The Trip Ch. 03


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"We can fix that Susan."

"That's a problem Steve, what if I want the baby, what about Roy, his rights as the father. There is a lot to think about. I feel overwhelmed." Susan teared up and I couldn't bare to see her like that.

"Look we will work this out okay, don't cry honey." I wasn't sure how anything was going to work out, but once she was away from these islands, things would change. I put my arms around Susan and hugged her.

"I love you Steve more than life." Susan sobbed.

"I love you Susan."

"Hey everything okay." I heard over my back as Roy walked up.

"Yes everything is fine." Susan said wiping her eye's. Roy gave me a nasty look and taking Susan's hand led her away.

That night I heard them make love again.

The next morning we returned to Jamaica. while I packed the remainder of our cloths Susan said her good byes to Roy. Susan was quite on the way to the airport and I decided to leave well enough alone.

Checking in at the ticket counter I presented my passport when two Jamaican police officers approached me and took my passport.

"Mr. Steven Hanks you are under arrest for back child and spousal support."

"What are you crazy."

"Steve what is this about." Susan shouted as the two officers took my arm and led me away.

"I don't know Susan, it must be a mistake. I will fix it, don't worry. Go back to the hotel, I will call you there."

I was transported to a jail in town, the cell was filthy. when I asked about the charges or a call I was told I would have to see a magistrate. Unfortunately since it was Saturday the earliest I could see a magistrate was Monday morning. Six hours later it was Jay who showed up to see me.

"Thanks for coming how did you know I was here, Susan."

"No I haven't spoken with her. I'm here to ask for your help on a matter."

"My help?" I was confused to say the least. Jay told me he worked for a company that was interested in gas production and mineral rights. That one of the clients I had owned thousands of acres of gas rich property. Jay's company was interested in the mineral right to the property. I explained that I could arrange for his company to bid on the rights. That's when he laughed and informed me that his company would be the winning bidder and that I would arrange it so that his company would have very favorable terms.

"I can't do that Jay, no way." I said concern creeping into my mind. Jay pulled out some documents and told me to read them, he told me that if I agreed to those terms I could get out of jail in a few hours. One document was the charging instrument, according to the complaint I owed over ten years and 74,000.00 in child support and that I would not be released until that was paid. The other documents were the lease agreement for the gas.

"I can't come up with that money, not right away, I need time. I need to call my office and get some help." Jay smiled and pulled out some photo's.

"I can always send these to your law partners and clients." I looked at the photo's and became nauseous. There I was on my knees with Ronnie the bull dike fucking me with a strap on.

"I will leave you with the documents so you can think things over. Oh and there is a promissory note for a 100k, sigh it and I will make arrangements to get you out by tomorrow afternoon. Play ball and I will forget about the loan and the interest. Look it over, I will see you in the morning." Jay said as he gathered the pictures and placed them in his brief case.

I read all the documents, to say I was fucked was great understatement. I did find out that Rain had a 10 year old daughter and that her name was Stormy. That night I laid awake on a concrete bench wondering how I was going to get out of this mess. Early the next morning I was escorted to another room. There I saw Susan, Roy was with her. Susan was clearly agitated.

"Is it true. You were married and had a baby girl with her." Susan questioned immediately putting me on the defensive.

"Susan it was ten years ago, I didn't know about the girl I swear."

"So you were married and didn't tell me. You didn't think that was important. Are you telling me you didn't know she was pregnant with your baby?"

"I knew she was pregnant, but." Susan cut me off.

"So you did know. You abandoned this woman, your daughter, and you didn't tell me. You married me , I had your babies and you didn't bother to tell me about your wife and child. What the fuck is wrong with you Steve. I don't know you, I can't believe this." Susan shouted as she broke down in tears. Roy who was sitting next to Susan put his arm around her. I could tell he was relishing every moment. I suppressed my anger.

"Susan it's not what you think, there was suppose to be a divorce, I was told she miscarried. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, it was a long time ago. I love you. Please you have to believe me. I need to explain."

"How are we going to pay for this Steve, a second mortgage on the house? All our work and you are leaving us bankrupt. What are the girls going to say. Don't you see the mess we are in."

"Yes I see for Christ sake and I will fix it, okay." I realized I had no choice now but to take Jay's offer.

"I think you've done enough, you should of told me all of this when we met. I need some air. I'm going, we will talk later." Susan said standing up.

"Wait don't leave, I'll be out later today."

"I checked with friends you won't be seeing a magistrate till tomorrow." Roy said curtly.

"Jay is helping me, I'll be out, I'll see you at the hotel Susan." I said ignoring Roy's remark.

"I'm not staying at the hotel Steve, I'm staying at Roy's."

