The Third Begining Ch. 05

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Eliza has a threesome with her daughter and son in law.
4.7k words

Part 5 of the 16 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 10/07/2023
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The Going Away Party, Pre-Party.

Since the night we slept together, Mandy and I had been in twice daily contact by phone, discussing their trip to the States, the going away party, clothes, and packing preparations.

We even had phone sex a couple of times which consisted of Mandy telling me she was naked on the bed, reminding me of the mess we made in their bed and talking me through what she was doing to herself, playing with her breasts, pinching her nipples, rubbing her clit, fingering herself, the sounds of her climaxing, panting, telling me she wished I was with her.

I could not refrain, and after we ended our calls.

I masturbated by imagining her beautiful body and her lewd actions.

I called her one afternoon at about three p.m.

She answered out of breath.

"Oh. Hell, oh."

"Are you alright sweetie?"

She let out a breathy laugh.

"Just getting some exercise, I am in the bedroom exercising nude on the bed and I am very sweaty and so wet between my legs, Mommy, listen."

She put the phone to her pussy. I could hear the wet sounds her fingers were making.

Was it her fingers in her wet pussy? It sounded more like muffled slurping.

"Oh, god, just there, yes, fuck."

Mandy spoke as though instructing someone.

"Oh yessss, god! Wow, do not stop!

She exclaimed as she orgasmed.

"You are so good with your tongue, I want more!"

Breathlessly, I asked.

"What is going on? Mandy? You have someone with you!"

I became sexually stimulated by her game. Mandy succeeded in turning me on again, my pussy wet and in making me jealous.

"I have a personal trainer putting me through my paces. Say hello to him, Mommy?''

She was attempting to shock me again. I replied.

"You do have such a furtive imagination, sweetie."

The reply shocked me to my core as it was John!

"I do and so do you. How are you, Eliza?"

I stuttered an incoherent reply, something like.

"Oh, god, hi, John, well, hot, you are home early, oh dear, got go."

I finished the call and sat head in hands, my eyes welled up a little close to crying, bit my lip, and shook my head.

My mobile phone rang fifteen minutes later, but I did not answer. It rang again, and this time I did answer. Of course, it was Mandy.

"Are you alright Mommy? I do not know what came over me, I was so turned on, I could not stop myself."

She sounded worried.

"I am angry Mandy, very angry! Is John still there?"

"No, he has gone back to his office, for a rest, he said."

I shouted at her.

"What in the devil has got into you, I can not believe what you just did! I am so embarrassed, so upset that John was there and you let him speak to me. You were having sex with him. He was licking your pussy and you made me listen, you came as he licked you. I heard him, you, your climax, what the fuck were you thinking!"

She interrupted.

"Mommy, I am sorry. I love you. I never want to upset you, will you please forgive me."

"Mandy, what am I to do with you? Now, I will worry about facing John again.

Mandy took a deep breath and shocked me again.

"Worry about John? It was all quite inspirational to him after you hung up. He gave me a right good seeing too!

The best fucking I have had for some time!"

"It must, have been speaking to you."


I shouted.

"This is serious. God, you are terrible, I do not know what gets into you."

Before she could answer, I cut in.

"Do not dare to say another word!"

A little after seven p.m., there was a knock at my front door. I opened it and faced a large bunch of roses, my favourite flowers, offered to me by John.

John, who a few hours earlier I had listened to performing oral sex with my daughter.

"Eliza, these roses are part of an apology. I want to say face to face that I am sorry for embarrassing you in the way I did and want to say sorry for Mandy. I do not know what has got into her lately."

With that said, he stepped into the hall, stooped and kissed me on the cheek.

John always smelt good, dressed well and looked good in a rugged sort of way.

I invited him into the lounge, flustered at my unexpected visitor and the reason for his visit.

I fidgeted as he sat beside me on the sofa.

He explained.

"My defence is I thought the call was from one of her sex-mad mates. They are all a bit cranky, that is why I played up to the call. They have a competition trying to outdo each other. They are a wild bunch."

''When she said, Mommy, I thought it was her friend role-playing in another wind-up, and I played up to it."

He pleaded innocence with his doe eyes as he took my hands

"I am so sorry Eliza."

I looked at him eye to eye to convey my scepticism.

