The Trails of Life 08


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She released me and turned to Lola, "You too; you beat Adrianna hands down," she proclaimed, bringing her hand to stroke Lola's cheek.

Inside her, I could feel my cock deflating, and I eased my hips back to let it slip out. As it did, I lifted up and sat back on my heels. Phoebe drew her thighs together and rested them on mine, her feet still splayed out.

"I'm so full of happiness, I can't believe it," she sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

"We do our best to please," Lola said, drawing her elbow up to lean on it. She reached out her other hand to lay her palm on one of Phoebe's breasts. "Why don't you have an operation?"

"It's not allowed. You live in the body the goddess gives you," she replied. "Besides, you've just proved I don't need bigger boobs to enjoy myself," She raised her head to glance first at me, then at Lola as she laid it down again.

I kept silent, waiting for Phoebe to make the first move. Lola pre-empted her by sitting up and drawing her fingers down to Phoebe's navel. "What shall we do now?" Lola asked, looking at Phoebe's turned face.

"Order up something to eat," Phoebe replied, pulling herself up into a sitting position.

I stood up and walked off the end of the bed. I doubted my clothes had had time to dry out yet. My hair, on the other hand was going frizzy as it dried out. Phoebe was less fortunate; her long auburn hair was still damp and tangled.

She led us into the lounge and to the table where she'd left her bag. We sat on either side of her as she sat and rummaged through it. She pulled out what looked like a remote control and pressed one of the buttons.

"Computer," she said to the air. "Order snacks and soft drinks for three."

"Acknowledged," a robotic voice replied.

"There, done," Phoebe said, happily.

"Shouldn't we get dressed?" Lola asked.

"Mm, I suppose we could," Phoebe replied.

As she stood, the robotic voice spoke again, "Incoming call from Her Grace Hilaeira, the Duchess of Hyperia."

"Onscreen, camera off," Phoebe responded, sitting again.

Hilly's face blossomed out on the far wall, "Up and about already. Is everything okay?" she asked, a little concern showing on her face.

"Yes, Auntie," she replied. "Your present is quite the most exciting and enjoyable I've ever had."

"Is that why your screen's blank?" she queried, sounding and looking amused now.

"That's for me to know," Phoebe answered suggestively.

Hilly laughed. "I'll call you, later," she said.

The screen flipped back to plain wall. Phoebe turned to Lola. "I think you're right about dressing," she said, standing.

"We should do your hair as well, before it dries out," Lola replied, standing to join her.

Phoebe brought her hand up and raked her fingers through. "Yes," she agreed, as her fingers snagged in tangles.

I got up and walked just behind them as they made their way back to the bedroom. As we entered the bedroom, Phoebe turned her head to look over her shoulder at me. "Can you bring my wrap around with you?" she asked.

"Yeah sure, though I think my clothes are going to be wet still."

"Oh yes," Phoebe said with a little chuckle. "Computer. Set of Char clothes, large size."


"There," Phoebe said. "You can wait for the fresh ones."

"Thanks," I replied, gratefully.

As they headed for the dressing table, I turned to the bathroom, collecting Phoebe's discarded wrap and my own still-wet clothes. Phoebe was seated on the stool with Lola brushing her hair; the pair of them giggling as I walked back in.

"Where do the dirty clothes go?" I asked.

"Oh, leave it on the bottom of the bed for now," Phoebe replied, looking for my reflection in the mirror."

"Keep still," Lola chided.

"Not your wrap, my old wet ones," I explained.

"There should be a laundry chute somewhere," Phoebe replied without moving this time.

"Okay," I replied, looking around to see if I could spot it.

The girls carried on their chatting as I made my search, eventually guessing correctly as I found the concealed hatch next to the wardrobe. It opened when I pressed on it, and I dropped my soiled clothes in, then gave a little push to start it closing again.

I wandered over with the wrap and sat on the bed. I watched delighted, as Lola's breasts jiggled and swayed in front of me as she tenderly brushed Phoebe's hair. When she had it all combed out, she asked. "How would you like it?"

"Oh, its fine as it is," Phoebe answered.

"It would look nice in a coil," Lola continued.

"Mm," Phoebe replied as she stood.

She scooped up the wrap as she passed on the way to the wardrobe. From the back, she made an attractive figure with a cute wiggle. She hung the wrap up and then began opening drawers to select her underwear.

