The Toga Party

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She first experiences her first toga party.
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The following is a true story and although some of the details may be a little different than what really happened (my memory is not perfect), on the whole, the story is true and I have written it to be as close to what really happened as possible. Also, all parties indicated in the story were at least 18 at the time of the events.


Jane and Jerry are two of my best friends. We had met back in ninth grade when we all sat together in high school biology. Jane is a tiny, yet tomboyish girl that always has a prank up her sleeve, and a playful disposition. Think of a smaller sized "Itchy" from Fried Green Tomatoes with dark brown hair, and you have Jane.

Jerry also has dark brown hair, with an average build, blue eyes, and a smile that is completely contagious. He's always smiling and makes these funny faces and expressions while he talks. He's not what I would call the most attractive man on the planet, but he makes up for all that is lacking in looks by his wonderful personality.

I, on the other hand, am quite different from these two hooligans. Although I do smile more than I probably should when I am with them, I am normally more reserved and introverted. I have long, straight, brownish blond hair and like Jane, a very tiny body. However, unlike Jane, the good lord didn't bless me with large breasts, but oh well, I have always done well enough with what I have.

Jane, on the other hand, was blessed in that department or at least more blessed than I. Although she does her best to hide it, I happen to know she has a "C" cup bra, and she does fill it abundantly.

It was the end of summer a few years ago. Jane and Jerry stopped over after I got home from work and they wanted to know if I would be interested in going to a toga party they had been invited to.

"Who's house is it?" Jerry said it was at Jordan's house and that he was going to have a lot of people there.

"Where will it be?"

"Jordan's back yard. He lives on a farm out in the outer part of the county"

Then came the question that I really was bothered by: "Uhhhh....What are you supposed to wear under the sheet?" They both laughed at me and smiled while they looked at one another.

Jerry blurted out "Guess I win Jane, that was only 3 questions" as Jane punched him in the arm and said:

"Shut up Jerry! I swear I should just beat your ass some day." Jerry just giggled and took the playful pokes in stride. Jane had bet that I wouldn't ask that question for at least 2 more questions.

Laughing at these two goofs, I asked: "Well, what did you loose Jane?"

"Not my virginity, that's for sure!"

I could see they were both in a playful mood tonight and all I could really do was watch the two of them jab at one another while I patiently waited for the answer to my question.

Eventually, Jane did come back to the point and said with an unabashed grin, "I'm only wearing my panties and bra."

Apparently, Jerry didn't already know this as he looked over to Jane with a sheepish grin and said in surprise "really? Well, you naughty girl" as we both laughed at her.

"What's so funny? That's what you are supposed to wear...aren't you?"

Jerry said, "Well, I was going to go in only my boxers, but, I didn't expect you to do the same. More power to you and I think you will have more fun this way."

Then Jane said: "Well, if you're only wearing underwear, that's all I'm wearing."

Oh lovely. I mean, I sort of expected this from Jane. She's pretty bold about stuff like this, but that isn't me at all.

Well, I didn't have much time to think about it. Without notice, Jane stood up and said, "I'll go get my stuff. Give me your key's Jerry. I'll get yours too." He threw his keys to her and she was out the door headed to his car. Before I could say anything, Jerry told me to go get dressed and pushed me into my bedroom and closed the door. I heard him say through the door:

"When you have on what you plan on wearing, come on out and we'll help you make your toga."

Yikes! Not only was I going to have to wear next to nothing under this sheet, now I was going to have to parade around in front of them both in my next to nothingness while they built the toga around me. The things I seem to get myself into. Not being the type to panic, I finally caught my breath and said to myself: "Oh well, at least they had to endure the same." I had never even been swimming with the two of them so this would be a first exposure for all of us.

