The Trip Ch. 02


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"I don't know about this."

"Don't be silly you look great, my little mon looks perfect." Tanya said caressing my smooth balls as she applied moisturizer to my delicate skin.

Now come to bed and lie on your stomach. Tanya started to rub oil on my back and then poured oil down the crack of my ass. Her hands constantly moving up and down my ass had me at a high state of arousal. I wanted to cum but she kept me on the edge.

"Come up on your knees," she said. I raised up and she began cupping my balls again, my penis was very stiff. While playing with my dick I felt her insert a finger in my ass. Slowly she began working it in and out, deeper and deeper. Then she worked in two fingers, each time more forceful and deeper. Again I would almost cum and she would stop.

"You like me fingering your ass don't you."

"Hmmm, yes, yes I do, I want to cum, let me cum baby." I told her.

"I'm glad you asked, but if you want to cum say please."

"Please let me cum Tanya." I begged getting into the role.

"Not yet, tell me to fuck your ass." Tanya squeezed my balls hard, it was not pleasant. then I felt her insert a third finger.

"Don't, god that hurts." Then almost as suddenly as I felt the jolt of pain, pleasure began coursing threw my body.

"Quiet, now tell me, or I will stop fucking your ass." she ordered squeezing even harder, her fingers pressing hard against my prostate, her free hand crushing my balls. I felt light headed from the pain. When she released my balls I came in a torrent.

The pleasure was in a strange way exquisite.

"Now answer me." the fucking she was giving me started feeling better and better.

"Answer." I felt myself spooling up for a gigantic orgasm."

"Oohhh god harder, fuck me, fuck my ass." I cried out

"There, you see little mon how hard you came." Looking between my legs I could see cum dripping from my dick as she continued massaging my prostate inducing more watery sperm to dribble out. I felt completely satisfied as she worked her fingers gently in and out of my rectum. Cum continued to dribbled out of my penis even as I found myself pushing back against her fingers with each stroke. When Tanya finally removed her fingers I was completely spent.

Tanya got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. I heard the water running and when she returned she handed me a warm towel, kissed me on the forehead and left.

"Lets meet tomorrow, here same time." I wondered how that would work

I must have drifted off and woke about an hour later. Throwing on my swimsuit I headed to the beach.

I walked down the beach to where most people went with out cloths. I found Gordon and Karen laying on a blanket, naked. Susan and Roy were in the water. Susan had her arms around Roy's neck, they were kissing.

"They been at it all morning mon, he's going to wear it out." Gordon chuckled. I realized Roy was fucking Susanjust off shore in the water. Susan was moving up and down on his cock, they were locked in an embrace and kissing.

"Steve come here and sit by me." Karen asked, patting the blanket next to her. I turned around and walked toward Karen.

"Pull off your shorts Steve, get comfortable." Karen said.

"Ya mon, here have a Stripe." Gordon added, pulling a beer out of the cooler and tossing it to me.

I removed my shorts and quickly regretted doing so. My penis was worn out and considerably shrunken. Tanya had used me up, now my dick was soft and little more than 2 inches long. Too make matters worse my hairless balls made me look like I had a child's penis and balls. Neither Karen or Gordon laughed but it was hard not to notice their knowing glances at each other. I sat there legs together hiding my inadequacy drinking my beer.

A few minutes later Susan and Roy came walking out of the water hand in hand. Susan was so enamored with Roy and with what ever he was saying she didn't notice me till she arrived at the blanket. Looking down at me I saw a puzzled look on her face as she took a look at my hairless crotch.

"You better put some sun screen on that boy, or your going to burn." Roy commented with a smile.

Your right I said, as I reached for Karen's sunscreen. I began rubbing the sunscreen on when Roy asked Susan to put oil on his back. I realize Roy had just played me. It seemed every chance Roy got he asserted himself at my expense. I watched Susan applying oil to Roy and I wondered if I was over reacting. Gordon passed me a huge joint and after several puffs and another beer I felt better. We left about twenty minutes later.

As we were walking by the pool Jay called out to me and asked me to join him at the bar. Roy said he had to go to the club and Susan said she wanted to get a shower, leaving me with Jay.

"So how was Tanya?"

"Good. How did you know."

"Dude you think she's free, I arranged it. You didn't think she was fucking you based on your good looks did you." He said laughing out loud.

"I uh." I was caught completely off guard. I knew about the first time, I figured she was a masseuse, I never figured her for a prostitute. Once again my ego took a huge hit. I ordered a drink.

Jay noticed my reaction. "Sorry guy thought you knew."

"No problem ." I said, taking a big gulp of rum and coke.

"What do I owe you."

"Nothing my friend, you can make it up to me later." He said with an ominous tone.

"Tanya says she's going to meet me tomorrow. is that your doing."

"Yes I figured you could use some company since Susan was going to the Caymans with Roy tomorrow."

