The Tornado Shelter


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I opened the hatch on the pipe and saw that the ladder was in place, I told her to go down that ladder and hurry. I was right on top of her; I had to be careful not to step on her hands. I got the latch shut and bolted just as I heard a roaring that sounded like a dozen freight trains all coming at once. Our ears popped and all the air seemed to suck out of the bus. It was miserable for a few moments. Brooke was still crawling down the ladder and I was yelling for her to hurry. Once at the bottom, it was pitch black. We ran into one another and my hand went out and latched onto her breast. She grabbed and caressed my stomach. I said, "I have some candles over here, to the right". Finally, I found them and the lighter and lit one then several more. It was quiet, eerily dark and we were safe.

I held a candle up to Brooke's neck and touched her cheek so I could move her head to one side while I looked at her bandage. Everything seemed ok for the moment, but the bandage was dirty. Still, the surgery site seemed to be ok. Her blue eyes were big as saucers as she took in what was around us.

From above us, directly on the 24 inch pipe I heard a loud crash, clang and then silence. I went back up the ladder to take a look out and see what the situation was. I could not budge the lid to the steel pipe. It was jammed. Something was laying on it or had hit it and sprung the hinges, or jammed the lid down hard. We were trapped. I tried and tried to push that lid, but it wouldn't budge. I could hear nothing outside. "Is this our tomb?" I asked nobody in particular from the top of the ladder, out of Brooke's earshot.

I went down the ladder and Brooke was crying and shaking. She latched onto me and asked if we were going to be ok, and wanted to know what was happening. She was touching me with every square inch that she could touch me with. She was so afraid. I soothed her hair and stroked her cheek. I told her how I had buried this old bus 4 years earlier on a notion and how the neighbors, I did not mention her dad by name, had ridiculed me. But, here we were saved and safe in the bus.

We had water, we had food and we could sleep and wait it out. Sooner or later someone would be by and get us out. Right. Nobody knew, or at least remembered, about the bus. Or, if they did nobody would think to look. It had been 4 years and most of the folks who knew about it had died or moved.

It had been a long day. I was exhausted and Brooke was too. She needed to rest a little extra and so I made out two cots. I blew out all the candles but one and secured it. It was a survival type candle and would burn for many hours. I got Brooke settled and when I lay down, I was out.

I had no idea what time it was, I woke with a start and Brooke was faintly visible to me just 2 feet away in her cot. Sometime or other she had apparently gotten warm and kicked her covers off and removed her shirt and pants. She was laying there in that sheer, rose colored bra and panties. She was so beautiful. As I lay there looking at her, I could see she was dreaming, she twitched and groaned some. I saw her hips grind once or twice and then I smelled it; female arousal. It is an unmistakable aroma, unique in all its' qualities. It is loaded with pheromones that arouse all males, old and young, firm and infirm. The chance to mate is something the female cannot hide from all males of her species. As I lay there watching her hand slid down to her groin and she touched her clitoral hood gently, ever so gently, rubbing in tight circles over her sheer panties. The smell of her arousal was increased and she was moaning and grinding with her hips against her fingertips. Soon she place both feet flat on her cot and raised her knees, spreading them and snaking her fingers inside the waistband of her panties. Her left hand went to her left breast and slipped inside her bra, I could see her pinch her hard, little nipple. I could hear the sloshing sounds as she masturbated to the unseen visions in her head. Her breathing was erratic, her moaning was increasingly demanding, her hips were humping her hand, and she uttered a word, no, two words, no, three. "Oh, Mr. Bill".

Stunned, I lay there on my side fingering an erection, which was harder than anything I'd had since I was 20. I quietly removed my jeans and anxiously reached inside my jockeys to feel the frisky and hard piece of male flesh that begins to disappoint older men all too soon in this life. I felt the zeal and joy of a young man, but I knew I was her older neighbor and she was vulnerable. I had to steal myself away from this vulnerability and keep her safe. She must not feel threatened, unsafe, trapped. I must not yield to my baser instincts. This young lady must be intact when we are rescued, there could be no other way.

