The Transformation Games, Pt.02


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That was my loudest moan yet, but I couldn't help it, no, not at all. It was too much for me, so much too much, and I half-closed my eyes as my nipples fattened and bulged. My shirt pulled tauter and tighter across my back, but they were going to make short work of it, even as one protruded out past the bump of my modest hand.

The skin darkened as they grew, growing mottled in pink and a brown kind of grey, which reminded me of more natural skin colours for anthros. My skin was naturally pink -- but seeing my nipple bulge through the gap while three more obvious lumps showed through my shirt, easily demonstrated it to be something "other" than myself.

Not me...but a transformation. I squirmed and whimpered, a startling little mewl breaking my lips as I shuddered bodily, casting Liam a glare. If I wanted a transformation, did he have to try to humiliate me with it too? I liked what I liked and it was really none of his business...

"Oof... Ohhhh..."

I moaned and the succubus flitted in a little closer, bobbing faintly in the air as she inspected me, seemingly very closely.

"Hm... This may rest close to home, so to speak, for you?"

The succubus let her words hang cryptically in the air, though I did not mind that all that much. It felt okay to be exposed, even if it was not a safe space for me. That much was sure, but it would be okay, chuffing in the back of my throat, my breasts huge and swollen.

It was not as if I could stop the swelling dick nipples, after all, and I had to let them all transforming, the bulge and stretch of my nipples clawing insistently at my attention. I panted harshly through an open mouth, grabbing at my own breasts, though it was not as if I was trying to push my nipples back in, not. The ones growing from my lower pair of breasts bulged, the tips thickening into typical horse cock flares, and I moaned lowly, the sound reverberating up from my throat.

It was just too intoxicating, too good, locking me into the moment as my skin pulled and stretched over my hugely inviting dick nipples. They strained out further and further against my shirt, like pillars of flesh pushing from my tits, though the weight of the balls bulging forth too had to catch my attention.

Those were different -- and the balls were not set evenly on every breast too, no. Two pairs, the upper right and lower left, were even, with the balls hanging below my dick nipples, where would have been sensible. However, the others were on the top of one breast and swelling off to the side of the other, uncomfortable and further affecting my balance.

I groaned, huffing hotly through an open mouth as the balls inflated. It was as if something was being poured into them -- could that be my seed? It didn't quite make sense, not really, but I still felt the bloating, fattening weight of them as they filled out more and more. I panted, trying not to be too loud or too obvious about it, but there was only so much I could do, prey to the whims of magic and my body.

Coolness seeped deep, drawing attention to the heat crawling through me, filling out in the breasts as I grunted and panted and tried, again and again, to find some modicum of relief in licking my lips. One dick nipple ground out tenaciously, forcing my shirt to bow out more in the front, but I should never have expected my shirt to hold up for all that long, oh no. With an almighty rip, it tore through, allowing more than that one breast to poke out wickedly, showing off my shame and my greatest delight, both at the same time.

"Mmmph... Oh!"

I twisted my head back and forth, my hands waving, though I didn't quite know where they were to go. Was it wrong to grip my breasts? What if I tried to shove the swelling dick nipples back into my shirt? I shook my head, tipping my chin down, peering back up at the others around me, too close for comfort still, who were all eyeing me with varying degrees of shock. I couldn't quite discern the sour looks on Liam and Devon's face, something conflicting sweeping their expressions.

It was obvious, surely, that I was enjoying myself, even squeezing my thighs together for a little extra sensation, though that only gave me another burst of arousal, my pussy already soaked. But that was not my focus as the upper right dick nipple swelled, fattening out around the girth as the flare pressed against a part of my shirt that was still holding tight and firm. The shape of the flare showed through, even though the dick nipple was only maybe six inches long so far, not at its full size, and I clawed at my shirt just to tear it a little more, freeing the fat flare at the moment it spurted.

The ejaculation ripped through me, stunning my senses -- and the other three dick nipples were quick to follow. I cried out, a feral yowl ripping itself from my throat, but I was no longer in control of that or even my body. The skin pulled uncomfortably over my dick nipples as they grew even through orgasm, every pulse of hot, thick cum coming with a new pump of growth.

