The True Master Ch. 06


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"Yes?" I asked as I glanced back to check I had set the time right for the pizza.

"We've got everything ready Master." Said Kate.


"For you to be out True Master." Said Helen.

For the past week shipments of things had been coming to the Lodge as they got ready. The girls with Kate in charge had been putting together the Master bedroom a room that in the Lodge was going to be a double entendre.

I hadn't been allowed to see it and although I usually would have cheated and looked inside by this point on anything else I had been too busy sorting through the Doll programming. It was still a mess and I couldn't tell if I was making any headway, every time I thought I had something figured out and ran a simulation the program invariably failed. Kate was sleeping in the guest room of the Lodge and when I made it to bed I joined her there, Tracy and Helen had been sleeping in the Master bedroom as they finished constructing it.

I swallowed and looked over at the two newest women in my life.

"Are you sure you want to? I'm not ordering you to do anything and-"

"Master." The three of them chorused plainly and very pointedly telling me to shut up.

I sighed and shook my head. "I have a harem. I wish the guys in high school could see me now." I said.

Kate sniggered. "You were a nerd back then too?" she asked.

"You get any more snarky and you're going to regret it but yes glasses, pimples and the lunchbox the whole shebang. I never thought I was going to get laid." I said.

"Aww poor Master." Said Tracy.

I ignored her, usually the best policy with her because god damn could that woman shout. The shouting match on how soon we could save Beth had gone on several times already.

"It just feels wrong, none of you are yourselves." I said.

"We're more ourselves then when that Bastard had us." Said Helen.

"Not what I meant." I said.

"I know but at least you're nice enough to be a little guilty. Still you had better enjoy it tonight." She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like I don't have lot of work to do." I said.

"Yeah and if we didn't tear you away from that computer you would never leave. I'm surprised your eyes aren't shriveled up at this point staring at the computer screen all day." Said Tracy.

"When do you want me upstairs?" I asked.

The three looked at one another and nodded. I wasn't sure if this communication was because they all had the chips in their heads or because they were women but they could communicate with one another without saying a word.

"Two hours or so after dinner. We need to get ready." Said Helen.


"Good that means you get the dishes after dinner Master." Said Kate.

I glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow Kate continued to pointedly look away from me her face full of innocence. Sometimes I wondered who was really in charge here.


"Does the Master like makeup?" Asked Tracy.

I frowned. "I'm not sure, a little maybe."

Tracy nodded and turned back to the mirror.

"We're all going for the matching lingerie right?" Asked Helen leaning out from the shower a ridiculous looking pink shower cap over her head, she was the last one in line to use the thing. We had to take the showers separately or someone would end up pressed against the tile wall.

It was strange the two of them were subservient to both me and the Master, and despite the fact I had only been with the Master a few more weeks then them they immediately turned to me for questions about pleasing him something I could barely begin to guess at myself.

Master was beginning to let his self-control slip, he had let almost all of it go during that afternoon when he took me as his slave his desires raw and exposed. But with the combination of us fleeing across the country and the introduction of Tracy and Helen he had clamped back up again. Even when he used me in the spare guest room it was nothing close to the wild abandon from that afternoon.

Tonight the three of us were going to change that. Three drop dead gorgeous women throwing themselves at a man was enough to sway even the most devote priest. The Master that had given me the bite on my shoulder and used me to fulfill his own desires and send me flying to even greater heights of pleasure would be back tonight, and we were not going to let him leave.

The shower shut off behind me and I jumped slightly shaking the thoughts.

"I'm going to get dressed, and then go get him. Will you two be ready in five minutes?" I asked.

"Yes Mistress!" they said in sync with one another.

I bit my lip at the title, it was still something I was getting used to. I was a slave just like the two of them and just as eager to please the Master but they still listened to me and looked to me for advice despite both of them having been Dolls much longer.

I went out and grabbed off of the bed my own set of lingerie, red was the color we were all going with tonight as something that went well with all of our skin tones. The Master had given us collectively a few hundred thousand dollars to spend as we saw fit and in the modern age with an internet connection that was more than enough to get everything we wanted to please him.

