The Text Message Ch. 03


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Theresa listened intently, offered sympathy at the hearing of Tyra's attempts to make her independent and smiled broadly at the description of our initial quandary.

"So, Nick, I think I can safely assume that this is your first venture into the world of domination and submissiveness."


"May I give Alicia an order?"

I raised my eyebrows in surprise of this request. It confirmed to me that I shouldn't give orders to other subs. I had assumed so much already. But what was Theresa trying to do? There was only one way to find out.

"Sure, go ahead but I reserve the right to repeal it."

"Alicia, go and turn the cooking ring to its highest temperature and put your hand on it."

What the fuck?! How could she possibly think I would allow that? I was just about to interfere when Alicia spoke up.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Mistress Chao, as Master has given an order prohibiting me from injuring myself carrying out commands."

Theresa clapped her hands lightly.

"Very good. That was a great thing to do. I intended to show you the extent of Alicia's submissiveness to point out potential dangers but I'm very glad to see that you've taken precautions. I wouldn't have let her injure herself by the way."

I nodded thoughtfully, "I was, and still am, wary of the consequences of inconsiderate commands. I'm not fully comfortable with the whole situation and I wouldn't want Alicia to live in fear or feel degraded."

"That also explains why Alicia is dressed in actual clothes and not some skimpy porn dress."

"She is my sub, not a slave or a whore. In fact, if she hadn't told me about you and Dolores in advance she wouldn't even be dressed as a maid or be allowed to call me Master."

The Asian woman looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before coming to a decision.

"May I ask Alicia to leave the room for a moment?"

"Alicia, please go and wait in the kitchen until I call you or somebody comes to get you."

"Master, I need to go the restroom."

Theresa raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Of course, you can wait in our bedroom then."

Alicia flinched at my words and it took me a moment to remember that she thought that using the same bedroom as I did was inappropriate.

"Please wait for a moment if you can hold it."

"Yes, Master."

"Alicia has mentioned that it is supposed to be inappropriate for subs to sleep in the same bed as their Masters or eat at the same time. Is this true?"

"What? No. It is your choice as Dom. There is no such thing as inappropriateness in a Master-sub-relationship. Dolores sleeps in my bed and my arms every night."

"You see? Just because Justin told you, it's not necessarily true. Nothing you do on my wish is inappropriate."

"I'll try to remember this, Master."

"Come here," I beckoned her closer with a finger. "Closer," I said with a smile whereupon she bowed down towards me. I tapped my index finger on my lips, "Closer."

She bowed down all the way and I gave her a soft peck on the lips which seemed to ignite a fire in her but with a soft pat on her hip, I reminded her of our guests, "Good. Now you can go but remember to wait in the bedroom until I call you. Close the sliding door."

She almost danced from the joy of what she had just learnt on her way to the toilet.

"She is a different person compared to when I last saw her. You seem to be good for her. She stood up for herself by telling you that she needed to go to the bathroom."

"I've made up a set of rules and one them is that she has to take care of her physical needs without waiting for me to notice that she has them. I'm still uncomfortable at ordering her around and very uncomfortable at the thought of physically punishing her."

"Dolores, please hand me my gift," she replied and continued while her sub was still picking up the bag from the floor. "You might not be able to avoid that. But remember, punishment doesn't necessarily involve a whip or violence."

I sighed and considered asking Theresa for her opinion on my 'breakfast punishment'.

"Oh, I'm fully aware of that. If I may give away private details, I'd like to ask your opinion on a punishment I handed out yesterday morning."

"I'll stop you if I feel I have to."

"Ok. How to put it without being too indiscreet? On Friday, after I had taken up the role as her Dom, I had prohibited her to service me orally because of the injury on her lip. Then on Saturday morning she satisfied me with her hand but hurt her lip when she, without my consent, cleaned me up with her mouth afterwards."

I saw how Theresa tried hard not to look grossed out and I understood that this was not something she wanted to imagine.

"Sorry for the details, I tried to keep them to a minimum. I then argued that as her Master I had failed to protect her and, in order to pay for the debts created, cooked and served breakfast to her as an apology."

