The Temptations of Dee Pt. 08


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He remembered the first time he'd seen Dee and the first time he'd seen Lisa. They were both very attractive women but they'd both missed that essential spark. They'd been beaten down. Dee was the smarter of the two. She'd known she was being ground down by her supposed 'life partnership' with that David asshole. However, there were the children. They had trapped her as innocently, but as remorselessly, as anything could. Lisa, meanwhile, had desperately clung to the perfection and happiness of her marriage until her husband's betrayal had left her will broken, her psyche unable to even contemplate liberation and escape.

Shaka's hand tightened on his glass. After a moment he relaxed again. He knew just how much he despised husbands like that - how he savoured every expression of joy and excitement from his women. Exploiting them - hell no. He set them free. He let them be themselves - let them express who they truly were - and if he gained in the process well wasn't 'the labourer worthy of his hire.'

He shifted in his chair a little and smiled when he realised his wife had come into the room. Linda had that little knowing expression on her face - the one he loved so much.

Her clipped accent cut through his reverie. "You thinking about them? Wish you were there with them?"

He reached for her hand and allowed his finger to trace a pattern over her skin. "You know better than that. You know you got no need to be jealous. Our thing is on a whole different level. Always has been - always will be."

"Then why did you have that look on your face?"

"Just wondering. Lisa's first time at the clubs and Dee's still pretty new too. Maybe I should have sent Roni or one of the others with them."

Linda ran a perfectly manicured hand over her husband's broad chest. "I trust your instincts. Besides, it's one of Antwan's joints isn't it. If they get in any trouble it'll be the good kind."

Shaka snorted, "Sounding like you are wanting to be there with them yourself girl."

Linda tossed her blonde hair. "You think I could still cut it down there."

Her husband laughed this time. "Damn girl you'd still leave them all in your dust. Never did see a more beautiful woman than you and never have since. That's why you ain't just my woman - you my wife." The two of them shared another smile.

"How do you think it will go with Lisa?"

"It won't take long. Her husband has made it real easy. No, it's Dee that's the issue."

Linda nodded slowly. "She's the one with the children right. I have warned you about that before."

Shaka gritted his teeth and pushed his free hand down onto his arm-rest again. "I know, I know. Be easy if I wasn't a reformed character. I'd just have gone down there and beat her little shit of a husband until he understood the score. Until he let her free."

Linda wrapped her fingers around her husband's bulging bicep. "But you ARE reformed darling. Or at least," her eyes sparkled, "just reformed enough. I wouldn't want you to go all milk-toast on me. You can't think of another way round this?"

"Gonna have me wylin. She's a sweet piece. Just made to be the Black man's woman. The idea of a woman like that being wasted on that husband of hers." He shook his head in frustration.

Linda was thoughtful. "We can't have that can we. Perhaps I can help - in my professional capacity that is."

Shaka's eyes met hers. "See they all think I married you because of how you look. Truth is you got all that and the brains too. I didn't settle for less than perfection. You do any work down there?"

"Is it Dominion Power he's with? Well I'm sure a friend of ours could assist in that department."

Shaka reached for his phone. That number was on speed-dial.


Lisa was riding him hard. Sweat showed on the dark skin of his brow as he reached up to grasp her breasts. "That what yo' here for slut."

She didn't answer him - she just worked herself on the hard seven inches of bare Black cock that was buried in her pussy.

Tyrone had waited long enough. He'd applied plenty of lube and it was time he took things to another level. He moved up behind Lisa and put a heavy hand on her back.

She turned instantly and saw he had moved up behind her. At the same moment she realised what was about to happen. She paused for a long second and then resumed fucking the Black bull beneath her while she let her body gently fall forward onto him. Hands gently held her arms and Hughie's mouth found hers. At the same moment she felt one of Tyrone's greased fingers enter her asshole.

Her whole body stiffened. "Relax baby - the more relaxed you is the better it gonna be. That was the man beneath her. Lisa did her best. It wasn't like Shaka hadn't warned her - hadn't made sure that she and Dee were all nice and clean and prepared for just this eventuality.

The man beneath her began to thrust up into her. Distraction. She knew that was what they were doing but she also knew that it worked. She focused on that big Black shaft in her pussy, on the feelings coming from there. She rode that pleasure, those sensations, and was slow to sense the larger object being presented to her ass.

