The Temptations of Dee Pt. 11


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Shaka laughed, "Bit late to get shy little bitch."

Elvin just slowly shook his head. "This has got to be clear - and I don't do 'payment by results'. You want my potent nigga nut then you gotta promise to give up that sweet tight little white booty. You hearing that?"

She nodded.

"So say it." Elvin was implacable. She knew he was showing her who was boss and she thrilled to it.

"Please breed me Elvin and hopefully you'll put your strong Black baby in my belly. Give me your seed and I promise that you can fuck me ... in my ass."

"Shaka owns that pretty little pussy. Who's gonna own that tight little white booty from now on?"

"You El ... you Master."

"You're getting the idea - now time you got in that bedroom so I can breed you like the cute little white ho you is." He took a step and then paused with the camera. "Nearly forgot - you got a message for ... David, is it."

To most of Ireton Dee was still a highly respectable suburban teacher and soccer mom of three. Would they have recognised her now as she raised two middle fingers to the camera. "Fuck you loser." The two men laughed

Elvin finally handed the phone over to Shaka and bodily picked Dee up over his shoulder. He strode purposefully into the bedroom as she squealed and kicked her heels in delight. Shaka filmed them go and then followed them in.


"One moment," said Dee on an impulse. She held that big thick Black cock in her two hands and checked to see that Shaka was filming. Well duh! Of course he was. Dee very carefully placed her hand as far around Elvin's cock as she could and slid it down to the base. She leaned in and gently, lovingly, tapped the column of flesh against her cheek. She didn't need the view-finder to know how hot that would look.

She looked into the phone lens and smiled. "Now then white boys, and especially a certain little soft white boy called David, you want to know why we girls are going Black and, of course, never ever coming back? It shouldn't be too hard to guess." Dee tapped Elvin's cock against her cheek again. "But I know a lot of you white boys are a little lacking in the brains department and generally all out of imagination. Maybe after seeing this you'll have a better clue." She smiled a smile of pure mischief. "You little white boys have pricks, dicks, johnsons, wieners, whatever silly names you call them," she giggled to herself. "That's why we women have to go and find ourselves a real man - because a real man has a cock, proud and hard. If we are really lucky we find ourselves a cock like the two I have tonight. The ultimate when it comes to pleasing a woman. Big - Black - Babymakers." The last three words were spoken with pure conviction and clarity as she looked straight down the lens of the phone. "Did you ever really dream that you could compete?" She raised an eyebrow and then used her hand to measure Elvin's cock. "Hmmmn - that's why a man like this feels so good. Why a girl who has had this can't settle for weak sauce white boys any more. Now, if you'll excuse me, me and my new friend here have a baby to make."

She lay back and pulled her knees up and apart. Elvin didn't say a damn thing - he just eased into position and rubbed the broad head of his cock up and down the lips of Dee's pussy. He was enjoying every moment, still hardly believing the events of the night. He'd been wanting this cute little white slut since she'd come into the hotel and now, against all expectations, he was going to get his desire. As for the baby making business - well that wasn't no big thing to him but if that was what it took to keep prime white pussy like this Black owned then he had no objections. He'd nut just as big and just as deep as he could. Put the little bitch in maternity for sure.

Dee put her head up and strained to see. Immediately she felt the rush of excitement when she saw it. That big thick Black cudgel of a cock presented to her bare white pussy. It was almost obscene. No - it was obscene, but deliciously beautifully obscene. Elvin saw her looking and put his Black cock up against the pale skin of her belly. "Think you can take it?" he said with a confident smile.

"I think so," she said.

"I know so - and we gonna prove it. Right now."

"Please yes," answered Dee and watched as he lined himself up again and pushed.

Elvin wasn't rushed or rough, but he was relentless. Steadily introducing his big cock to her pussy in careful slow strokes. It felt good, it felt REAL good. She felt full, her pussy fitting round his cock like a glove, like she was made for him. She was relieved that Shaka had gone first, preparing the way and helping lubricate her with his seed. Seed that Elvin's big thick cock was now pushing deeper and deeper into her, making it seemingly certain that her egg would be claimed and her new life started. As that thought hit her she felt the rush of desire and passion surge through her again. The 'natural high' to beat all 'natural highs'. The rush that she had only felt with a Black man and with an intensity that she had only felt tonight, when she knew what the consequences could be.