"That John is doubtful, it being, quote, Mommy, according to Mandy, that had spurred you on to greater things for her after I hung up by giving her, quote, a good seeing to! I recall her saying."

His amused expression implied, what do you expect?

"Brownie points to you for agreeing to my wayward daughter, to come all this way to bring me flowers and apologise."

John interrupted.

"Mandy has no idea I am here, or about the flowers, honestly."

"Really, she does not know?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, it may be slightly less embarrassing when I next see you and Mandy."

"I will turn the tables and act more annoyed with her when I next see her."

John and I had a less tense conversation about his job and the forthcoming Amerca trip over a coffee.

He was very consolatory and his normal likeable, charming, cheeky self.

On leaving my cottage, he stooped and surprised me by kissing me firmly on my lips, thanking me for being so understanding.

"Good night, Mommy."

He then left.

With his kiss and calling me Mommy, I became flustered again and agitated.

I put the roses in water and went to bed to take the edge off my sexual frustration.

Using my fingers on my wet pussy, while imagining being witness to Mandy and Johns fucking, seeing them instead of hearing them on the phone.

I vividly played the scene through my mind as I pushed two fingers between my pussy lips which were slick with juices from my excitement. I quickened my fingering, built on my perverted thoughts and had a satisfying climax, shuddering, trembling through it.

My last vision was of John kissing me.

I then, exhausted, drifted off to a restless night.

On waking, guilt returned. My lesbian longing buried in my past was now at the forefront of my thoughts, with the sexual fulfilment of having sex with my Mandy.

I had a pang of need for a heterosexual relationship. John came to my mind because of my fantasy the previous night.

Perhaps I could find a man to share my life with, someone as wonderful as Bill? Someone to give me a good seeing too. In Mandy's words.

Would that halt my headlong passage into the sexually fuelled lifestyle I seemed to be heading?

I stayed in bed till twelve, lying naked, rubbing my clit, thinking through the recent experiences I had.

On rising, I got ready for a quick brunch at Vegie Val's restaurant on the High Street as I could not be bothered to do it myself.

A friendly chat with the waitresses, Millie and Vera, had me out of my funk.

Millie was a naturally attractive girl of about twenty, very bright.

Vera was a little older, at around twenty-four, not as bright as Millie but glamorous in a slightly forced manner.

She wore lots of makeup but immaculately applied to enhance her eyes, which drew you to her.

Vera was very obvious, with an air of availability to the opposite sex.

They had me laughing before I left and earning a good tip.

I went home and busied myself, editing images from my recent trips to Shingle Street and Orford.

Mandy called that evening for a catch-up, again apologising for her actions.

I was still a bit off with her.

She never mentioned John coming to see me, so I did not either. Was I tacitly conspiring with John to keep a secret from her? Had he told her?

A few days later, I bumped into Lisi on the High Street. We had shared several phone conversations since seeing her last.

Lisi had been up to London for business a few times, and I had been helping Mandy and going on my photographic trips.

It was the first time we had met, face to face since we had slept together.

We walked into the coffee shop holding hands and caught up with what we had both been doing.

We talked, were comfortable with each other, touched and kissed without concern. There was no awkwardness for what we had shared in bed or for anyone looking at us.

There was a frisson of excitement from us both in the knowledge we would be having lesbian sex again. I wanted her again!

We parted outside the coffee shop with hugs and a lingering French kiss, promising to get together soon and to rearrange our beach visit after Mandy and John had departed for the States.

I was distracted thinking of Lisi as I collected various orders from the shops Mandy had placed for food for the party on Saturday.

I loaded my bags and food in my car and drove to the house, arriving at about one p.m.

Both welcomed me without sign of embarrassment, and both kissed my lips firmly.

I was still uncertain about what had happened. The open-lipped kisses only added to my uncertainty and got me aroused.

I unloaded the car and put the party food into the fridge.

John helped me to the guest room, carrying my bags. Before he left me to unpack, he hugged me and thanked me for not telling Mandy about his unannounced visit to my cottage, then took my breath away with a more than friendly kiss and hug, his hands groping my bum cheeks.

I placed my hand on his chest to restrain him, firmly easing him back from me exclaiming.

"What the hell are you doing, you cheeky devil? Mandy is here. What the hell would she think?''

