The Trikingdom Ch. 09


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"The disembodied state you describe is the natural state all mages achieve before casting spells," he confirmed. "You've never been able to reach it before, but now that we know you can, and exactly how you did it, we may be able to duplicate it."

"I hope so," she said. "I tried everything I could think of but couldn't do it again."

Lastel nodded in understanding. "Mages first learn how to do it by clearing their minds. We practice it until it becomes almost autonomic like breathing. When we tried to get you to that state as a child there seemed to be a block in your subconscious. That block is probably still there, and the only reason you were able to overcome it was because you subconscious was overwhelmed with emotion or exhaustion."

"So what do I do?" she asked.

"Test both theories," Lastel responded. "It's probably easiest to test exhaustion first," he continued. "Don't sleep for a day and see if that works."

She looked at her brother skeptically. "If it does, what then? I can't go through the rest of my life half asleep just in case I need to cast a spell."

Lastel laughed as he imagined his little sister stumbling through life barely awake. "You won't need to," he assured her. "The block in your subconscious should weaken each time you successfully reach that state."

"Thanks big brother," she said. "I'm already tired. I'll stay awake all night tonight and then try in the morning."


Five days later, Careena was standing on the docks of DuGuerra watching her husband's ship as it came in. So far she had only enjoyed limited success in her magical endeavors but as her brother stated, it was becoming easier with each successful attempt. The only problem was that she was now so tired that she could barely stay upright as she waited nervously for her husband to disembark.

Finally, Kalas and his party were off the ship and they were striding up the docks. He spotted Careena and she could see his pace quicken in excitement. His hand came up in a big exaggerated wave and she returned the gesture. She was close to laughter as she watched him approach, surrounded by guards and the others that had gone with him.

She noticed a young woman walking closely behind him with her head down. She seemed very uncomfortable and tugged at her clothing as if she was unused to wearing them. Careena quickly realized she was a slave and wondered how she came to be in her husband's possession. Seeing the young slave woman reminded her of Zella and she looked over at Cilas to see if she was with him.

Zella walked in stark contrast to the other slave. In fact, if Careena hadn't already known the young woman had been a slave, she wouldn't have known from her appearance. She walked comfortably with her head up, looking around at the new sights before her. Careena wondered at the confidence the young woman exuded.

Before she knew it, they had reached her and Kalas, no longer able to contain himself, was lifting her off the ground in a big bear hug and kiss. She melted into his arms and contemplated wrapping her legs around his waist but decided they were already pushing propriety in public.

"I missed you," she whispered when their lips finally parted. "Promise me we'll never be apart for this long again."

Kalas smiled wide. "I missed you too," he answered back, "and I promise that the gods themselves will never keep us apart."

She smiled back and kissed him again before he slowly lowered her to the ground. She was suddenly feeling energized and for the moment the exhaustion she felt from lack of sleep was pushed aside. They entered one of the waiting carriages; Careena had hoped it would just be the two of them but the slave following her husband entered behind him. The young woman never looked up even though Careena tried to greet her with a smile. She saw her husband's large shoulders slump when he realized the slave had followed them inside.

"It looks like there's something you need to tell me," Careena commented with a smile at her husband's expense.

"The Remarian's gifted me with a slave, as is there custom," he said with a sigh. "I wanted to refuse, but Cilas said it would offend them."

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Careena asked, getting a slight thrill from her husband's discomfort.

"Of course," he said recovering his composure. "Careena, this is Lina. Lina, this is my wife, Duchess Careena DuGuerra Galin of Genoise."

"Pleased to meet you," Lina said softly with her eyes still down.

Careena leaned across and lifted the young woman's head with her finger. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well," she said looking into her eyes. "Don't worry, everything will be all right," she assured the young woman. "Thank you for rescuing her," she said to her husband.

Kalas relaxed after that and realized just how special his wife was. There weren't many women who would have her reaction if their husband brought home an attractive female slave. He wondered if she would feel the same if she knew just what had occurred between him and the young woman.

