The True Master Ch. 05


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Spooling it up I pulled the same encryption keys he had used for the login to the Companies server to reprogram the Doll's praying that Kent was as much of an idiot as I thought and he used the same password for everything. Letting that run I went back to the bedroom where Kate was hurriedly putting clothes on.

"We are running Master? Where to? How?" She asked.

"Kent's helping with that." I said.

Kate blinked, "He's the guy that has Beth's friend right?" She asked.

I nodded. "We got the information on how to fix you by hacking into the computer tablet he was using, stole some of his financial information as well." I said. "I'm going to steal every cent of money he has and then we split." I said.

"What about Beth Master!?" said Kate.

"We can't help her now!" I said exasperated. It was leaving a bad taste in my mouth leaving her behind but there was no way in hell we would be able to save her, not now. In a few months when I had the Dolls figured out and I knew how to fight the company we would save her. But after everything I was still reacting and that was a bad way to deal with a threat like the Company.

"Master we can't leave her!"

I ground my teeth for the first time getting truly angry at Kate. She was trying to do what she thought was right hell it was the right thing to do but the right thing would get us killed. We had to be logical and methodical just like the Company if we wanted any chance of beating them.

"We don't have a choice. Now pack up your clothes and mine, just enough for a few days." I growled and stomping away from her I went back to the laptop to find all of Kent's financials sitting in front of me. I didn't look back at Kate, she was saying she was my slave but still yelling at her like that wasn't right.

I looked at Kent's financial In terms of cash on hand it was around 5 million. His assets totaled something close to 120 million although those weren't in the form of anything I could easily take. Most of it was in things like real estate. Looking through the bank accounts I decided to be blunt, there was no time for finesse and Kent tracking me would be a lot easier to avoid then the Company. I would need all the money he had to run from them.

Bypassing and disabling the safeties on his accounts I quickly signed into my bitcoin client and transferred the money into it emptying his entire account into my own bitcoin wallet. It all took a matter of seconds and it only sat in my account for a moment before I transferred it away into another ten accounts I quickly scripted and set up evenly spreading the money out among them. Recording the wallet codes I shut off my computer. I had just stolen something close to 5 million dollars, ten thousand or so of it was probably lost in cyberspace with all of the hurried laundering but still I was a millionaire thief something I had never thought I would be. I had always been one of the more grey hat hackers, we are the voice without a face type of crap. Even that I hadn't done in years though.

I could hear Kate in the back packing up the clothes like I had ordered and I winced, I had been abrupt with her and she was trying to do what was right.

I sighed and throwing my laptop along with the tablet and the other electronics I had into a bag I paused everything I had worth owning was in that bag, all of the data on the Dolls and everything I had ever worked on digitally going back 15 years. My entire life was a bunch of 0's and 1's stored on just a few hard drives. Leaving the apartment certainly wouldn't be hard. The shitty job even less the real home for me was the familiar files and programs on those hard drives.

Or at least it had been until now. Now it was something different. Going back to my room I looked inside to see Kate sitting on the bed the only suitcases and duffle bags I had full and next to her on the floor.

Kate was sitting on the bed resolutely not looking at me angry over the conversation earlier no doubt.

"We can't save her now but we will get her back." I said.

Kate looked up at me. "I know you're right but it still feels wrong leaving her behind." She said.

I nodded. "We were stupid, I didn't think of them going after her if we showed our faces at the club. I thought that being an officer would make it safer. If she's been taken this easily it just means this goes a lot higher up the food chain then I would like to think." I said.

"Where will we go?" Kate repeated.

"Anywhere really, we're going to have to burn our id's though or at least I am. We got plenty of money now though to work with. You not knowing who you are might actually be safer right now." I said.

Kate blinked. "How much did you steal from him?" she asked.

"A few million." I said.

"You stole a few million dollars in the time it took me to pack?" she said.

I nodded smiling slightly. "It's the digital age."

A sudden thought occurred to me, I had all of the information pertinent too his life. I could do a lot worse then take his money, that was something he would recover from quickly enough with the number of assets he had. His standing with the Company though that was something I could destroy.