"What are you talking about Jay?"

"Jeez I thought you knew, I'm sure Susan will ask you, Roy has business there, it's a day trip. Gordon and Karen are going too."

"This whole thing with Roy is getting out of hand. I putting a stop to it now." I finished my drink and ordered another.

"Calm down Steve, of course you are going to have bouts of jealousy, that is normal but don't ruin a good thing. You have to admit you have never been more sexually charged in your life. Of course it's sometimes difficult to deal with the fact your wife is involved with a more shall we say, physical man. I felt the same way about Gordon and the way he took charge with Karen. Knowing your wife has better sex with another man is hard. but there is no going back now."

"Sure there is I will tell her it's over, no more swinging."

"It won't work, she'll resent you for it and in the end, maybe not now but someday, she will leave you. You know I'm right, trust me I know."

"How can you be so sure." I asked, taking another big gulp of my drink. Then Jay told me the story of his first wife and how they introduced swinging into their relationship. Apparently he shared his wife with a black guy. Jay became jealous and put a stop to the relationship. His first wife however started seeing the guy again on the sly. Then one day he came home from work and found a note from his wife. She had filed for divorce and had moved in with the guy. He explained that I should not worry because when our vacation ends so will Susan's relationship with Roy. He said it would be better to be a part of the fun than deny Susan her freedom.

"Susan is infatuated right now, let the shine wear off"

Sitting there drinking it was hard to deny his logic. I couldn't deny she was infatuated, I could see it in the way she looked at him. I couldn't deny he was a better lover, hell physically he was my superior in every respect. I had to admit that if I really challenged Roy now there was a good chance I would lose Susan. The thought was sobering, I ordered another drink.

A few minutes later and another drink Susan joined us at the pool bar. She was wearing a bikini top and short shorts with six inch flesh colored heals. Leaning over she kissed me on the cheek and did the same for Jay.

"Steve do you mind if I go with Roy to the Cayman's tomorrow. It's a day trip and we will be back the same day. I really want to go please." I couldn't help but think about my conversation with Jay and I could really tell she wanted to go.

"Sure no problem as long as we get some alone time later." I winked. She put her arms around my neck and smothered me with her tits. Then taking my face in her hands she gave me a kiss and said," I love you so much."

Jay ordered a round when Roy walked up. He kissed Susan hello on the lips and turned to Jay and I as he put his arm around Susan's waist. Standing there he left no doubt who Susan was with.

"Steve I'm going to pick up some jerk chicken why don't you join Susan and I at the house say about 8."

I bit my tongue, but I had to hand it to him, Roy never let me forget who was in charge. He didn't ask permission to take my wife with him, he just did. Susan stood quietly and after a brief pause I answered.


"Finish your drink girl and lets get going." Susan gathered her purse and finished her drink. I stood up, with me in flip flops she towered over me. I went to kiss her on the lips as she leaned over and gave me her cheek instead. I watched them stroll away as Susan took Roy's hand.

"She is a magnificent creature Steve, your very lucky to have her. You did the right thing letting her go, I don't know anyone except maybe Roy who could keep that much woman satisfied. Now you never told me all the details about your threesome with Roy. So tell me."

Emboldened by the drinks I told him what happened, leaving out a few details. Then we talked about my law practice. I explained how most of my work was in corporate acquisitions and mergers. Jay I was surprised knew his stuff, asking me some very pointed questions. At one point I answered one of his questions with some semi confidential information. I didn't give names and when he asked more specific questions I had to tell him that the info was confidential and I couldn't talk about it.

About an hour and a half later Jay offered me a ride to Roy's place. As we were about to leave he handed me some X.

"I don't know Jay, last time I got a little crazy with this stuff." I said, looking at the pill he was offering in the palm of his hand.

"Well based on what you said happened you had a lot of fun, here take this, it's milder than the last stuff." Jay grabbed my hand and placed the pill in it, then grabbing my drink said down the hatch. I swallowed the pill. Twenty minutes later I could feel it's effects.

"Have fun." Jay said, as he sped off. I rang the door bell to Roy's house and after a bit Susan opened the front door, she was wearing a white terrycloth robe.

"Your late, we ate and jumped into the hot tub. Are you hungry I can fix you a plate." Susan said as she closed the door behind me.

"No I'm not hungry all of a sudden." The X had killed my appetite. Susan's dark tan looked good against the snow white robe, I felt my dick getting hard.

"Well follow me, what are you drinking I will get you one, rum and coke?"


"While I get you a drink go to the guest room, there is a robe in the closet. I will meet you at the hot tube out back. Roy is already in." I went to the guest room got undressed and put on the robe.

Walking outside I found Susan and Roy sitting next to each other in the hot tub locked in a kiss, steam rising from the bubbling water. Roy had his arm draped over her shoulder and Susan's was stroking his submerged cock., my penis was rock hard again.