He had been paranoid with the security of everything though so it had all only arrived yesterday in a large crate that had been shipped to multiple intermediary couriers something he insisted on to stop the Company from tracking us.

Stepping into the lingerie I grabbed a sheer robe off of the wall and threw it over myself, no need to spoil the surprise until he was in the bedroom. Stepping out of the bedroom I skipped down the stairs to find the Master sitting at the dinner table which was cleared of dishes and cleaned.

He glanced up to look at me as I came down the stairs and smiled nervously up at me. His face was pale and he was shaking slightly.

"Master?" I asked.

"I'm nervous." He said.

Hopping from the last step I went over to the table and leaning over put my arms around him and pushed my breasts into his back.

"About what Master? We already told you that we want to do this, and even if the chips are egging us on how could we ever be angry at you as nice as you are?" I asked.

The smiled widened slightly. "I've gotten over that issue, although it's more I don't feel like wrestling with it anymore and I'll just let you all kill me after I fix your memories. No, it's uh." He paused and blushed slightly.

"I've never been with more than one woman. Now I'm going to be doing with three supermodels at once." He said.

I blinked and a small giggle slipped out.

"It's not funny!" he protested his face bemused.

"It kind of is! What are you worried about?" I asked.

He mumbled something and even leaning over him I couldn't hear him.

"Master?" I asked.

He sighed.

"I'm worried about." He paused and took a breath. "I'm worried about all of you enjoying it." He said.

"I mean I'd like to think I'm good at it and everything but like I said I've only been with one woman at once and even that I'm sure could use a little work. Three at once? I'm nervous."

"Do you know how we feel when you're in the room?" I asked him.


"We're more sensitive to everything, and it feels as if we're always right on the edge of an orgasm. You take the center stage of every thought and action we take from that point on. Every movement every action is to try and make you happier. A happy master will use the slave after all, and the chips have to enhance everything we feel because when you're inside me Master it's the most wonderful feeling in the world." I said feeling myself blush as I described it to him.

He slowly nodded. "I see."

I disentangled my arms from his neck and leaning down took his hand. Master followed me as I led him up the stairs. There was only a little light filtering out under the door of the Master bedroom and I stopped in front of the door.

"Are you ready Master?" I asked.

He nodded. Smiling I took the hem of the robe in my hand and carefully pulled at it and slipped out of the sheer. Master's eyes were locked on me as I removed it and taking my hand away from his I slipped into the room.

I hurried towards the other two who were standing at the foot of the bed and joined them the three of us lined up for the Master when he entered.

The door slowly creaked open and the Master stepped inside. His eyes quickly darted around the room taking in the modern décor mixed with the rustic feel that the entire Lodge had but his eyes immediately settled on the three of us. His mouth dropped open in an almost cartoon like fashion and I had to resist the urge to laugh at his expression. He looked gobsmacked.

"Why don't the two of you help the Master undress." I said to Tracy and Helen who were standing on either side of me.

"Yes Mistress." They chorused.

Looking almost predatory in their desire the two quickly darted up to the Master. Tracy took ahold of his shirt while Helen grabbed at his pants. In two smooth movements the Masters' clothes were removed save for his grey boxers.

The Master looked at the two in front of him and then back at me.

"I thought I was the Master here." He said.

"Do you want us to stop?" Asked Tracy as she pushed herself up to his side opposite of Helen. In response I saw the glint in his eyes that had been missing since that afternoon reappear and he turned to face Helen and leaning forward grabbed her and crushed her body onto his.

Helen yelped in surprise but then began to purr as The Master reached around and deftly unsnapped the back of the lace bra which with her still pressed to him remained in place. Pushing Helen backwards towards me and the bed the Master had Helen down onto the silk sheets and her lace bra in his hand. Master tossed the bra away to join his clothes on the floor and for a moment let his eyes sweep over Helen.

"Stay" he ordered.

Turning the Master stalked back to Tracy. "I want that." He said his hand held out towards her chest.