I started rummaging through my drawers and being that it was nearly laundry day, my choice of underwear was pretty small. I had a couple of thong, satiny panties and a white pair of lacy panties that were a little see through. I didn't really like it, but I chose the white lacy panties. At the time, it seemed the lesser of evils since I figured my other panties would show through the sheet. One of the thongs was bright red and the other was a fluorescent purple and I figured that in a crowd of people, I didn't want everyone staring at my panties if it showed through the sheet. I put on the white panties and the matching bra and didn't even get a chance to think about it before they started banging on my door. Oh shoot! Here goes.

I walked out of the room and saw that both were in their underwear with big white sheets draped over their arms. They watched me walk through the hall toward the living room and they both raised their eyebrows, looked at one another and laughed. I knew I was going to get this from them.

Eventually, Jane looked me up and down and said: "Jennifer...Ahhh...." and she didn't say it. She just proceeded to start on the sheet and said "Well, let's see what we can do" as both started to wrap and cover me with the sheet. Within minutes, I was covered from shoulder to toe in sheet, and for the most part, nothing critical was visible.

Jane was next. She was wearing a grey cotton thong and matching bra. There wasn't anything overly sexy about her panties and bra, but I had to admit, I just loved her body and felt a little self-conscious as I frequently stole a look at her as we worked. Her ankles were so dainty and tummy so flat and boobs that bulged out from her bra. She was truly a beautiful girl and I would have died to have her boobs.

As we worked, I noticed that Jane wasn't one for shaving her private parts. Dark brown pubic hair poked out from around her panties over the top, down the sides and since she was wearing a thong, I could see that it was even coming out from around her backside. It wasn't anything that was extreme or anything, but it did sort of add to the erotic air in the room and I noticed that Jerry couldn't keep his eyes off of it. I caught his eyes once as he was looking at her crotch. He started to blush, and smile as he knew he had been caught, but rather than expose him I just rolled my eyes, looked away, and let him go on with his ogling as we worked.

Jerry was next. His boxers were kind of cute, but sort of had a small problem. They were satiny and had Snoopy printed on them (very cute), but they had a slit up the middle that was not much for holding things in and the view he got of Jane seemed to cause excess bulging under the loose fabric. Once, as Jane went to pin the sheet along his side, she looked up and his penis popped out as she was eye level with it. He of course quickly put his hands over it and re-adjusted, but not before she got a nice view of it.

She laughed, and said "Damn Jerry, is that thing that hard to control all the time." He just blushed and said: "Well, maybe" to which we all just burst out laughing and cutting up. I didn't get to see it the first time she blurted this out, but he must have fallen out another half dozen times before we were finished to which I did catch a few glimpses.

I had never really considered Jerry in a sexual way, but what was I to do. I'm a little shy at times, but I like to look in those places too, even if it is just for a few quick seconds. The purple head, and flesh color sides and the bulging purple vein along the side, emhmmm, I had to admit it was nice.

I wasn't alone either. Jane was making fun of him, but I caught her looking at him a few times too. Once, she smiled at me, held her finger up to her lips asking me to be quiet, then proceeded to pull on the side of his boxers and giggled as his penis popped out again, then to add to things, she grabbed hold of it and yelled "Damn Jerry, can't you control this thing?" as she stroked it a few times before he could pull away and put it back.

God the erotic energy in the room was electric. I had never been in this type of mood with these two, but right now, I think we were all pretty turned on by the whole situation. It was quite a start to our evening, but finally, we were ready. All of us had our togas fixed and we were off to the party.

As we drove up, we could see there were about 50 people there with white sheets in various states of wrap. Some had created works of art with decorations in their hair and, special ties that created the perfect Greek look but most others barely pulled the sheets over their shoulders and wrapped around their bodies.

We walked up to the house as we heard the loud pounding of music. We went around the back where it seemed most of the people were congregating and the music seemed the loudest. Jerry saw the beer keg and slowly guided us toward it through the throng of people. As we slowly moved I could see that everyone was looking around at everyone else and I could see that people weren't being shy at all of looking people up and down. It was as if the togas gave them a license to look in places in ways they never would have done so obviously before.

Jerry grabbed some cups and poured us each a beer. He then raised his cup to both of us and toasted, "to the Greeks" as we all giggled and took a sip.

