The Temptations of Dee Pt. 05


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That was clear - if there was a way to make her new life work then it wasn't the way taken by Kent and Anna. She wasn't a hypocrite - she realised she was in a very fragile glass house to be throwing moralistic rocks around in. If it worked for them then who was she to gainsay them. She was uncomfortably aware of a feeling of envy towards Anna. Not because of the nature of her relationship with her husband but because she didn't have to hide. She could be with her man, her Master, she could express her love for him in any way she desired. Even by having his...

She shook her head. It didn't matter what Anna could do. Her own circumstances with David were completely different. Anna's way just could not be for her. Instead, she would just have to be so careful.

A Few Weeks Later

Dee held onto him, felt the warmth and power of his muscular back, felt his own arms holding her just as tight, felt his questing mouth exploring hers as he fucked her. It was at times like this that Shaka felt almost like an elemental force, the embodiment of lust, of his lust for her. She still found it hard to take in sometimes. Couldn't quite believe that it had happened. That a man like him had such feelings for a woman like her. It wasn't so long ago she'd just been a soccer mom, teaching her classes and running her home. Like millions of others - in a routine that looked set to stretch on for ever.

Not any more. Now she was Shaka's woman. She craved him when she wasn't here and she desperately savoured the sweetness of every moment when she could be with him. She'd been worried before - desperate not to destroy her old life. Now she knew that she would willingly sacrifice almost anything to be with him. Not her children of course, but she had come to hope, however fantastically, that a way could be found around the issue if it arose. Her husband would just have to accept it - or the children and her would move up here - or something... She had always been a very practical woman but that practicality seemed to go out the window when she was with Shaka. When she was with her man.

Otherwise she wouldn't be here today - in his bed. It was the absolutely most risky, most dangerous, most stupid time to have her Black lover in her bare. Or, to put it differently, the day with the most potential - potential to create new life and to destroy for ever her old one.

She had a calendar - she had known it every day since they had arranged to meet. She had even thought of ringing him to try to explain, to try to re-arrange. Just as she had when it had happened before. But she hadn't. Instead she was here - in his arms and feeling the power of his body as he took her, made her his again. Maybe made her his for ever. She hadn't been able to deny him, hadn't been able to deny herself.

She felt herself shiver at the thought - fear or passion? The two could sometimes be so inter-twined that you couldn't distinguish between the two. Then there could suddenly seem no distinction between the two. She was giving herself to him in the deepest strongest way and that was what she wanted to do, what she desperately NEEDED to do. To thank him for giving her life colour and spice and meaning again. She really couldn't deny him - anything or everything.

He was holding her tight now and she felt his warm breath on her skin. He was a prime specimen of manhood but he never held back in his love-making with her. Every time felt like the first - every time felt so damned good. There was no way she could go without this now.

He pushed himself up with his arms as he continued to pump away into her, his hips now taking long fluid motions that threatened to turn her world upside down. She looked into his face - knew that was what he wanted. Their eyes met and that amazing spark was there again, as it always was. He looked magnificent - so beautiful and strong and assured and confident.

He'd been talking about giving her his baby for a long time. They actually hadn't been together before on a day like this one - a really risky one, a really fertile one. But this time they were and he knew it. He knew that he could be making her his baby-momma, his latest baby-momma. She felt the wave of lust rush through her body again. Mother Nature wanted her to do her duty - to take the seed of the alpha male and make a beautiful new baby.

He knew what she was thinking - he so often did. They were so different but he seemed to just know...

"Where do you want it - my beautiful little bitch?"

He didn't usually ask. He normally just fucked her to its natural, perhaps its only proper, conclusion. Sent her home with his seed deep in her body to share her bed with her husband. She knew why he was asking this time - he felt it too. Felt that IT would happen today. Wanted her to accept that too.

"In me ... in me ... please."

It was automatic - it was simply an acceptance of his right. He had given her so much and in that moment of lust she forgot everything else. She wanted to give him this.

She stared up into his eyes. She saw his mouth tighten a little and then he moved. He leaned back, pulled out and almost immediately he came. Long strong powerful spurts of semen. Four, five, six, seven, finally he grunted and gasped for breath.