"We can't save Beth. We can save Tracy though." I said.

"The Doll that Beth wanted to save?" Said Kate.

"Yeah Tracy was her Girlfriend, Kent has her and I have all of the info to get into Kent's apartment not to mention a few other toys to help." I said as I reached into my bag and pulled out two devices. One was a metal box about the size of an old radio with three antennas on it and a dozen dials. The other was a small bare electronics board with only a single antenna.

"Jammers." I said and held up the metallic one. "This is a cell phone jammer straight from Hong-Kong very illegal here in the US." I put it down and picked up the other electronic box the one with the bare wires and circuit board. "This is a Wi-Fi jammer. With both of these on and so long as we are in ten feet or so of him he can't call for help."

"You want to just walk into his house?" Said Kate.

"Penthouse, and yeah why not? I have the key card access strip and I can replicate that the only difficult thing will be getting the front door open if it's got a lock on it." I said.

"Although there is something we should test." I said and quickly stood back up.

"Kate, attack and subdue me." I said holding my arms out to her.

Kate blinked and getting to her feet lunged at me in a vain attempt to tackle me to the floor. I let her hit and took a step back but otherwise did nothing as she tried to push me to the floor.

"Why am I doing this Master?" Asked Kate as he grunted trying to leverage herself to get me to fall. Thankfully she wasn't trying to punch or go for anything vital.

"Well I wanted to know how a Doll would react to being told to attack someone. Apparently you don't get a downloaded set judo skills along with the missing memories." I said. "You can stop now."

Kate straightened back up. "So we can get into his penthouse and you have all your computer stuff to fix me, and I packed all of the clothes do we need anything else?" Asked Kate.

I nodded and reaching underneath my bed I slowly pulled out the small revolver I had.

I heard Kate's intake of breath. "Why do you have that Master?" she asked.

"First month I moved in here I was robbed at gun point in the middle of the night. This isn't the best neighborhood so I figured I should get one. I'm not a great shot but I'm not going to shoot myself in the foot." I said.

"Master, you're not planning to shoot him are you?" asked Kate.

I checked that the revolver safety was locked and for a moment considered putting it in the back of my pants like in the movies but decided I didn't want to risk shooting myself in the ass so I tossed it into the bag with everything else of mine.

"As much as I want too, no." I said.

Kate nodded. "Alright then. Is there anything else that we need?" She asked looking around the room.

I considered, there was no coming back here and I was leaving quite a bit behind but being a millionaire I could replace all of it.

"No, let's go." I said.

With those words I left my old life behind.

The Rich Boy
Still nursing the bump on his head from when the police officer had tossed him over the bar Kent was relaxing and allowing the two Dolls to attend to him. Toy was giving him a back massage while he used Slut's boobs as a pillow relaxing under the ministrations of the other Doll.

His phone rang and grumbling curses Kent motioned for Toy to go and grab it. The Doll removing her hands from his back and quickly wiping the oil off of them retrieved the phone and handed it to Kent.

"What?" he growled.

For a moment Kent was confused as his personal accountant ranted at him before his head still aching from last night was able to process what was being said.

"What do you mean the money is gone?" said Kent.

The accountant continued to rant saying that he had authorized all of the money to be transferred out of his account into something called cryptocurrency, whatever the hell that was.

Kent shoved the two Dolls away and standing up in just his boxers walked towards the minibar.

"Find the god damn money or you're out of a job." Growled Kent into the phone.

The accountant didn't respond and Kent waited for a moment before the line went dead. Pulling his phone from his ear Kent looked at the signal. It was gone, he usually got perfect reception up on the top floor was gone.

The doorbell to his penthouse rang and Kent looked over at it surprised, no one but a few delivery men and his Fathers associates had the key to get up to this floor. Shaking his head Kent went over to answer the door.


The True Master

The two of us Master and Slave stood in front of Kent's door, it had been incredibly easy to get up to the penthouse with the right codes. I had been able to clone the RFID code and plug it into my phone so the elevator recognized me as Kent and sent us immediately up to his floor no button pressing needed.

