The Trikingdom Ch. 06


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Ashamed, she forced her eyes away and walked back to her room, and wondered how her husband was handling the situation.


Duke Kalas smiled at the Remarian ambassador as they shook hands. One concession had been made for the Duke, since he was a foreigner, and Ambassador Timmons had come to the estate, instead of having Kalas and his party traipse through the city.

"Welcome to Remar Duke Kalas. We wish to present you with this gift to show our appreciation for your consideration of our proposal," the ambassador said. He motioned to one of the slaves that had accompanied him and she walked forward and bowed low to the Duke.

Kalas stood for a moment, waiting for the slave to produce a gift before he realized that she was the gift. He was about to refuse, but Cilas Grantham, sensing his lord's intention, loudly cleared his throat to get his attention. When Kalas glanced his direction the steward nodded to encourage him to accept.

"Thank you ambassador," he said hesitantly. "It is a wonderful gift."

Timmons smiled brightly and the slave moved beside the duke, her eyes always fixed on the ground like all the slaves they had seen. "I know that you have just arrived and are probably weary from your journey, so we have left your day open so that you may rest. I will be over tomorrow morning so that we may go over the schedule with your steward," Timmons said.

The duke thanked him again and Jareth escorted the ambassador and his party out of the estate. Turning to Cilas the duke asked, "Why did you want me to accept their gift?" He felt strange speaking of the woman right in front of her, but he wasn't sure how to dismiss her.

"If you had refused he would have been offended. Giving gifts to guests is one of their oldest customs, and he offered you the most expensive gift there is; a slave. Judging by her appearance, I would estimate that she is a costly slave at that," Cilas responded.

Kalas looked at the woman closely for the first time, and noted how easy it was for him to overlook all the slaves that he had seen since arriving in the city. He decided to make it a point to pay more attention to them. He would not ignore them as the men of this city seemed to do.

He had to admit that she was very beautiful and reminded him greatly of his wife. The thought of her made him feel great pity for the young, naked woman before him.

"What is your name?" he asked the slave.

"Master, I have no name, just a number?" she said showing him a number branded on her foot. "You may call me whatever pleases you."

Kalas looked at the brand with shock while Cilas studied it with interest. "I've heard of this my lord," the man said. "Each slave is given a unique number at birth so that they can keep track of their parentage as they're passed from owner to owner. It's to help keep the men from breeding with a slave that may be a close relation, as well as other considerations."

A look of disgust passed over the duke's face. "Well, find her something to eat, and a room she can sleep in," he said. "I'll figure out what to do with her later."

As Cilas took the slave by the arm the thought crossed his mind that he could think of many things he'd like to do with the duke's new slave.

After finding the slave a meal and a room he had a raging erection and decided to use some of the coin he had brought with him on the journey. He asked the duke's permission to be excused to explore the city and left the estate, where he was spotted by the duchess as she too explored the city. Cilas knew where he was heading though, as on their trip from the ship he had spotted a lovely little slave at one of the brothels he wanted to stick his dick into.

He never noticed he was being followed and was, of course, completely unaware that the duchess knew of his dirty little secret.


Kalas woke with a start early the next morning with a feeling of being watched. Looking about his room, he quickly spotted his new slave kneeling near the foot of his bed.

"How did you get in here!" he shouted angrily.

His guards burst into the room followed quickly by Cilas. The young girl had the most frightened look on her face as she looked at the steward for assistance.

"My lord, I told the guards to let her in so that she may assist you," Cilas explained.

The duke angrily climbed out of bed and looked at the scared young woman. "Help me with what, Cilas," he growled.

"With whatever you need, my lord," the smaller man said. "Please, let her help you. It is their way. She won't know what to do with herself otherwise," he added when he saw the objection starting on the duke's lips.

"Very well," Kalas relented. "But could you at least find her some clothing?"

"I'm afraid she wouldn't know what to do with them, my lord. You may have noticed that the slaves are generally naked," Cilas said quickly.

