The Touch Ch. 20


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"Oh, you rotten sod, that stung!" I decided that retreat was a whole lot better than battle and started to trot off towards Oxford Street, Mum running behind me swatting at me and both of us laughing like drains. The shop keepers and passers by must have thought we were total idiots. I stopped when we reached the door to Selfridges Food Hall, and she caught up with me out of breath from running and giggling and collapsed against me.

"Let's go and get tea in the restaurant now," she panted. I put my arm around her shoulders and she slipped hers around my waist and we ambled towards the store entrance, "and for God's sake, try not to keep grabbing my arse or leer at my legs, this time!" Just to tease her I slid my hand down to gently squeeze one firm round buttock, she let my hand rest there for several seconds before digging me in the ribs with her elbow, I moved it back to her shoulder. I was sure that this was definitely NOT the way that a mother and son should be behaving in public, probably not in private either.

After having tea we spent an hour on the ladies fashion floors. I had told Mum that I would treat her to something special to wear, and despite her protests intended to keep to that, I had taken Maggie to the Handel concert at Salisbury Cathedral and had promised Mum a night out as well and I already had something in mind.

I found it a strangely sensual experience following her from rail to rail whilst she picked out dresses, skirts and tops and held them up for my approval. After that followed the tingling anticipation of waiting outside the changing cubicles whilst she tried the final selection of dresses on, my mind a slide show of imagined views of her changing from one garment to the next behind that curtain.

She emerged and paraded them for me one at a time. Finally we had the choice down to two dresses, both long evening gowns and both black. The first was a figure hugging design in black velvet, strapless with a low back and a black chiffon bolero style top. The other was black satin with a feathery beaded bodice and a deep slit in the rear of the skirt.

She left me to choose, "You are buying it for me, which do you want to see me in?" I had already decided, she looked terrific in both but in the black velvet she was totally fabulous and I was sure that it was her choice as well.

When she had it wrapped in tissue in a bag and I had paid the cashier she reached up and kissed me lightly on the cheek, "Thank you, darling, it's gorgeous," she said quietly. I was sure that the saleswoman had heard her and it was darkly exiting that she probably thought that we were lovers.

"It's my turn now," she said and steered me towards the lifts. "I know exactly what I want to get you." We disembarked onto the menswear floor and she led me straight to a corner filled with dress suits, dinner jackets and formal wear of all types and styles.

"Oh no, Mum" I protested, "These are far too expensive!"

"This is the one that I like." She held up an absolutely classic dinner jacket single breasted with silk faced lapels, "Do you like it?"

"It's really great...but..." She was already beckoning to an elderly salesman who came over and took my measurements, looked me up and down and then pulled a jacket and some trousers from the rails and passed then to me.

"I believe these should fit you sir... if you would care to try them on." He indicated a small row of curtained cubicles. I changed and stepped out to get Mum's approval. The salesman fussed around checking the fit and finally gave a nod of satisfaction, "Yes sir, a good fit." Mum was smiling and nodding and so it looked as if it was a done deal. I changed back into my lounge suit and handed the dinner jacket and trousers to Mum who went with the salesman to the cash desk. When she returned with the bag I looked inside, whilst I had been changing she had picked out a dress shirt and black tie for me and added them to the purchase.

"Thanks, Mum ... you really shouldn't have done this, it's too much." I gave her a big hug.

"Well now you have no excuse not to take me out somewhere really swanky."

The shop was closing and so we took our bags and walked through to the back of the store and out into the car park at the rear. We found Mum's car and she nudged it out into the rush hour traffic and we joined the queues of cars trying to break free of Oxford Street and get out of the city.

The drive home took nearly three hours, the only consolation being that Mum's VW Golf was fairly new and was fitted with a CD player and so we could listen to my new Jacques Loussier disc together. Mum and I were alike, neither of us particularly liked to talk when driving and we were happy to just listen to the music or drive in companionable silence. It was nearly half past eight when we reached the outskirts of Salisbury and we had both already agreed that we were close to starving.