Dee bit her lip to keep from crying out. She felt her whole body quiver in orgasm.

"Shit," said Elvin, "this little bitch's pussy is tight. Trying her best to milk my fuckin' nut already. How you find yo'self a girlfriend like this?"

Dee, coming out of orgasm, interrupted. "I'm not his girlfriend. I'm his woman, I'm his whore. Want me to be your whore too? Then fuck me like you want it - show me what you can do."

Elvin paused and then smiled. Dee loved that smile - the smile of a Black man confident in his own abilities. The smile that told her to hold on for a wild ride. At the same moment she felt Elvin start to pick up the intensity of his thrusts. His big cock found its way deep into her, insistently claiming every part of her. She feasted on it, savoured it, thrilled to the warmth and power of his strong masculine body. He dropped himself down to kiss her, their tongues meeting. She felt the weight of him, against her hard nipples, against her soon to be swelling belly. His weight was holding her in position but why would she care? Why would she want to be anywhere but where she was now? She threw her arms around him and held him close. She kissed him hungrily, savagely, desperately. She wanted him to know how much she wanted him too.

It certainly seemed to work. She tasted the salt of his sweat as he worked to satisfy her and himself. His hands gripped her shoulders and she knew he was getting close. Just the thought sent her over the top again, groaning and shivering with the power of her own emotions.

"Ooooohhhhhh fuccckkkk...." He gave a last thrust on top of her and she knew he was cumming. He made a move as if to pull out but she wrapped her legs around him and held him there, their bodies and mouths locked together. Only when she knew that he was done did she relax and release him.

He looked down into her face. "Damn you the hottest little fucking bitch out there." She looked into his eyes and knew he meant it. Was it pride to feel a thrill at having pleased a man like this. Well fuck it - if so then she was one proud little white slut tonight! She felt a last little surge of adrenaline but she was coming down off her sexual high now. She had been well fucked and she started to feel fatigue creep up on her.

They shared a last smile and a last kiss. Then he stood up and went for his clothes. "I best be on my way. Thanks for everything. That was amazing."

"Hold on." Shaka watched his camera's screen for a few seconds and then nodded. "You ever in the Capital?"


"Gimme your number."

Elvin complied. Shaka entered it on his phone. "I can introduce you to some good people over here. What you say Dee - think our friends over there will enjoy meeting Elvin?"

"I think they'll love meeting a talented man like Elvin," she giggled.

"Also," said Shaka, "I'll be in touch when our girl here is showing . So you can collect your fee."

Elvin pulled on his jacket and paused. "I didn't mean no disrespect there. She got me a little excited. Won't insist on holding no-one to it - what makes a booty most fine is the fact its being given up."

Was she still a little crazy with all the endorphins and pheromones? Maybe. Or maybe it was the desire to please him - to ensure he'd never be forgetting this particular 'little bitch.' No matter how many more white girls Shaka and co might introduce him to. She got up off the bed and stood by him. She turned her body a little so he could see her rear end. "Thought you liked this?" She wiggled her butt for him.

"Oh yes," he chuckled, "I like that just fine."

"Then maybe your memory's slipping a little. Maybe you've forgotten who owns this. Who owns this Elvin?"

He nodded and ran his tongue over his lips. "Maybe you should remind me?"

"You own it Elvin, its yours. Any time, any place. Now give my ass a slap to show you accept."

His big Black hand came down on her butt with a reassuring thwack. Not too hard but just hard enough to show intent.

Shaka held out his fist and Elvin bumped it with his own. Shaka nodded again in approval. "Like I said I'll be in touch - my women always keep their promises."

Dee was already thinking of a few friends she'd need to be talking to. It'd been put off long enough. She knew how many Black man did love to fuck a white girl in the ass. If she was to be a Black man's woman then she'd have to learn some skills in that department too. She remembered Elvin's big thick cock and figured that she'd need to learn those skills real fast and real well.


David swallowed nervously. It did not feel right to admit such things but the woman in front of him knew that he was holding something back. Her intelligent blue-grey eyes seemed to demand that he confess.

He finally decided to bite the bullet. Linda had made it clear that he would have to pass her assessment if he hoped for further promotion. Not that she had said as much but the signals had been clear.

