The Trip Home


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She squeezed his erection to emphasize her degree of frustration.

"Ouch," he responded before saying, "I deserved that and worse. I feel so bad, guilty for letting you down."

She said, "That's not the only reason you feel bad though is it? You feel guilty for suppressing those thoughts I suspect you've been having for a long, long time."

"You've been in denial, lying to yourself and to me about who Raymond really is."

She poked his chest for emphasis.

"You're a whole lot like our son in law. You knew I needed more than you could give me. Deep down you wanted me to have an affair, but you were too ashamed to admit it."

"How did you know?" Raymond asked.

"Because I know you. I'm very observant. I look for clues. You want to do this, but you're scared I'll fall in love with another man and leave you."

She continued, "Stop being scared. It would make me love you even more to have that kind of freedom. I would also rely on you more, not just emotionally but physically as I need a husband who can step up so I can step out and focus on my man."

"You don't see me as your man?" Raymond asked feeling excited by her comment.

She pumped his manhood, used her thumb to rub the frenulum and urethra, noticing how much pre ejaculate was leaking out.

"Wet like I get," she thought to herself.

She locked eyes with him, pursed her lips and kissed him, "You'd continue to be my husband, but he would be my man. I would want more from you while making myself a lot less available to you, emotionally and physically."

"Raymond, it would be an adjustment for both of us. You would be less reliant on me, but more focused on me, while embracing the solitude of being alone for long periods."

She had thought about finishing him off with her hand, but decided it was time they started living the new world order.

"I want you to eat me."

As he began to orally pleasure her, Norah asked him to imagine she had returned home after an evening with her lover.

"You can smell and taste him on me."

She loved how eager he was, hungry for her pussy. She ran her fingers through his hair and praised his lingual abilities.

Her timing couldn't have been more perfect because the ventilation system began to carry the sounds of Father and Jean's joyous coupling."

"That's it, Father, I love your cock. Fuck me. You're so good."

"Better than. Brad?" Father asked.

She assured him, "Much better than my husband. There's no comparison.

As they fucked she reminded him, "I'm fertile."

He asked, "Should I get a condom or pull out?"


"You could get pregnant."

"I know, Father. I want you to make me pregnant."

"What about Brad? Have you discussed this with him?"

"No, I haven't discussed it with him. It's my body and my decision. He doesn't get a vote."

"Do I?" Father asked.

His cock was making her feel really good which was making it hard for her to concentrate.

She closed her eyes, "Of course you do. You do want to make a baby with me don't you?"

"Of course," he assured her as he picked up the pace.

Jean must have forgotten or didn't care that she was in her parents' house in her bed because her orgasm and Father's was heard though out the house.

Their orgasms triggered three more as Brad ejaculated all over the tissues he had laid out on his lower abdomen, Raymond ejaculated onto the sheet he was laying on top of, and Norah orgasmed, releasing a flood of her juices on her husband's face.

The five people in three different beds relaxed and gave their bodies time to calm down and prepare for round two.

Brad wadded up the tissues, tossed them into the waste basket, and laid out some more.

He thought, "There's no way Raymond and Norah didn't hear them. I knew she wanted to have his baby. He's a good choice. Sounds like Father is just as excited."

"I wonder if they'll just pretend like they didn't hear anything. I bet Norah and Jean were talking about Father sharing her bed. I bet she told her she was fertile."

"I'm such a cuck. I'm lucky to have her as I certainly don't deserve her. She says she still loves me and is happy, but I know she prefers his company. She swears she needs both of us."

Brad closed his eyes and began to softly caress his penis bringing it back to life, imagining Father's cock sawing in and out of her stretched vagina, his big balls hitting her asshole with each thrust, his seed coating her cervix.

In a few weeks they would know if their attempts to make a baby had been fruitful. He was going to be a dad and privately wear his own scarlet letter, not of an adulteress, but as a cuckold.

In the master bedroom, Raymond rested his cheek on Norah's pubic mound. She caressed the side of her husband's face.

"I think this calls for a celebration. There's a bottle of champagne in the wine refrigerator. Open it. Pour five glasses. Leave three on the counter then come back with two."

He asked, "What if I run into one of them?"

She softly laughed, "I doubt you will, but if you do, you won't need to talk. They'll know everything they need to when you pour those glasses. Enough talk."