Tracy flushed red but reaching around quickly undid the strap and slipping out of it handed the lace to Master. He examined it and then dropped it onto the floor, and reaching out he gently caressed Tracy's breast. She shuddered at his touch and her eyes rolled up in her head I could see her knees about to give out from beneath her as overwhelmed as she was.

The Master slowly removed his hand.

"Go and join Helen on the bed." He said.

Still dazed Tracy took a few tottering steps before collapsing into the sheets.

The Master was being methodical and thorough, just like he was in everything else that he did. Checking off little boxes in his head even as he slowly dominated the three of us.

The Master turned to me.

"Come here." He said holding out an arm to me.

I paced over and slotted myself in next to him, his arm moved and settled around my waist. The Master smiled and looked down at the two.

"Helen, what are you?" he asked.

"I am yours Master!" she breathed.

"You are mine. Cum." He said.

Helen shuddered and her hands shot to her pussy as if trying to contain an explosion.

He turned to Tracy who was watching as Helen bucked up and down on the bed.

"What are you?" he repeated.

"I am yours Master!" said Tracy.

"You are mine. Cum." He ordered.

Tracy went limp and then ramrod straight for a moment, her hands hot to her breasts and she whimpered.

"I promise to treat you well, and I will fix you. Until that time though you are my slaves just like Kate, do you understand." He asked the two.

"Yes Master!" They said.


He turned to me and his hand moving up from my waist he undid the strap and shifting my shoulders I let the bra fall to the ground.

"And what are you?" he asked whispering into my ear.

"I am your slave." I said.

"Join your sisters on the bed, and then cum." He said.

I slowly pulled away from him and I could already feel the chip building up the pleasure and turning I languidly inserted myself between the two on the bed and lay down. My mind went blank as the Master's command took effect.


I looked down at the three, all of them already half naked only the matching red lace panties covering them. Each coming down from the throws of what looked like a mind blowing orgasm and each staring up at me waiting to see what I would do next.

"Make some room." I said.

Kate and Tracy quickly moved to the side near the end of the bed exposing the head of it and I collapsed onto it quickly oriented myself so I was lying correctly on the bed.

"Kate, Tracy. Up here." I said and patting each side of the bed next to me. The two quickly made their way up to my sides and smiling I looked down at Helen.

"Get creative." I said.

She smiled mischievously and slowly moved her head towards my lap. Meanwhile with each woman on my side pressing their boobs into me I moved my hands downwards and slowly began to rub the outside of their lace panties, which were doing nothing to hide how wet the two of them were.

Helen quickly pulled off my boxers and for a moment everyone in the darkened room paused to look, slowly Helen moved and pressing her lips to my cock slowly began to kiss it moving from the top down and then back up before repeating the procedure on the other side.

I groaned and leaned back into the pillows, the sensation was heavenly and combined with the women on my sides it was fantastic. Taking my hands off of their panties I listened to the mewls of disappointment from both women turn to gasps of pleasure as I plunged my hands back down inside of the flimsy lace and into them.

In the same instance Helen's lips slipped over my cock and unable to control myself jerked up into her and she swallowed my entire length. This continued for several minutes, Helen going up and down on me as I bucked up slightly into her and listened to the two women moaning on either side of me.

"Stop." I said to Helen looking down at her and opening my eyes. She pouted for a moment my cock still buried in the back of her throat but she slowly pulled herself off of me giving my cock a small parting kiss as she pulled away.

Taking my arm away from Kate I rolled over so that I was on top of Tracy, the blond gasped and I pushed my fingers deeper into her. "No cumming until I say so." I growled at her.

"Yes Master!" she said breathless.

Reaching down I tore the lace from her body and for a moment stared at her pussy, it was wet and shining in the light and flushed a deep red with arousal. Above Tracy I paused and looked down at her the features of her already beautiful face mixed with the arousal.

"Beg." I said.

Tracy gasped and her hands shot up to my shoulders, for a moment I had thought she had disobeyed my orders but she was right on the edge of her release, her eyes squeezed shut as she concentrated on retaining control.