He still held me, one hand around my waist, one with a firm squeezing grip on my bum cheek.

"She would be jealous of me having a beautiful woman in my arms, of me having such a gorgeous mother-in-law, a sexy MILF. Just think, if she was here or not here?"

I involuntarily emitted a soft moan.

"It seems you do have a fertile imagination, John."

He smiled, released me and left me with shaky legs, causing me to sit on the bed, all on edge, aware of the dampness he had caused between my thighs.

What was wrong with me?

A few minutes later, Mandy came through the open bedroom doorway, full of excitement, sat next to me and kissed me on my cheek, thanking me for my help, telling me her love for me and then turning my head to hers and kissing me.

Not a mother-daughter kiss, a full-on deep tongue-fencing kiss, which I was a willing participant in.

As Mandy glided her hands across my boobs, I thought I saw a glimpse of John in the doorway, a fleeting glimpse, or was my furtive imagination playing tricks.

Getting up from the bed, I said.

"I think we should go down as John could catch us."

"Ok, Mommy."

She replied, pouting in disappointment.

We went downstairs to find John mixing Martini and Lemonade in generous glasses filled to the top.

Mandy and I discussed what needed to be done and collected for the party.

John sat looking at us both, deep in thought with a slight smile across his rugged face, as he sipped his drink.

Mandy and I decided we would do three or four hours of work on preparations today, and she would do the collections from town first thing the following morning, with me doing the cleaning as required in downstairs areas when she was out, with us both finishing off the food preparation in the afternoon.

We set about our tasks while John went outside and tidied up and cleaned the barbecue, even laying it in readiness.

John came into the kitchen from using the hall phone just as we had finished preparing food and as Mandy kissed me, thanking me for helping her with the preparations.

John laughed.

"Just pretend I am not here, please carry on."

Mandy shot back at him, leaving me floundering for something to say, so I said nothing.

"In your dreams, stud."

John informed us he had booked a table at The Fludyers, a small hotel and Bistro on the seafront, for eight p.m. as we had worked so hard all day, and if the weather held up, we would walk there as we could all drink without worry.

I seized the chance to clear my head.

The sexual innuendo, the episode in the bedroom with Jonn, and John and Mandy being touchy-feely with me made me seek solitude, so I went to my bedroom.

I could not get my head around recent happenings, conversations, Mandy, with her keenness to continue our sexual cavorting and getting turned on by John and what he had said.

He said I am a MILF? I would ask Mandy what that means.

I could only clear my mind by rubbing and fingering myself to a massive climax while thinking of Mandy kissing me with her husband here and of him watching us and getting fresh with me.

My masturbating had become a necessity, bordering on an obsession.

The next thing I knew, Mandy was shaking me to wake me.

I was lying on my back, my clothes dishevelled, with my panties showing from my frantic masturbating session.

Mandy shook awake and kissed my cheek, slipping her hand over my panty-covered pussy, rubbing my pussy lips and kissing me on the mouth.

She slid her hand under the waistband of my panties to seek and find my wet sensitive pussy.

Mandy pushed two fingers into me and finger fucked me vigorously till I exploded, whimpering, trembling, shaking, stiffening.

I thought I saw a movement at the slightly open door. It could have only been John.

He had watched us!

Should I say anything to Mandy?

Did she know?

I pulled her to me, driven by lust and by being watched.

I returned the pleasure she had given me, sliding my hands under her dress to find she was sans knickers.

My fingers went straight to her juicy pussy and into her cunt, three knuckles deep, bringing moans of pleasure from her.

I finger fucked her, quickly and firmly like a piston, in and out with a twist, which had her gushing her sexual elixir as she came.

"Oh fucking hell, Mommy, more, more, do not you stop, fuck!"

She held my wrist to keep my fingers in her cunt and rode them to impale herself deeper, shuddering, trembling, quaking, panting, till she collapsed limply on the bed curled up.

Mandy was mewing like a cat in her post-orgasm state.

Was John peeping again?

Did he watch me committing incest with my daughter?

Did I imagine him there?

Did I want him there?

God, what had got into me.

I was on to Mandy in a flash, wanting more, driven by the taboo nature of sex with my daughter and a streak of exhibitionism.

We kissed like teenage lovers, and after a while, with both of us wanting to continue but running out of steam, agreed reluctantly to part.