"OH FUCK." She had suddenly felt the broad head of Tyrone's cock push through the muscular resistance of her rectum and on into her ass. As she howled both men froze in position as they allowed her to get used to that new feeling.

"You doin' real good baby - we gonna be careful with ya. We know its your first time and we're selfish. Want this fine rear end coming back round here a LOT in future."

Dee resumed sucking the beautiful coal-Black cock of her unnamed partner.

He had taken note of her pause and chuckled. "Don't worry slut 'cos I'm strictly a pussy man. Booty is fine to get the blood pumpin' through a man's veins but it can't give me what I'm wanting from a fine ghost rolla like you."

He watched the others as Tyrone began a slow gently rhythm of fucking Lisa's ass, matching the movements of his friend in her pussy. Lisa's eyes were wide, her mouth was open and gasping for breath. She wasn't complaining or struggling. She seemed to be 'in the zone' - absorbing feelings and sensations she had never experienced before. A mixture of shock, anxiety and pleasure. Pain too? Discomfort perhaps. The two men were using her for their pleasure but she showed no signs of wanting them to stop.

Dee had paused again.

"Yo' friend's a real fast learner. She's gonna be real popular. No whinin' about rubbers and straight to a DP on her first visit. That's going hard as a Black man's woman. Doin' credit to that bling round her neck there."

Dee gently stroked the hard meat in her hand. She knew his words might sound casual but they had a message. They were praising Lisa but weren't they also a dig at her? After all she had 'whined' about needing a condom. She felt a prickle of anger and envy that Lisa might be regarded as better than her, perhaps also a trace of shame that she had let Shaka down in front of this man.

His skilled fingers found her pussy. They felt the moisture there and then began to explore. "That how it felt on your first DP girl?" He chuckled when she didn't respond. "Yeah, I figured so. That fly little hoodrat is way ahead of you ain't she. Well, don't worry. Like I said my interest is in this fine white pussy. Yo' learned yo' lesson since last time? How this pussy take Black cock?"

"Bare." Dee's voice was husky. She was still watching Tyrone and Hughie as they fucked Lisa, a little harder and faster now. Upping their game as they sensed that the white woman was ready to take that little bit more. Dee could almost imagine how it felt. It was keeping Lisa permanently on the edge. But on the edge of what? Of agony or of ecstasy? Not knowing was taking Lisa places Dee knew that she had never herself been. Perhaps would never go.

Tyrone rolled his back a little and made three deep strokes. He was almost all the way into Lisa now. A big Black hand came up to grasp her shoulder and with one more motion he was there. "Fuck thass phat," grunted Tyrone. "This bitch is super fine."

"How yo think her cracka husband would like seeing that?"

Dee didn't respond. Lisa's husband didn't really have much of a say in anything any more. The divorce papers were being handled by Dee's old pupil Jessica. Hubby had a lot more to think about than what his wife was getting up to. He'd be lucky to get away with the shirt on his back.

"Don't much matter - if he's got a problem with it he can fuck right off. Same as yours can." Dee's man moved behind her and rubbed the hard head of his cock up and down her pussy lips. She shivered in anticipation. The heat and atmosphere of the little room were getting to her. She needed to be fucked, REAL bad.

"Learned yo' lesson on rubbers. Thass good..." He pushed home with a fluid motion and then slowly worked his cock into her. "A man don't want anything coming between him and a fine little pussy like this one. You learned that lesson proper?"

Dee pushed back against his body - trying to draw him into her as much as she could. She wanted him to fuck her hard and fast. Watching the men with her friend, more precisely watching Lisa's reaction to them, had very definitely had an effect. She just needed to be fucked.

"Yes," she replied, hoping that would encourage him but he just kept micro-fucking her, teasing her with that cock instead of pleasuring her with it.

"Let's see. Tyrone - yo' slut over there on the pill?"

The big man fucking Lisa's ass cracked a smile. "Hey girl you on the pill?"

"Fuck no." Lisa's response was curt. She had more important things to think about. She didn't want to be taken out of the moment because she sensed she had the mother and father of all climaxes building up in every fibre of her very being.

