The Temptations of Dee Pt. 02


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"That sounds familiar," came a voice from the doorway. It was a young blonde woman carrying a baby. "Been there, done that, got the fuck out of there."

"This is my house-mate Emily," explained Jessica, "and somewhere hidden in that blanket is little Rufus. Sit yourself down girl."

Emily did just that - sitting next to Dee on the big sofa. "My husband was just the same - he's with a fellow coder now and I sincerely hope they are very happy together. One thing's for sure I'm a damn sight happier for not being still with him. I could see the way that was going and I found a chance of something so much better."

The blanket in her arms shifted and a brown arm emerged. A small hand tugged at Emily's robe and pulled it aside. A firm young breast heavy with milk was revealed and a dark erect nipple. Emily held up the blanket and a brown mouth latched onto the nipple and began to greedily suck.

"Just like his daddy," cooed Emily, "he knows what he likes and he makes sure to get it."

It was perfectly obvious to Dee that 'daddy', whoever he might be, was not Emily's husband and was not white. She suddenly realised that there was every likelihood that exactly the same was true in Jessica's case. She had never been racially prejudiced - she believed you had to judge people as individuals - but it was something of a shock none the less.

Young Rufus contentedly fed until he finally let out a little belch. He began waving his arms to move and Emily looked to Dee.

"I don't suppose you'd take him for a moment while I get myself sorted out will you."

Would she! He was an adorable little scamp. She took him and made a fuss of him using some of the tricks she had learned from raising her own. Rufus burbled with delight and just as Emily was getting back to reclaim him he reached out a pudgy hand. It found Dee's top and tried to move it aside. Frustrated his little mouth tightened and his other hand joined in trying to gain access to what lay hidden beneath.

"Oh-ho," laughed Emily as she retrieved her infant, "you can't go doing that to a nice lady that you only just met."

"You're right," laughed Jessica, "he's just like his daddy!"

Soon Rufus was back feeding and the women remembered the men toiling under a hot sun. Dee found herself preparing a big jug of iced lemonade and taking it with two glasses out to James and Tyrone.

Emily and Jessica watched her go.

"So, I don't think I was wrong do you?"

"Absolutely not. I heard enough before I came in to know that."

"Which means we need to help her find what it is that she's been missing."

Emily watched as James took his glass and Tyrone moved in close behind Dee. He casually placed an arm around her shoulders and moved his big body close to hers. "I think she's getting a few hints from those two. Encouraged by you no doubt?"

Jessica held up her hands. "Not me, it's all their own work. But I think its pretty clear that she has no objection."

"Do you think they would..."

Jess laughed, "Are you kidding! In a New York minute. No, the problem is that Dee is scared and she has reason to be. We didn't have much to lose when we joined the lifestyle."

"Just everything to gain."

"Exactly. But Dee has a family, She can't just quit her husband or come move in here. By the sounds of it he'd make her life a misery if he even suspected she'd been here. Can you imagine being stuck with a man hanging guilt trips over your head for years?"

"That isn't the only issue - she lives too far away to keep coming back here. Do we know anyone over there who could help?"

Jessica shook her head. "I'm not trusting any strangers with this. This has to be done right. Well we will just have to see what can be done. Good school teachers are needed everywhere. We just need to find out where her husband works."

Emily nodded. "We also need to hit the right note. You had James and I had Don. Who would be right for Dee? James or Tyrone?"

"Tyrone possibly. We need that special combination of talents..."

The two women looked at each other and shared a smile. They knew just who to call.

Come Into My Parlor...

Tyrone drove Dee over to her hotel ready for her early morning flight home. As he explained, however, he just had one little stop to make.

"Hey J, whass the sitch?"

One of the four young African-Americans playing pick-up stopped and came loping over with an easy stride and a ready grin. "I got accepted Tyrone, got a place on the next HVAC course."