I did have a cell phone, but there was no signal underground and entombed as we were in metal and earth. We could do nothing but wait. I covered my nubile neighbor and masturbated furiously while she slept. But, I did not touch her unseemly and did not let on that I had heard her in her sleep.

5 days later, a rescue team out searching the rubble of the Category 4 Tornado did find us and when they made some noise we could hear we put up a ruckus. We were rescued in healthy condition, somewhat worse for the wear. One of the rescuers thought the place smelled like sex. I told him the girl's virtues were intact as when we'd gone in there. Apparently she had been masturbating when I was sleeping as well.

When we finally came up out of the bus, our eyes took a good while to adjust to the light. When I could finally see, I discovered my house was gone. It just not there. The concrete slab looked like someone had even swept it off for me. The pickup was found ½ mile away totaled. State Farm settled with me and I was very happy with the way they had treated me. Brooke's house, just 300 feet from mine had virtually no damage at all. What had jammed my lid on the pipe was a piece of junk from her father's back yard, an old engine, was picked up by the storm and slammed against the pipe. The lid had to be cut off to get us out.

State Farm put me up in a motel for as long as I needed, per the policy, until I could get my living arrangements worked out again. Brooke went home and apparently got her mess all cleaned up. We went our ways for a few days, working on damage, and cleanup, all that stuff. I didn't see her at all for a week. I was in the motel and really had nothing to come back to, it was all gone. I had to decide what to do, I owned the lot, should I rebuild, or move a trailer on the property, or just move on to somewhere else?

7 days after the storm, 17 days after her husband had beat her nearly to death, a knock came on my Motel room door. I opened it and there stood a vision of loveliness, if I ever saw one. Brooke asked why I never came back and what I was doing avoiding her. I invited her in and she hugged me like a long lost lover. I told her that I had lost everything and had nothing to come back to. I had to decide how to start over. I was trying to hide my erection from her, even as she pressed her belly into it and rubbed it gently with her body swaying.

"You will come and live with me." She said with firmness and conviction. "You saved my life and you rescued me from a tornado. You kept me safe and you are an honorable and wonderful man, I will not abide you living in a motel, homeless when I have a roof and can help. Get your things. We are going."

That was yesterday, and this is today. Today is June 2. I slept in Brooke's house last night and this morning I am laying here with the door slightly ajar. I saw her slip into the only bathroom that the house has in just her panties, nothing else. Her B cup breasts jiggling. You know, I think she meant for me to see that. Now, I hear the shower. I quietly get out of bed and see the bathroom door is open 6 inches. I can see her form in the mirror in the shower. YIKES.

I guess I just need to close it and make sure I don't alarm her any.

I hear the shower shut off and I quickly run back to my bed and lay there. Brooke comes out of the bathroom and I see her looking into my room. She has but a towel around her, her legs totally exposed and I can see, through the slit in my eyes, that her pudenda are visible. She says, "Mr. Bill, are you awake"

"Yes, Brooke, I am. Good morning." I answer.

"Can I come in?" she asks.

"Sure, sweetie, please." I reply.

"Mr. Bill, am I unattractive?" Brooke asks haltingly.

"Oh, Brooke, you are a dream. I think you are the prettiest woman I've ever met. Why?" I ask.

"Because I've tried every way I know to get you to make love to me, and you reject me every time. I let you think I'd kicked my covers off in the bus and that I was asleep. I touched myself for you I tried so hard to get you to take me, Mr. Bill. Then I watched while you masturbated when you thought I was asleep. When you were asleep, you snore, I touched you, Mr. Bill. You have such a handsome penis. I've never seen one like yours. Then you left after we were rescued and I didn't know where you'd gone. I was so upset and worried that you were offended with me. This morning I left the door open to the bathroom and you just got up and shut it. Is something wrong with me? How can I reach you, Mr. Bill? I want you to make love to me Mr. Bill. Will you?"

