The Thralls of the Wyvern's Bane Ch. 03

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Oliver and Jia attend Chris and Julie's wedding.
8.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/12/2024
Created 11/04/2023
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Notes: Although you could read this chapter alone I urge you to start at the beginning.

I have read the criticisms and have listened. Instead of making this into two shorter chapters and re-wrote to make it one long chapter. I hope this works for the people who are enjoying this story.

This chapter has girl-on-girl and some light man-on-woman forced sex. Everyone having sex is over the age of 18.

Thank you for reading.


The Hibernia is one of San Francisco's oldest buildings. In 1859 it was home to the Hibernia Bank, it survived the 1906 earthquake, and was completely renovated in 2016. As of 2021 it had become the largest venue in San Francisco, and from what I could tell the wedding needed every square inch.

Jia and I walked through the throng of tables and chairs and the rows of chairs with the aisle and podium where the bride and groom would be married. "I am impressed," Jia said. "This place is huge, and they still managed to make it look intimate."

"Chris told me they have just over 16,000 square feet in here for their 1,200 guests," I replied. "Jules told me that they tried to do a 50/50 split as best they could for bride side vs groom. I don't think I even know 600 people."

Jia giggled and pulled me down to kiss my cheek. "Our wedding will be nothing this grand Oli. Just something intimate with maybe 20 guests?"

I looked down into her beautiful dark brown eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I found myself wondering, 'How did I ever get here in this moment with such a gorgeous woman?' I felt the familiar pulse come through the bracelet on my wrist. 'Oh, yeah, I know you had everything to do with it. But at least concede that I saw her first, and it was my decision to take control of the situation that led us here?' I shot my thoughts towards it. It gave me two quick pulses 'Yes'. Well, I won that little battle.

"20 sounds perfect Jia. If we are married at the mansion then the house staff won't have an excuse not to come," I quipped.

She giggled and this time kissed me on the lips, "I love you Oli."

"Let's go find the bride and groom," I said, and I led her toward where we knew the dressing rooms were located.

As we walked down the hall, I saw Chris and his band mates off in one of the rooms. I gave Jia a quick kiss and told her, "This is me. See you in a couple of hours." She continued to go find Julie and the other ladies as I approached the band.

"Oliver," Chris said when he saw me coming, "Let me introduce you to everyone. You already know my best friend and best man Charlie."

I shook hands with the tall lanky base player. "Charlie, great to see you again." I smiled at the man who I also knew was a former lover of Chris' and I knew once had a bit of fun with Julie as well.

"This is Scott, he's our lead singer and also rhythm guitarist." Chris said and the short blonde-haired man raised his hand.

I shook it and said, "Great to meet you, Scott. After getting back together with Chris I began listening to you. I am impressed with your vocal range."

"Thank you, Oliver." Hmm, Scott gave me the impression of being shy and a bit introverted. Kind of different for a lead man. It made me wonder if I could do something to get him out of his shell.

"Finally, but most definitely not least, our lead guitarist, Billy."

Billy was not what I expected, "Hi Billy." I said as I took his hand. He was skinny, about 5'8" and maybe 150 lbs. He had black horned rim glasses that gave him a certain look. "Do you ever get the Billy Holiday comment?"

"All the time dude," Billy said with a good-natured laugh. "My real name is Robert, or Bob when I was younger, but a bully in middle school took to calling me 'Billy Bob' because of my glasses. Then everybody just started calling me Billy instead of Bob and so I've been Billy ever since."

"It's great to meet all of you," I said to the band. "Chris has told me all about you guys."

Charlie said, "Chris never mentioned you before coming out here for the wedding."

Chris was quick, "Honestly, I forgot that I had heard Oli had moved out here. We went to the same grade school, and although we were not close, we were still friends. He remembered me, and when he saw Julia and I the other day, he came over to see if it was me. It's been great to catch up with him again, and he's been a great help this past week getting Julie and I around the city to get the arrangements confirmed." Chris had put his hand on my shoulder and kept emphasizing with pats.

It was a good play, the look of his band-mates showed that they believed the story. 'Good boy Chris,' I thought to him through the magic of the bracelet. 'Now, tell them that you consider me like family.'

"Honestly guys," Chris said with total seriousness about him. "I feel like he's family to me."

