head of his cock. His lips wrapped around her nipple again, and then he sucked it hard and pinched the other one between her fingers.

"Ohgawd." She moaned. "Like that." The second orgasm crept up on her unexpected and she let out a yelp and a grunt. "So good." She squeaked at the peak of it as she tensed up beneath him.

Jackson felt his cock twitching as his own climax neared. He pumped her harder and harder. "I love you." He whispered as he felt his warm seed splash into her. And then his cock softened slowly until it slipped out.

Dana cupped her pussy in her hands as she rolled over to nuzzle into him. "My god." She said breathing heavily with emotion. "I sounded like such a slut." She buried her head in his chest. "I swear this is so unlike me. I've never been satisfied like this before either."

"So you weren't just inflating my ego?" Jackson smiled.

"Shut up!" She squealed hitting him with a pillow. "You don't understand. I'm in my mid-thirties and just found out what it means to get fucked well. I'm going to be so sore."

"What time do you have to be at work?"

"Not until 2pm. I've been taking more time for myself lately." She seemed pleased to admit it as she basked in the afterglow of her climax.

Jackson looked at the clock and saw the time. "Let me go see if we have some coffee. I'll be right back." He walked down the stairs through his workshop and saw a note posted on the inside of the barn door. He read it.

"No! Damnit, Stacy! Shit!" He bolted back up the stairs and opened the bedside table taking out the cloth, but the medallion was gone. "Shit!"

"What's wrong?" Dana asked sitting up.

"I have to go." He said grabbing his hiking shoes. "Listen to me. If you don't hear from me tonight, you have to tell my mother that I took Stacy camping for a few days."

"What happened? Jackson, you're scaring me."

"Just promise me, okay? If I'm not back tonight, tell her I went camping with Stacy."

"Okay. I promise."

"Thank you. Just make something up and buy me some time." He leaned in and kissed her. "I'm sorry."


It was already one in the afternoon when he made it to the limestone ravine. He jumped down between the grey-green rocks following his trail to the natural staircase up the other side. He wasn't sure how she would even know where to find this place. No one knew about it. But her note left no doubt in his mind about her intentions.

Jackson was thankful for his stamina as he pressed on making it to the limestone rise in record time. He saw the sticks and leaves that he'd used to cover the hole pushed aside in a messy pile. She had found it, he thought. He dropped his climbing pack on the ground and pulled out his headlamp and flashlights, and then he descended down into the darkness hoping he still had time left.

Jackson felt the room calling to him when his feet finally touched the damp stone floor of the cavern. He turned to the doorway hewn into the rock and noted the dim glow from within. He hurried inside the inner chamber; the books had been opened with the medallion pieces, and the room was lit by the green liquid in the basin. Stacy was already submerged. He was too late.

He walked to the stone table and placed his hands back on the metallic books. They began to glow and he felt the surge of energy as he touched them. The writing and glyphs on their pages morphed into different languages until the words became clear. His eyes burned intensely as he watched the carvings on the wall become legible. It felt as if all the writings were being focused on him like a magnifying glass, the light from each book shining on him like a beam, and his body absorbed it, growing hotter and hotter. Jackson felt like he was having a seizure. His muscles began to spasm and his mouth frothed and his eyes began to roll back in his head. And then he fell to the ground in a heap barely conscious.

Jackson wasn't sure how long it was before he regained control of himself. He pushed himself forward around the table toward the basin. He tried to reach for Stacy, but the green tendrils were holding her down. He needed to get her out. He kicked off his clothes and climbed into the basin. He struggled to pull her up, but the fluid pulled him under instead until his naked body was suspended next to hers.


Stacy pulled herself from the basin, retching out the green liquid. The cavern was dark now. She couldn't see. Jackson emerged a moment later. She wanted to call his name, but each of them was too short of breath to call out. She could hear him coughing and wheezing nearby.

"Stacy?" He finally coughed.

"Over here."

Jackson closed his eyes and began to chant in a language causing the books and liquid to illuminate. He saw her on the ground. His eyes glowed more brilliant than ever and he could see the flecks in her eyes as well. He held up his hand toward the books and watched as they flipped closed and the medallion pieces detached themselves and reassembled in midair.

