The Tease Down the Street Ch. 01


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It wasn't uncommon for Rich to sneak out at night for a jog, he often spent his days bored and lounging around, so he never felt truly tired, and jogging was a good way to clear his mind, and wear him out so that he slept without trouble. Rich put in his headphones and picked some heavy music to jog to, and started off down the block toward the large pond a mile or so away from the houses. As he jogged on the path that circled the pond he looked through the trees and shrubbery that followed the path on either side. He knew it was not uncommon for kids his age to sneak out here and find a clearing in the bushes for some alone time, and while he had never come upon anyone during the act, he sometimes saw blankets, wrappers, beer bottles and other signs that people had been around. He once found a pair of girls underwear, and was still slightly ashamed at what he had done with them.

He had fantasized more than a few times that he might come to the pond one day with a girl and find his own spot amongst the bushes. In fact, he knew the perfect spot. Not too far from the backside of the pond, if you ducked under some branches and made your way out into a small clearing, another smaller pond lay behind it. Just off the edge of the pond was a small patch of land, no more than 7 feet in diameter. It would take a good jump, or some well placed logs or thick branches to reach the tiny island, but it was secluded, and well hidden. Whenever he was out for a jog he checked the small piece of land for use, but it always remained the same. There was no worn path to it, there was no sign of any disturbance between the main path and the clearing, and he felt fairly confident that his secret spot would stay secret.

Making his way back home, he decided to loop the long way around his block and pass by Old Man Harris's house. As the house came into view, he was thankful all the lights were off. He checked his phone and saw that it was almost 11:30, so he figured everyone would be asleep anyway. He slowed his jog a bit as he passed by the house and wondered which room was hers. No sooner than the thought had entered his mind did one of the curtains move. He straightened his head so that he was looking down the sidewalk and kept moving at the pace he was at, in hopes to not look anymore suspicious than someone jogging by your house at 11:30 might normally look. By the time he got home his neck was sore and stiff from fighting the urge to turn around and look back down the street. He snuck into his house, slinked back up the stairs, threw some water on his face and patted his body down to absorb what little sweat he broke in the crisp fall weather. It never got terribly cold where he lived, but during the fall and winter months, the nights got chilly.

He fell back into bed, but still couldn't sleep, even after his jog. He was too worried that Stephanie had caught him looking at her house. Would she think he was some kinda creepy stalker? First he answered the door half naked, and then he was jogging by her house at night. If her first impression of him didn't stick, he was positive the second might. He eventually drifted off to sleep, although it wasn't peaceful.


The following morning he was down the stairs before his mother left the house and endured a hug and kiss goodbye before he gulped down some breakfast and got into his car. He would arrive to school early, but it wasn't as if he had anything else to do, so he turned the radio up and took off toward the road. He hadn't even gotten 5 minutes down the road when he saw her. She was dressed in a blue and green plaid skirt that fell a few inches above her knees, and a short sleeve brown button down shirt that buttoned almost all the way up to her neck, with a dark blue vest on top of it that pushed the shirt snuggly against her chest. He considered looking the other way as he passed by, but against his better judgment he slowed down and rolled down the window.


Stephanie turned around in a whirl that brought her skirt up a few extra inches showing off more of her legs than intended before falling back into place.

"Oh, it's you!" She exclaimed, surprised.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself when we last... met. My name is Rich."

She came over to the car and put her hands against on the rolled down window. "Well hello Rich. I'm glad to see you again."

Rich got a better look at her in the clothing she had on when she approached the car. His imagination had not let him down, she was definitely every bit as attractive as he thought she was, if not more so. The outfit she adorned, even if the colors were hideous and mix-matched, still accented her body very well. Thin, yet curvy, and a beautiful face to match. He started laughing as she leaned against his car.

"What?" She asked.

"I thought you said you were a little too old for girl scouts." He said, still chuckling.

"Oh, very funny. This is my school uniform. I go to the all girls catholic school down the street."

"That explains why I haven't seen you around school." Rich said.

"Yeah, it was my fathers idea. He was a very devout catholic."

"Was?" Rich asked.

"Well... He still is I guess. He left my mother and I to pursue a position in the Vatican. Celibacy, solitude, the whole bit. No time for us. He said it was 'Gods will.' Load of crap if you ask me."