He stood up, his penis soft, but his pubic mound and lower abdomen visibly wet from laying on top of his ejaculate.

"Better put a robe on. Wear mine."

"Are you sure?" Raymond asked feeling scared and excited.

"I'm sure."

He put it on. It was short, satin, and very feminine looking.

Five minutes later he was back with two glasses of champagne.

He softly closed the door. She sat up. He handed her one glass. She patted the bed indicating he should sit with her.

"I know it's early, but I'm feeling very optimistic right now. To our future grand baby."

They touched glasses and took a sip.

"This is delicious," she said before asking, "Do you have a toast you would like to make?"

Raymond thought about it, "To having more difficult conversations."

They touched glasses and drank more champagne.

Norah said, "Today was tough. Burying Mom was so painful, knowing I will never see her again."

He pointed out, "You'll always have your memories."

She replied, "They will fade."

"We'll have to think of ways to keep them fresh."

Norah said, "She never said anything but I'm sure she knew Father and Jean were having an affair. She probably even gave them her blessing."

"You think so?" Raymond asked finding it hard to believe.

"I do. I think that's why she and Father spent so much time together. He was pastoring to her, meeting her needs with his cock. I'm positive Jean knew and approved. Do you remember how happy she was after being with him?"

"I do. She grinned from ear to ear."

Norah reminded him, "That's the look I want everyone to see on my face. Beyond happy. Bliss. He had given her a glimpse of heaven."

Raymond said, "I want to see that look on your face too and that I'm not responsible for putting it there."

She countered, "But you are, just like Brad is, because you made it possible. It wouldn't be possible without your support. I don't know how you see yourself right now, but I see you differently and I'm pretty sure you see me differently."

"How so?" Raymond asked.

She put her glass down, then put her hands around his neck and pulled his face towards hers.

Staring into his eyes, she moved her face millimeters from his.

"I've done enough talking. Your turn. If it's too hard for you to look me in the eye while you tell me I have a solution. Finish your champagne. Hand me your glass. Now get on the floor and kneel."

"Between my legs," she pointed, "Stare at my pussy. I'm pretty sure I know how you feel right now, but I want to hear how you feel in your own words."

It wasn't entirely accurate or maybe it was.


"Go on. Explain what you mean by that word."

"That you're in charge."

"I am," she assured him, "But what does me being in charge mean?"

"I'm here to meet your needs, to do your bidding."

"Go on."

"I don't get a say in what you do."

"That's right," she said, "I won't be asking you for permission, but I will always come to you for advice. What else?"

He was focused on her sex. Her labia looked swollen. Her pink flesh just begged for the feel of his tongue.

"May I kiss it?"

"May I kiss it what?"

Her question surprised him. It was humiliating for her to speak down to him, but he couldn't deny how it turned him on. He thought about her question.

"May I kiss it Mistress Norah?"

She ran her fingers through his hair, "Much better Raymond or should I address you as Cuck. Or is it too early? After all, I haven't taken a lover so perhaps I should wait until it's actually happened."

"And no, you may not. I want us to both stay focused, but the sooner you tell me what I need to hear, the sooner your tongue can get its fill of my pussy."

He answered, "The titles haven't changed. I'm your husband and you're my wife, but they don't mean what they used to. I see my role as facilitator, the man behind the curtains, out of the spotlight."

"That's a good description, Raymond. I suddenly feel wetter. Not drawing attention to yourself, not making demands, eagerly accepting what I give you because you both understand and want me to focus on him."

He continued, "I see you as the rock I lean on Mistress Norah. You're my queen and I'm your faithful servant. You calm me down, reassure me, guide me, teach me how to be better, and when I come up short, punish me."

She said, "Shhh. Listen. They're back at it."

She pulled his head towards her sex. She moaned when his tongue made contact with her flesh. She closed her eyes and imagined being on the receiving end of Father's cock.

He licked her to orgasm while Father and Jean fucked to orgasms and Brad used his hand to bring himself to orgasm.

The only one who hadn't climaxed was Raymond. As good as her orgasm was Norah needed more.

"Come in me."

Raymond stood up, scooted towards the bed, and pushed his erection into his wife's love tunnel. She rubbed her clitoris hard while Raymond pumped hard and fast.

The two of them orgasmed. Instead of the vents carrying the sounds of Father and Jean to other areas of the house it was her voice the three heard as she tripped the light fantastic.