"Well, that's good enough for me then," Billy said. "Welcome to our family Oli." Billy took my hand again and clasped it in both of his to shake. I was beginning to really like his open and honest vibe.

"Yes, welcome to our little family Oli," Scott timidly said.

"Thank you all for warm welcome," I smiled at them. "Now let's see about getting this guy married off."


Jia meanwhile went down to the room reserved for Julie and her group of bridesmaids. Although not an official bridesmaid, Oliver had instructed Julie to bring Jia into the group to help them get ready. When Jia entered the room all 4 sets of eyes turned and watched the small lithe Chinese girl enter the room.

Jia's eyes however locked onto the young woman who was sitting to the left side of the bride. Her name was Gretchen, and she was Julie's 19-year-old adopted sister from Germany. Jia knew from before that Gretchen was tall and stood over 6 foot. Not as tall as Oliver by maybe an inch. With her young fit body Jia guessed her at around 150 lbs. She was athletic. When Julie introduced her, she had said she played both soccer and basketball.

Her long blonde hair was done up in a style that mirrored the others. The dress she wore left one arm bare, and Jia could see the muscle definition in that upper arm. Jia's fingers tingled at the anticipation of touching those muscles and much more. The dress was also low cut and showed off smooth white skin between the two wonderful full mounds of her breasts. Oli thought they might be 34C, but Jia was betting she was a 32D. A little side bet had been placed and Jia smiled to herself, sure that she was going to win that one also.

"Jia hun, why don't you just look like a little China doll." Julie said in greeting. Her southern accent was pronounced and showed that she was relaxed.

"Well, I am little, I am Chinese, and..." Jia leaned into Julie's ear and finished, "I'll be your sex doll anytime you want." Jia was sure Julie's cheeks just turned the same shade of red as her hair. "Now, do you want to play some more games Julie, or do you want to get married to that very handsome man with the long black hair in the other room?" Jia's wry smile told Julie that she should choose the second choice, or she might be late for her own wedding.

"Jia, you met Gretchen yesterday, these are my other two bridesmaids, Bree and Lola." Bree was taller, maybe 5'8", with long dreadlocks and piercings in her eyebrows, cheeks, lips, nose, and too many to count in her ears. Jia also noticed both arms had sleeve tattoos as well as her chest and legs where skin was showing. Jia was not interested.

Lola, on the other hand, showed promise. At about 5'6" with short blonde hair and a swath of purple going from her widow's peak to the left side of her head. It looked like someone did it with a paint brush. Jia saw no piercings except her ears and one little diamond stud in her nose. She looked like one of those women on TV that sat around all day gossiping about others with her friends.

The two former college roommates both stood, and Lola gave Jia a big hug. "It's nice to meet you Jia," she said warmly.

Bree gave a half-hug and said simply, "Yeah, welcome to the party."

They both sat back down, and Jia went to sit on the other side of Gretchen from Julie. When she sat Gretchen smiled at her and said, "That dress is so beautiful."

"Thank you, Gretchen," Jia told her. "It is one of the few things that I have kept from what I brought with me from China." Jia took the girl's hand and rubbed in over her leg that was covered by the dress. "Don't you just love the feel of silk." Jia was looking right into Gretchen's eyes as she said this. Jia took her hand away and Gretchen continued to feel the dress.

"I could never get away with wearing something like this. I would be too afraid to rip it." She broke eye contact, but Jia could see her slowly looking down over the dress. Or was she just looking over Jia's body in the dress?

"Silk is one of the strongest natural fibers there is," Jia's turn to slide her hand over the satin dress covering Gretchen's leg. "It is also much more durable than this satin." Jia then leaned forward and whispered, "Silk is kind of like the muscles I'm feeling right now," and gave Gretchen's leg a squeeze.

As Jia sat back again, she once more locked eyes with Gretchen. Tall, blonde, German, beautiful, and athletic Jia sighed. She wanted this girl.

Gretchen for her part swallowed hard and felt herself get wet. She never imagined being so turned on by this tiny Asian girl. Gretchen was bi-sexual for sure. She embraced that part of herself, even proud that she could love anyone she chose both physically and emotionally. But she never thought of an Asian as attractive before, and she felt the same for all non-white people. She wasn't racist against the color of their skin; she just didn't feel attraction. Even someone white with a dark tan tended to turn her off.