"You did what?" Theresa exclaimed and Dolores covered her mouth with her hands.

"I cooked and..."

"Yes, I heard you. Sorry, but I was a bit shocked. No wonder she didn't even flinch when she refused to follow my order with the cooking ring. She must have thought that you would kick her out. You see, Alicia is a very submissive character and to be served by her Master must have felt like the ultimate penalty. I cannot even imagine what she endured during that punishment but I can't imagine her ever injuring herself again as long as you are her Master."

"So I was too strict?"

"No, that's not what I meant. Do you want her to injure herself?"

If I hadn't made that clear yet, I had clearly failed to explain myself.

"No! Of course not!"

"Then, I think, your punishment was fitting. A clear statement of your intentions and your willingness to enforce them. But I recommend that you use that as a last resort only because for Alicia that's probably worse than a capital punishment."

"Ok. Thank you for letting me know. I'll have to come up with alternatives then."

Theresa took the bag from Dolores' hands and pulled a decoratively wrapped box from it.

"Maybe this can help," she said with a smile. "Welcome to the world of domination and submission."

I took the gift and shook it curiously; it made no identifiable sound. I tore off the paper and opened the box. Inside I found several items: two padded handcuff-sets, one 'hog-tie-set' which consisted of four cuffs connected in the form of a cross to a central ring, a ball-gag, a blindfold and a few yards of silk rope.

"That's a very generous gift. Thank you very much. Unfortunately, I cannot use these items to punish Alicia."

"Why not?"

"From what I've learned about her so far she will enjoy herself if or when I decided to use them," I replied with a smile. "But maybe I can use them to reward her. Maybe my way is the way of positive enforcement rather than negative punishment."

Theresa laughed her melodic laughter.

"I hope you don't mind that I hide these from Alicia for the time being. I would like to surprise her with them at the right time."

She raised her hands in a 'non-of-my-business-gesture', smiled and replied, "Your choice."

"Now, please, tell me about that club I've heard so much about."

"Of course, but first, Dolores, go and join Alicia. Don't say anything about the gift. Close all doors between here and where you go."

She waited until Dolores had left before she resumed speaking, "I need to give you a warning. Yesterday evening Justin came to the club. It may please you to hear that he had enormous difficulties to walk properly. He claimed that he was attacked and beaten up by several hitmen and that Alicia was kidnapped against her will."

I rose my bandaged hand.

"That was me who beat him up. But I did it alone. He attacked us when we went to pick up her belongings at the apartment where she had been staying."

"That's also what Alicia told Dolores," she replied with a wide grin on her face.

She got serious again.

"He asked around if somebody had heard about her whereabouts."

I took a moment to consider possible results and their consequences.

"Did anyone know or say anything?"

"As far as I know I was and am the only one at the club who knows that Alicia left him and did so of her own free will and I didn't speak with him. But when she didn't come to the club in the last few weeks some of us were a bit worried that Justin might have killed her in one of his outbursts and had asked questions to learn about her fate. However, Justin has been selling cocaine to several of the club's members and he might be able to blackmail a few of them into telling if they knew something. I recommend staying away from the club for the time being."

I frowned. I didn't like that at all. Having to watch my back, being permanently alert and who knew how far that son of a bitch would go to get Alicia back and punish me for humiliating him.

"That sounds like a good idea but Alicia will be disappointed. She had mentioned that she was looking forward to joining other subs in bragging about their Masters."

"Better disappointed than dead."

I knew that Justin was dangerous. He might be a bad fighter but he was operating in a field that didn't forgive mistakes and if he felt scorned he might take drastic measures. It was a long time ago that I had last used a weapon and then only on a shooting range but I might have to reconsider this.

"True. I might have to buy a gun to protect us."

"You know that guns are often lethal for those using them for defence?"

"Yes, I do and to be honest I'm not very fond of guns at all but with Justin being a drug dealer I need to take measures to defend both Alicia and me."

Theresa didn't immediately reply to that but got lost in thought for a few moments.

"You really care about her, don't you?"

"Of course I do. How couldn't I? She's an angel, a precious jewel."

"I start to get the feeling that Alicia has struck gold. She deserves some luck after her ordeal with Justin."