Mandy to her bedroom, me to my shower, where I rubbed myself off again! by fingering up and down the folds of my pussy. I was awash with lust.

I climaxed quickly and forcefully, making my legs so weak that I had to lean on the shower wall to support myself.

I was masturbating more often than eating, it seemed to me.

I regained my composure. I felt alive and tingled from head to foot.

I dried my hair and dressed, ready for dinner and with some expectancy of the night ahead, wearing a black, figure-hugging, low-cut dress, black heels, a black thong, a black bra, and a single strand of pearls around my neck, accentuating my cleavage.

I picked up my wallet and pushed it into my shoulder strap bag.

Down in the hall, I looked at myself in the full-height mirror, wondering if it was too much for dinner with my family.

Even I thought I looked hot!

Mandy came down the stairs, stood close behind me and whispered in my ear.

"Mommy, you are looking good enough to eat again."

My daughter then licked and kissed my neck.

She pulled back from me just as John, standing on the landing, called for approval of his choice of clothes he wore.

"Sexy, do I look in alright this?"

We both answered him.

"You look great, sweetie."

Mandy smiled and laughed at my response to John and my endearing reply with my pet name for her.

Did he see his wife, my daughter, kissing my neck?

Was he watching again?

I was becoming obsessed with my son-in-law spying on his wife and me. What was more, I did not mind.

We left the house for dinner. It was a ten-minute stroll in the warm evening air, John in the middle with Mandy and I linking arms with him, smiling as we walked. I asked him.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Yes, what is making you look so happy?"

''What guy would not be happy being out with the two most beautiful women in the country."

Mandy smiled.

"He is smooth, Mommy."

"He is full of himself and bullshit."

I responded without thought, which had us roaring with laughter. We were almost back in control when we entered the hotel.

We were seated and ordered our food.

Our chatter was bawdy, drinks flowed, and the food was excellent.

John got flirty. Mandy encouraged him and got flirty with me by kissing me without a care who was looking at us.

"Shall we get a room?"

John said in a conspiracy whisper.


I shouted, drawing the attention of all the customers in the place, which made Mandy and John laugh.

I blushed in embarrassment and hid my head in my hands, then I saw the funny side of it and loudly laughed, drawing the attention of everyone again, setting John and Mandy off laughing too.

The young Polish waitress serving us bought us coffee, and as she served, she smiled at our raucous antics and passed us the room tariff on a leaflet and giggled. Confirming what we knew, we were acting over the top in public.

We calmed down.

John visited the bathroom and settled the bill on his way back.

Mandy and I hugged, both saying how we had enjoyed the evening.

We left soon after, detouring for a short distance along the seafront, taking in the sea air, the beach and boats and then walking back to the house a different way, arm in arm.

John put his arms around our waists. Smiling, he declared a group hug, there on the pavement, pulling us both around him, hugging us and squeezing our bums.

Without further thought, he gave me a firm kiss on my lips, then moved on to do the same to Mandy.

She broke their steamy kiss and thanked us both for a great evening.

Mandy kissed me long and firmly, in more than a daughter-mother way, in front of John.

"Yes thank you Mommy for a great night."

Shocking me, John kissed me again, longer with more feeling than before, taking my breath away and setting my urges going.

"Yes. Thank you, Mommy."

As he leered at both of us, and all being tipsy, we giggled as we set off again for the house.

We stopped in the dusk light and again repeated our actions, this time in the middle of a deserted lane, kisses all longer and firmer. John groped my bum more intensely, leaving me wanting more.

We arrived at their house after taking three times longer to return than going.

On entering, John turned the low lights on in the lounge, made more drinks, and locked up for the night. We only downed half the drinks.

Mandy sat with me and kissed me again. I held her tightly, wanting her. We kissed deeper, sensually and with tongues.

John was watching, getting excited as Mandy whispered.

"I love you, Mommy, let us go to the bedroom."

Then she stood and led me upstairs to my room, with John following, like a puppy expecting a treat, turning off lights as we left the lounge and hall. I could sense him staring at our bums as we climbed the stairs. I understood what the outcome of our flirting was to be. I was compliant and wanted whatever was to happen next. I did not want to admit that my pussy was as wet as a puddle.