"Like I say - that little piece is real well trained or she got real good instincts. How 'bout you?"

Dee gritted her teeth with frustration. Why wouldn't the big bastard just fuck her like she knew he could from last time? Did he think she wanted to be on the pill? Didn't he understand that she had the same natural urges as Lisa over there? Lisa could afford to rely on a string of Cyclebeads. For Dee it was different. She couldn't risk getting pregnant, couldn't risk having a Black man's baby. Thank goodness that Shaka understood that. Otherwise she knew she'd have given in to those natural urges long ago. The desire to make new life with a handsome Black alpha male. It didn't help that she'd heard Georgia was pregnant, growing the baby of her Black master in her womb. As nature intended her to. Did they think she didn't feel those urges too?

His fingers teased her hard nipple. That didn't help much. It just reminded her that she hadn't earned Shaka's latest piece of jewellery yet. Just the other night her husband had wanted to... She suppressed the desire to shudder at the thought of it. That was why she needed to be really fucked, to be fucked properly and by a real man. To wipe out that memory. To strengthen her so that next time, instead of giving in, she would use any excuse or explanation or lie to put him off. Luckily he wasn't usually interested. She didn't know where his desires that night had come from. At least her recently acquired oral skills had got him off in about fifteen seconds flat. However, that had broken Shaka's rules. David was only supposed to get an HJ and even then only when absolutely necessary.

She was brought back to the here and now by a gentle squeeze on her nipple. "Don't think there's much doubt about yo' friend over there. Won't be long 'fore she's some brotha's baby-momma. Doing what she was put on earth to do. Growing and raising the Black man's babies. Same as you need to be..."

"Oh God..." Dee heard the sound of her own voice. It sounded hungry, desperate for fulfilment.

He'd heard it too. Finally, at last, he began to fuck her in earnest. The long powerful strokes that she remembered from last time. Except this time, of course, there was no barrier between them. They were skin to skin, two bodies momentarily becoming one. A hungry white pussy ready to be satisfied by a strong Black cock and filled with potent African seed. Just as it should be. Just as it had to be.

"Oh fuck YES, YESSSSS." Lisa was howling out her climax and that seemed to inspire her two lovers. The man beneath her held her sides tight as she shot his cum deep into her pussy.

"Motha-fucka," grunted Tyrone as he found he couldn't hold on either and sent his seed deep into Lisa's ass. Then he slumped forward leaving Lisa sandwiched between the two men. She gasped for breath, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wide as she tried to process what had just happened.

Dee's man was delivering long rolling thrusts now. He was a skilled man. His big cock seemed to be filling and stimulating every part of her pussy. He had a rhythm going but it was not metronomic. It was subtly varied - exploring every potential for pleasure.

"Oh God you're good..." The endorsement was out of Dee's mouth almost before she knew it. He WAS good - very good. Almost as good as Shaka ... almost.

Her man moved and took even more control. Dee was now her back with her legs up. He had moved his big body up over her. His shoulders held her legs up while his arms stretched forward to allow his hands to grasp her under her shoulders. He was putting all his power into his strokes now. Each thrust pushing the air out of her lungs, leaving her gasping before his next. He leaned forward - leaving her no potential for escape. Not that escape was anywhere near Dee's agenda. She was savouring every aspect of his power and technique.

His face was over hers now. His deep brown eyes taking in every aspect of her appearance, the evident signs of her arousal. His thrusts grew quicker, more urgent. She knew that he was feeding off her excitement. Driving her onwards and upwards - trying to claim her.

He wanted to own her - she knew that instinctively and the realisation took her over the edge. She shuddered and moaned out her orgasm while he switched back to rolling strokes that took her back and held her simmering on the edge.

Then he shifted gears again and she saw his mouth tighten, felt his deep dark eyes boring into her very soul. She knew he was close and she knew that she needed his seed. She needed it deep within her and she yearned, against all logic and sense, that it might find an egg there and make her a mother again.

"In me ... In me ..." she gasped.

"Fuck yeah," he growled as he sent five heavy spurts of rich potent African seed as deep into her as he could.

He held himself over her on his strong arms. Demonstrated that he still had reserves of power and stamina. Finally he eased over to her side. With contrasting gentleness his finger touched her necklace.