"What, I spend the night in jail and your at his house spreading your legs." I went to far. Susan slapped me. My face stung, and my eyes watered from the blow. I listened to Susan as she raised her voice.

"What was I suppose to do, I don't have anyone here, at least he was here for me. Who do you think got me in here to see you. You should be thankful Roy is helping us. Now I don't know why I bothered coming to this hell hole. You are an incredibly selfish man. Roy lets go please." Roy knocked on the door and the guard opened it. Roy waited for Susan to exit, then turned and looked at me, he smiled and walked out.

True to his word Jay had me out late that afternoon. On the way back to the hotel in his car, Jay bragged how he had fixed things. How he had hired Gordon and Karen, just to see if Susan and I were into swinging. Proud of himself he said his 1st plan was to get photos of Susan and I swinging with Gordon and Karen. That changed he laughed when he found out about my cuckold fantasy. Then later how he hired Tanya and Ronnie to seduce me and take pictures. How he tracked down Rain and my daughter. I couldn't believe what he had managed to do in such a short time, how things had fallen into place for him.

"Did you hire Roy too." I asked trying to get a handle on what had happened.

"No that was just my incredibly good fortune. That first night when I realized you were a cuckold, well I just had to change my plans a little, but you did the rest. Once Roy got Susan away from you, the rest was easy." Jay said full of himself. I sat there quietly cursing my cuckold fantasy.

Jay dropped me off at the hotel and I checked in. I got a bath and some food. I called a cab and had them drive me to Roy's. I knocked on the door and Roy answered. Stepping out he closed the door behind him.

"How did you manage to get out?" Roy asked surprised by my presence. I ignored the question.

"I need to speak with Susan."

"First tell me how did you get out."

"Jay bailed me out. that is all you need to know."

"Then it is true you were married before and have a child with a Jamaican woman."

"Yes for god sakes yes, now I need to see my wife."

"Your wife, or do you mean Susan."

"Look I don't want any trouble I need to see her. This is no time to be funny." I said getting angry. Roy took a step towards me forcing me to look up. I stood my ground.

"Look Mr. lawyer mon. I don't know about the law in your country, but when you marry a woman in Jamaica, then marry someone else, that second marriage is no good mon. It's what you lawyer men call void, right. I bet it's the same way in your country. What do you think Lawyer mon and don't raise your voice again. I would hate to call the police and have you thrown in jail again." Roy told me sternly.

I tried to calm down as I tried to digest what Roy was saying. I certainly had no appetite for another stay in a Jamaican jail.

"Look, please let me speak to Susan."

"You really are a stupid man aren't you, you really don't understand, she is not your wife. Susan married me, she is my wife now, you gave her away remember. She is mine now."

"Roy that was a game, Susan didn't sign any papers."

"Mon all the papers were signed, we had to do it that way or the minister would not have married us. I had to make it look real for Aiden and Elsa. I didn't know at the time you were an asshole bigamous. Then I learned yesterday that you were married before. I was faced with letting her go yesterday, I'm not letting her go now. I will tell you this, Susan loves me and I love her." Again I ignored Roy's comments, but I had begun to perspire.

"Please Roy, I needed to speak with Susan. Roy please." I begged in desperation. I guess he felt sorry for me because Roy softened his tone.

"Susan does not want to speak with you right now, call in the morning and I will see if she wants to talk to you then. Go back to the hotel get some sleep. Call in the morning, now go, or do I call the police." I had no choice, I certainly didn't want to have a problem with the police again. I turned and walked away, but I was unwilling to give up. As soon as the door closed behind me I walked around to the back of the house.

I peeked around the corner into the master bedroom. Susan was lying on the bed her eyes were red and swollen.

"Is he gone, did he say how he got out. Did they let him out because it was a mistake."

"I'm sorry my love, Steve admitted to me that it was all true. He said something about Jay paying to get him out. He wanted to see you, but I told him to call back in the morning."

"Maybe I should go back to the hotel and talk to him." Roy's eye's turned dark.

"Susan after all he has put you through, you really are contemplating going back to him."

"Roy I have know him ten years we are married, our children."

"Then go but when he abandons you like he did the other woman don't come crawling back to me. You forget we are married now. You told me you love me. You looked at me the other night on the beach and swore your love. You swore you would love me through good times and bad. You know you are pregnant. You know it's my child and you want to go back to him, then go. Dam you go." Roy was very emotional as he walked over to the closet and pulled Susan's suitcase out, tossing it on the floor.

"Roy please, I'm sorry it's just everything is happening so fast. I love you don't make me chose."