"I needed that," she told him afterwards, "Your tongue is really nice, but sometimes all I want is penetration."

He had withdrawn. She hadn't asked him to join her on the bed or moved from where she was. He returned to kneeling. Her vagina looked open. A bead of semen formed at the entrance.

"Go ahead. I know you want to and I'll expect this from you in the future after I've been with someone else."

Raymond pressed his face against her vulva, extended his tongue, inserted it into her vagina and lapped up the seed he had deposited.

It was less of a sexual act and more of a way to nonverbally renew their commitment to each other. It was she thought a wonderful way for her to assert her authority over him and for him to show his deference to her.

The ritualistic cleansing of her vagina morphed into full blown cunnilingus as Father and Jean went at it again prompting Norah to remark, "He's such a stud."

Afterwards, she made room on the bed for she and her future cuckold to lay together, but not before asking him to do something.

"Go open a new bottle. I know there's a bottle of Cava chilling. If their glasses are gone, leave the bottle for them. Otherwise, bring it with you. I think we're in for an all-nighter."

He didn't hesitate to put on her nightgown. He was also sporting an erection.

He returned with only two glasses.

She smiled, "I had a feeling they would go to the kitchen."

She stretched out, laying on her side facing her husband. She didn't offer a toast.

"This is good. Tonight has been so nice."

"It has. I bet your mom is looking down and smiling at us. To Mom."

She touched his glass and said, "To Mom."

She looked deep in thought. He didn't know if he should ask or wait for her to ask him to inquire. He decided to wait.

Ten minutes later she said, "I'm going to talk to Jean and see if she'll loan me Father. I'd like my first extramarital affair to be with him. What do you think?"

"It's a great idea. If you're right about your mom and Father I have no doubt she'll say yes."

She looked at her husband. His facial expression told her he was sincere.

She caressed his face while imagining herself in Father's arms his cock buried in her vagina.

"I know I'm in my forties, but I'm still having periods. You know what that means don't you? He could get me pregnant. I'm ovulating if you haven't noticed."

"Wouldn't that be crazy if Father got both of us, mother and daughter, pregnant the same week?"

She reached down and grabbed his erection.

"Does this mean you love the idea as much as I do?"

It didn't take too many pumps of her hand before he climaxed, ejaculating only a small amount of semen which ended up all over her hand. Instead of asking for a washcloth or some tissues she put her hand up to his mouth.

"Good boy," she said as he dutifully used his tongue to clean her hand of his seed.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This is a pile of dung. What the fuck idiots

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Wow, this is great! I loved the fact that it started "in medias res", with Brad & Jean's cuckold relationship already ongoing. That's a different approach.

It seems that's because this story is a sequel - "Thank you for finally putting Raymond and Norah into action", says commenter daganet - but I can't find the original. You have other stories with bull priests, and Chance Encounter even has a hotwife named Jean - but none of the other characters line up. In particular, there's no Raymond or Norah anywhere else. So if this is indeed a sequel, which story is the original?


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Well written story - the subject isn’t for me, but I’m not about to criticise a writer because I don’t enjoy the subject matter!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was a well written story, highly erotic and very creative. Imagine if the priest knocked up both the daughter and the mother!

We enjoyed that the ‘happily married’ couple brought another man, the Father, home to the parent’s home. My wife has had several lovers over the years that she brought along with us when we went to stay at our parents home.

That always made the nights a type of ‘musical beds’ as we tried to conceal who was really sleeping with whom. That was exciting!

We loved the ending of your story where the mother and her husband had a heart-to-heart. He was transformed into a potential cuckold, and accepted the fact that Father was likely going to breed his wife that night – very hot!

None of our three children are mine. My wife chose three different, stronger men, to breed her! As you wrote “…in the jungle, the weak don't win, but get eaten.”

Also, as our society continues to evolve only it is natural that the weak should not be allowed to breed either!

If you really love your wife and future children you should urge her breed with the smartest, healthiest, strongest Alpha she can find! We look forward to the day where the top 20% of males will inseminate all our wives and be their lovers.

Beta males like me, make great dads for the kids even if we aren’t good breeding material! And we certainly have no business making love to our wives when they can get much better cock from the Alphas.

Sexless marriages and promiscuous wives should be the wave of the future!

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

ummmm where can I get my 30 seconds of skimming this burning pile back?

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