"And you still attend Catholic school even though he's gone?"

"Well my mother still likes the idea. She bought into the whole story. So here I am."

"I guess that makes for a lot of animosity between you too?"

"Not really. She knows how I feel... I mean, I'm still religious and stuff... I just don't take it as far as they do."

"I see..." Rich said even though he really didn't. "So... You walk? Where is the school?"

"Na, I take the community bus into town. It's about 10 blocks from the main High School. I'm surprised you don't know where it is."

"Oh, it's that huge church building; I didn't realize that they held class there."

"Yeah, a few hundred girls go there, but almost all of them are from out of town. Parents pay good money to get their daughters into town so they can get their education there."

"Interesting... So... Can I give you a ride into town then?" Rich replied, unsure how those words came out of his mouth. He was never really out going or confident when it came to girls, but for some reason it wasn't the same talking to Stephanie. It felt easier than trying to talk to other girls.

"I'd love that!" She said as she popped the door open and fell into the seat.

As she scooted around in her seat trying to get comfortable her skirt inched up a bit again and Rich couldn't help himself but stare. Her legs were amazing. They were full, luscious legs that rolled from her hips down to her slender calves leaving only a small space between them when she was standing upright. She reached down and tugged the end of her skirt down and crossed her legs. Rich wasn't sure if she had noticed him staring or not, but decided to keep his eyes on the road just in case.

"I'm glad you saw me walking." She said staring out the window so that Rich couldn't see her face.

"Yeah? I mean... You know, it was no big deal." Rich said perhaps a little to excited at first.

She didn't stop staring out the window when she replied. "Well yeah, this is way better than the bus. Plus, I was afraid you might be someone else."

"Um... Someone else?" Rich asked confused.

Still looking away from Rich she replied. "Yeah. I woke up late last night and heard something outside, so I looked outside and saw some weirdo looking at my house while jogging by."

Riches face went beet red. He considered going along with it, but thought it might be better to explain himself. "Uh... That was me. Sorry. I jog sometimes when I can't sleep. I didn't meant to be creepy, I was just curious, and took the long way around the block to see... If you guys had changed the place at all."

She finally turned back toward Rich with a huge grin on her face. "I know." She said very matter of factly. "I just wanted to see what you'd say."

"Oh." Was all Rich could cough out, as he quietly commended himself on telling the truth.

"So you knew the previous owner?" She asked, without so much as another question about his late night prowling.

"Yeah. Old Man Harris used to live there." Rich took the time to explain his relationship with the black blues player and the summers on his smokey porch.

"That's so nice." She said genuinely as they pulled up next to the church. "You know, the porch is still nice. You should stop by during the daylight some time."

"Uh... Sure. That'd be... Cool." Rich said, still embarrassed about being caught red handed.

"So... See you tomorrow then? Same time?" She asked the rather red-faced boy.

"Yeah, sure, no problem." Rich managed to say without sounding like a complete idiot.

"Great!" She exclaimed as she opened the door and swung both legs out of the car. As she stood up, the back of her skirt flew up just enough for Rich to get a glimpse of plain white panties that he could have sworn was slightly see through, even if it was unintentional by the manufacturer.

Rich rode off toward school hiding the erection that had instantly appeared.


It wasn't til after school, while he was shooting hoops with the guys that he realized Stephanie probably took the bus home too. He felt stupid for not asking if she needed a ride home. He played one more game of 3 on 3 with the guys and took off. He parked his car and ran upstairs for a quick shower and through on some fresh clothes before heading down to Stephanie's house. As he walked up the porch, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Hey there stranger!" A voice Rich instantly recognized as Stephanie.

He turned around to see her walking up the driveway dressed in baggy sweat pants and a white tank top. Her hair was up in a pony tail instead of down around her shoulders and her bag was strapped so that it went around her neck and down in between her chest, causing them to bulge to either side of her top.

"Hey. I thought you might be home already. I forgot to ask how you got home. I assume you take the bus, and figured I might give you a ride both ways."

"Oh its fine. I have volleyball after class, which is why I'm such a mess right now." She said pulling her pony tail out and shaking her hair down. It was indeed a tangled mess, but Rich though it looked sexy, like a girl might after a long night of passion.