When they arrived at the palace there was a small reception and dinner to welcome Kalas home. The burst of energy Careena felt at his arrival waned over the course of their long meal. When the loving couple went to their room to turn in for the night she was dead tired. She was annoyed that Lina followed them back to their suite, but Kalas got her settled in a room usually reserved for servants.

While they were getting ready for bed Kalas began describing some of the highlights of his trip. When he started describing the circumstances of how Cilas had gotten his own slave Careena began crying. She wasn't sure if her exhaustion was causing her to lose control or if the emotional toll of the day had gotten to her, but she couldn't stop. Kalas took her in his arms and asked her what was wrong and she told him everything. She didn't give him the abridged version that she gave her brother; she described all the feelings and emotions she had during her entire journey.

When she was finished, she was so physically and emotionally drained that she wasn't aware of what was going on around her. It wasn't until she felt Kalas's enormous member easing into her cunt that she realized she was on her back and that he had removed her clothes. Careena gasped as he entered her and her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. She looked into his eyes, afraid of what she would find, and was shocked to see a look of pure love in them.

She had almost forgotten how delicious it felt to be filled by her husband. His large cock reached places no one else's could. She moaned as it squeezed impossibly far inside her. He held it there, buried to the hilt, and bent down and kissed her passionately. She wasn't sure what she had done to deserve the wonderful man who still loved her despite the confession she had just made, but she made a vow to do everything in her power to justify his love.

Careena kissed him back and thrust her hips up at him to encourage him to continue. "Make love to me Kalas," she whispered into his ear before nibbling it gently. He began thrusting in and out gently while she kissed him all over his face and professed her love over and over again.

She quickly felt the familiar sensation of an approaching orgasm deep in her being. It had been so long since the last time she had felt her husband's loving embrace that it came swiftly and powerfully. Her fingers clawed at his back and her hips thrust up so hard that she nearly lifted him off the bed. Her entire body throbbed in time with the pleasurable spasms in her cunt as she came with her mouth open in a soundless cry.

Kalas continued his slow, measured in and out movements while she came. Her over-sensitive clit dragged across his thick member with a sharp painful pleasure that made her body spasm even more every time. She was unable to speak; unable to tell him how wonderful it felt. But her eyes burned with passion and conveyed her message to him.

He smiled down at her and kissed her hard. He wanted their mouths to be connected when he filled her with his seed. He felt her slim tongue dart into his mouth and slide alongside his own. He could feel her breath come out in silent screams when he thrust extra hard into her. He saw no reason to hold back, and when he felt his orgasm approaching he let the familiar warmth wash over him quickly as he came inside her.

He lay still, on top of her, as he felt the throbbing in his cock subside and it began to soften and shrink. It never went completely limp but eventually he eased the large member out of and rolled off of her. He hugged the love of his life to him closely and she snuggled up to him, both content. His eyes felt heavy and soon he was asleep.


Duke Kalas woke sometime later to the feeling of something warm and wet pleasurably surround his cock. It took him a moment to remember where he was, but when he did he looked down to see Careena's head bobbing up and down his thick penis. Sensing him stir, she stopped and released him from her mouth for a moment.

"It felt so good when you came inside me," she started, "like your seed was washing away all of my indiscretions." Her eyes were staring into his as she spoke. "I want you to come in my mouth and ass too," she said. "I want to feel clean all over. I want to know that you desire all of me."

Kalas didn't know what to say and she didn't wait for him to speak. She resumed her sucking noisily now that her husband was awake. "Oh, gods Careena," he groaned in pleasure as he leaned his head back.

He let her suck for a few minutes while he thought about what he wanted to say. "Look, Careena, we've both done things that violated our vows of marriage," he said, "but no matter what I will always love you." She didn't stop sucking, but looked up into his eyes to let him know she was paying attention. "Now, I'm not saying you can spread your legs for every man in the Trikingdom, or that I can bed every woman I meet, but maybe we can amend our previous agreement."