"He started lying to you ten years ago and he is still lying today. Cuckolds are selfish people, he lied to you about his previous marriage, he lied about his daughter, he never told you he was a cuckold, is that what you want? do you think I will let that man raise my child. what do you want. A life of being shared like a whore, is that what you want. Then go whore, get out." Roy began throwing Susan's things in the suitcase. I watched as Susan's stood behind Roy as he packed. Susan was sobbing. Susan then took a step towards him and hugged him from behind,

"Roy, please I want to stay with you. Your right, let me stay, please. I love you." Roy turned around facing Susan. Susan reached up and caressed Roy's face, pulling him down so that she could kiss him. Roy pushed her away. I could see he was tormenting Susan now. Roy was imposing his will on Susan.

"Oh god please Roy, please let me stay. I will never talk to him again." I felt as if I had been kicked in the gut. I knew my wife for ten years and never would I have believed she would surrender so completely to another man.

"Are you sure."

"Yes, oh god yes Roy."

"Tomorrow morning I want you to speak with Steve."

"But I thought you didn't want me to talk to him."

"I do want you to talk to him one last time. I want you to tell him your through with him, that you love me, that I'm your husband. That you are pregnant with my child and that you intend to raise our child with me not him. You must do that if you want to stay with me."

"Alright." Susan said in complete surrender, eye's downturned to the floor. Roy reached out and took her chin in his hand and pulled her close. Leaning over he kissed her briefly, then stepping back pulled his t-shirt over her head leaving her naked before him. Roy said something and Susan knelt down in front of Roy and untied his robe. I watched for the last time as Susan took Roy's cock into her hand and looking up began licking the base of the black shaft. His cock looked huge in her hand.

"Lower baby girl lick me lower." Roy ordered.

Susan Pulled his cock up and with her free hand cupped his balls so she could lick his perennial. Roy put raised his foot on to the bed exposing his ass to Susan's licking.

"Lick me baby all the way, go on, yes that's it. I love the way you do that for me. Do you like doing that for me baby girl." Roy asked. I stroked my penis as Susan looked up at Roy, nodding her head affirmatively.

"That feels so good baby girl, aaaah fuck, now stroke it baby, that's it. Oh fuck, get on the bed I need to fuck you now." Susan fell back on to the bed and spread her legs inviting Roy to mount her.

"Fuck me Roy, please, I need you so bad right now." Susan said as she rubbed her clit, her pussy glistened with moisture.

"You want your husband to fuck you, baby girl, then say it." Roy climbed between Susan's legs and rubbed his thick black cock head up and down Susan's slit. Then slowly he shoved his thick cock into Susan's womb. The look on Susan's face left little doubt she belonged to him now. In and out he forced his cock ever deeper till the loud smacking of their bodies echoed from the bedroom. Susan's legs were split wide at 90 degree angles so that she could better accommodate Roy's manhood.

"Oh god yes, yes, I'm cumming husband, fuck me, god I love you so much." Susan cried out as they locked in a passionate kiss. Roy began to pump harder and deeper. Susan was moaning uncontrollably as Roy ejaculated deep in my Susan's fertile womb. I pumped my dick and shot my sperm all over the wall of Roy's home.

Inside the lover held each other in the afterglow of their love. Quietly they whispered to each other as I zipped up my shorts and returned to the hotel. defeated I mulled my options all night.

The next morning I made arrangements to return home. I called Roy's but there was no answer. Moments later Susan knocked on the door. I opened the door and let her in. She looked so beautiful.

"I came to tell you that I expect you to move out as soon as you get home. I want you to know I am in love with Roy and plan on remaining married to him. I still care for you Steve and I won't keep you from seeing the girls. However, once the proper arrangements are made, the girls and I will be moving here."

"Susan I love you won't you give this some more thought, I mean moving here with the girls, when will I see them."

"Steve I love Roy, he will be a great father. I took the test this morning, it's for sure. I'm pregnant. You can have the girls summers and every other holiday if you like. I'm sorry Steve I have made up my mind."

I felt my eyes water up, I knew better than to argue with Susan. I knew she had made up her mind.

The following months were hard, very hard. Susan and the girls moved to Jamaica in time for the new school year, that was incredibly painful. I refused to cooperate with Jay, so the first thing I did was resign from the firm. The nasty pictures couldn't hurt me now. Jay was furious and tried to collect on the note and we went into litigation.

The following summer the girls came home to stay with me for the summer. They were both very happy and told me that their step dad was super chill. I laughed at that but was happy things were going well. My oldest Barb had a cell phone and showed me pictures of her little brother Regis. Susan was holding him, she was clearly proud of her black baby boy. Seeing that picture brought back a lot of memories, some hurtful, but with time the pain had eased.