Kalas rolled his eyes and ushered Cilas and the guards out of the room. He turned back to the slave and found her smiling for the first time. "What is your command, master?" she asked.

He ordered her to pick out his clothing for the day. When she didn't leave after she had them laid out, and it became apparent to him that she expected to help him change, he ordered her to fetch some water for him so that he could wash up. He tried to change quickly while she was gone, but she returned while he was pulling up his pants.

She rushed over to help him complete the task, which seemed to him to take longer with her assistance, especially her hand brushed against his penis, which was half erect because of her nude state. He cringed and tried to look at the ceiling and think of other things, but the slave seemed startled by its size and he was sure that she took her time after that so she could determine whether it was real or some sort of trickery.

He was finally dressed and the slave seemed pleased with the way he looked, but she hadn't said a word to him. He decided he couldn't keep referring to her in his mind as just 'slave' so he came up with a name. "I will call you Lina," he said proudly. It was a common enough name in the Trikingdom.

"Whatever you wish, master," she said. "I will answer when you call me Lina."

The duke smiled to himself and thought that maybe he could save the young woman from her life of slavery. He left the room for breakfast and was a little disconcerted when Lina followed him. He was about to send her away, but he had the feeling that if he did, she would somehow end up trying to serve him anyway so he shrugged his shoulders and left her alone.

Jareth was already at the table awaiting his breakfast when the pair arrived and he chuckled at his friend's predicament. Kalas shot him a look of annoyance and Jareth stopped, but couldn't hide his smile. Cilas joined them a few moments later in surprisingly good spirits.

"Am I correct in assuming that I have to keep Lina for our entire stay here?" Kalas asked the steward.

"Lina, my lord?" the man asked, and then realized he was referring to the slave. "Yes, my lord. It would offend the Remarian leaders if you sold her. She was a gift and they expect you to keep her."

The duke sighed and shot another look at Jareth, whose chuckles had erupted once more. "When is the Remarian ambassador to arrive?" Kalas asked.

"Within the hour," Jareth answered.

"Good," said Kalas. "I wish to get this business over with as soon as possible."


Careena showed her ticket at the auction entrance and was given a brief explanation on how to bid on the slaves. She had envisioned an enormous crowd, yelling and catcalling at the slaves as they were trotted out, but was surprised to see that there were a lot fewer men in attendance. She supposed that made sense since the auctions were held once a week.

While she was waiting for the auction to commence, an older man, who appeared to be a local from the clothing he wore, approached her. "Ah, a foreigner," the man said. "Are you buying for your personal use or for business?"

Careena was taken aback by the man's nonchalance of the subject of buying people but quickly recovered. "Personal," she replied.

The man nodded. "So am I," he said. "My last slave died recently and I need a replacement. Most of the rest of these men are buying for the brothels."

The way he spoke of the others suggested he didn't appreciate their presence. "Is that a problem?" she asked the old man.

"Only for us," the man said. "They have much more money to throw around than you or I, and if they see a slave they like, a bidding war will ensue. That can drive up the bids for the entire day!"

The man's statement made Careena rethink her strategy. She had intended on watching the bidding on the first few slaves, but maybe she should bid on the first one that looked promising. The old man continued to chat about his life. She tried to discourage him by only making one word comments or answers but the man wouldn't take the hint. She was thankful when the first slave was led out and the man stopped so he could pay attention.

The first slave was brought out. Careena was still surprised that they didn't fight or try to flee. The young woman walked out in front of the audience calmly with her head bowed down. She was rather plain looking and there was little activity among the bidders.

A man stepped up next to her and began asking for bids, describing the traits of the slave. She was made to turn this way and that so that the men could get a good look at her from every angle. Although she was plain looking, she appeared to be very sturdy. With her back to the audience, she was made to bend over. The man spread her butt cheeks apart to expose her virgin asshole and vagina. A few of the men began bidding on her, including the older man next to the duchess, and she realized that they were all probably working men who needed help in their shops or farms. Her looks to these men were secondary to her abilities as a laborer, and she still had all the right equipment for them to use at night as well.