Was it the way she moved? Lithe, fluid, confident and that hair! Gretchen wanted so much to feel that long silky hair on her fingers. She wanted to know the feel and taste of her lips as they kissed. To also feel her warm skin, and the firm but softness of her naked breasts pressing into her. What did she taste like in her warm moist sex?

Gretchen took a deep breath and released it slowly; breaking the daydream. Jia was still looking her in the eyes and a small smile crossed her lips. Did she lick them too? She knew right then that she had to have this exotic beauty. "Let's carry on this conversation later. After the wedding," she found herself saying.

Jia did smile. Her tongue barely flicked over her upper lip as she told Gretchen, "I look forward to getting to know you better. If Oli and your adopted father agree to do business with each other, we may get to see each other more often. Have you not decided to go to a university?"

"I was trying to decide where to go. I didn't get a scholarship for sports, but I really didn't need one because of papa." Even though Julie's father adopted her when she was 12, she had always called him 'papa' which was what a German child would call their dad. "I decided to grow up a year or two first."

Jia smiled again. She was grown, that was for sure. Jia could smell her arousal and that scent was intoxicating to her. 'Poor Oli,' Jia thought to herself. 'I already have this girl wet for me.' She glanced over at Bree and Lola, 'maybe the hippy or the housewife will want you.' Then she looked at Julie, 'Although Jules will be taking off with Chris on their honeymoon tomorrow, you may get the chance to fuck the bride and groom before they leave.' She then sighed and smiled to herself, 'Gretchen however is mine, I've won!'


I was on the groom's side with Jia as we stood to watch Julie come down the aisle. The little girl who was scattering rose peddles on the floor in front of her was taking her job very seriously. Julie wasn't looking at anything but Chris as her father Samuel walked along beside her. The flower girl's twin brother brought up the rear with the pillow that held the rings.

I heard Jia sigh and looked down at her. She was crying so I leaned down and whispered, "One day soon that will be you, I promise."

She looked back and up at me, "Much better than the courthouse that George took me to."

I held her as we both turned back to watch the bride make her way down the aisle and up to the podium. Gretchen took the bouquet to hold, and Sam shook hands with Chris then put Julie's hands into his. Sam then put one of his hands over, and the other under, and said something to them. I saw them both smile at whatever Sam had said to them, and Chris nodded. Sam patted Chris on the shoulder and kissed Julie's cheek before turning and sitting next to his wife in the front row of the bride's side.

The actual ceremony didn't take long. Chris and Julie both said vows to each other, repeating what the pastor said. I knew that the speeches, singing, and real vows would be spoken afterward at the dinner.

After the ceremony and the 'I do's' were over everyone went to sit at the tables. Jia and I were seated with Jessie and Helen Simpson, who was Sam's older sister, and her husband. As well as Thomas and Clair Walters. Clair was Jessie and Helen's youngest daughter. It was a compromise that Chris and Julie came up with. Sit at the wedding on the groom's side and sit for dinner on the bride's side.

I was sitting next to Thomas with Clair, while Jessie sat next to Jia with Helen. The round table sat 6 people perfect. Not too close together, but near enough so that you could use a normal voice for everyone seated to hear.

I had shaken hands with everyone as we were seated. They were all now being influenced by the magic of the bracelet. "What do you do Thomas?" I asked 30 something young man.

"I work in real estate planning and development for a company in Florida where we live. Clair is the office manager for a realtor there and that is how we met." He smiled at his wife and added, "It was love at first sight."

Clair was an absolute gorgeous brunette that I guessed was also in her 30s. She had her long hair done in layered curls and her amber colored eyes were outlined in black which made them look almost golden. Clair, who sat next to her mother, was the much younger version of Helen. Although her hair was gray now, Helen's eyes were also a light golden brown in color. Even though in her mid-70s Helen was beautiful and looked only to be in her late 50s or early 60s.

"Jessie and Helen actually moved into one of my developments a few years ago," Thomas went on. "I've been in talks with Sam and Carol to move there also. If Sam ever gets over being so hands-on with his company and decides to finally retire and let Charles take over completely."

"Who is Charles?" I asked.

"Charles is my oldest son," Helen replied. "He started an apprenticeship with my brother, what Jessie?" she asked, looking at her husband.