For a while, the party was a little drab and not much was happening but then the football players showed up. Now I'm not one for jocks or anything, but for parties, they do bring a little life and this was no exception. The music was blaring and they started these party dances and yelling at the top of their lungs. They seemed to have so much fun and their enthusiasm was so catchy that most of the people around us got into the dancing too. We couldn't help it either as we all looked at one another and said, Oh well, let's go have fun and went out to dance with the crowd.

We had a blast as we danced around and yelled. Of course most of the dances involved doing things that periodically exposed what was under our togas, but heck, we were having so much fun, that I really didn't think about it much. At least I didn't think much of it till I saw one of the football players had nothing on under his toga.

We were doing this move where we shook our butt side to side as we squatted our way down till we ended up on our backs and kicked our heals up then got back on our feet to continue dancing. When I got up from the maneuver, I looked up and saw this thin guy with a blondish brown hairy area between his legs and his soft, white penis flopping around. I was stunned. I didn't expect to see that. I mean, through these dances, I had seen this pair of underwear here and there, but I didn't expect to see nudity.

I must have had that "deer in the headlights" look on my face, because just as he looked up, he saw me looking, then as I looked up and he caught me. He knew what I was looking at and he just laughed, pushed the toga back into place and kept dancing.

I felt so stupid. I had been caught ogling this guy and all I could do was blush and look away. Jane was right there behind me and I grabbed her arm, pulled her aside, and told her what just happened. She just laughed and said, "I know, I saw him too. He's not the only one though. There are a half dozen people here wearing the same."

"What? Are you kidding? Who?" She said, "don't point or ogle or anything, but that guy over there behind your shoulder with the tie on his head, that dark haired heavy set girl over your other shoulder, and the guy just over to your right with the blond hair. I haven't been able to confirm it yet, but I also think all of the girls over in the corner dancing are in the same condition."

I started looking around at the people she had pointed out, and sure enough, the heavy set dark haired girl was on her back kicking her heals up showing all she had to the world and I confirmed a few of the others she pointed out.

I turned back around at Jane and said: "Well, heck, this is some party I guess" as we both took our beers and took a quick swig, grinned and blushed.

Next thing I knew, someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned around, and didn't know what to say. It was the football guy without the underpants looking me straight into the eyes as he grabbed my hand, mumbled something that I thought was his name and said hi.

The music had just changed to a slow dance type song and the dance floor was filling with swaying couples. He leaned over into my ear and asked if I would like to dance and before I could say anything, he gently pulled on my hand and tugged me out onto the dance area as I looked back at Jane in a panic and she looked back with wide eyes laughing at me.

We stopped in the middle of the dancing people and I felt him put his hand low on my back and hold my one hand close to his chest with his other. He smelled nice and he had a great smile.

"Where you from?" I said I was from Florence and he said he was from Alexandria. He asked where I went to school, and we exchanged all the basic questions strangers ask one another. He seemed very nice and I liked the way he talked to me. Despite the fact that he was dancing with me with only a sheet to cover himself and I was basically in my underwear, there wasn't even a hint of sexual innuendo about him.

Although it was a little dark, with the only light coming from little Chinese paper lights hanging along the area we stood, I could see that he was attractive. He had bright blue eyes, and wavy brownish blond hair. He was a thin guy, but I could see that he lifted weights. His shoulders were a little enlarged and I could see the tight muscles of his neck as we danced.

He asked me: "So, are you seeing anyone now?" I laughed a little and said "well, I don't think I would be out at a party in only a sheet and my underwear dancing with a ..." and I didn't finish. I think he knew where I was going and we just laughed. I said "I assume you also aren't seeing anyone, and he turned the tables on me and said, "well, I don't think I would be out at a party in nothing but a sheet dancing with a..." and he didn't finish either as he giggled, lifted his eyebrows at me and smiled. He was being playful and I liked the way he giggled. Come to think of it, I really liked him.