Careena didn't want to miss a word of what her husband had to say. She was pretty sure she knew what was coming but wanted to hear all of it so that there were no misunderstandings later. She slowed down and suckled on the head of his enormous weapon causing Kalas to gasp.

"I think, if were ever apart again, and it makes sense for the situation, we should be able to indulge ourselves without feeling any guilt," he said.

She removed her mouth from his cock with a loud popping sound so that she could speak. "You fucked Lina, didn't you," she said.

"Yes," he admitted without shame.

"You want to fuck her again, don't you," she said with a wicked grin.

"No! ... err... yes...I don't know," he sputtered. "That's not what I meant." Careena slowly took the head back in her mouth but kept her eyes firmly in his. "Oh gods!" he hissed. "I will admit that I did enjoy my time with her, but I felt like I was taking advantage of her every time. Once we left Remar I swore I would never sleep with her again unless in her mind she was truly a free woman. Besides, as long as you and I are together, you're all the woman I need. I love you Careena."

"I love you too, dear," she said, releasing his cock again. "What did you mean then?"

"Well, we already agreed that we will do whatever it takes to benefit the Trikingdom," he said, "but what if we're apart for a long period of time again and one of us finds ourselves with an opportunity we don't want to pass up? Or you wind up alone in a room full of horny men intent on having you, and the easiest way out of the situation is to capitulate."

"Or you rescue some damsel in distress and she insists on repaying you with charms?" Careena asked.

"Exactly," he said with a smile. "But of course, we'd have to be discreet."

"Of course," she said with a smile. "But despite our new agreement, I still want you to come in my remaining two openings tonight."

"It would be my immense pleasure my love," he gasped as her mouth began bobbing up and down his cock with renewed vigor. She cupped his heavy balls and snaked a finger back towards his anus. She tickled the tight opening and was rewarded with hearing her husband gasp anew. She had learned a few things while they were apart.

She felt his organ swell unbelievably larger in her mouth and then the first forceful squirt of semen was rocketing down her throat, quickly followed by several others as his cock pulsed strongly again and again. Gods, the strength in his cock was incredible. It was amazing to her that his penis was actually part of a living human being.

When the pulsing stopped she cleaned up the last remnants of sperm and swallowed it all down. He never went soft in her mouth and she slowly drew her mouth up his length, slurping her saliva and the last traces of his cum as she released him. She smiled at him lovingly as she crawled up his muscular frame to share a deep kiss.

After a few moments she wriggled off him and raised up on her knees with her face buried in a pillow. "You know what I want you to do, my love," she said, her voice muffled by the pillow. "Do it now, and don't be gentle. She me no mercy. Punish me with your cock."

Kalas couldn't see her face, but he could tell by her tone that she was serious and he suspected she was viewing this as some sort of atonement for her behavior during her recent ordeal. He had no desire to hurt his wife but it was hard to resist the twin globes of succulent flesh she was offering up to him. He ran a rough, calloused hand over her smooth bottom as he got on his knees behind her. With one hand he lined his massive shaft up with her tight, dark hole as he gripped her just above the hip with the other. They had never done this without some sort of lubrication before and he was hesitant to try it now, but she was exhorting him in hushed tones to ram it all the way in.

His mind determined, he tightened his grip on her waist and pushed his hips forward as hard as he could. The head of his cock forced its way past her sphincter, causing it to suddenly stretch wide to accept the enormous girth of his weapon. Careena cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure into the pillow as a good third of her husband's cock was forced into her anal cavity. She had missed the over-stuffed feeling of having his cock in her ass, but the pain she felt as her sensitive flesh clung to his unlubricated member was excruciating.

As he pulled back slightly to prepare for his second thrust, she could feel each individual pinprick of pain as her skin broke away from his like a bandage that had been on for too long. Then his hips were driving forward again and even more of his monstrous length had forced its way past her tight ring of pain. She was aware of a strange noise assaulting her ears and realized it was the sound of her own muffled scream.