"I think we had better call in at home first to pick up Emma, I doubt if she will have fed herself properly." Mum suggested. I had totally forgotten about Emma.

"Oh, bloody hell, Mum," I exclaimed, "I forgot to tell you .... She's spending the night at Maggie's place; I think they plan on going out somewhere."

"In that case, what do you say to calling in at the Berni Inn for a steak before we go home?"

I said yes. The restaurant was reasonably quiet for a Wednesday evening, and we got a table straight away and ordered our steaks. Emma always joked and called Mum and Maggie and me, 'The Three Ghouls' because we all three liked our fillet steaks rare and juicy and pink. I ordered a bottle of the Chateau Neuf du Pape, the best of the reds that the limited wine list offered, and we skipped the pudding and settled for cheese and biscuits and coffee floats.

For me, it had been a fantastic day, and the meal and the wine finished it off well. I had really enjoyed being with Mum and I think that she was happy too, she certainly seemed cheerful and radiant and full of fun, I was having a real problem remembering that she was my mother. We sat at the table for a long time just sipping our creamy coffees and talking about nothing in particular just enjoying each others company.

By the time that we got home it was nearly eleven, I had driven back from the restaurant and Mum went and opened the front door whilst I got our shopping and briefcases from the boot of the car and piled them in the hall.

"I am soooooo tired! We've been on the go since seven this morning you know ..... I think I shall just take a shower and get ready for bed," Mum said sleepily, "Will you make me one of your special hot chocolates?"

"OK, I'll just get changed first, then I'll bring the drink up to you," I wanted to get out of my suit, I wasn't particularly uncomfortable but I had been sitting about in the same clothes all day. I stripped off and pulled on my silk pyjama shorts and an old t-shirt that I used to sleep in, then pushed my feet into the old leather sandals that I wore about the house instead of slippers. After I had hung the suit and my new dinner jacket in the wardrobe I went back down to the kitchen.

There wasn't really anything extra special about the hot chocolate that I sometimes made for us all, I just used a little extra powdered chocolate, some double cream and a generous slug of whisky and dropped a square of chocolate into the cup which dissolved slowly and added richness. I put the mixture into a saucepan and turned up the heat and stirred until it started to foam and then poured it into two mugs and added the Scotch and chocolate cube.

I had been listening to the sound of the shower running in Mum's en suite bathroom and the mental fantasy of her naked and soapy beneath the running water was starting to turn me on; I remembered the voyeurish glimpse that I had had of her beautiful and nude in her bedroom at Christmas. The noise of the shower stopped and I could hear her moving about in her room.

"Where is my chocolate... it's a long time coming?" Mum called cheerfully. I was right outside her door a mug in each hand; I pushed it open with my foot.

She was sitting on the bottom of her bed wearing the plain white cotton nightdress that she had been wearing when we said goodbye that morning. Her blonde hair looked hardly damp and I guessed that she must have used a shower cap but the skin of her shoulders, throat and chest, visible above the line of the nightdress was soft and pink from the fierceness of the hot shower. Her nipples were a dark shadow beneath the thin fabric which was clinging to her breasts with the residue dampness from her shower. She really did not seem to be aware of how awesomely sensual that plain nightdress was and what it was doing to me.

"So what did your last servant die of?" I joked, handing her one of the mugs. "The trouble with you femme fatale types is that you want everything on demand and immediately." I needed to lighten the mood or get out and go to my own room, as I was beginning to feel seriously horny.

As a family there had never been any false modesty between us. As Emma and I became teenagers we went through the normal self consciousness that came with puberty and we no longer walked around in front of each other or Mum nearly naked as we had when we were kids, but Mum had never been prudish around me even as I got older. After all, we all shared the same house and seeing each other in our night wear or under clothes was inevitable. Besides, as Mum herself had once said, there is very little that you can hide from the person who washes your smalls.

I sat down beside her and for a couple of minutes we just silently sipped at our drinks. "Are you OK, Mum?" I finally asked, "I mean really OK, not just pretending?" The events of the day must have been traumatic to some extent even if she hadn't shown it.