"My Man," said Tyrone with a big smile, "thass what I wanted to hear." He called over the other three young men and put his arm round J's shoulders. "You all see this man cos that's what he is - a real man. He's taking responsibility and stepping up to the plate. Getting a trade so he can support himself and his family and live a good life. Not looking to duck out or cut corners like some. You know what happens to them. They end up in the ground or wasting years of their lives." He pulled up a sleeve and showed some crude tattoos. "You see he's smarter than I was at his age. You all make sure you smart like him."

Young J wasn't much older than the students Dee taught herself. She could see his pride at the praise from Tyrone. She looked at the big rough man with new eyes herself. You'd never dream it to look at him or, even more, to hear him but he was making a difference. In his own way he was being an educator too.

The boys went back to their game and Tyrone strode towards a small building set off behind the court. Dee walked alongside him.

"I like what you did there Tyrone."

"My boss, Mr Taylor, likes us to take an interest in the community. Besides, it feels good you know." The big man almost seemed embarrassed. "I just got to see Silky for a few minutes if you'll wait."

He pushed open the door and led Dee into what could only be described as an old-style neighborhood dive. There were three or four men drinking at the bar and two men seated at a table facing the door. They were in conversation and looked rather out of place. One was a small man. The other looked huge, even sat on the long padded bar banquette, and had a cup of coffee on the table in front of him. His eyes met Dee's and he nodded slightly.

"Won't be a couple of minutes," muttered Tyrone and headed over to the barman. That sort of left Dee hanging...

"Trevon," said a deep rich voice, "you not being polite. The lady needs a seat and fetch what she'd like to drink."

"Sorry Shaka - yes sure thing." The small man got up like he'd had a fire lit under him. Dee couldn't help noticing that there were plenty of empty seats in the bar.

"I'm quite alright, thank you very much. I'm not staying."

His eyes were on hers. "I insist..."

What gave him the right to insist she did anything? But this was his world and it was obvious that he made the rules here. She looked at his own cup. "A coffee?"

The big man made a minute gesture with his finger and the other man scuttled over to the bar.

Now the man gave an easy smile and gestured to the newly-vacated space. "Come and sit next to me. Not often we get a fine lady like yourself at Silky's - so you need to come over and introduce yourself."

Dee hesitated momentarily and looked to the bar but Tyrone was nowhere to be seen.

The man chuckled. "I hardly ever bite - unless you ask me to of course. Now come make my day baby. Like I say - you are definitely someone worthy of a closer examination." When Dee still hesitated he stood up. He'd looked big sitting down but stood up he was massive. He had to be at least 6'8" and was seriously built from the ground up. Mother nature had made him a big man but he clearly looked after himself and had serious work in the gym to thank for his physique. Dee's eyes unconsciously drank in his presence and his power.

Another chuckle. "I see we both like what we see baby - now stop wasting time." He clicked his fingers and pointed at the place next to him.

Dee walked round the table and joined him. She was just about to sit when he held up a finger.

"I know you here with Ty but even Ty makes mistakes. Someone as sweet as you just might be a honey-trap for a hard-working community leader like myself. You poh-poh or a journalist?"

She shook her head.

"Just so's we can both relax." He leaned forward and his experienced hands rapidly frisked her from head to toe. It was very practised and professional but he had nonetheless just run his hands all over her body. The effect was NOT relaxing - in fact she felt electricity coursing through every inch of her body..

"So what brings you here with Ty - I think I'd have noticed if you were one of Taylor's girls."

"I'm visiting an old friend - I'm just on my way back to the hotel as I said."

"You talk real high-class, I like that, it's just like the rest of you." He smiled as her face reddened a little. "Your friend - anyone I know?"

"Jessica Lyons."

The chuckle came again. "Oh! Me and Jess know each other real well. I used to run security over there before I moved here. Talking of which."

A man had come into the bar and now nervously approached their table. He was perhaps fifty, a full decade older than Shaka, but he stood before the big man like a nervous schoolboy.

"Take a seat Drew, how can I help?"

"Well, I'm real embarrassed to have to ask..."

"We old friends - tell me your problem."

"We lost our refrigerator last night - I think the condenser is fucked. Had it a number of years so I really have to replace it and with this weather and the kids..."