Lola was also dressing, still straightening her shirt when she came and sat next to me. "Wow," she whispered. "This is some punishment."

I nodded back. Despite our seemingly good fortune, the punishment of our servitude was still there. Hilly named it right when she suggested treating us as pets. If she was lucky, Lola might never realise the extent of power over her destiny the blue collar gave to her owner.

"The girls at home will never believe me when I tell them," she carried on.

The computer voice announced, "Your food is at the door."

"Have them bring it in and set it on the table," Phoebe replied, drawing our attention to her.

She was wearing a silky pair of wide-legged trousers that looked like a skirt. On top, she wore a pale yellow top that came to her midriff.

As she came to us, she looked at me. "You can wait here till I call."

Lola stood and accompanied them out. I waited, and waited. It was a good thing I wasn't hungry, for I waited twenty minutes for the call to come. Lola poked her head inside the bedroom door.

"Your clothes have come," she said cheerfully, as she tossed them to me.

I stood and picked them up from where they had fallen, putting the shorts on first, then pulling the shirt on as I headed for the door. Inside, it was as if the walls and ceiling were invisible as we were treated to a rooftop view of a cityscape, complete with a blazing sun overhead.

I walked across to them, admiring the work of the technicians who installed it. It was a quality build.

"Help yourself," Phoebe said, as I approached the table.

Laid out were sandwiches, little cakes, two plates of vol-au-vents and savouries, one with sticks of pineapple cheese.

As I picked one of the sandwiches, Phoebe asked. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Terra Incognito," I replied.

"What did you do?"

"I--, it's rather what I didn't do. I'm guilty on a technicality. My team made a mistake and left a link open. We were charged with "Not exercising due care and diligence."

"How long did you get?" she probed, sounding a little astonished.

"Nine weeks," I replied. "I've served eight," I explained further.

"What's it been like?"

"Good times and bad," I answered.

"Like what?" she pressed.

"Like being bought to be a fuck-toy to an aging 3V star," I replied, picking the one I thought safest to tell them.

"Who?" she asked eagerly.

Beside her, I could see Lola giving me her full attention.

"She was using a phony name and you're probably too young to remember her," I answered.

Phoebe cocked her head slightly. "He won't tell us."

"Tickle it out of him," Lola replied.

"No!" I protested, taking a step back as they rose as one.

There was nowhere to run and no non-physical way to stop them as they piled into me. They brought me down, attacking my ribs and armpits as I tried to squirm away. I managed to get my hand to Phoebe's foot as she pinned my arm down with her knees.

As she jerked her foot, I pulled my arm free only to have Lola lunge across me to catch it again. Through the thin cloth of her shirt, I could feel her nipple pressing against my cheek.

I twisted my head and gave it a soft nip, hoping to dislodge her as well.

"Cheat!" Lola cried, pushing herself up as Phoebe took back control of my arm.

As she reared up, I could see the wet imprint my lips had made.

Phoebe chuckled as Lola called me a cheat, again. "Cheaters should be punished."

The game had changed. The name of the 3V star seemed forgotten as Phoebe slid across to sit on my chest. "How shall we punish him?" she asked, looking down at me. "Do you want him to kiss it better?"

"No, let's make him do something embarrassing," Lola replied with a giggle.

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"I don't know. Take him out shopping naked or something."

"I could make him your slave for an hour," Phoebe suggested.

"Oh, could I take him out somewhere?" Lola begged.

"If you want. I was hoping to visit some of the shops and casinos; see the sights."

"Oh, thank you," Lola gushed.

Phoebe put her hands on my chest to push herself up and stand astride me, an odd smile on her face. Lola stood as well, leaving me looking up at the pair of them. I wondered what crazy game Lola was playing. She seemed to be following her own agenda.

As Phoebe stepped across to join Lola, I started to sit up.

"I'm going to get changed," Phoebe said, turning to the bedroom.

"Let me give you a hand," Lola said, brightly.

"Okay," Phoebe replied, then turned to me. "You've got five minutes to eat."

As they strode off, I got up and took another sandwich, then sat on the edge of the settee. The girls looked like they were rapidly becoming best friends and I was getting left out in the cold. There wasn't much I could do about it now, but hope for the best and have a quiet word with Lola later.