Signals. He'd been sensing other signals too. His wife's absences and a certain difference to her when she was with them. A self-possession, a confidence, a personal strength. There were physical changes too. She'd always looked after herself but now she looked better than she had fifteen years ago. He loved that but it made her new distance from him all the more frustrating. Not just the last couple of weeks when they'd not been sharing a bed. He now recognised the distance had been growing long before that.

"Shit you got to have the badonka-donk. That's what our men love!" The almost stereotypical Black woman on the TV had laughed and swayed her big ripe ass at the camera. It seemed surreal - the two women could not have been more different - but he seemed to sense that same sort of confidence in Dee. Since when? That wasn't the woman he had married.

"Errr, this is difficult..."

Linda leaned forward and her hand chastely patted his knee. "I know David - but we are all friends here."

God almighty - why did she always wear those low-cut tops. Why did she lean forward like that! Not that he was complaining. She just had the most amazing tits. He felt the blood pumping through his body, hoped his erect prick wasn't noticeable in his suit pants. He almost lost his train of thought but then rushed back onto it.

"I - I - I think my wife may be having an affair." Then he stopped, horrified by his admission. Not so much for making it to Laura - but for admitting it to himself.

Linda held up a hand. "It's good that you are being honest with yourself but remember that it may not be the case. Do you suspect who she might be having an affair with?"

David shook his head in impotent annoyance. "I just have no clue. Someone in the Capital I think, perhaps someone she works with. She works at a school with a lot of..." He cut himself short. He felt his penis shrinking with panic at what he had almost said, at his revealing of another of his deepest terrors.

Linda watched him carefully, bringing her professional skills to bear. After three meetings she felt sure her initial assessment of him had been correct. Now she waited for him to gather himself together.

"My wife, um, works in the Capital, at a school in an, um, urban environment."

That word, 'urban', was carrying a lot of weight there.

"Tubman High has a large number of, um, minority students and staff. I'm, well, I think perhaps her Principal..." David was choosing each word with what seemed like intense physical effort.

First 'urban' and now 'minority' - why the dog-whistles were almost deafening from where Linda sat! She raised a hand holding a pen. "I think I can put your mind at rest there. I happen to know the Principal of Tubman High, Marcus Jones, through my husband. I know he is a very happily married man and I have never suspected him of having a roving eye. We women pick up on such things - as I'm sure you can guess."

David again felt a deep well of cold black terror open in the pit of his stomach. Linda had to be saying that she had noticed HIS roving eye. He steeled himself and tried to meet her gaze.

Linda had been a psychoanalyst for many years. She had the 'poker-face' required for her trade. So she didn't react to David's abject attempt to show confidence. She did feel considerable sympathy for him. He wasn't an evil man or a bad man but he was a weak man, a weak man who was horribly out of his depth.

"I understand the staff at Tubman are mainly African-American?" Her tone was neutral. "I know that Marcus Jones is. Do you suspect that your wife might be having an affair at work?"

David's chin wobbled. He nodded his head.

"...with an African-American?" Her tone was calm but insistent

His eyes came up again to meet hers. She knew he was being forced to face his greatest fear. However, he WAS going to have to face it - and she needed to know how he would react. He nodded again.

"How do you feel about that?"

He suddenly flared up with impotent rage. "How do you think I feel? If it's true then I'll kill them." Suddenly he stopped and his face seemed to set firm. "No, no, I wouldn't do that. But I would make her pay."


"I'd make sure she never sees my children again."

"Don't you think your children would still need their mother?"

"They don't need a nigger-loving whore." The words seemed to hit the walls of the room with a loud clang. David's face suddenly crumpled with fear as he realised what he had said.

Linda took that personally. A lot of her friends were 'nigger-loving whores'. She herself had been a 'nigger-loving whore' before she had become a very happily-married 'nigger's' wife. Again her professional training didn't let her feelings show through. Her sympathy for the pathetic sack of shit sat opposite her had taken a bit of a beating however.

"I shouldn't have said that," David admitted.

"It's best that we be honest," replied Linda, "I think it's incredibly brave of you."


