The Tease: Story Two


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Ken worked up a bit of a sweat as he furiously hammered ball after ball the length on the range. Several other men stopped to watch his display of athleticism and more than a few commented on how well he was 'crushing' the ball. Ken was simply trying to release the tension built up from his lack of sex and the temptation of his seductive daughter.

Upon arriving home he noticed that Erika's car was missing from the garage. Katie emerged from the den as he entered the kitchen.

"Where's your mother gone now?" he asked, the annoyance showing through his voice. "I was thinking it would be nice if the three of us went out to dinner."

"She said she was going shopping with Cynthia and that the two of them would probably grab something light to eat on the way home. But I'd love to go to dinner with you, daddy!"

Looking at his beautiful daughter and the love he saw in her eyes Ken felt himself melting. He loved Katie with all his heart, even more than her mother if he was truthful. The idea of a lovely dinner with his daughter buoyed his spirit.

"That's sounds splendid, sweet heart. I'm in the mood for a big steak so let's get dressed up and go to the Chop House for dinner!.

Katie threw her arms around his neck exclaiming, "Oh, daddy, this will be so much fun!"

Before he could react she kissed him. This kiss was far more sexual than any kiss so far! She parted her lips and ran her tongue across his as her hand massaged his chest. She pulled away a little and they stared into each other's eyes as their breaths came in heavy pants. He pulled her back in for another kiss and his tongue explored her mouth causing her to moan a little. Her hand rose over his cheek and raked through his hair as she danced her breasts on his chest.

Ken broke the kiss first, suddenly embarrassed and ashamed. "Uh, uh ..." he stammered, looking down to the floor. "Uh, I'll make a reservation and we should go get ready."

Katie took one last inhale of his sweaty, manly musk and turned to head to her room. "Okay, daddy. I'll be ready as quickly as I can."

He stood there for a moment dazed. How could he be having these feelings for his daughter!!! Yes, she was doing things that appeared sexual but surely they weren't. She couldn't possibly be interested in him that way. He tried to calm his breathing and deny his urges as he went up the stairs to his bedroom and the master bath. His erect dong threatened to tear through his golf shorts.

He shaved and then stepped into the shower. After shampooing his hair and washing his body completely he thought about masturbating his still rigid dick but wanted to regain his self control. Slowly he kept turning the water colder and colder until it felt like ice pellets on his skin. After a few minutes of this near torture his penis was finally flaccid.

Ken stepped out of the master bath after shaving, showering and brushing his teeth to get dressed for dinner. As usual he went to his dresser to grab a pair of boxers but as he lifted out the top pair, there, lying on top of the next navy blue pair, was a little, silky, white clump of fabric. He carefully picked up the item and immediately recognized his daughter's thong panties from this morning's photo session. He brought the thong to his face and inhaled. Her scent was still there! His cock was like a flagpole instantly as he took another lungful of her musky perfume.

He was a pervert, sniffing his daughter's worn panties but he didn't care. He had never felt so close to his daughter as he did at this moment. His pee hole was drooling precum as he savored the aroma of Katie's arousal. "Ooohhh, Katie," he quietly groaned.

Before going downstairs Ken stuffed the panties in to his pocket.


The sound of high heels on the stairs alerted Ken to Katie's approach. As the heels 'clicked' and 'tocked' across the tile floor of the foyer he was stunned by her beauty. She had swept her long, golden locks into a sophisticated swirl on her head. With just a minimum of make up, pink lip gloss and dangling, crystal earrings she looked like a model.

She wore a perfect little black dress that hugged all of her curves and fell to the middle of her powerful thighs. On her feet she wore a pair of silver, high heel platform sandals. Each of her cute toes were painted a muted shade of pink.

Ken swallowed hard. His daughter looked gorgeous. Not only that, she looked much more mature than her 18 years. She could easily pass for a woman five or ten years older.

"Oh my," was all he could utter.

Katie smiled demurely as she watched her father's reaction. Inside she was thrilled. He was astonished and almost paralyzed when he saw her. She watched his eyes drink in every part of her. She saw the uncontrolled swelling against his thigh. She could feel the moisture begin to seep from the walls of her vagina.