"...and two weeks to the next pay check. Yeah - I know how that can be." He reached into his pocket and handed over a few bills. "That'll cover it - pay it back over the next three months so you don't have to operate too light."

"...the vig..."

"I know you and you know me. No vig between old friends like us. Or if there is - it's the pleasure of helping a good man and his family out of a hole."

Drew's face lit up and he seemed to drop about five years. He reached out and warmly shook Shaka's hand. "Thank you, man, thanks from all of us."

Shaka's face told that he regarded it as no big deal and Drew left. He noticed Dee watching him. "Its cool to be cool," he said quietly to her, "but sometimes..."

The next visitor was in his late twenties and somewhat shabby in appearance. He also approached Shaka and stood before the table but it seemed much more of an every-day occurrence for him. Shaka very noticeably did not ask him to sit down.

"I'm short on the rent Shaka. My family be put on the street unless I can get...uh...$300 dollars."

"You take me for a fool, Mike. I helped you out sometimes before but now you seem to have the notion I'm an ATM. Turn up and collect every week like welfare. Not so, Mike, not so."

"But my rent..."

"You in social housing - why you needing $300 unless you spending what you do get on something else. It going up your nose or on the ponies or what the fuck? $300! You trying to shoot me a fucking line too! How much you really short?"

Mike shuffled where he still stood. His eyes were on the ground. "$75."

Shaka scowled and then leaned back. "You's a fucking idiot. A child. You got a family and you trying all this shit. If someone loaned you three notes how would you pay it back, let alone the vig. Four notes before you knew it. They come looking for you and you got nothing for them - what happens then? Fucking no-mark."

"My rent..." Mike's voice was low now.

"Be here at 7 tomorrow morning. Silky been moaning about needing the outside of this place painted. Do that and you can have your $75."

Mike held out his hand but Shaka looked at him with scorn.

"You get it AFTER Silky has inspected and approved your work. Meanwhile, I'll talk to some friends of mine and see what we can arrange. I hear one of the guys in sanitation is moving on and I can get you a trial there."

"Sanitation - but I don't know nothing about that..."

"They'll train you as you go along. Cleaning the drains don't need a degree."

Mike looked like he'd just got a death sentance. Getting up for seven tomorrow was bad enough but this...

"Or, of course, you can get off your lazy ass and go find a job yourself, Mike. A radical suggestion I know - but there's your choice. Don't do either and I don't need to see you again. Understand."

"But Carli..."

"Got respect for your wife and your kids - it's you that's the problem. So if you fuck up again and she needs help then she'll get it. I can find her bar work but not so she's working three jobs to support your sorry ass. My condition would be that she see sense and kick you the fuck out. Them days is over, my friend, time to stop being a baby and man the fuck up. Make your choice and live by it and its results. Actions have consequences - like I always say. What do I always say?"

"Actions have consequences," muttered Mike.

"Don't just say it - understand what it means. Now get the fuck out..."

Mike slouched out. As he went a group of men sat at the bar gave a slow round of applause. "Preach it Shaka - but that one needed telling five or six years ago," one of the men said.

"Yeah," said Shaka, "well it's his last chance with me. Up to him if he takes it." He noticed Dee looking at him. "Like I say - I'm a local community leader here for the Foundation. We help out people need helping, but some don't need help they need..."

"...guidance," suggested Dee and then mentally kicked herself. That was the educator in her coming out. She was sure that people generally didn't complete this man's sentences for him.

He didn't seem to take offense - far from it. A brilliant smile showed in his coal-black face. "Yeah, I like that. You and me work real well together."

Dee could feel heat in her face again. These men - they made her feel like a giddy school-girl. She was a grown woman gosh darn it, not a love-sick teenager. She concentrated on keeping her thoughts appropriate. It was hard though - Shaka was more a presence than a man. It wasn't just his size. He seemed to radiate command and authority. She could sense that he was the sort of a man who drew everyone's attention wherever he went. He was so different to...

"I also handle special projects for the Foundation. Just had word of a possible new one today. I've been checking it out for potential. Pleased to say that it looks real good. I think I'm gonna enjoy my work breakin' ground on it."