'Get out of that robe mon." Roy said noticing me standing there. I took off the robe draping it over a chair. Turning around I watched Roy stand up in the tub, his massive horse cock jutting out from his body was inches from Susan's face.

"Get in here." Roy said. Susan watched me step into the tub.

"I can't get over how different you look all shaved up, you look so young." Susan said as her hand engulfed my penis.

"Is that a bad thing." I asked.

"No, it's just you look like a little boy." Susan stated as she took Roy's cock and seemed to compare the two. Holding the base of Roy's cock she licked the black cock head. A good six inches jutted beyond her hand. Then turning her attention to me her tongue swirled around the small portion of my penis's head which poked out from her hand. When ever she stroked my dick the head of my penis would disappear into her hand. Susan went back and forth on us, the sight of her sucking our dicks was too much for me and my penis started squirting cum. Susan placed her lips over my penis head and swallowed my sperm in seconds. When she finished she went back to Roy and released me.

Susan sucked on his cock as I sat down in the tub hiding my shrinking penis. Roy then took a seat on the edge of the tub and had Susan turn around cowgirl and lower herself on to his magnificent cock. Susan reached between her legs and slid Roy's cock up and down her slit working into her pussy.

"Hey mon come around here, you need a better vantage point." I moved around in the hot water till I was between Roy's and Susan's legs.

"Closer mon, lick it, go on now lick it I said." I knew what Roy wanted.

I leaned in and licked Susan clit. Susan dropped her hands on my head and rocked up and down on Roy's cock. Each time she lifted up on the thick shaft she would push my head down causing me to lick both of them. I could taste Susan's cum and it excited me.

"That feels good Steve, lick it baby, your making me so wet." Susan moaned. Roy's cock popped out and it was Susan who told me to put it back in. I placed my hand around Roy's thick heavy shaft and guided it back into my wife's fertile womb.

"I love me this pussy girl, this mon can't get enough of this woman. I'm going to put my baby in you girl." Susan began cuming, her body trembled with lust as she could hardly seem to catch her breath. Susan cried out with each stroke of Roy's cock.

"Oh my god I'm cuming so fucking, oh my god." Susan babbled.

Roy roared as he too began to cum. Roy's body tensed as he drove his cock deep into Susan and filled her fertile womb with black seed. I backed away as the two lover experienced an incredible orgasm together. I couldn't help but feel jealous in that moment. I had never shared sex like that with Susan, I had never made her cum like that. I had never given her a baby. Roy had given her all those things at once..

Susan pulled on my head again, "Lick it Steve, lick it up baby." Susan commanded. I reached out and moved Roy's cock to the side of Susan's pussy. Then I plunged my tongue into her cum soaked pussy.

"See your mon loves it, I told you didn't I, now go on." Roy said. I felt Susan rock her hips giving better access to her slit. then letting go with one of her hands she grasped Roy's cock.

"Here baby clean him to." Susan said as she forced his cock towards my mouth. I stopped licking her and looked up, as she rubbed his cock on my lips.

"No, I can't."

"It's alright, do it." Again she pushed the thick cock into my mouth. I pulled back.

"No Susan." I said more forcefully, looking up I saw Roy taking pictures.

"No problem baby it just turns me on so, when you suck Roy." It was there, she said it, I had sucked him before didn't I, Susan knew it, she knew. I felt terrible, humiliated, but I said nothing. What could I say.

Then Susan turned her attention to Roy.

"Oh my god I love what you do to me baby." Susan purred turning her head to kiss Roy. I reached between my legs and felt my dick, it was hard. Roy lifted Susan off his lap. Semi hard Roy's cock was still much larger than my dick. Taking Susan's hand he led her back into the house. Almost as an after thought Roy turned around and said.

"Mon, you know were the guest room is make yourself at home."

"Wait what time are you leaving." I asked. I sounded I sounded desperate.

"Early, we won't bother you." Roy smiled as he ushered Susan into his home.

I suddenly couldn't wait for this trip to end. Six more days. My brain was racked with conflict. Had I given my wife away, was she pregnant, are cucks gay, had I become gay? Little did I know the next six days would turn into an eternity.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Great Love Story Hot RW

RodinliteroticaRodinliteroticaover 3 years ago

A delicious retelling of a cuckold introduction

tubby424tubby424about 6 years ago
great story


I love the dominance that is exerted over Steve. Can not wait to read the next chapter and hear what is in store for Steve.

karen53karen53over 6 years ago
One of The Best Ever!

This story has it all - lust, humiliation, desire, interesting characters, great story line and the element of surprise. Please continue - can't wait for more.

slinkybigfishslinkybigfishover 6 years ago
Welcome Back

After 6 years without any new stories, what a way to come back and create an awesome cuckold story. I hope you continue with what you do because you are a truly gifted writer.

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