"A man in your position and with your responsibilities being ready to become a single-parent of three young children. That would be daunting for most men. Of course you no doubt have savings and once you'd stepped back from your job you would have plenty of free time. Still, that's quite a life change."

"I wouldn't allow it to affect my work." He'd seen the danger and his tone was pleading, almost a whine.

"I know you believe that but I've seen so many cases like this." Linda made a note on her clipboard. "Apart from anything else there would be the distraction of a messy divorce case and custody battle. The only thing worse would be if your wife knew any hot-shot lawyers."

She watched the comment hit home. Watched him remember all his wife had told him about that ex-pupil of hers who was now a high-flying lawyer in the capital. David swallowed something hard and jagged.

"With all that on your plate," Linda continued, "how could you not have to step back. I'm sure the company wouldn't want to lose someone of your talent and experience but..."

The panic was rising in David now. How had his easy comfortable life suddenly turned to shit. He knew what she was saying. In today's commercial environment his company wouldn't be carrying any passengers. He could certainly forget any hopes of promotion, he might be out altogether. Then what would he do? He wanted to curl up in a little ball and hope for it all to go away.

Linda gave him a beautiful sympathetic smile. She leaned forward and placed her hand on his. "Don't worry David. Whatever happens you are not alone. You'll have me, your friend, to advise you. In the meantime don't cause any problems at home or spark any sort of a confrontation. Maybe we can steady the ship there. I've talked to the Directors and they have only concern for your well-being. They want you here and we don't want any rash actions to imperil that do we? Will you trust me on this David?"

He felt like a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders, at least for the moment. He wasn't going to have to face it yet - he wasn't going to have to make a decision. He nodded again, a picture of pathetic gratitude.

Getting the Rules Straight

Anna almost snorted with laughter as she held her hand to her mouth. "OMG," she giggled.

Dee took back the tablet and skimmed her finger across it until another comment was front and center. She showed it to her friend.

Anna's eyes sparkled with excitement and amusement "Seems you have some fans," she said and flashed Dee a cheeky smile.

You could say that. Shaka had shown her the site a few days after their meeting at the Regency. The site where he had posted the video of their activities. A video carefully edited to hide the identity of Elvin but which showed her off to all the world - or at least all the world who were members of a certain site dedicated to interracial sex.

Shaka had particularly directed her attention to the comments section, spooling through what seemed to be hundreds of comments each marked by an avatar of the member concerned.

The comments followed a certain theme.

LVBull - 'Ever bring the whore to Sin City then gimme a holla. I'll give her what she's needin.'

ProStud14" - 'Fuck Shaka how you always get the best little bitches?'

TeachDFan35 - 'This was amazing. That pussy looked real hungry. How's a brotha get in on that action?'

BBCinTN - 'Sweet little MILF keep bakin-cakes then she gonna be putting on weight real soon.'

EbonyDaddy12 - 'Need to see that classy piece with a Black baby in her. Post pics when she's showing.'

BigOlBullESL - 'Send her out to us. Guarantee we'll return her Nigga-bred.'

TheLevyBreaksEmIn - 'She's wasted on you Yanks. How the fuck ain't she pregnant yet? Might have to look her up next time I'm over there.'

TeachDFan7 - 'Fuck yeah. Our Queen's getting herself knocked up.'

TheRealE - 'Was a real pleasure to meet with the lovely Dee. I'm hoping it proves to have been as productive as it was enjoyable.'

It had come as a bit of a shock to Dee. Not that they had been posting pics and vids of her - she had sort of understood that. The site's members were verified and approved - a worldwide community of Black men who appreciated hot white women. The shock for Dee was still the fact that men like these put lil' ol' her in that category. Shaka had posted her images and vids under the category, 'TeachD'. She'd thought 'TeachDFan35' was a 35-year-old fan of hers and had felt very flattered. 'TeachDFan7 ' had then caused some concern until she'd realised it meant there were probably at least 35 members who'd wanted to adopt that user-name. That had felt even better!

She'd asked Shaka if he knew anything about 'TheLevyBreaksEmIn'. Her Master had looked graveyard serious for a moment. "Levy is real bad news. He ever come near you then you haul ass in the opposite direction you hear me. That 730 mothafucka's on a warning from me and I only give any man one." Dee had rarely seen Shaka like that and understood to heed his advice.