"Brooke, sweetie, I was 37 years old when you were born. I am way more than twice your age. I never gave it a thought that you would find me desirable. I am an old man, way past my prime and nowhere near the fun a young guy would be. You've had some tough times of late. You lost your dad, you lost your husband after he mistreated you so bad and then you had major surgery. What you do not need is a horny old goat rutting around in your life and making things complicated. I felt like I needed to provide safety and honor for you, not molest you. I admit you have provided fantasy for me. I could only wish I could get my chance at you, but eventually, I am going to go soft and not be able to keep up. It wouldn't be fair to you. You deserve better", I whisper. "Brooke, make a good choice for yourself, please. You do tempt me, but it isn't fair to me that you do. It isn't fair for you, either. You are looking at more heartache here. Decide well honey." I say.

"Mr. Bill, I am so confused. Please make love to me." Brooke pulls my covers back and crawls into bed with me, dropping her towel. She runs her hand down my chest, to my Jockeys and into the waistband. She lifts her leg up over my legs and her naked body begins to hump on my thigh while she pulls on my very hard and erect penis. I can feel her wetness on my leg and she moans as she gives herself a small orgasm. At that, I come instantly in her hand and squirt up my body to my neck, right where her face is. My ejaculation strikes her in the eye and on her nose and cheek. She pumps again and I shoot another rope of juice and hit her chin. She continues to hump my leg with her vagina and pushes so hard, I wonder if it hurts her. This is one horny girl.

I ask Brooke, "Do you trust me then, Brooke? Do you believe I will not hurt you? Do you trust me completely?"

"Yes, Mr. Bill. I trust you completely. You absolutely have proved that I can trust you and I do." Brooke says.

"There is some rope, Brooke, out in the garage. Go get it. Clean yourself off and bring the rope here, honey" I say.

She pads out of my room and I ask her to put on a pot of coffee on her way through the house to the garage. In a few minutes I smell brewing coffee and she brings in some cotton rope from the garage.

I ask her again, "Brooke, do you trust me completely?"

"Yes, completely" she answers.

"Lay down here honey. Spread your arms and legs, I am going to tie them to the four posts of the bed." I say

Hesitating, but not too long, she does just that. I tie her hands to the bed then her feet. She lies naked, open and helpless before me. I leave the room.

"Mr. Bill, where are you going?" "Mr. Bill, what are you doing?" "Mr. Bill..."

In a few minutes I return with a steaming cup of coffee and a full glass of ice water. She watches me intently, questioning me with her eyes. I see a little moisture in her slit, just a hint. Did I notice her hips move slightly?

I set the cup and the glass on the dresser. Then I sit on the bed beside this absolutely consumable and beautiful young woman. Brooke, I am going to ask you one more time. "Do you believe I would never hurt you? Do you believe I care for you? Do you trust me? Absolutely? Brooke, you can get out of this now, it is not too late, but in a moment it will be too late, what is your desire?"

"I trust you, I want you. I desire you. Please take me, I am yours Mr. Bill." Brooke states.

I rise from the bed, retrieve a chair from the kitchen and sit it at the foot of the bed, not touching Brooke. I take the coffee and drink it. I swish it around in my mouth; I take another gulp and swish it around my mouth. Suddenly I lunge from the chair and latch onto her vagina sucking and licking with my overheated lips and tongue from the coffee. She instantly begins to orgasm. She spasms, pulls on the ropes with her arms and legs, she cries out, "OH" and I lick and suck and rake my rough tongue over her engorged clitoris. For over a minute I continue, she never stops orgasming, twitching and moaning and writhing.

Suddenly I pull off. I do not touch her. She is begging with her eyes, wondering what I am doing. Begging for" more", for" more"," please, more".