"Where, when did you buy that dress and those heels?" he asked, slowly recovering from the lightning bolt strike that was the woman standing before him.

"They're mom's. she hasn't been wearing many of her dresses and shoes lately so I've snagged a few things from the back of her closet for myself. I'm sure she hasn't noticed. You don't mind, do you?"

"Absolutely not. Much better you should wear them than they go to waste!" he replied emphatically as a broad grin covered his face. "In fact, wait right here."

She watched her father bolt past her and race up the stairs. She could hear him rummaging in his bedroom before he thundered back down the stairs. From behind he reached around her and clasped a necklace closed behind her. Turning to look in the hallway mirror she saw that a simple strand of pearls that lay around her neck. She touched them reverently.

"They're beautiful, daddy," she breathed.

"They were my wedding present to your mother. She never wears them any more, only those gaudy things she buys now."

A chill ran through Katie, whether her father meant to or not she felt it was very significant that he had chosen to adorn her with his one time wedding present to his wife. Her heart was bursting as she put her hand on his chest and whispered, "Daddy,' before turning her face up and kissing him softly on his cheek. She fought to hold back the tears she felt for this man.

Ken took his daughter's hand in his and lead her to the garage. He knew she had grasped the significance of his placing the pearls around her neck. He was certain she knew how much he loved her.

Many heads turned to look at the amazing couple as the maitre'd lead them to a secluded booth in a corner of the restaurant. Ken held Katie's hand the whole way as if afraid to let her go, or perhaps to let every man know she was his. When seated in the curved booth Katie slid as close to her father as possible so that they were in physical contact from knee to shoulder. He could only look at her radiant face and smile.

When Ken's cocktail and Katie's glass of wine arrived (the waiter didn't even request proof of her age) they silently toasted each other and took their first sips. Unspoken but clearly understood by each was the deep, true love they both felt. Ken could not have been happier to have his stunning and lovely daughter by his side. Katie was thrilled to be her father's 'wife' for at least a few hours, even though society norms forbid it.

As they enjoyed their drinks Katie began to rub her high heeled foot up and down her father's leg, completely hidden from view by the white table cloth that fell to the floor. Ken felt the stirring in his groin as he reacted to Katie's touch.

"You know," he shared as he leaned in to Katie so his lips almost touched her ear, "I've always loved those heels. I think they are extremely sexy. Your cute feet look spectacular in them." His voice was dripping with lust.

"I wore them just for you, daddy. I was hoping they would turn you on," Katie replied coquettishly.

"Oh, they do, my beautiful daughter." Ken placed his hand on Katie's exposed thigh and lightly stroked the smooth, toned flesh of her young thigh.

All through the time she was getting ready to go out and through the car ride to the restaurant Katie had been on the precipice of full blown arousal. With her father's lascivious words and touch she shivered and her body tumbled down the slope to frisson. She could feel the inside walls of her fleshy, pink pussy begin to seep moisture. She knew that soon that honey would weep from her and dampen her panties.

Katie reached out and laid her hand delicately upon her father's thigh. Tentatively she crept up his muscled thigh until she encountered the tip of his penis. Slowly, she ran her hand back and forth over the head, feeling it grow by several multiples in size as she caressed. She took in the soft, low groan of her father's response to her touch and felt a bit of pride that he was so turned on by her.

Without moving his hand Ken ordered both of their meals when the waiter arrived. Katie was pleased with the dish he ordered for her, he knew her so well. Her young heart was overjoyed at this further display of his masculinity and love. This was a true man in every sense of the word. Without thinking she reached to his defined chin and turned his face to hers. She kissed him, lovingly and deep, her tongue inserted between his lips. Ken tenderly brought his hand to her cheek and returned her kiss with equal fervor, his tongue sliding along hers.

Suddenly, Ken caught himself and jerked his head away from Katie. "Baby, we can't do this," he hissed. "It's so very wrong and what if anyone we knew saw us kissing that way?.

Katie was crushed, almost near tears. What had been the start of an open acknowledgement of their passion and love for each other was suddenly shut down. Her engine was racing full throttle with all of the craving for physical intimacy with the only man for her when suddenly it was starved of oxygen with which to combust.