Now though I had no idea what I was going to do to get the Doll's from him, threatening him with the gun was the easiest option assuming he didn't have any of his own. Going through it in my head now it seemed positively idiotic to be doing this, especially with Beth kidnapped. But we had to do something to make Beth's sacrifice worth it and saving her girlfriend and running away seemed good enough.

The door in front of us opened and for a moment Kent looked out at us confused.

"What" he growled.

He didn't have a shirt on and despite everything I couldn't help but notice that he was significantly more defined in them muscle department then me. I grimaced but quickly masked it.

"Your Dolls, give them to me." I said.

Kent blinked.

"What the fuck? You serious?" he laughed. "You're a fucking idiot! Go the fuck away!" he said and moved to close the door.

I raised my revolver pointing it at him he froze and stared at the barrel. To my astonishment my own arm which I had expected to be shaking was perfectly steady aiming directly at his chest, from just out of his reach I couldn't miss him.

"I was smart enough to steal all your money and break into your club." I said.

Kent's eyes widened and he took a step forward. "You son of a bitch!" he said.

I shook the gun at him and he froze. "Inside." I said.

Kent took a step backwards and looking behind him slowly backed into his Penthouse. Kate and I slowly followed, me staying just out of range in case he decided to lunge at me. The two Dolls were standing by the couch in the center of the large room both of them naked and covered in some sort of oil but looked otherwise untouched.

"Go find the tablet so we can reprogram Tracy and the other one." I said to Kate.

"Yes Master" said Kate and keeping her eyes on Kent she took a few quick steps past him to investigate more of the Penthouse.

"Sit" I said pointing at the chair furthest from the Dolls.

Kent Hesitated seeming to debate something with himself before he lunged forwards towards me catching me by surprise. He expertly grabbed at the gun and swung it away from himself and up towards the ceiling twisting my arm to the side breaking my grip on the weapon sending it flying toward the other side of the room.

His fist swung around at me catching me squarely in the jaw and dazed I collapsed onto the floor. Kent scrambled away from me and reaching into the drawer of a side table he pulled out a gun of his own, a smooth lethal looking pistol.

Kent pointed it at me and glaring up at him I kept my hands still.

Kent smiled. "Not so tough now huh?" he sneered.

I spat out a bit of blood from his punch onto the white couch and smiled up at him doing my best to regain control. "Go ahead kill me Kent, within an hour all of your families secrets will be online. Not to mention information about the Company as well. They won't be happy with that." I said.

Kent paled slightly. "What?" He said.

"I set up a dead man's switch kill me and all that goes public. Let me have the Dolls and leave and it stays secret." I said.

I was bluffing for my life at this point, I didn't have a dead man's switch set up or a server to upload all of his data. The only copy I had was sitting in a bag just on the other side of his front door along with the jammers and my own laptop.

Kent hesitated and I slowly got up to my feet even as he kept the gun pointed at me.

"No." he said. Looking around Kent spotted Kate and the tablet she was holding.

Keeping the gun trained on me he stomped over to Kate who was frozen like a deer in headlights the tablet clutched in her hands.

"You turn that off or I kill her." He said turning the gun to Kate.

He ground the gun into her side and Kate whimpered, her eyes not on Kent but on me. She had trusted me given her entire being to me and had begged to submit to my every whim and it was going to get her killed.

Something snapped. A piece of my own mind that had been holding me in check, holding everything together throughout this craziness and making sure I never hurt Kate snapped.

I looked into Kate's terrified eyes as he dug the gun further into her stomach and for a moment everything around me came into perfect clarity and focus. I was angry, furious actually but that wasn't helpful at the moment so I repressed that feeling. Instead I analyzed the situation and acted.

Moving more quickly than I ever had I vaulted up over the small table beside me towards Kent and landed on the couch near where they were both standing, moving my left hand up I slammed it into the underside of Kent's elbow. I saw the bone break and his arm bending upwards before I even heard the snap. Several of the bones in my own hand were likely fractured but that did not matter at the moment. Finishing my leap over the couch I slammed my body into Kent's chest and sent him sprawling onto the floor even as my own right hand went up and wrenched the gun from his control.