Her body was covered by his seed. Her belly, her breasts, she had even felt its warmth on her chin. She was shocked - looked down at it all - imagined it in her body. Knew what the result would have been. Knew how his mind and body had worked together to produce it - fuelled by his desire to have her, to put his baby into her. The oldest and strongest passion, hard-wired into every one of us. And yet he had pulled out...

"Damn," was all he said as he dropped beside her. Even he seemed shocked.

"Why?" It was all she could say.

He paused a moment, gathering his thoughts and his breath. "I'm your man - it's my job to protect you, to look after you. You got babies at home and I can't be ruining that for you. I got to be satisfied with as much of you as you can give me. At the moment you can't give me that - tho I'm loving that you wanted to. But you would have come to regret it. When you do give me that then you'll have to be ready. You ain't just one of my bitches girl. Since the first time I saw you I've known we had a connection and every time its got stronger and better. I can't risk that. If it was just that fool" - he meant David - "it'd be different. I'd have you here then. But there's yo babies. So I have to be a real man - accept my responsibilities."

It was a long speech for him - it showed how much he'd been thinking about this. She wondered if even he had known what he would do until that last moment. Either way he had made his decision now and she knew he would stick by it. He had realised how much she would sacrifice for him but he had decided he did not choose for her to do it. At least not yet. He had been strong for both of them - had made the decision for both of them. She reached for him and held him - knew that he was her man more than ever now. That she belonged to him more than ever now.

After a few long moments in each other's arms Shaka spoke. "Girl - we need a shower."


She luxuriated in the warm water flowing across her body. In the strong Black hands soaping her every inch, every curve of her. Watched his face, a mixture of pleasure and concentration, as he made sure to pay attention to every part of her from head to toe. It was a different side of him - a caring side to that rough tough exterior. It wasn't a soft side - there was no weakness to it. It might just be the care a man took in a prized possession - though she thought and hoped that it was more than that. Either way he had given a part of himself to her too and she felt blessed to have found him. Shaka had said he was going to be her man and he was her man.

He finally seemed satisfied. He took her and kissed her forehead.

"Gotta get you back - but I don't want to. You know that don't you."

She nodded. They didn't need to say any more.


They had got into a routine on her weekend visits to her man. There was a secure parking area just before you entered Shaka's main turf. She would leave the Odyssey there and he would be waiting to collect her. It had become part of the ritual. She left behind her everyday life, left behind her husband, and joined her man. She would already have changed at the last rest-stop coming into the city. Put on his jewellery and the clothing that he had selected for her or that she had bought especially to please him.

The only exception, of course, were her rings. Shaka insisted she wore them both. He liked to see them - to know that a white boy had been fool enough to think he could be good enough for Dee. Her husband might not know it but the fact she was with Shaka, fucking him, proved just how wrong the dumb cracka had been.

Dee had felt badly about it at first - badly about it all. Had to live with the fact her desire could overwhelm what she knew was the right thing to do, what she had been brought up to do. Had felt guilty when she returned home to David. No more. Now she remembered every time he ignored her, neglected her, seemed even not to notice her. Every time he had thought she was some kind of a servant or existed solely to make his life easier, more comfortable. Every time he had performed his laughable version of sex before grunting and leaving her alone and unsatisfied. Every time he had put his needs above hers - just assumed that was the way it should be.

No. Now just seeing that ring didn't remind her of her vows to him, of those years they had been happy together. Now it reminded her of how much Shaka loved to see it on her finger when he made love to her, when he fucked her, when he owned her. Also made her yearn to be his all the time - to tell the world who she really was now, to be free to be her true self.

There were three reasons that wouldn't be happening any time soon. But they were the best reasons. When you were a parent you made sacrifices. Shaka was making a big one too - she knew how much he wanted to have a child with her, had heard him talk about how beautiful their daughter would be. Well that wouldn't happen now. That didn't make Shaka defeated or weak. That made him a true man, a strong man, HER man. if David said he'd kill for her or die for her then it would sound ridiculous. She KNEW that Shaka would do both those things for her and not hesitate - but he also never needed to say it. That was who he was - Shaka, HER Shaka.