Careena's neighbor was outbid, and the young woman was sold to another man who seemed pleased with his purchase. The duchess had spent the morning learning everything she could about the auction. The girls were purchased by the city as infants from the owners of the mothers they were born to. The city raised and trained them, and then sold them at auction. Certainly not every female infant was sold to the city, but most were. Selling them beat feeding them until they reached the proper age they could be sold.

Any slave that didn't sell for four weeks straight was pulled off the auction block and put to work for the city. This only happened to the ugliest and weakest of slaves and they had earned the moniker the 'untouchables' because no man would want them.

The next slave on the block was quite attractive, and Careena watched in fascination as the brothel owners all bid on her. She was pleased to note that the young woman went for less than the coin she had to spend despite all the bidding. The man next to her scowled when she was carted off by her new owner.

The duchess watched and waited as slave after slave was brought forward and sold not finding what she was looking for until a small waif was paraded out. She was thin and pale and looked as if a strong gust of wind could blow her away. She was not the big robust beauty the brothels were looking for, and didn't appear suited for labor either. She was far from ugly though and because of her size the duchess felt pity for her.

She wasn't getting very many bids, so Careena raised her hand when the next bid was called. Another man bid next so Careena bid again. No more bids came and she felt a rush of excitement as she realized the young woman was hers. The slave's number was recorded as being bought by the false name the duchess had used, and she walked out of the auction the proud owner of a new slave.

She led the young girl back to the room she was renting. The proprietor made some remark about being careful not to stain the sheets with her virgin blood when they walked through. Strangely, the thought of taking the slave's virginity greatly aroused Careena, although she thought it should appall her.

Careena wondered what the young woman was thinking at that moment. The slave was probably expecting to be taken by the fat old man who had bought her. As she looked at the pale slave her loins began to stir, and she started to believe that there would be no harm in doing what the girl expected. Careena shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. How did men stand it? How could they function once they were aroused? She supposed that they grew used to it as adolescents. She, unfortunately, didn't have the benefit of time to grow accustomed to the hormones raging in her new body. She would have to mention to her brother that this was a drawback to actually changing bodies instead of creating an illusion.

"What do they call you, girl?" she asked, surprised at how thick her voice sounded.

"Slave 46892, master," the girl responded.

"You don't have a proper name?" Careena asked.

"No, master," the slave said.

"Then I shall give you one," Careena said. "How does Zella sound?"

"Whatever you wish, master," she said meekly.

Careena realized it was going to take a lot of work to undo the damage that had been done to the young woman. It reminded her of the conditioning that had been done to the men of Lesquia and she realized that those men were just as much slaves as the women of Remar. They weren't bought and sold like the women of Remar, but they were slaves nonetheless.


Duke Kalas sat and half-listened to Ambassador Timmons as he watched the lewd spectacle in front of him. Cilas had explained to him that, among the rich, slaves were viewed as a status symbol and beauty among them was most coveted. As a result, when they got together, no matter the reason, they liked to show off their slaves, which was one more reason Cilas insisted the duke keep Lina. However, the steward's warning did not prepare Kalas for what he was witnessing between the ambassador and the pair of slaves he brought with him to their meeting.

One of the slaves was on her hands and knees in front of the ambassador serving as his table as he took sips from the tea that had been served. Her large breasts hung pendulously down and her plush rump was thrust high as she kept her back amazingly straight. The other slave was seated in the ambassador's lap, offering her breasts to her master so that he could suck milk from them at his leisure. Kalas couldn't tell whether she had recently given birth, she was in such fine condition, but from one of Timmons's previous comments he suspected she had.

Both of the slaves were very beautiful, but neither were as fine looking as his own slave, Lina, who stood patiently by his side as he sat and conversed with Ambassador Timmons. Cilas had also explained to Kalas that the negotiations would be lengthy because of the extracurricular activities that tended to take place. Today Timmons was outlining everything that Remar was looking for in an alliance and tomorrow Kalas was expected to lay out everything the Trikingdom wanted. Then in subsequent meetings they would go over each and every point until an agreement was made.