They swelled out further and further, fatter and fatter, though remained a nice thickness to sink into my breasts -- literally like fat, overgrown nipples. Yet the skin of my horse cocks was mottled, one of them nearly completely grey-brown while the others were a mix of pink and grey: exactly as I liked them. My hands were not to be controlled in that moment as I rubbed up the length of the lower too, letting them grow into my hands, though I couldn't even close my fingers all the way around them: they were just that big.

The flow of cum eased as I returned to my senses, the dick nipples about ten inches long, though they still had some growth to go as I tried to angle myself away from the others and the succubus. They'd already seen it all, though I still wanted to retain some semblance of modesty, panting and grunting, my throat tight with emotion I could not put a name to. I did not have to, however, not even then, trying to adjust my dick nipples, so they were a little more comfortable, the fabric of my shirt digging down around the bases, into my breasts and the swelling, fattening balls.


Yet my cock nipples kept growing and growing, thickening up as the skin smoothed out the wrinkles over the length of the horse cocks, the testicles bouncing and jostling. They weighed me down, my excitement flowing, glistening between my thighs. I'd thought they'd be the size of a normal horse cock, something like that, though the heads flared easily larger than the span of my hand -- and they still were not fully grown.

"Unff... What... Why..."

I moaned, though I was powerless to stop it as my cock nipples swelled and bloated, aching as they did so, out to four feet long, dragging down in a sensual bow under their own weight. I didn't know whether or not to touch them, for heating flooded to the spot I touched if I even brushed them. They were so sensitive -- too sensitive! And the heads pulsed with tingling need as blood flowed into them, helping them to grow, more of it filling my body. Which was just as well, seemingly, or else I would have passed out from the blood pumping them up, each one as thick around as a pole that may have been seen on the street, a lamppost or similar.

It was too far and it was drastically out of hand... And why did that make me love it even more as they bounced and throbbed?

There were too many sensations all clinging to one another, demanding precedence, but it was the tight pull of my clothes around the growing cocks and my tits that caught me the most. As cum dripped on to them and another brush of a cock with my fingers had it jetting off wildly all over again, I soaked my own clothes with a deluge of cum, losing track of how many orgasms those dick nipples had taken, even though I'd only just started counting.

"Oof... Ah... It's so..." I moaned, shaky but somehow still standing. "It's...ah! Are they...going to keep cumming too? When they're...this...ah...big?"

"Oh, yes, of course, they are," the succubus confirmed with a smirk. "It would be boring for someone like you if there wasn't an element of challenge to it, right?"

I whimpered, nodding and then shaking my head, not particularly sure about what I was doing. I tried to shift my dick nipples again, but that only had both of the lower ones jetting off a heady pulse of cum, my head whipping back as ecstasy warmed me through. The four-foot-long cocks bounced and wobbled, spraying cum haphazardly.

It was hard to be worried, even though I feared being trapped like that forever, when there was such pleasure rolling through my body. And the reality was so much better, even if terrifying, than the fantasies I'd played out so many times over before it had all become an exquisite experience for me.

My gaze grazed Sara's, but I tried not to linger there. One cock jostled and bobbed, the balls shifting at the side of it, though there was little I could control there. But it made it bump up into another and I mewled throatily as cum poured forth, slicking down my legs, soaking my clothes, running straight off me where my fur too was sodden. As humiliating as it was, all I wanted to do was to collapse to the floor right there and then, masturbating furiously, thinking of nothing else other than my selfish needs and unholy pleasure.

I couldn't move, wobbly on my feet, though fortunate that I was still upright. My tail lashed, the thrill of orgasming with the growing dick nipples too much to take in, not all at once. Whispers flowed around me, though I didn't have to think about it, no... They had already seen all there was to see as they moved on to the other contestants and the curses they could give out as winners. Of course, only two of the four winners had given out their curses.

I didn't mind so much that I hadn't found out what Liam and Devon had wanted for themselves, but it probably wasn't something that would interest me anyway. I finally trembled down on to my knees, tipping my shoulder into the bristly hedge, as another winner, a guy called Theo who I knew vaguely from a club I'd tried out in the first few weeks of college, curiously stepped up.

"Um... I don't know who to curse," he confessed, though he seemed awkward about it, at least to my limited attention. "But Gale seems to want to be cursed... Yeah. So... Maybe she should have even more orgasms?"

He took a breath as my head whipped around, facing him directly with desperation in my eyes.