Right after the end of summer and after the girls had left, my litigation with Jay took a turn. I discovered that Jay had no proof of any payment to Rain. Putting two and two together it became apparent that Jay had forged some documents and had bribed the locals into arresting me. The case was dismissed, but there was the remaining matter of Rain and my daughter. I wondered if Rain had been part of the scam. One of the papers Jay had served me with had an address for Rain. Later research indicated Rain had no part in Jay's scheme. I also learned Rain was a school teacher, was apparently single and still useing my last name.

That Christmas I went to visit the girls in Jamaica. I picked the girls up at Roy's and Susan's place. Roy and Susan greeted me at the door and surprisingly everyone was cordial. The girls and I drove up into the mountains for a few days and had a wonderful time. I dropped the girls off with their mom on New Years eve and decided to take a drive along the coast.

The weather was cool and clear as I drove into the little beach town of Bluefields. After asking around I was directed to a brightly colored cottage on the outskirts of the tiny town. I remember my heart pounding as I walked up the path and knocked on the bright blue painted door. A young girl answered the door, she had my mothers green eyes, behind her stood Rain.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good story but ending had many illogical portions.

Photos itself would be sufficient to blackmail Steve.

Rain , child support , airport arrest parts does not fit into blackmail plot at all.

Roy positioned as interested in starting/inheriting a family with Susan sounds ridiculous for such a person.

Would have fitted better if Roy was part of conspiracy with Ray , finally showed his true colors and enslaved/pimped Susan out after getting hold of her.

In which case 2 possible endings

Dark ending : Steve losing his business / Susan

Good ending : Steve realizing the conspiracy and growing a set and fighting back and saving Susan.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 1 year ago

This story quickly lost its eroticism. I agree with other comments that Roy is a piece of shit who gets off on dominating and humiliating other men, especially married white men. Sue will find he’s cheating on her within a year as now that he’s got her, he will get bored with her and her female issues, so to prove he’s the boss, he’ll need to Fuck new pussy periodically. Steve is pathetic, an Anthony Weiner 2.0, and he needs mental help and counseling. Fantasy is one thing, reality another. Susan took marital vows regarding “in sickness and in health, . . . “ she broke those along with her wedding vows. She may have “objected,” originally, to the whole cuckold fantasy, but obviously she secretly liked the idea of fucking a giant cock with no consequences, or she never would have pursued it. And Steve, a lawyer (who should be cautious by nature), really should have been able to get out of his mess more easily than portrayed, as lawyers nearly always do. Finally, there should have been more chapters. Too bad FTDS is no longer around to write a sequel.

lv2travel2lv2travel2over 3 years ago

I was very disappointed in the story because it portrayed the cuck as being totally without any balls. I don't understand why writers have to portray cocks as being completely without male instincts. It's probably a positive for the writer that I became so involved with the character. I found myself praying that he would say no and stand up for himself and not allow another person to humiliate to that degree. NO man is going to allow themselves to be taken advantage of to this degree. I do enjoy for the most part reading cuck stories but I continue to search for a writer who will at some point when the cuck is being outrageously humiliated that the cuck with find the strength to say NO MORE and pull a gun or something and be a man.

Anthony1965Anthony1965over 3 years ago
Absolutely Loved this Story

I love all three chapters. Very well written and very erotic.

syd_v63syd_v63over 5 years ago
Too contrived

I've read all three chapters and noted that the author seemed to lose continuity in middle, forgetting about the protagonist and his wife having two children in the second chapter, with the whole ”You worry your husband can't get you pregnant like I can” line. I guess the humiliation factor has to come from somewhere. I'm not a real fan of humiliation stories and this one pushed the envelope for me, but that's another post. This loss of continuity, followed by the contrived addition of the protagonist's past indiscretion actually ruined the story for me, making the final half of the third chapter cumbersome and difficult. It stories like this that cultivate the whole BTB movement (which I hate even more as they seem completely conceived). Couples don't break up for such trivial reasons, there's usually more going on to cause a marriage with children to end. Sorry but my vote for each successive story has gotten lower and lower, due to these. A relationship that was at first on solid ground, moves into adventurous experimentation, and then quickly moves into destructive and dangerous ground over a large cock. The author fails to sell the story within the context they initially developed. We, the reader, didn't see the cracks ahead of time, there was no inkling of concern for the marriage in the first chapter. In fact the wife seemed to flirtatiously play with her husband during those opening beach scenes, ”Did you bring condoms?” a clear indication that we've already got two and if you're not careful we’ll have three. That kind of play is certainly not indicative of a marriage in trouble. Everything after that goes south, experimentation, comradery, drug use, voyeurism, then downhill like an avalanche right into cuckoldry, humiliation, and divorce.

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