Moments later their meals arrived and they began to eat in silence. After a little passage of time Katie chanced rubbing her foot against her father's leg once again. She breathed an internal sigh of relief when she was not rebuffed. After a few minutes, her father's hand languidly stroked the skin of her thigh. She took this as tacit, though hidden, acceptance of her desires.

As the plates were cleared away Katie excused herself to use the Ladies Room. She had another trick up her sleeve, or in this case, up her dress. Upon her return, once again sliding in to cozy her body against her father she reached under the table and slid her hand in his. When his hand opened to accept hers she let go of the black, satin thong, moist with her secretions.

Ken knew immediately what his daughter had placed in his hand! He could feel the humidity of the fabric that only moments before had cradled his daughter's most sacred place. He was now in possession of two pairs of his daughter's panties, both imbued with her womanly scent. His shaft throbbed and ached at full engorgement as he pocketed them.

"That's the second pair of your worn panties you've given me you naughty minx," he snarled in her ear.

Katie smiled back at him in total innocence.

The car ride home was quiet, no words needed to be spoken. Once in the door to the house Katie literally jumped her father. She leapt at him locking her arms around his neck, her legs around his hips and her lips to his. Ken responded in a instant, wrapping his strong arms around her and clasping her body to his. Their mouths opened and tongues entwined and this time there was no halt. Katie ground her sex against her father's waist as her body built to a crescendo. Grabbing his hair in her hands and pulling him back she stared him in the eye and hoarsely exclaimed, "I love you more than anything, daddy."

And that one word snapped him back to reality at the last possible moment. 'I'm her father,' he thought, ashamed at himself. 'I need to be the adult here. I can't let this happen.'

He peeled her out of the clench she had on him. His hands on her shoulders, steadying her on her heels, he looked at her and earnestly spoke, "And I love you more than anything. On top of that I desire you more than any woman I have ever desired in my life. But I am your daddy. And you are my daughter. No matter how much we both may want this we can't. It's illegal and goes against everything that a parent child relationship should be. No matter how much this is killing me inside I must do the right thing."

Katie was dead silent for a moment and then her body was wracked by a huge sob. Her hand flew to her mouth and she bolted from the room. She dove onto the couch in the family room, her entire being lost in sorrow for what she could not have.

"Katie, darling, please talk to me," Ken pleaded from the door to the room.

"Go away," she choked out, her hand weakly waving him away. "I need to be by myself." Her sobs were muffled by the pillows into which her face was jammed.

"I do love you more than anything, my sweet Katherine," he said dejectedly as he shuffled away, his head hung low.

In his bedroom he began to undress. He looked over at his comatose wife, no doubt having had several glasses of wine and her usual Ambien before going to bed. Her eyes were covered with a sleep mask and some concoction of lotions and creams were slathered over her face. She lay on her back as rigid as a corpse. Ken tried to understand what had happened to her and why their once happy marriage had deteriorated into it's current state. No common interests, no real interaction let alone shared intimacy.

As he considered these things he began more and more angry. 'This isn't what I signed up for. Why shouldn't I be happy? Why shouldn't I be be with someone who loves me and isn't afraid to show it? Why shouldn't I have a love that is deep and honest?' His hand touched the two pairs of panties in his pocket. He brought them to his nose and inhaled deeply.

Wearing only his pants he strode from the room and raced down the stairs to his daughter. Roaring into the family room he tenderly scoped her up from the couch and cradled her to his bare chest. He kissed her head reverently.

"I love you so much my darling Katie. I can't turn away your love and blameless desire. I want you more than you know and tonight I am going to make you mine, my one and only," he stated plainly.

Katie jolted, her nerves raw from the ups and downs of this evening. She found it hard to believe her ears but as her father mounted the stairs with her securely in his arms her heart overflowed with hope and craving. She nuzzled against the taut muscle of his chest and and kissed his warm skin. She heard him kick open the door to the guest suite and then slam it shut behind them. Lit only by the moonlight streaming through the windows she could see the devotion in his eyes.

"Katie, I'm so sorry if I hurt you. You are the most precious thing in my world and I am honored to be your father. And soon I will be honored to be your lover. I don't just want you with a hunger that can't be described but I need you. I need your purity, your honesty and your love to make me whole."