Yes, please... Curse me... Anything!

Maybe he heard my silent plea or maybe he didn't: but he continued.

"Curse make her balls seconds? So, she could have one constant orgasm if she wanted. So, she'll...always be aroused?"

The succubus grinned.

"It seems our lovely feline is getting all the attention." She snapped her fingers, three prongs of blue light shooting through the air and sinking into my body, though I was ready for the heady warmth this time. "So, it shall be done!"

I cared but I didn't, at the same time, not as my body settled into the transformation, my dick nipples fully transformed at fifteen inches long each (give or take, they were not all perfectly even in length). The flares fattened up and I shuddered in shock as I could feel the balls churning with cum even then: a new sensation to add to the medley of new things I had to deal with.

And just how was I going to deal with them? It was hard enough to do anything as it was, my breasts and dick nipples hanging lewdly out of my shirt, a mess of arousal and cum. If I'd wanted to do anything to hide my arousal, I'd turned out to do a pretty poor job of it!

I'll have to find...mmm...a shirt that fits, I thought. am I ever going to find something that will cover all of this without jiggling? Or making a huge mess of cum every time the fabric pulls against these...wonderful horse cock nipples?

I moaned and rubbed a couple of pairs of balls tenderly, marvelling at how my fingers sank softly into the squishy weight of them, luxuriating there in the moment. It was on display, yet the humiliation dragged at the back of my mind, the sense of exposure chilling -- though that could have merely been the cooler air on my cum covered tits and torso.

I wondered if I was going to get another transformation and, with a great effort of will, I dragged myself under control, though I had never expected to be so put out with a big transformation so early in the game. Did things usually go like that? I thought the weird transformations I'd heard about took place later in the game, but I could have been wrong.

However, Tim didn't seem interested in putting another curse on me, as was permitted by the succubus, and turned his attention to someone else. Was it me regaining control? Hm... Maybe that was something I had to bear in mind, though I didn't want to be a sprawling mess on the floor either, clamping my jaws shut as I got up into a crouch and shot off another orgasm all over again, a full load.

He chose to transform Shauna's tongue into a penis, which, I had to admit, was both arousing and hilarious to me. She was always talking whenever I saw her, though maybe it would be nice if her transformation wasn't a permanent one, for I didn't think there was any harm in her. The succubus lanced a jet of her magic into Shauna and I was treated to the sight of her panic, his tongue fattening up within her mouth as it spilt over past her lips into a human shaft.

I smirked, shaking my head. Shauna should have known what he was getting into with the games and, really, it seemed all bets were already off. We were all going to lay down transformations wherever we could, but I had a plan for how I was going to use mine.

And it was such a turn-on too, to see her tongue swelling, changing into a fleshy cock, just like a normal human cock. I couldn't see if there were balls in the back of her mouth too, though I imagined they were, shifting my weight back and forth and moving my hips while, eventually, a foot long human cock pushed out of her mouth.

Fucking hot...

I panted heavily and licked my lips. But the rest of the transformations, at least that time, didn't interest me too much, not as I focused on my orgasms, even though there was nothing for me to cover up with.

I'd thought there would be more rounds that night, but the succubus dismissed us after all transformations and curses had been spent from the four winners.

"You will receive instructions on how to access the game tomorrow night," she said dispassionately, seeming to lose interest as soon as we were to go. "Now... Enjoy yourselves for the night. Shauna, my cock-tongued dear... Do you need to stay here tonight?"

"Mmmph! Hmm-mm-mmph!"

I didn't know what Shauna was trying to say, but I headed for the exit anyway, holding my jacket in front of my body just to cover up my breasts and dick nipples. Sara, however, caught me by the arm, nearly jostling my jacket away from my body.

"Hey!" She said, her brow furrowed with concern. "Are you... Wow, that was a lot for you. Are you okay?"

"Uh... Yeah..." I blushed and shook my head, though I wanted to reassure her too. "It's okay...just... We knew what we were getting into with this, didn't we?"

At least, that was what I was telling myself, even though it was a lot more than even I could have imagined.

Sara nodded and muttered something about coming to check on me later, which I appreciated. At that moment, all I could do was stagger from the underground system to fresh air and dawn, the glow of it on the horizon.

Continued in part three...

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