I take the ice water and take a sip. It hurts my teeth, but slowly I swish icy water around in my mouth. I take an ice cube and chew it, swishing it. I am sitting on the chair at the foot of the bed, looking at her; she is silently looking right into my eyes, wondering. I stare at her pussy, its' engorged lips protrude beyond their normal camel toe depth and the totally erect clitoris is huge, begging for attention silently. I sip more ice water and then I suddenly lunge at her vagina sucking and licking. She screams, "It is too much, I can't take it, please, too much."

I back off immediately. She is sucking in air and trying to talk..."Please it is too cold, it is too cold, please, no more."

"Fine" I say.

I leave the room and pour out the water and the coffee. Then I refill the coffee and drink much of that cup while still in the kitchen. I return to the bedroom and lunge again at her pussy with sucking and licking and she immediately climaxes, and does not stop.

After a minute of that, I cut her ropes, get on the bed and thrust my steel hard, diamond cutting cock into her in one motion. She never stops climaxing and I quickly and rapidly impale her while her arms encircle my neck and her legs wrap around my torso. It isn't long and I join her in climax, injecting my seed deep within her. My second for the day? Good grief, how long has that been?

After a few minutes, I soften and I roll off my precious neighbor and we lie here in one another's arms panting and not able to speak. What would we say, anyhow?


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Sir GalahadSir Galahadover 7 years ago
Good story ... Until the ending

Your story is well told, even surprising me as I expected a major boinkfest in the bus. But your ending is too abrupt. You need to go back and extend it some, extending the sex scene and deciding (for your readers) how you will end it for us. Will they have a daddy-daughter "incestuous" relationship? Will it be a Dominant/submissive relationship? Will they be in a regular relationship that leads to her proposing to him despite the almost two generations age difference? You owe it to your readers to figure out where they are going and take us there. Write another chapter is you need to, but finish this story up!

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 11 years ago
Now here is a story

Good story, all quite plausible until the sex scene. I would have had her ask for a fuck, which is different than the life time commitment which you had Mr Bill think was on the table. But to start out with bondage, with a woman who was abused for two years seems...weird. Who would do that?

I would imagine first time more of less lusty fucking, They when simple fucking gets a bit old, begin on the kinks. The sex scene itself was pretty good, but might have been better if it was drawn out some more, perhaps switching from his POV to hers and back. Also there were no emotions described, mostly a mechanical discription, sort of I did, whereupon she did.

Anyway much better than Dulce and the Internet hookup


fireguy365fireguy365over 11 years ago
Wild side?

Dam Mr. Bill, what a wild and crazy guy!! The coffee, ice water and rope thing was so unexpected and out in left filed. Not what I was expecting from honorable Mr. Bill and kind of out of character for such a gentleman. It had me trying to guess what the heck he was going to do? Just goes to show that you never know about that kindly old fart that lives down the road, lol. Good story

PultoyPultoyabout 12 years agoAuthor
From the author

Thank you for the kind comments.

I stand corrected on the spelling of "feinting" vs "Fainting".

Can you believe it is the very first mistake I ever made in my entire life?

No? Oh, well I appreciate your pointing it out. I'd have gone on and used it

incorrectly again I imagine.

I've only really been writing for about 6 weeks and have received a lot of really good feedback. I appreciate all that from everyone. \

I've been advised on several occasions to get an editor. Believe me, I've tried. Nobody seems to want to edit me.

I think the association with me must seem shameful to them. Oh, well, I will continue to edit and rewrite and try to improve.

It's all I can do.

Thank you to everyone for the constructive feedback.

Best regards,


BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 12 years ago
I really liked it...

Some more drawn out sex play would have been nice but it was good without it. I have never used that hot coffee trick, I will have to try it, along with the ice water. I usually do not criticize spelling but I thought I would mention this one word since you used it in several stories. The correct spelling is 'fainting' not feinting. A small thing but since you seem to like it I thought you would want to know the correct spelling.

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