"Yes, I'm fine .... Really! I actually feel relieved now that the divorce is under way, as though a cloud which was hanging over us all has started to blow away." She slipped her arm around my waist and gave me a little hug. "Thank you for being there for me, it made all the difference."

"I was really proud of you today..." I told her, "You were really cool at the solicitors; it was great just spending time together, and ......God, but you looked bloody sexy in that dress and those stockings!"

She started to playfully slap and poke at me again and I had to jump up and grab her mug before she spilt the remnants of her chocolate. I backed across the room and placed both cups on a small table by the door and then darted over to her dressing table chair and snatched up one of those fishnet stockings and held it up between finger and thumb and dramatically drew it slowly across my face. I could actually smell the scent of her on the sheer silky fabric and I felt that familiar stirring starting in my groin.

"What is it with you and those bloody stockings today?" She was standing in front of me glowering in pretend anger, but her eyes were sparkling and her face soon relaxed into a radiant smile. She reached for the stocking and I held it playfully up out of her reach.

"I think I shall keep this as a souvenir."

"Oh no you won't! Give it to me!" She made another grab and missed. We were now so caught up with our little game that we were just like a couple of teenagers having sexy teasy fun together.

"I'll let you have it .... If you put them on again... just for me!" I held it above my head in both hands like a trophy or a football scarf.

"You are a bloody pervert!" She chortled, we were both laughing and she was leaning up against me reaching for the stocking which was just beyond her finger tips. "I am your mother remember!"

"Oh God, but I wish you weren't! I do SO wish that you weren't!"

We had both stopped laughing and I lowered my arms looping the stocking around her shoulders and pulling her closer to me, trapping her against my chest.

Our faces were only inches apart. I looked down into her face, her cheeks were slightly flushed, her lips parted, her breath coming in small shallow gasps. She had closed her eyes as if not being able to see me would change what we both knew was about to happen, this time there was not a thing either moral or physical that would stop me from showing her how I felt about her.

I dipped my head and pressed my mouth to hers, our lips just gently brushing and the very tips of our tongues touching, it was hardly a kiss more of a caress. She made no move to pull away and I felt her arms lightly slide around my waist. We stayed like that for several long moments until I released the stocking, letting it float to the floor and drew my hands down her back to rest on those firm round buttocks. Her body felt warm and smooth beneath the thin cotton and I was very aware of the contours of her thighs and groin against mine and her hot breasts crushed against my chest. There was the beginning of an erection stirring and I knew that the thin silk sleeping shorts would do little to contain it but if she could feel it against her leg she made no effort to move away.

Our mouths were developing lives of their own, our lips moving harder and faster into a deep passionate kiss which for me was born of a long suppressed need and desire. I sought out her tongue with mine pushing and probing the tips flicking at each other as she responded with a warmth and passion that took me by surprise. It was several long fabulous minutes before we broke apart.

"Oh God, Jamie!" We remained locked together our lips almost touching. "We ... can't's not ..."

I moved my head back so that I could see her clearly. Her eyes flickered open, I was almost afraid to look into them, afraid that I might see remorse, or guilt or rejection; something that would instantly end forever what we had now finally begun. What we were doing was going to change everything, forever. Her eyes were wide clear misty blue pools; the only emotions that I could see in their depths were affection and longing, but there were tiny drops of moisture starting to form in the corners.

"I want you so much. I have wanted this so much for so long..." I murmured.

"Oh yes, yes. I have as well, it is just so .... So impossible .... So wrong.....!"

There was a tiny tear on her cheek, frozen in time, unmoving, I touched my lips to it tasting the saltiness on the tip of my tongue, she looked a little bit frightened, but her eyes were deep pools of warmth and desire. I wanted her so much, to hold her, to kiss her, to make love to her to merge our whole beings. For less than a second the thought entered my mind that I could have all of that by using 'The Touch', but I didn't want that .... Whatever happened from this point on had to be because we both wanted it to happen.

I was suddenly gripped for a moment by a clear flashing surge of sanity, "Do you want to stop?"

"No ... No ... NO!"