After a while, he moved a little closer and I could feel his chest against me and his cheek against my ear. He adjusted his hand to the inside of my toga to the small of my back and I felt his finger just barely brush the top of my panty. His toga didn't have much of a back to it and I also had my hand on his bare skinned back. As we moved closer, I could just feel the curve of his back as it narrowed down to the crack of his butt and the little soft hairs that tickled my fingers as we danced.

Although the sheets were between us, I could, every once in a while, feel the nakedness of his thigh against mine. And yes, I could also feel his penis poking out toward the side of my tummy through our sheets. He pulled back slowly as I felt his breath on my ear, then my neck, then slowly he looked me in the eyes and kissed me. It was very soft and moist at first, and I reciprocated by kissing him back and added a little tongue to the mix. He was slow and gentle, but it wasn't long till we were kissing passionately and I could feel his hands slowly caressing my back and I caressed his. I even ran my hand down onto his butt and gently squeezed as I heard him moan and he did the same to me.

I always loved slow dancing, but this was too much. I mean the whole evening was playing with my senses, but I was now over the top. This went on for 3 or 4 songs till I just couldn't take it any more. I pulled away from him, put my finger over his lips before he could ask what was wrong. I grabbed his hand, and tugged him off the dance area toward the wilderness.

He did not say anything as we walked along with our flip-flops clicking in the night. He just followed me as we moved away from the crowd and toward a group of trees away from the people.

Once I was comfortable that we were far enough away and had some privacy, I pulled him behind a tree, and pushed him down on the ground. I instantly got down in my knees, pushed his sheets out of my way, took my hand, put it on his penis and took my other hand and reached under to grab his sack. He moaned appreciatively, then I told him: "We are not going to have sex tonight. We are going to do a lot of playing, but I don't want you to try to put this in me. Do you understand?" He agreed, and I proceeded to stroke his penis. I knew this was bold, especially for me, but I really did like this guy and I was so turned on that I just really wanted to play.

His penis had soft skin, but was also hard and springy. I doubt that it was the longest penis in the world, but it did feel plenty good as I played with it. I could feel the head protruding through the top of my fingers and I slid my hand up and down and up and down as I felt his pubic hair on the base of my hand on along my other hand as I caressed his balls.

I kneeled there between his legs and pushed his knees further apart so that I could get a better position on him. My face was only inches from it and I asked him if he liked being licked. He giggled a little as he was breathing hard and said "Oh Yes...I love it" and I took my tongue and licked from the base of his penis up to the head as he gasped for air.

"Oh Yea....Yea, I do like that" was all he could say as he exhaled his breath. I held it in my one hand as I licked up and down a few times, still holding onto his pouch with his other hand, then I licked up, and over and put my mouth over his penis head. I created a seal with my mouth around it and sucked hard as he took another deep breath and said "Oh Fuck!" I didn't really like that word, but I understood and continued on.

I proceeded to put it deeper into my mouth and pull it out a little and put it in and out for a little while. I had seen this done in a porn movie a few years earlier and thought this might have the right effect on him. I think it did, as he continued to moan, gasp for air and say "Oh Fuck!" over and over.

I was starting to have a problem. He was getting all the attention and I needed some relief. I wasn't sure if he was going to take care of this for me so rather than hope and be disappointed, I took things into my own hands.

I stopped stroking and sucking him and stood up. I took off my panties quickly and proceeded to straddle him. I grabbed his penis with my hand to see where it was and slowly lowered myself onto the shaft of his penis. I didn't insert it. I sort of sandwiched it between his belly and my lips.

This is just what just I needed. The way it so nicely parted my lips and rubbed up against my little button was perfect. I proceeded to rotate my hips a little to cause my lips to grind against him and stimulate my button. I went back and forth and back and forth and the longer I went, the harder I rotated and pushed myself on him.

We had our hands locked together as my breathing was getting heavier and I was starting to feel that tingle in my belly that meant bliss was on the way. I wasn't really in tune with what he was doing at the time, but I knew what was on its way for me so I just kept going. It really did feel great.