It was a few more than five minutes when they waltzed back in. Phoebe had on a colourful pastel blue skirt and a baggy green coat with big shoulders. As they neared, I could see they were both wearing makeup. Lola especially looked the prettier for it.

I didn't notice that Phoebe had her hair coiled up till I was trailing them down the corridor. I'd assumed that it was the wide shoulders and extra inches from her wedge heels that made her head seem smaller. It also meant that Lola had done a bit more bonding, fixing her hair and makeup.

The corridor led out onto a grand staircase. "No speaking," Phoebe said firmly, as we paused at the top. The two uniformed women at the bottom snapped to attention as we started down it, with Lola falling back to walk behind with me.

"Call me a taxi," Phoebe ordered the receptionist as she approached.

"We weren't informed that Her Highness was going out. Does the Grand Duchess know?" the receptionist asked, glancing between the screen and Phoebe.

"I'm going to do a bit of shopping, maybe take in a few sights."

"Wait a moment if you please, your Highness. I'll get security to accompany you."

"I don't need them. I won't get into any trouble," she insisted. "I'm over 18 now, and responsible for myself."

"Your Highness--," the receptionist protested as Phoebe leant across the counter.

"Which button do I press for a taxi?" Phoebe asked.

"Th-The white one," the receptionist surrendered.

Her hand disappeared below my sight line, then she stood back up. "We'll wait on the steps," she announced.

We followed her out, as another uniformed guard hurriedly pulled the door open for her. There were two further guards outside, and they saluted her as we walked past them and down the wide stone steps.

We waited an amazing five minutes for a taxi to turn up. "What was that place?" asked Phoebe as we climbed in.

"The Raz Plazz."

Phoebe looked at the screen. "The Raz Plazz, please," she stated, as she held her wrist up.

"You don't have to pay for them," Lola said. "The government provides them free."

"Oh," Phoebe said, sitting back in the seat next to Lola as the taxi started.

As we arrived at the gate, it was already open, letting another empty taxi in. Phoebe turned to look at it as it passed. "It's strange to see driverless cars," she commented.

As we passed through the gate, Lola asked, "Is this my time?"

"Yes," Phoebe smiled, "you can tell him to undress, now."

Lola looked over at me. "It's time for your punishment."

I gave the slightest shake of my head, and started to take my shirt off. As I pulled it over my head, Lola had her hand out to take it. I half stood in the confines of the taxi, slipping my shorts down off my hips first, then slipping them down to my ankles.

Lola bent forward and picked them up, too. As I sat back, she folded them and put them into her bag with the shirt. I quietly thought to myself that if they hoped to embarrass me, parading me naked in public, they were going to be disappointed. After eight weeks, I was well-accustomed to my own nudity.

When the taxi arrived at the casino, I was initially surprised to see the large number of females congregated there. It didn't take a lot of insight to realise that we were in one of the lesbian quarters.

"On your hands and knees," Lola ordered, as I climbed out of the taxi after her and Phoebe.

I dropped down onto all fours, and Lola leant over me to uncoil my leash. I looked up at her as she stepped back. She turned to Phoebe, and with a flourish and a half bow, said, "Your mount awaits, your Highness."

Phoebe giggled, and came over to sit side-saddle on my back. We attracted a few glances from the people around us with the noise of the sharp slap Phoebe gave to my rump, and the accompanying cry of, "Giddy-up."

The floor was hard but smooth till I made it to the carpeted entrance where we ran into the naked girls handing out free casino chips. I was glad I was carrying Phoebe and not Lola, as I was beginning to tire by the time I'd made it across the floor to the bar.

We attracted a few cat calls as Lola led me to one of the empty tables. I automatically sat back on my heels when Phoebe slipped off and took a seat at the table. The waitress who served us was dressed in nothing but her red collar, a thong and little tassels on her nipples.

They ordered water for me and cocktails for themselves. Though I couldn't say or do anything, I was getting more annoyed with Lola for putting me through this. We could have spent the week in comfort in the embassy, but she had to play games.

While they chatted, I looked around. While there were a few couples around, and the odd single drinking at the bar, most of the customers were groups of touristy types, hell-bent on having a good time. You could hear peels of random laughter going off like novas around the room.

When the drinks came, I was given a stainless steel bowl on the floor, the waitress's tassels jiggling in front of my eyes. I ignored it, and turned my attention to the group of young girls filling the table beside me.