Kalas wanted to get the most painful part over for her, so he didn't wait for her to recover. He pulled back for one more thrust and then quickly powered forward again. Finally, his hard stomach rested against the fleshy globes of her bottom and his prick was buried to the root in her rectum. He waited patiently for her cries to subside as his cock throbbed inside her anal cavity. Soon her cries became sobs and the sobs became heavy breathing.

Careena could feel Kalas's enormous member like a great tree trunk had been forced up her ass. Through her pain, she wondered at her ability to take it all; she wondered how anyone, no matter their size, could take it all. She thought about all the stretching of her insides that must occur every time it plowed into one of her holes and marveled at the capacity of her body. She wondered what it must look like to Kalas when he watched his cock disappear inside of her. Her musings helped keep her mind off the pain until she realized it didn't hurt as much anymore.

Kalas began humping his hips forward and then relaxing the pressure without pulling back so that his entire cock stayed embedded in her ass. He moved slowly, at first, then he began to move faster, and then instead of just relaxing the pressure he let a little bit of his cock slide out.

The pain was subsiding for Careena and was almost gone. Her hands, which had been gripping the sheets in a death-grip, slowly relaxed. She concentrated on the steady rhythm of Kalas's thrusting to help ignore the little pain she felt now. He seemed to be moving with the beat of her own heart and she found the synchronicity hypnotic. Soon it seemed that's all she was; she was the rhythm as his cock filled her, then was gone, then filled her, then was gone. Over and over and over again she repeated as the rhythm.

Then the rhythm floated above the two people on the bed and it felt such power as it had never felt before. It could do anything, be anything. Its power felt limitless and endless. It expanded to fill the entire room and was aware of everything in it and knew that it could make physical changes to everything it touched. The rhythm continued to grow and expand outside the room. It found more things and touched the minds of other people. Some of these minds were shielded, but it was confident it could easily pierce the shields if it desired.

The rhythm desired to flee the castle and explore the world, but it became aware of a small tendril of consciousness holding it back. It followed the tendril back down to the center of the castle, to a couple copulating on a bed. It recognized a part of itself in the way the man moved behind the woman and realized that the larger part of itself was the woman! With a great wrenching, Careena found herself back in her body, Kalas still steadily plowing his cock in her ass. She wasn't quite sure what had happened, but knew she had somehow reached the state used to cast spells more completely than any mage had before.

She didn't know how long she had been gone, but Kalas was now plunging his rod in and out of her rectum with ease. He kept the same rhythm, but he was much more forceful as he rammed it home over and over again. He was panting loudly and Careena could sense that he was getting close to cumming. His dick swelled and then was shooting its heavy load deep in her bowels as he gasped in the pleasure of ultimate release.

Spent, Kalas managed to roll to the side instead of on her back. His cock eased out of her ass with a loud sucking sound as he fell on his back next to her. Careena slowly stretched her legs out and lowered her body to the bed. After a few seconds she curled up and snuggled on his chest. His arm encircled her, pulling her even closer and he kissed her gently on the top of the head.

"Thank you," he whispered lovingly.

"Anytime my love," she said with a grin. "I'm yours whenever you want me, in any way you want me." She looked up at him and kissed him deeply. "I belong to you, and you belong to me," she told him.

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EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69over 11 years ago
I LOVE this series and have favourited every story!

Congratulations to you Lecturer for an incredible series. I've found it extraordinary that two characters love each other deeply and are honest with each other about fucking others (especially the Duchess - holy shit you've made her into a right cock-cum whore LOL!!!) I only hope fucking her creepy father-in-law doesn't come back to bite her in the arsehole - literally and figuratively! Eagerly awaiting your next post :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great series!

sankyzsankyzover 11 years ago
Nice continuation!!!

Hope you keep on taking us through more adventures of the Duchess

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