"I'll do my best to be the Master she needs," I padded the bag containing the gifts I had been given and added with a grin, "You've given me the means I need. Talking about them, let me hide them so I don't mess up the surprise for Alicia."

I quickly took them to the office and put them in the one lockable drawer the desk had.


I quickly went to use the toilet and then went to the bedroom just as Master had commanded. He hadn't told me what to do here but I came to the conclusion that he didn't care as long as I waited until he called me back. I took my smartphone and surfed the web a bit, looking for ways to please Master but was distracted from memories of falling asleep in his arms on this very bed last night. It hadn't taken long before the inner peace and the comfort had sent me into dreamland. But maybe this expression was not totally right as I already was in dreamland while I was awake. Is there a word for dreaming while dreaming?

I was just googling for a fitting expression when there was a knock on the door and Dolores came in and closed the door.

"I was sent here by my Mistress. What are you doing?"

"Nothing, really. I wondered if there is a word for dreaming while dreaming."

Dolores laid down on her stomach at the foot end of the bed, propped herself on her elbows and bent her calves upwards, intertwining her feet.

"You love him, don't you?"

My new favourite topic. I put the phone away, placed myself next to her and took the same posture.

"More than I thought possible. And I've only really known him for a few days. He's so perfect, so gentle, so self-assured. He doesn't need to torture me to know that I would do anything for him, it is just in his nature, even if he doesn't fully understand my need to serve yet."

"He's inexperienced but Mistress likes him a lot. I think he will be a good Dom for you."

"I just hope I can improve as his sub. He took me in on Friday evening and has already had to punish me twice. He didn't even need to spank or whip me doing it. But his punishments are so much more effective that I hadn't even thought for a single second to follow Mistress Chao's command to go and burn myself. I'll do whatever it takes to avoid such a punishment again. I was left with no choice but to refuse the command as it would have violated the first and topmost rule of all: You will not injure or harm yourself executing an order or a wish."

I shook as I remembered how Master had cooked and served breakfast for me.

"He told us. About the breakfast. And the second?"

"He masturbated to a porn movie which showed just what I have wanted him to do to me since he has taken me in."

I clearly tickled Dolores' curiosity with that statement. I smiled when I saw her eyes sparkle and quickly came to the conclusion that we could become really good friends.

"And what is your fantasy?"

"That he takes me roughly and recklessly, not considering my feelings but shoves his cock into whichever hole is convenient for him until he blows his load all over me."

Dolores shuddered as this very scenario stirred some deeply buried memories; memories she preferred not to remember.

"Mistress Chao would never treat me like that. She is very considerate."

"She is a woman, she can't fuck you like a man can. And Master is not reckless at all. So far, he has been very caring."

Dolores grinned, "Mistress has a strap-on. But she never uses it on me, she only makes me fuck her with it."

"A strap-on?"

Dolores pulled her smartphone from her pocket and searched a porn video site for a short while until she found a movie showing how a strap-on was used.

Alicia was speechless for a moment before she handed the phone back, "I can't imagine that this feels better than Master's cock. To be honest, I can't imagine anything that feels better than Master's cock."

"I could lick your pussy and try to prove you wrong while we wait?"

"No. My pussy belongs to Master. He alone decides on what happens with it."

"And he hasn't spanked you so far? Do you think he might be too soft for real punishments?"

"Don't you dare speak lowly about Master like that!" I scolded her, getting immediately worked up because Master was not shown the respect he deserved.

"I'm sorry, Alicia. I didn't mean it like it sounded. Do you think he could punish you with a spanking if he had to?"

"Of course. You should have seen how he took care of Justin. I missed the first part because I was too scared to look but when he was done with him, Justin was totally defeated. Master can use violence and pain if necessary but I think he prefers to use his intelligence to make a more lasting impression on me because no matter how much he had spanked me it could not have been worse than what he did."

Again, I shuddered, the memory itself was still devastating.

"I'm really happy for you. You look so at peace."

"I am," I replied before changing the topic. "Tell me, are these your natural boobs?"

Dolores looked at her cleavage, "Yes, why?"