Stacy watched him manipulate the pieces with a flick of his wrist. It's happening, she thought. He's finally becoming what they intended. Something about him looked different now, more visceral. Her body ached.

"What were you thinking?" He asked with a cold depth to his voice.

"I..." She paused wondering if he was angry with her. "I did what the medallion showed me. You won't be alone. You'll have me always."

Jackson could feel the pain in her bones. He walked forward and touched her chest, soothing her pain. "You shouldn't have. It wasn't your decision to make." He stated. "But we have to go now."

"Are you mad?" She asked.

Of course he was mad. It was his job to protect her. But he saw the sad look on her face and his features softened. "No." He sighed. "It's just going to be complicated. This wasn't your burden to share."

She wrapped her arms around him. "I love you so much. I'll love you for eternity."

He could feel her bare breasts pressing into him, and the carnal urge came suddenly. His lips locked onto hers. Stacy felt his erection throbbing between them. Her hands went down to touch it, but Jackson held his hand out and swiped the books aside with an unseen force. And then he lifted her to the stone table. His movements were so purposeful and filled with need. The heat flooded down between her thighs.

"Make love to me in this place, Jackson." She said sweetly. Her hands grabbed on to his biceps as he crawled on top of her. His eyes burning with the intensity she felt between her legs.

Jackson grabbed his cock swiping it along the length of her slit and then plunged it forward filling her. He roared out a deep guttural growl. The power he felt inside scared him. It was primal and real and he could feel it emanating from every fiber of his being. Stacy stared back at him, calm and submissive. She didn't fear him and the trust he saw in her eyes calmed his heart.

His body began to move with strength and speed. He had never been so rough and direct in his movements. Their breathing was heavy. The distinct sound of his balls slapping against her round, firm ass bounced off the stone walls. Flesh on flesh. Two sets of green eyes glowed in the dim light of the room.

He took her wrists and pinned them down against the cold stone as he pounded into her. Stacy felt powerless beneath him. His dominance over her sent waves of pleasure through her thin body. She spread her legs further apart and lifted her ass allowing him to push even deeper inside of her. It felt like he'd break her. But she was already lost in the fog of her own sensations. He could have her anyway he pleased, she thought. The tremors already started deep within her, radiating outward, like she'd explode with bliss.

"Ohhhhh." She moaned out loudly. "Oh God, Jackson! I'm... I..." She couldn't get the words out as the pleasure pushed her higher and higher. "Ohmygod..." His thrusts didn't relent as he pounded harder and faster. "Ohmygod! Ohmygod!" She squealed and came so hard that her pussy clamped down on him like a vice.

Jackson didn't care that his own climax came so quickly. He let out another deep, guttural roar as he shot and endless stream of cum inside of her. Stacy thought he roared so loud that she felt the walls shake. But the warm splash filled her up and made her feel whole, just like he always made her feel when they were together.

He climbed off her body and watched her chest heave. Then he proceeded to grab his clothes and dress. His hand reached out and the medallion came to him from across the room. He walked to the old bones in the second basin.

"Thank you, old friend." He whispered making sure the hands were folded properly across his chest. He reached down and pulled the gold handled blade from beside him. "I wish you could have lived to see it too."

Stacy climbed down and dressed. She wished he hadn't gotten off of her so quickly. It was so emotionless. She wanted to kiss him and hold him and tell him how amazing he made her feel. It made her feel a little sad. The pain was overtaking her body again. She struggled to pull on her cotton panties and felt them soak with cum. Then she slid on her shorts and her t-shirt and bent down to tie her sneakers.

Jackson lifted the books back to the table using his new ability. He didn't seem as startled by it as she did. Instead he focused on how to control it, adjusting to it as if it were an extension of himself. Stacy came to his side and he took her hand and walked her back toward the stone stairway that led to the surface. They started the climb up the slippery, narrow steps.

"I'm in a lot of pain. What's happening to me?" She asked weakly as he helped her lay down at the base of an old oak tree.