"Oh," said Dee, "I'm pleased. I'd love to hear more but I think Tyrone is waiting..."

"He could wait awhile - he's had you most of the day. I've only got to enjoy your company for a few minutes. Ah well - next time you here..." He smiled and she realised she could go. That was really what it felt like - not that she'd decided to go but rather that Shaka had given her permission to do so.


"I see you met Shaka," said Tyrone as if it had been an accidental thing.

"He's ... very impressive," said Dee.

"Yeah - and you seeing him now that he's almost a reformed character. Back in the day he was something else. I wasn't scared of no-one on the streets but Shaka gave me some serious pause. Hell, when Levy got out of line that time it was Shaka that Mr Taylor sent over to straighten things out. Levy is a mad mother-fucka and we was all expecting blood but he took one look at Shaka and decided to make a deal. It's not just me - ANYONE would take a pause before they crossed him."

Most of that went straight over Dee's head but she understood that Tyrone had great respect for the other man. Indeed, Tyrone seemed almost embarrassed to have admitted the fact. Quickly he changed the subject and he and Dee chatted about her own life back home as they drove.

When they got to the hotel Dee half-suspected that Tyrone might make a move on her. He hadn't been hiding his interest in her all day and he didn't seem a man shy about asking for what he wanted. She was half-suspecting it and wholly dreading it. He was a fine figure of a man and she found him attractive but she was a respectable married mother of three. There was no way she could invite him up to her room, was there? The temptation was there - only God knew just how much it was there - but the consequences did not bear thinking about. She realised that she didn't dread his question so much as she dreaded what her answer might be.

Tyrone parked up and unloaded her bag. "I'll bring this through to reception and they'll take it from there. Shame you have to stay in a hotel - next time we might have to see if we can find you a bed over at the Foundation. If needs be I'll be happy to offer you a share of mine." He winked at her, chuckled one last time and then he was gone.

Suddenly Dee felt that she was back in reality - it was like waking up after one of those darned dreams. It felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over her. All day she'd had men, men who she found dangerously attractive, playing court to her as if she was the sexiest woman on earth. It had been undeniably exhilarating, almost intoxicating, but now she was back to cold hard reality. She saw herself reflected in the glass of a window. How could she be so stupid? She was an almost forty year old school teacher with three children and a husband at home. Stood there in her sensible clothes and her sensible shoes - how could she ever have imagined that men like James or Tyrone could have a serious interest in HER. Not to mention....him, she didn't even dare to think about HIM. There wasn't the slightest possibility that a man like that would... He'd probably already forgotten that she even existed. No, she had to go back to her husband - her life was with David, that was reality.


Dreams aren't interested in reality.

That night, for the first time in months, Dee did not have the dream about Cassius. That night, in her hotel bed, she dreamed of Shaka...

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mandy3514mandy3514almost 3 years ago

This is moving along nicely. Temptations all around for Dee and Jessica and Emily conspiring in the background. Just a matter of time until goodbye David?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Going Black

Wow, i would love to see Dee spend the night with one of the big Black Men.. Dee needs some hot black cock in her.. She needs to be eaten and fucked in both of her holes.. I am betting that her pregnant friend will also give birth to a Biracial Baby

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Keep on writing this story that gets hotter!

Would love to see thirty year old Jessica dominate her forty year old former teacher Dee by fondling her breasts to add to her humiliation and introducing her to the pleasures of licking a woman's pussy by making her sate both herself and Emily before introducing her to black cock

Cuckoldtobe79Cuckoldtobe79about 4 years ago
Intriguing and juicy

Lovely how you maintain the flow from the other story . A great platform for this one now looking forward to hearing how Dee becomes embroiled ! Please continue the great work 😉👍

Siska100Siska100about 4 years ago

I like this view at the world of Jessica and Georgia and now Dee, who's gradually being made aware of this whole new world, this world she knew nothing about.

Please keep writing about Mr. Taylor's Foundation and the women who gravitate around his world and that of his associates.

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