Taking a breath I glanced down at my hand as pain lanced through it, it was red and my thumb was bent at an odd angle but other than that I was fine.

"You were going to shoot what is mine." I said my voice cold as I looked down at him on the floor.

Kent mumbled something and moved to get to his feet. Aiming his own weapon I quickly fired off a shot into his knee. Kent howled in pain and collapsed back onto the floor.

"Do you know what you are?" I asked him my voice deathly calm.

Kneeling down I placed the gun to the side of his head and turned his gaze until he was looking at the Dolls.

"Those are people Kent, and you're using them like they're objects to be thrown away." I said and ground the gun into his head.

"What reason can you give me to let you live after all that you've done?" I asked him.

It took him a moment but his panic stricken eyes turned from the Dolls to me.

"Money! However much money you want! My Father will pay you whatever you want! Just let me live!" he said tears now streaming down his pathetic face.

"I don't want money and hiding behind Daddy won't help you. You're a parasite on society thinking yourself above everyone else. You think the money you've been born into gives you the right to do this?" I asked pointing at the girls.

"No!" he blubbered.

"No it doesn't. So why should I let you live what good will keeping you alive do the world?" I asked.

"I promise to help people do good things!" he said begging.

I smiled and leaned in closer. "I don't believe you." I said.

Kent paled even further then he was now his skin turning almost translucent. I could smell something and glancing down I saw that he had lost control of his bladder. Pathetic.

"Master!" Kate said from the corner of the room.

I glanced up at her she was staring at me in terror, not at what was happening to Kent but what I was doing.

"Master don't kill him!" She said.

"He deserves it after what he's done. He's taken Dolls and used people, he threatened you!" I said.

"I know Master, but still he's not the real person behind all of this!" said Kate.

"He's in bed with the Company, and they wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in our heads right this second. They already took Beth." I said.

"Master we have to be better than them!" said Kate.

"You are better than them Kate." I said.

I pressed the gun harder into his head and Kent whimpered in pain. Pathetic. I pulled the trigger.

Kent yelped as the bullet whizzed past his ear embedding itself in the floor millimeters from his skull, it was loud in the small room and turning the gun around in my hand I slammed the metal into his face crushing his nose. Kent's eyes rolled back in his head and still angry at him I hit him again, and again. His face was crushed he was unconscious and most of his teeth were missing.

"I'm not though."


The True Slave

I jumped at the shot and watched as Kent collapsed to the floor. Master turned the gun around in his hand and crushed it into Kent's face, once, twice, three times he slammed the pistol into the man's face crushing it and sending teeth flying across the room in every direction.

"I'm not though." Said my Master as he slowly stood up his eyes still on Kent's prone form.

I took a stepped forward to help Master but he threw up a hand to me his eyes still averted from me.

"Stay right there Kate." He said his voice still icy.

My feet froze in place bidden by his commands and I watched as my Master slowly gathered himself. Keeping his eyes away from mine Master quickly slid the magazine out of the pistol and popped the round from the chamber before he tossed all of it into his bag.

Going over to the other two Dolls he hesitated.

"If you're in their wait a little bit longer we don't have time to explain right now." He said.

Reaching up he plugged the laptop into the first Doll who was originally Tracy Beth's girlfriend.

He typed something and then quickly unplugged her.

The Doll slowly went down to her knees.

"This Doll recognizes the Master!" she said.

Master quickly repeated the process on the other Doll and soon both of the naked women were kneeling in front of him, a sight that most Men would have taken advantage of. But the Master did not look like his normal self, the eyes which usually held a look of jovial kindness along with a streak of mischief in them were dead replaced by a glassy look of concentration and determination.

"Get dressed in conservative outfits that won't attract attention and bring me a set of car keys to one of the sedans your previous Master had." He said.

"We comply Master." Said the two Dolls in unison and they slowly rose to their feet to follow his orders.