I brought my mouth back to hers and this time our kiss was full on, deep and passionate and totally, insanely, out of control. Our wet lips rolled and sucked at each other and our tongues thrashed and entwined in a sensual dance of passion. I brought my hands up to cup her full breasts through the cotton of her nightdress the firm nipples hot in my palms and felt her gasp into my mouth as I squeezed them gently. My prick was standing erect and virtually unrestrained in my silk shorts and was rammed hard against her belly, rolling between us as we gently gyrated our hips in a mutual body caress.

Eventually our mouths slid apart both of us gasping for air and laughing with the sheer bliss of the madness that we were enjoying. I moved my lips across her face, nibbling a trail down her throat and onto her shoulder until I encountered the narrow shoulder strap supporting her nightdress. She was breathing deeply, her breasts heaving against my chest and I slid both hands up her back until my fingers found those thin shoulder straps and I could ease them down over her shoulders. I covered her bare shoulders and throat with kisses, drawing my lips across her chest and nuzzling into the deep V of her cleavage. Her hands were gripping the back of my head, finger tips pressed into my hair, and her lips were parodying mine, planting tiny nibbling kisses up and down the side of my neck and throat.

"Oh God, that is so good!" I believe that she said the actual words but I was thinking them as well.

I gripped her nightdress at the waist and gently pulled downwards. I was surprised how easily it slipped over her breasts and dropped to the floor. Her breasts close up, were even better than I remembered, they were smooth and round and milky white with dark aureolas and firm, small button nipples. She was tugging ineffectually at the hem of my t-shirt and I grabbed the neck and pulled it savagely over my head so that I could feel the warmth and softness of her breasts against my bare chest.

"Oh, you are so beautiful!" I slid my hands lightly and slowly from her hips, over her waist and up to once again cup a soft breast in each hand. Her hands were hot and smooth on my back and I could feel her short clipped nails lightly tracing a pattern on my skin in little circles matching the movement of my palms on her breasts.

We were both trembling slightly, I could feel her starting to gently sag against me and my own knees were beginning to feel like jelly and so I stooped to get one arm behind her knees and lifted her up, her arms snaked around my neck. She was a light as a feather, and it was only three steps to the bed, the cover already turned back and welcoming. Her arms remained encircling my neck as I lowered her onto the soft divan and then lay down beside her, my lips immediately seeking hers again and my hand sweeping up and down the length of her nakedness from thigh to shoulder until finally resting on her breast, my fingers lightly rolling the firm, already erect nipple.

I wanted her there and then. My erection was throbbing inside my shorts against her thigh pushing at the waistband demanding release. I wanted to be inside her, filling her and making love to her, but I did not want this tender first exploration of our bodies and these sweet forbidden pleasures to end.

I moved my face down so that I could kiss her breasts and nibble gently at her firm little nub nipples, and she arched her back pushing her softness into my open lips and moaning quietly deep in her throat. My hands and lips could not get enough of her wonderful, smooth mature body and I spent long minutes caressing and kissing every inch of her from her breasts down to her small delicate toes and back again her body quivering beneath my touch and her breath escaping her lips in long low moans.

Finally I let my hand lightly cover her pussy, one finger gently pressing against the moist opening between the lips. She gave a sharp gasp, her fingers dug hard into my back and her legs fell open giving my hand full access to her most secret part and at the same time thrusting aside the last remnants of taboo, trusting me completely in her total surrender. My finger tentatively explored and found her clit, it was already engorged and quite swollen peeping from beneath it's soft hood. I touched it once, gently, and she shuddered and let out a deep moan and then her hand came down to rest over mine.

"Make love to me now, my darling. Please!" Her other arm was around my neck and urging me over her.

I moved between her legs tugging at my shorts and finally kicking free of them, they were damp with pre-cum and for the first time in my adult life I was so sexually aroused that I was terrified that I would rabbit, and ejaculate prematurely, I desperately wanted this to be right for both of us. I hovered over her, my erection rock rigid, the glans a hot pulsing bulb, my whole prick jerking with anticipation.