It was a speech from the heart and Katie knew he meant every word. Her heart and her vagina overflowed with passion and desire for this man, her daddy. "I am all yours, daddy, body, heart and soul. I don't care if everyone knows or or only we know but I want to be your woman, now and forever."

She climbed out of his lap and began to go to her knees when he reached out and stopped her. "Oh no, baby. Ladies first," he smiled.

He delicately pulled down the zipper on her dress and staring straight into her eyes, hooked a finger under each of the spaghetti straps and pulled them to her sides, they fell over her shoulders and arms and then gravity worked on the weight of the dress pulling it to the floor. Perched on her high, spike heels and bathed in the moonlight her perfect, young body was the epitome of femininity. Only one minor adjustment was needed. Ken reached forward and extracted the clip allowing the long tresses of her golden hair to fall down her back and frame her face.

Ken drank in the sight of her breasts with their gentle slope and erect, pink nipples, her smooth flat tummy above the hairless, full lips of her vulva. Her legs were long and made to look more so by the towering heels. He received a small offering of the scent from between her legs and it called to him with a siren song. He guided her to sit on the edge of the bed and then knelt reverently between her spread thighs, ready to worship her. As he laid his first tender kisses on her mons she fell to her back and raised her legs to his shoulders trying to leverage her slit to his mouth.

Ken kissed through to valley to the top of her left thigh and then did the same to her right. "Please, daddy," she whimpered. He would not rush this first act of making love to his daughter. He kissed around and about her puffy outer lips, building up her hunger for him. As her pleas became more insistent he extended his tongue and touched it to the very bottom of her slit and deftly wiggled it.

"Oh, oh," she exhaled as the new sensation of a man's touch in her delicate folds sliced through her. Agonizingly slowly (for both of them) he drew his tongue through her pink furrow to the top, lightly clipping her engorged pink pearl. "OooOOOOooh," she wailed as electricity jolted from that momentary touch of her nubbin.

She tasted of youth, of freshness and of all that is woman. He could live on this nectar and he wanted more. He searched for the source of her and his tongue plunged her depths licking and lapping her up. He was forced to hold her hips as she writhed uncontrollably as wave after wave of pleasure built inside her. "Please make me cum, daddy," she insisted.

Smiling to himself he licked and sucked his way over the delicate petals of her inner lips until he surrounded her clit with his lips. Lightly sucking the the present core of her being he began to dance his tongue over and around it. "Oh, yesssss." she grunted in pure bliss. As he continued his efforts her fingers sunk claw like into his hair and forcefully jammed his face tighter against her pussy. His fingers splayed across her abdomen from her bucking hips could feel her stomach muscles tightening to rock hard. With practiced skill he increased the suction, lightly bit her and swirled his tongue in a race around her bud. Her pointed heels dug sharply into his shoulders but he did not relent. Ken continued to worship his daughter

"Oh, yesss, oh my god, yessss, oh daddy, OOOOHHHH," she wailed as she crashed over the edge and succumbed to an orgasm she had never imagined existed. Her body convulsed and extended over and over as the ultimate pleasure coursed through every part of her being until she was spent. With her last ounce of strength she pushed his head away and went limp.

Looking like Winnie the Pooh pulling his head out of a honey pot, Ken sat back on his heels, his face dripping with Katie's essence. With a wicked grin he pulled her panties from his pocket and mopped his face with them. He regarded his daughter lying spent before him as she recovered from the most overpowering orgasm of her young life. Gingerly, he pulled down the sheets and repositioned her with her head on a pillow.

He kissed her sweet face and cooed softly in her ear, "I know you feel weak baby but you'll recover. I can't wait my darling. I have to make you mine."

He stood and removed his shoes and socks. Then he undid his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants letting them fall to his ankles. His boxers were soaked with the precum he had dribbling all night. The head of his cock peeked out of one leg as it lifted the cloth from his thigh. "Wait, daddy," she purred as she rose from the bed.

"I have dreamed of doing this, of unveiling your manhood," she continued as she grasped the waistband and slowly pulled it down. His fully engorged member sprang up until it jutted proudly. "Oh you're so handsome," she said (though whether to him or his appendage he couldn't discern) as she delicately traced her fingers over his length.