"So you take the bus home after that?" He asked.

"No, my boyfriend picked me up and we made out in his car." She said nonchalantly.

"...oh." Rich said, suddenly feeling his heart drop into his stomach and all his hopes and dreams crumble.

Stephanie's lips formed a sly smile. "Just kidding. I took the bus."

"Oh!" Rich said suddenly much happier.

Stephanie giggled, and moved around him onto her porch. "Come on in, let me freshen up real quick and Ill get you something to drink."

Rich followed her into the house, but felt pretty stupid as he realized how easy she had just read him. Looking around he realized not a whole lot had changed inside the house. He had only been in it a few times, but all the furniture had been arranged in a similar manner to how Harris had it.

Stephanie dropped her bag at the bottom of the stairs and disappeared into the room where the curtains had moved the night before. She called down at him. "My mother works the night shift at the pharmacy in town, so we probably just missed her. She won't be back til close to midnight, but she wanted to meet you."

"Oh?" Rich said suddenly nervous. "You, uh, tell her you met me?"

Rich heard her laugh. "Don't worry, I left out the part about your towel."

Rich said a silent prayer of thanks and looked around the rest of the house. From upstairs he heard some drawers opening and closing and what might be a closet door. The thought of her changing above him caused a bulge to form in his jeans. He heard more shuffling and then she poked her head out of her room and called down to him. "Uh, I left my bag at the bottom of the stairs, I forgot my other sweat pants were in there, could you bring that up here real quick?"

Rich hesitated, but then quickly called up. "Yeah, sure."

He grabbed the bag and trodded up the stairs and saw that she had closed her door. He knocked and it popped open. She was bending over reaching for something under her bed, her round ass up in the air. She was wearing tight, short black spandex looking shorts and Rich couldn't tear his eyes away. She finally retrieved a pair of socks and turned around to catch Rich staring, yet again. The embarrassment of being caught so obviously ogling her butt snapped enough sense into Rich to turn away and hold out the bag.

"I, uh, knocked... The door popped open." He stuttered out, his face burning red.

"Yeah... It does that. We haven't got it fixed yet." Stephanie said. She stood with her hands on her hips staring at Rich, who was still turned away, outstretched hand holding the bag. "Geez. Havent you ever seen volleyball shorts before?" She asked with the hint of a smile in her voice. "Really, its ok... You won't turn to stone if you look."

Rich slowly turned around, struggling to keep eye contact. But now that she was standing up without the bag over her shoulder, he noticed that the white tank top she was still wearing showed more cleavage than he could have ever hoped for, causing his erection to pulse in excitement.

Sensing his eyes she tugged the top of her shirt up, but smiled as she did it. Rich took a few awkward steps forward and placed the bag on her bed. "You, uh, have a nice room."

She giggled. "Yes. Its very nice. Now, I'm going to change out of my spandex and my tank top, and I'm afraid you can't stay for that."

"Right. Of course." He said and started to turn. But before he turned all the way around she glanced down at the bulge in pants that he was hoping would go unnoticed.

"After all, I think your excited enough already." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Sorry!" Rich said as he quickly jammed his hand in his pocket to cover up his protrusion.

"You're always apologizing!" She joked. "Now, could you please close my door on your way out? I'll be right down."

Rich nodded and backed out of the room, as he closed the door, he could have sworn he saw her smirk one last time before pulling her tank top over her head right before the door clicked shut. Rich headed down the stairs in a daze, and found himself a seat at the kitchen table. He burned the image he had just seen into his mind, making sure he would have it for later use. She had creamy white skin that had only slightly more color than her white-cream colored bra. He had seen that her chest was perfectly round in every aspect, and the thought of what it might look like uncovered cause the situation in his pants to worsen. He quickly adjusted himself when he heard her move from her room upstairs.

She came down the stairs and offered him something to drink and started asking questions about school as if nothing had happened a few minutes ago upstairs. She talked about sports, games, friends, the neighborhood, the weather, her previous home and friends, and just about everything in between. They snacked for a bit, asking questions to each other, and having just plain friendly conversation. After several hours of conversation, they both realized the time, and Rich thanked her for inviting him in, and made his way back home. He finished some homework, cooked some dinner, and finally crawled into bed, where visions of Stephanie in her volleyball shorts and white tank top played over and over in his head until he relieved himself of the sexual tension lingering since she noticed his erection in her room.