"Just don't go to sleep yet." He said. "It's going to hurt worse. You'll be okay. Wait here."

He walked through the trees until he found a large granite boulder. It was a massive oblong shape. His eyes flashed their brilliant green and he held out his hands. The boulder began vibrate and move as he attempted to rip it from the earth. He watched as small saplings snapped around it. It was too large to lift with his power. He found a smaller rock deeper in the woods. It was flatter and more manageable. And he suspended it and pushed it with his mind until he set it over the hole. He covered the area with dirt and leaves until it looked unassuming and natural.


Stacy hung on to Jackson's back, her arms draped over his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his waist. He held on to her as he jogged down through the thick, green brush of the trail navigating through the limestone ravines and the overgrown trees. It went faster this way and he knew it would be less painful for her. He finally made it out of the forest tearing his leg on a bramble of wild blackberry bushes.

"I can walk." She said. "You don't have to carry me anymore."

Jackson set her down and watched her wince as her legs took her full weight. He dug through his bag looking for his cell phone. There was barely a signal as they started through the corn fields. The stalks were as tall as he was now.

He dialed. "Dana!" He cried with relief. "Stop. Whoa! Slow down. How long have we been gone?" He listened with a look of concern on his face. "You told her we went camping?" Stacy watched him confused. "Good. No, no. That was perfect. Thank you. I'm heading back to the house now. I'll be there in thirty minutes." He listened. "Meet me there. I'll need some help with her. I love you too." He hung up the phone and shoved it in his pocket.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"We've been gone for four days." He said.

She looked at him as they began walking again. "How is that possible?"

"The Submersion. The liquid you got into is a cleanser for the human body. Think of it like you were sleeping in stasis, like a baby in a womb. Except the liquid purifies your genetic code. It rids it of imperfection and disease. It also enhances it and codes the Ancient knowledge to your DNA." She looked at him blankly. "What you're feeling is your genetic code being rewritten and cloned in every cell in your body."

"It will keep me from aging?" She asked, not really understanding.

"And that." He said. "Dana told mom that we went camping for a few days. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to stop you before you got there. So at least no one called the police looking for us. But if she asks..."

"Big brother took me camping." She smiled at him. He had thought it all through and she was happy that she left the note for him after all. "I'm really tired." She yawned.

He took out some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and gave her one. "You haven't eaten in days."

She devoured it instantly. "How come you're not tired?" She asked.

"I don't know." He said. "Maybe because I've been through it before. I didn't mean to get stuck in there again. I tried to pull you out... but the liquid..."

She didn't need him to finish. She could feel the panic all over again as those long tentacles of fluid tried to drown her. It made her body shiver just thinking about it. They were finally back out on the road, and it wasn't long before they turned down the gravel driveway to their house. She just sat down for a moment in the Adirondack chair outside the barn door when the sleep took her.


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rbloch66rbloch66over 1 year ago

A truly wondrous tale. Top shelf!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"The trees lost their contrast as they became silhouettes against the night sky... the stars began to appear like fireflies, popping up a few at a time, until they littered the roof of the world." ... ... ... ... ... AUTHOR, you wrote such graceful prose ... it seems to effortlessly paint emotionally poignant and vivid images upon the canvas of my imagination ... From opening scene to the chapter break... great flow ... simply a solid mature expressionist work that touches the boundlessness of space while staying grounded with spirit. ... ... ... I find my self wanting to punch you, kiss you, and then shrug it all off by saying, " what?! I'm not gay... I just like a good book!"

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

The poetic nature of the title the tears of the stars plus the perfect setting in the hospital and of course the pathos of the whole scene was simply perfect. I like erotica because simply put I'm an adult. But anyone with the capacity to read and write will clearly declare to any author nothing beats a great story!

SirCarlSirCarlabout 6 years ago
Oh my gosh!

Yes, this was extremely well thought out, written, and presented. I congratulate you!

Blueseas2Blueseas2about 8 years ago
Great entertainment!

You have a great heart as well as great writing skills. Thought I'd share the thought that came to mind as I voted 5 out of 5 stars... "Wish there were a higher rating to give you." :-)

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