The presence of slaves often led to distractions during meetings in Remar, and sometimes negotiations between two wealthy parties degenerated into an orgy. Kalas had been forced to dismiss Jareth from the meeting to spare his fellow paladin from going into apoplectic shock, and was having trouble following the ambassador himself. Fortunately, Cilas was writing a record of all of the ambassador's requests.

The steward had informed the duke that Timmons would expect Kalas to show dominance over Lina as some sort of proof of his manliness. To that end, the duke had spent the negotiations sending the slave on frivolous errands to retrieve unnecessary comforts for him. But Kalas was now suspecting that more might be required if the ambassador was to take him seriously.

He pulled the young woman onto his lap and, in the name of diplomacy of course, began openly fondling her large breasts and nipples. He expected outrage from Lina, but the slave seemed to enjoy the attention and, almost imperceptively, began grinding her crotch against his massive thigh.

The ambassador smiled widely. "I hope she has given you good service, Duke Kalas," he said with a leer. "Have you broken her in yet?"

"Not yet," the duke responded with a false sigh. "I've been so tired. I wanted to make sure I was well rested to do the job properly." The duke wondered what the slave thought about them discussing her virginity, but the young woman showed no acknowledgement of the conversation and just continued to rub her crotch against his leg.

"A pity," the ambassador sighed. "I was hoping to sample her charms myself, but I don't suppose you'd be willing to trade without spending time with her first."

"Ah, no," Kalas responded, trying to hide his contempt at the man's suggestion. He was having a hard time thinking of the slaves as property.

"Well, I think I'll leave you now," the ambassador said, staring at the breasts of the slave on his lap. "I'm getting a little too stimulated to continue. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to trade."

The duke could only nod in false agreement. As soon as the ambassador was gone, he all but pushed Lina off of his own lap. She stared down at her master with a look of utter confusion on her face.

"Please clean up," he told her, motioning to the food and drink left over. She nodded in consent, but still looked thoroughly confused.

That night, as the duke prepared for bed, Lina entered his room to assist him. He started to dismiss her, but decided that she had already seen it all in the morning, so there would be no harm in her helping him now.

She seemed to intentionally fumble with his clothing, which he bore stoically, and her hands always found a bare spot of flesh to touch. When she had him fully nude, she was openly fondling his genitals and rubbing her own sex against his leg. His large cock was, of course, hard and begging desperately to find any hole to bury itself in, but the Duke, through clenched teeth, instructed Lina to dress him in his bedclothes.

The young slave obeyed, but again seemed very confused by her master's actions. She watched Duke Kalas as he slid into his bed and dismissed her. She seemed reluctant to leave, but thankfully he heard her exit after he closed his eyes, and tried to force images of his beautiful wife into his head.


Careena couldn't sleep. She closed her eyes but her thoughts continually drifted to the naked slave lying next to her in the bed. She could hear the young woman snoring lightly in her sleep which made it worse. She tried to put as much space between them as she could, but the mere thought of the young woman just a few inches away was keeping her penis hard and aching. She was beginning to think that this had all been a very bad idea.

The entire day, after the auction, had been nearly wasted. She tried to describe to the young slave woman the world outside of Remar, but she might as well have tried to keep a pig clean. Zella alternated between closing her eyes tight with her hands over her ears, and rocking with her knees pulled up to her chest, while Careena talked. In fact, she had been so disturbed that Careena had eventually given up, and had the slave make them both dinner.

To top it all off, now she couldn't control the male urge to copulate that overwhelmed the rational side of her brain. She forced herself to roll away again as she realized she was rubbing her throbbing cock against the poor woman's backside. Thankfully, Zella didn't wake up. She briefly considered masturbating as she had done the day before, but was too embarrassed to be caught by her slave.