"If he hadn't got there first you'd be mine - you know that."

She did and she knew what he would say next.

His hand moved down her body and came to rest on her flat belly. "I think old Shaka might be losing his touch. Might have forgotten what a woman like you really needs. If you was mine I'd be real clear on it. You wouldn't get another helping of good Nigga lovin' til you dumped them pills. Have you in my bed every night you was fertile and make sure this sweet little white belly got nice and round. Like you NEED it to be."

"You don't understand..." Dee started.

"I understand. So do you. Soon as you're accepting that you can come asking for Odell."

So Dee found out Odell's name.

Watching Dee and Odell seemed to have inspired Lisa's two men. She was straddling Tyrone now - looking small and slight astride his big powerful Black body. Hughie stood proudly in front of her as Lisa tongued his big Black balls and stroked his hardening cock with her hand.

"Should take a lesson from yo' friend. Nothing gets a brotha's cock hard like knowing his white bitch is unprotected."

"I hadn't noticed you had much trouble in that department anyway."

His teeth showed in his smile. "Round you it ain't likely to be an issue. Your friend over there is real fine but you got that little something special. Sets me wonderin'"

"Wondering about what?"

"Whether I'll ever get as patient as old Shaka seems to be. He's always been one hell of an operator but maybe, just maybe, he's starting to get soft. That's one thing you don't need to worry about with me." Odell tapped his already hardening Black cock on the firm pale flesh of Dee's butt cheek. The message was unmistakable.

He moved up to her and kissed her, felt her respond to him. He knew his mission tonight. He was going to show this fine white piece just what he could do. Make her hungry for more. Have her coming back whatever the price and whatever the risk. Shaka was getting plenty of opportunities to get the job done. If he couldn't, or wouldn't, then Odell would make sure that he did.

Booty Call

It was their fifth meeting together and things had progressed satisfactorily, well at least from the official view-point. She had helped them learn some basics, basics that were absolute essentials in the modern world. She had helped them find courses in the further skills that they needed - whether basic, technical or business. They each had the chance of a new start. She and her employers would have fulfilled their part of the bargain.

The other aspect of their meetings had not progressed so far. Just enough to suggest what might be on offer - but no further. Shaka had been insistent. The young men would have to sing for their supper before they got to sit down at table. They did the course and all that was expected of them and well ... just maybe ...

It was certainly something a little new for Dee. As a teacher she understood the concept of rewards for good behaviour perfectly well. She just wasn't used to the reward in question being ... her!

Shaka had told her to let things flow until he gave her the signal. She had realised that he was leaving that until the last meeting, next week. Well at least she had assumed that until she heard a phone ring with twenty minutes of their meeting to go.

It wasn't her phone - she knew enough to turn that off before a lesson. The young men were supposed to do so to. She raised her eyebrows to Pops as he reached into his pocket.

Pops glanced at the screen. "Sorry Teach - my bad. I gotta take this." He pressed the button and put the phone to his ear. "Yeah, thass right. You needs to speak to Teach? She right here." He held the phone out to Dee "It's your man."

Dee felt a fluttering in her stomach as she reached for the phone. It had begun. It was obvious that Shaka and Pops were working together on this. They had plans made for her. She was only conscious of an intense desire to know just what those plans were.

It didn't take long for Shaka to pass on her instructions. Then she handed the phone back to Pops. He spent a couple of minutes listening to Shaka and occasionally voicing his approval. As he listened his smile grew as he looked at Dee. It seemed things were about to get rather interesting!

Finally, Pops clicked off his phone. "It question time Teach?"

Dee made a pretence of checking the clock on the wall. It was about time anyway - they could finish off what needed to be done the following week. "OK - what would you like to ask?"

"You ever been to the Pink Pussycat?"

To be honest Dee wasn't entirely sure. Shaka had taken her to a few places where she hadn't had time to find out the name. "I don't think so."

"You ready to go there tonight - with us?"

"What sort of a place is it?"

"Clue's in the name - but you gonna answer my last question?"

Dee remembered Shaka's instructions to her. "Yes - of course I'll go with you."

"Alright," said Dre in a low voice as he slowly nodded his head. Malik had a sly smile on his face.