"Must be 20 years ago now. Maybe 25." Jessie was in his 70s but looked much older. However, his voice was a deep baritone and still sounded young. He had told me, when we were first introduced, that he worked in distribution for Sam before he retired.

I made a mental note to meet Charles and shake his hand. Can't have someone in the position to take over from Sam who is not in my control also. I didn't plan on taking over the business, just wanted to be the person who did all of Sam's IT work for his whole company. I planned to be the puppeteer in the background pulling strings, not in the limelight. I had already started putting together my own company, with Jia's help financially, soon it would have enough income to hire employees and expand. My first expansion was going to be in South Carolina where Sam was based.

My first client was of course Jia. The hotel chain was a perfect opportunity to create the business. I was already, after this first week, close to having plans in place to create a more solid network than George had for them. My plans were to also include all the hotels in other countries. I still shook my head thinking about how inefficient George had been with his online reservation system, web portals, and all-around need of a program to create return customer service.

More small talk and then dinner was served. After dinner, there were toasts and speeches, and Julie and Chris read vows they had written. They read them not only to themselves but also to the members of the wedding party and their parents. They both said how much they looked up to their respective parents who were still married to each other after all these years. They vowed to take advice from them and strive to have a loving marriage for their children as much as they had seen growing up.

Dancing started and Jia and I went out to join the others. During one dance Thomas and Clair came near and so we switched for the rest of the song. Jia danced with Thomas while I was with Clair. The bracelet was humming on my wrist as I said to her, "I think you should come over to The George, room 500, after Thomas falls asleep tonight." The George was one of the hotels Jia now owned in San Francisco and room 500 was the penthouse on the fifth floor that only Jia and I had a card key for. "Just use this to get in," and I gave her my card.

"Yes," Clair replied. Her golden eyes dilating as she said this. "I will come over tonight after Thomas falls asleep."

The song ended and we switched back. I did, however, touch Thomas on the shoulder as he took his wife back, "You are going to fall asleep early tonight and sleep until morning. You will not be awakened by Clair moving about until morning."

"Yes, my Lord," Thomas replied. "I will fall asleep and not wake up until morning."

Once Jia was back in my arms she said, "Given up on our little wager?"

"I have seen the way Gretchen has been watching you all afternoon. You didn't even need the bracelet to wrap that beauty around your finger." I conceded defeat gracefully. "So, I thought I would have some other fun."

Another few hours, a few more switches of dance partners, and Jia and I were outside waiting for the car. "Give me you key to The George; I gave mine to Clair."

Jia opened her pocketbook and gave me the key. "Does this mean I get to take Gretchen home with me?"

I smiled, "Yes darling, our bed is all yours tonight to have as you please."

Jia pulled me down for a kiss, "I do please. Have fun, and don't break her too bad."

Jia saw Gretchen turn away from her parent's group and walk over. "Gretchen!" Jia said and waved the tall blonde over to us.

I kissed Jia and told her, "Have a good night my love." I turned and walked along the street. The George was only a block away.


Gretchen saw Jia after hearing her name called out. As she walked toward the tiny Asian, she saw Oliver kiss her and start walking down the street.

"Where is your husband going?" Gretchen said as she came over to Jia.

"We are not married, yet." Jia said and put her hand on Gretchen's arm and ran it over her skin until she reached her hand. She then took that hand in both of hers. "He is going to stay somewhere else tonight. I was hoping you would want to come and stay with me. It's a big house and I would enjoy the company."

Gretchen looked down at the tiny girl and thought, 'I may never get this chance again.' "Yes, I would like that," she told Jia.

The car pulled up and the driver came around and opened the door. Jia climbed inside and then looked back, "Coming?"

Gretchen took one last look over to her parents before climbing into the car. She could always send a message to them later so they wouldn't worry. The driver closed the door and went back around to the driver's seat. "Take us home please," Jia told him, and the car pulled away from the curb.


I walked into the lobby of The George and over to the elevators. The doors opened and I got in and used the key card to the reader. The doors closed and would now only open again when they reached the penthouse. The doors opened into the foyer, and I stepped out. I walked through to the sitting area and over to the bar where a decanter of Cognac sat. I discovered I liked the taste of Hennessy XO when I first visited here, George had several cases stocked in the bar. I put an ice ball into a tulip glass and poured the dark amber liquid.