The next few days went in a similar manner, he drove her to school, picked her up after practice and they would hang out at his place or hers, doing homework, chatting about everything and nothing, showing her his guitar (he finally got his strings!), and talking about their past. However, during these seemingly harmless sessions, there was a sexual tension that Rich felt he could cut with a knife. She was constantly brushing up against him, letting her tank top sink too low, or a shoulder strap would fall and even after Rich was caught obviously staring, she would giggle and lean forward covering her mouth in mock embarrassment, or waving a finger at him as if scolding, but never fix it.

At one particular point, he was trying to show her a chord on his guitar, and as he pointed out the G-String, she giggled, and pulled two straps out from under her tight yoga pants above her hips and exclaimed: "Clearly different than mine!" But she would always laugh, always make it a joke, and Rich had no clue if she was seriously coming on to him, or if she was just a goofy, sexually immature girl.

Another day after school, they were playing around on her couch with a nerf ball and at one point they began fighting for the ball. Stephanie hand somehow ended up sitting in his lap, facing away from him. She had ahold of the ball in front of her, but his arms came around either side of her still gripping the ball. She stopped laughing and squirming and simply sat for a second. Rich realized that he had an erection, and she was sitting directly atop of it. Stephanie then tightened her grip on the ball, and shoved her hips down, moving from side to side with her hips. Rich struggled to maintain the ball, but was taken by surprise as the pressure of her ass rode against the pole in his pants. Stephanie then scooted all the way back so that her butt was against his stomach, and then grinded down again as she slid forward. The motion caused his basketball shorts to slide down over his erection, leaving only a thin layer of boxer between him and her pants. Rich let go of the ball and yanked his shorts back up. Stephanie popped up from the couch and smiled holding the ball in her hand looking much more smug than he thought possible. "I win."


It had been about 3 weeks since him and Stephanie had started hanging out on a regular basis, and now their mothers occasionally spent their off times on the weekends together. Late Sunday night, as Rich finishing some last minute homework at the kitchen table, his mother joined him and casually started asking how things were going for him.

"Really ma, everything is great." Rich said for the fifth time as he realized he forgot to square his answer.

"So, only one more week before break..." His mother said, as if it meant something special to Rich. He knew that it just meant a week of him hanging around the house.

"Yep. Looking forward to relaxing." He replied, but secretly hoping he'd spend the majority of time with Stephanie.

"Are you going to hang out with Stephanie?" His mother asked, as if reading his mind.

Rich shrugged, trying to seem like he didn't care. "Maybe, depends what she's doing I guess."

"She's a very nice girl... isn't she?" His mother coaxed a little further.

"Yeah ma, she's cool." Rich said, getting slightly irritated at this new line of questioning. Of course he liked her, she was funny, smart, knew how to have a good time, and of course she was drop dead gorgeous too.

"Rich, honey, are you gay?" His mother asked without any hesitation.

"What!? Ma!" Rich said dropping his pen and stood up surprised she'd even ask.

"It's ok honey, you can tell me, there's nothing to be ashamed of." She said nodding her head sympathetically.

"No! Mother. I am not gay, ok? I like girls. I really like girls. All the time. Ok ma?" Rich gathered his stuff and headed up the stairs. His mother sat at the table shaking her head and chuckling.

Rich lay awake in bed, still shocked at the conversation he had with his mother. He couldn't believe she'd even ask that. Of course he knew why she asked. She was wondering if he liked Stephanie. He thought back to the past few weeks. She had definitely been... maybe... flirting with him. But flirting is much more outright. Stephanie was clearly playing with him, the question was, why? Did she like him? She seemed to be making moves that suggested so, but she kept toying with him. Teasing him. And the funny thing was that he liked it. He liked it a lot. He realized that this is why they hadn't progressed to anything else... she was teasing him and pushing him and stringing him along to see how much he could take. His heart started beating widely at the rush and excitement of his sudden revelation. He made a conscious decision to play along, and perhaps find away to get even.