They brought with them an ornate wooden chair, labelled 'Do Not Remove.' The seat had a U-shaped cutout at the front with a cushioned sloping back and arms. I couldn't see what, but it looked like they were playing a rowdy game of some sort.

As I idly watched, one of the girls got up and, looking a little nervous, walked over to our table. She was dressed in a glittery t-shirt and a short, shiny skirt with lots of ruffles under it, making it stand out.

"Excuse me, I'm Katy" she said to Phoebe in an accent I didn't recognise. "Can we borrow your man?"

"Pardon?" Phoebe queried.

"What for?" Lola demanded.

"We're playing a game. You can join us if you like. We usually use Jolie's sub, but she didn't bring him. It's only to do a bit of cunt licking for the winner," she explained.

"What game?" Lola asked.

"It's called Bust. You get dealt five cards; then you swap one left, then you can discard one, then you swap another one, then discard again, so you only have three cards left. You score like in poker, except a prile of threes is the top hand."

"Shall we?" Lola asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Phoebe replied.

Bring your chairs," Katy said as she turned and walked back.

As they stood, I went back onto all fours, ready to follow.

"Bring your bowl," Phoebe said as they stood, half empty glasses in their hands.

I went back to my knees, awkwardly shuffling across behind them, unsuccessfully trying not to spill the water over me. Katy was still standing, and directed me to wait at the wooden chair, while the others around the table rearranged theirs to let Phoebe and Lola in.

"Billie gets first use of your man, as she won the first round. She misses the next round, while we play to be next," Katy informed them as they settled in.

Billie was already approaching from around the table, she looked to be in her early twenties; a nice figure, but nothing to impress me amongst all the pretty girls I'd seen during my time here.

As she got to the chair, she paused and stooped slightly. As she lifted the hem of her skirt, she turned to face the table before slipping her panties down and stepping out of them. Bending, she picked them up and threw them into the middle of the table.

She turned to me and grabbed my leash, letting it slip through her hand to the grip, as she stepped backwards towards the chair. She hiked her skirt up again, giving me my first sight of her bald pussy as she sat in the chair.

I was already moving into position as she started pulling my leash in. She was looking intently down at me as I crawled between her knees; an expectant smile on her lips. She opened her legs wider as I reared up, her dark lips parting to reveal the glistening pink folds inside.

The aroma was all orange and peach as I leant in, but the taste on her lips as my tongue brushed over them was all hers with its sharp, full flavour. I concentrated on her lips and folds, getting her juices fully flowing before the excited voices coming from the table told us of the next winner.

Patty came rushing around, her face flushed with excitement. She hustled a reluctant Billie out of the seat, then clambered in past me. She was already pantyless, and sported a neatly trimmed landing strip.

She pulled my head in, and my senses were filled with her rich pungent aroma.

"Lick my cunt, bitch," she commanded.

Her flavour was richer and sweeter, which made it all the more enjoyable. Her lips were fuller, too. I gave her the extra treat of sucking and squeezing them, before delving into her inner folds, to lick and tease those.

I was thoroughly enjoying myself when the noise from the table signalled another winner. I was as reluctant as Patty to stop, and only when she moved did I back off. I was surprised to find Lola standing over me when I straightened up. Her shorts were already around her ankles.

"Listen," she said softly as she sat down, "I'm sorry for all this, but I've got a plan."

"To do what?" I asked, as she reached and pulled my head in.

"I'll tell you later," she replied, guiding my lips onto her pussy.

Lola smelled like flowers, and her juices had a creamy taste. Instead of focusing on her folds as I had with the others, I tried to edge her by focusing on her clit. I had her wriggling and moaning in the chair by the time the next game was won.

Much to her and my delight, Patty was the first double winner. I welcomed her command of, "Lick my cunt, bitch," this time around pushing my head in as soon as she parted her legs.

After that, came a succession of others with my tongue getting more fatigued with each one. My big disappointment was that Phoebe never won a game: Actually, it was a blessing, since I would've been too tired at the end to do her full justice.

I would've welcomed a real drink to 'clean' my mouth when the party broke up. I was tempted to give them a bit of amusement by taking a drink from the bowl, but I wasn't that desperate. And besides, I might have to hold my bladder.

Phoebe decided that a trip to the shops was next. I had to crawl back out, but at least I didn't have Phoebe's weight on my back this time. I was glad to sit down and stretch my legs when I got in the taxi.