"Mine are so small and I saw Master look at yours. I'm scared he will abandon me for a girl with bigger tits."

"Men always stare at tits. Even those with subs or girlfriends with bigger tits than I have gawk at mine. I don't think you need to worry. I saw him look at you. He thinks you're beautiful. I mean, look at your body! I would kill a fluffy little rabbit baby if it gave me such perfect hips and such a great ass."

What was she talking about? Perfect? Great? That's not words anyone has ever used to describe my body.

"You think? Justin always said I looked fat."

"Forget that asshole. What did your Master say the first time he saw you naked?"

I reflected on the question. When had been the first time? When I came out of the shower the day he took me in? I thought so.

"I think he said 'stunning'."

"Describe what happened."

"Just after I had arrived here he sent me to take a shower. When I was done I went to the kitchen where he was waiting."

"How did he look when he saw you?"

"I don't know. I think he was surprised because he stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence and looked at me thoroughly before he said it."

"Alicia, Sweetheart, I don't think you need to worry, I think he's just as taken with you as you are with him."

I didn't have the chance to ask another question as we were called back to the living room to our Masters but I kept looking for signs if maybe what Dolores had said was true. What I could see was that he really did regularly check out my body when he thought I wasn't paying attention, I even saw him take a glimpse down my cleavage, even though I still thought it was unimpressive.


We called the girls back and kept on chatting for a while. I learned a lot just by seeing how Theresa interacted with Dolores and enjoyed being able to exchange with somebody over this still overwhelming situation of suddenly having a sub to care for and keep busy.

Before they left around five we exchanged contact information. I looked forward to seeing Theresa again as she was a source of information and could maybe help me out by functioning as a sounding board. After we had brought Theresa and her sub to the door we returned to the living room.

"Alicia, there is enough food left for us to eat dinner. Please put the beef in the freezer and these plates into the fridge. But first," I removed my pants and sat down in the middle of the couch and stretched my arms out on the backrest, "turn up the volume of the stereo and strip for me."

Alicia misunderstood my instructions completely and had already unbuttoned her shirt half-way before I could stop her. I lifted my hands and waved them back and forth.

"Stop, stop, stop."

She fell to the floor, "I failed. Forgive me, Master."

"What did I teach you in the shower this morning?"

It took her a moment to remember, "The journey is its own reward."

"Right. When I say 'strip for me' I don't want you to get naked as fast as possible. I want you to perform a seductive dance during which you slowly undress."

"You mean like the strippers at these clubs?"

"Yes, but as you do it for me, your Master, and my pleasure and not for the tip of some unknown anonymous customer, I want you to put your heart in it. Seduce me. Ok?"

"I'll do my very best, Master," she replied with a longing expression on her face.

"That's all I can ask for. Now close those buttons again and restart."

She walked over to the stereo and set the radio to an electronic music channel. She then quickly scurried towards the main entrance, closing the buttons on the way. She waited for a few seconds before she came back in sight. She walked past in front of me very consciously placing her feet for maximum effect. When she reached the end of the living room, she turned around and repeated the show but gave one of her butt cheeks a little swat when she was in front of me. Again she turned around and swatted her other cheek on her way past me.

Still fully dressed she already had me almost hard and it clearly showed as I sat on the couch in my boxers. Looking at this beautiful woman performing a sexy show on my order did wonders to my libido.

She kept walking back and forth, every time coming up with a different little add-on. She'd squeeze her breasts, bend over to touch her toes but only giving me the view from the side or suck her finger. Then she shed her improvised apron, performing a few dance moves by wiggling her butt on it or pulling it under braless breasts, making them jiggle and sway.

I soon had to concentrate on not pulling my cock out and masturbating but I already knew what I would do once she was finished or my self-control was defeated. I was quite sure she'd like it.

When she had thrown the scarf that had served as her maid apron away she started to remove her skirt. She slowly opened the zipper and pushed it down past her hips, bending over, giving me not only the sideways show but also a three-quarter view of her panty-clad butt. She now spent quite a long time playing with her panties, almost granting me a view of her pussy but never exposing herself before she started to unbutton her blouse.