Shaka parked up and looked at her. They shared a moment and another longing kiss that she never wanted to break.

"You know not every country wears their bands on the same hand." Shaka looked at her. "I know you got to wear his. But I thought we could be European style. Then you can wear mine too." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. "Don't want it too fancy - just to send a message every time you see it yeah."

It was a rose gold eternity ring with black onyx cabochon. It wasn't showy but it looked handmade and it meant everything. When she couldn't wear his hoops she would always be able to wear his ring. She couldn't shout it to the heavens but it would always be there to remind her who her real man was. She put it on and felt its fit.

"You like it."

"I never want to take it off."

No more needed to be said and they kissed again. Suddenly Dee felt his body tense a little. Shaka pulled back from her, his eyes fixed on his side-mirror.

You learned that around Shaka. He had grown up on some dangerous streets and he was always alert to his surroundings.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Don't look over your shoulder but two lines back to the right. See the red Hyundai? With the woman seated in front. Strange to see someone just sitting there."

"Well we are."

"As we were last week and the week before. So was she - least ways she surely was last week and I got a real feeling I saw her the time before too. Too much of a coincidence."

Dee still felt it was probably just that.

"Doesn't mean violence or we wouldn't have seen her - and she doesn't look the bill. Not that the good ones ever did. Can't be the five-oh. Should all be very cold cases by now, either processed or beyond the statute, and anyway they're never sending the same tail in the same vehicle three straight weeks. So it might be a private operator - working to get information on me or more likely on you."

Dee felt her blood run cold. That would very much fit the bill. David had grumbled about 'all her meetings', had asked why she needed to spend so much time away from home. If he had suspicions he wouldn't confront her. No, he would try to make sure of his evidence first. Put himself on the strongest possible ground and then set lawyers on her. It would be just like David - wanting to bully her but too much of a pussy to dare do the job himself.

"If she is a P.I. then she's very new or very shit. She still looking straight at us - should have gone soon as I eyeballed her. Whoever hired her must be a fucking idiot."

'Just like my husband - he'd even fuck that up,' thought Dee.

Shaka opened his door. "Get out babe. She's seen enough to know we a couple. Let's give the bitch a show."

She went to him and there, in front of her vehicle, they kissed - kissed hard and long and deep. Made it real clear that they weren't just friends or relatives. They were lovers. Dee felt strong hands on her buttocks and then one moved to raise her skirt. Long Black fingers teased her bare pussy and then slipped inside. She didn't care - let her man show the world who she belonged to.

He was smiling again when he offered her his fingers to suck and lick clean of her own self. It was deliciously depraved - out in public like that. She wished she could see the peeper but Shaka was looking that way.

"Is she still there?"

"Yeah - can't look too clear tho cos the bitch is staring at us like her eyeballs would pop out. Dee - you ever done any acting?"


"Because she 's no threat to me but you need to know before you go back. Otherwise you'll have it hanging over you. Not that fine bitches can't be P.I.s but something about her says that ain't what we dealing with here. I think its OK but you need to know. Otherwise it's gonna eat at you."


Shaka cranked up the volume on his stereo as he left.

He considered what had just happened. He almost wished the woman in the Hyundai was a damned investigator. It would solve a lot of problems. Just went to show that his usual rule of not taking on a chassy with kids was the right one. However, Jessica had made him curious about this one and when he'd set eyes on her he'd not been able to resist. He'd never seen a white woman who needed taking in hand so bad before. Needed his hand on her butt, his mouth on her lips and his baby in her belly. Got two out of three just about whenever he liked to call - the third was proving a little more difficult but he'd get there.

In any case every problem could also be made an opportunity. He'd already got one wife and he didn't need another. Linda didn't have a problem with him having a night or two a week with his shorties - just so long as she and her kids always came first. He'd met her when he'd been working security for Mr Taylor so she'd always known the score. Anyone messed with her then they'd have to settle an account with Shaka. His bitches, shit, they was under his protection but he wasn't jealous about them and he wasn't exclusive. That was an important lesson for all of them. They might think they were crazy for Shaka, and they was, but that was just part of being crazy for Black Cock and ultimately for most of them that meant most any Black cock they could get.