"Please Master! Use your slave!" she cried.

I slowly moved into her and Tracy continued to whimper, her pussy was just as tight as Kate and the sensations of her muscles massaging my member although familiar were different. Kate slowly pulsed around me, while Tracy was like a vibrator her pussy quickly alternating between squeezing me for all I was worth and then relaxing.

I sank home into her and for a moment I savored the warmth of her body pressed against mine. I had more to use though, more than one slave to sate my pleasures with. Reaching out I grabbed Kate and pulled her down so that she was lying directly beside Tracy.

"Helen, Kate the first one who can make the other cum will be next." I said.

Helen nearly launched herself at Kate and within seconds the two of them were aggressively kissing, their hands roaming over the others body with more force then I would ever apply trying to make the other cum so I would use them next. The contrast of Kate's pale skin next to Helen's own black hue was intoxicating and as impossible as it seemed I grew harder inside of Tracy.

Grunting I began to move in and out of her alternating between watching her face screw up in rapturous glee from my own actions and watching the two other Slaves work at one another in a fashion that make it look as if they were fighting one another.

Kate was kneading at Helen's large boobs pinching and playing with her nipples while Helen with one hand on Kate's own boobs and her other on Kate's sex plunging her fingers in and out of her. All the while the two were staring into each other's eyes even as they kissed fighting for dominance.

"Do you want to cum?" I asked Tracy leaning down to whisper into her ear.

"Yes Master!" she said.

"Cum." I ordered.

Tracy shuddered and I buried myself inside of her, she let out a scream and clamped down on me. Grunting I emptied into her even as she continued to whimper small yelps escaping her mouth as I moved slowly in and out of her barely removing myself form her depths before sliding back in.

Tracy was apparently a screamer that was going to be fun to play with.

Still holding myself up by my elbows and softening slightly inside of Tracy I turned my head to watch the other two. Helen was sat up, and she was grinding her own sex into Kate's leveraging her weight on my first slave keeping her flat on the bed as she worked.

Kate was biting at her lower lip and her arms were no longer on Helen to try and bring about her release instead they were on the bed clutching at the sheets as she tried to hold off her own.

Kate gasped and let out a whimper her face screwing up in bliss as she lost control and Helen teased the orgasm out of her. Helen smiled and slowed her movements as the two of us watched Kate, Tracy was still luxuriating in the pleasure of her own.

Rolling off of Tracy and into the middle of the bed I pushed Helen off of my first slave and falling backwards away she barely managed to catch herself on her elbows before face planting into the bed. Taking advantage of her confusion and the fact that her ass was directly in front of me I spread her legs and lay down on her back keeping her in place.

I leaned down over her and let my hands move across her to palm the boobs no dangling begging for someone to play with them.

"I want you to have small orgasm with each thrust, and a final one when I cum." I said into her ear. I was experimenting with different things I could order them to do and I was curious to see how this would go, taking a slave in the most primal position while feeling her cum with each thrust.

Tracing the tattoos on her skin I moved up until my hands were on her hips and slowly I pulled the all too willing slave onto my cock. She whimpered and put her face into the sheets as I moved.

With each complete thrust she whimpered and her pussy already slick with arousal grew even wetter until I was sliding in and out of her without any friction. Kate recovering from her orgasm snuck up behind me and pressed herself to my back and wrapped her arms around me to put them on Helen's pussy rubbing at the clit even as I continued to thrust in and out of her.

Helen keened and her pussy tightened around me even as she continued to spasm.

Tracy now recovering slowly moved up towards Helen.

"I think she can find a something more useful to do with her mouth Master." Said Tracy as she looked down at her.

"I think so too." I grunted as I plowed into Helen again.

Maneuvering around the bed Tracy quickly moved so she was directly in front of Helen and I paused for a moment to watch still deep inside of my slave. Barely able to take a breath of reprieve Helen let her head be dragged into Tracy's lap where she was quickly directed to her sex and began to work at it with her tongue darting in and all around it.