Didn't mean any old nigga could just knock up one of his bitches without his approval. That was why he'd been keeping Dee to himself up to now. He liked the way she'd took his rules so seriously, hadn't snuck off to no clinic and got herself on the pill. He liked that a lot - liked the commitment it demonstrated. Shit, girl could've been going home to that no-account white boy with Shaka's baby already growing in her belly tonight. Shaka felt his cock stir in his pants. She was a premium piece of ass - couldn't deny that she got to him like the run-of-the-mill hood-rat couldn't nowadays.

He also couldn't deny he liked the challenge too. White girls were usually so easy. This one required a little finesse - first to get her into his bed and then later to get her where she needed to be. Best if they could do it without breaking up her family - well the husband wouldn't be no loss but the children were another matter. They were really the only thing that could lure Dee back into the safe tedium of her old life.

That was why he had re-assessed and made a strategic withdrawal, so to speak. He'd agreed to Dee visiting a certain clinic over there. Dr Nikola would set her right. Get her on the pill and keep her informed and tested. That was going to be necessary because, as the next stage of her 'education', a certain white teacher-lady was going to be getting a whole lot of nigga cock.

Shaka tapped his steering-wheel with his finger as the heavy beat boomed out of his speakers. Now he had to go get young Jamal his birthday present. Turn up without that and Linda would give him merry hell!


Dee watched Shaka go and waved before fishing into her bag for her phone. She made a show of trying to use it, of trying again, of acting frustrated. She turned it on and off again and then she cussed loudly. Finally she looked around her and seemed to notice the red Hyundai and its occupant.

The woman wasn't Dee's idea of a P.I. either. Perhaps thirty - long blonde hair pulled back in a tight pony-tail. Lightly-tanned skin and something of an expression of terror as Dee approached. For a moment it looked like she would gun her engine and run away but instead she just watched as Dee came to her window and gently knocked on it.

The window edged open about an inch.

"I'm sorry - my phone has died on me. Could you help me out by calling my husband for me?"

"Your husband - did he forget something? I saw him leave."

Dee feigned a moment's anxiety and then, seemingly reluctantly, admitted, "That wasn't my husband. That was my man."

This woman was not a P.I. That was obvious now. She was flustered and her cheeks were glowing a vigorous pink.

"I ... um .... he ... um .... I just ... errr .... kinda assumed. Um, sorry ..." Her voice tailed off.

Dee decided to play her and Shaka's hunch. After all if the woman was a detective then they were cooked anyway. "My name's Dee and that's Shaka. Fine isn't he?"

"He's amazing." The woman suddenly seemed to fold up in embarrassment again. "I mean, I don't know what I mean, I'm sorry - I know he's your boyfriend."

"He's nobody's boy - he's his own man." Dee was confident now - she knew what the situation was.

"Oh yes - I'm sorry."

"Do you want to talk about it - I can see your rings. Can I assume your husband isn't giving you what you need?"

"What! Yes, of course...." The woman's face seemed to droop - a picture of misery and fear. "No, no my husband doesn't seem to care any more."

"And your husband is white. Can I guess he's a software engineer."

"No, no, Brett is in real estate. He works long hours and he has a secretary..."

"So you think it's your fault - you don't think its because he's a dumb-ass who's too stupid to see how lucky he is to have you. You want to talk about this - you look like you need to talk to someone. Hey, I don't even know your name!"

"I'm Lisa Pearson. It WOULD be good to talk to someone - I've been weighed down by this for so long."

"You think you're the only one - I used to be the same. My husband didn't have a Secretary or whatever but I think only because he's too damned boring. Didn't have the initiative or the imagination!" Dee tried a little laugh. Lisa didn't quite join her - but at least the other woman no longer looked on the brink of bursting into tears. "So why have you been watching us?"