The True Master Ch. 09


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In the modern age buildings like this held more valuables than banks; corporate data was worth millions. The only issues being that you had to know what to steal and who to sell it to. With the information that Marcus had given me I knew exactly what I was going after and I had a set paycheck, bigger than anything I had gotten in years. Another few jobs like this and I could go back to California, something I hadn't thought I would be able to do until the turn of the decade.

Still, this wasn't going to be like walking into a store and palming something, then walking out. Breaking in here was going to take some serious skill and coordination, and I didn't really have much experience doing something like this.

I was going to do the job though. I would never admit it to the geeks like Marcus but the digital age was a marvel; you could steal something and leave a copy of it behind so it didn't even look like you took anything, but that kind of took the thrill out of it.

Settling against a nearby tree I yawned and held the scope to my eye again. It was boring work but I needed to make sure no one was working in the building, and find out when it was emptiest. Taking the time to prepare was what separated a thief from a thug.


*The True Master*

Dr. Song looked up from the results and rubbed at her eyes. "Do you have coffee? Or caffeine pills?" she asked.

Standing up, I went to the small fridge in the corner of the lab and opening it, pulled out two energy drinks. She grimaced at the sight of them but nodded, accepting one. She cracked the can and chugged down half, then set it on the desk. I drank a more reserved amount.

"This is confusing as hell, to be completely honest. I have no idea how any of them are even walking around!" she said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"These EEG results look like someone has taken two separate patterns and mashed them together. A person who had results like this would under normal conditions be in the middle of a full-blown seizure!" she exclaimed.

"Well for all we know, they might be; the chips have access to the entire lizard part of the brain," I said.

Dr. Song nodded. "They do, but like you said, no higher brain functions. Whoever constructed this interface was a genius. Sadistic, but a genius. From what I know, not even DARPA has a working BCI interface on something like this level," she said.

"The computer programming is the same way. There are algorithms in use that blow anything I've ever seen out of the water, reducing what normally takes a thousand lines of code into a 20 line algorithm," I said.

"These people are not stupid, I can see why you are hesitant to try and fix them."

"I promised them I would. Don't doubt that," I said.

Dr. Song considered me for a moment and then nodded. "Fine, but I'm going to need some equipment. Kate said you had the money I would need to purchase it," she said.

"So this morning you were ready report me to the police, and now you're asking me for money?" I asked.

"Kate said it's not even yours, something you stole from an asshole and his father, the guy who had Helen and Tracy? I need more advanced medical equipment if I am going to get anywhere with this, and the clinic is laughable in those terms. Unless you want to take them to the hospital and run the tests there?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes but nodded. "Fine, you give me a list of what you need and I will get it. Specific model numbers and the suppliers I can get it from. I need to hide the funds somewhat, considering I did steal them," I said.

"Fine, you'll have it tomorrow," she said.


Turning back around to my computer I glanced at the security feeds. Kate, Helen, and Tracy were all getting dinner ready, spaghetti, it looked like. They were each in matching aprons and lingerie. Had Dr. Song not been here I knew the lingerie would have been absent.

"So do you like them?" I asked Dr. Song.

"As a medical practitioner I'm supposed to remain detached," she said but then smiled slightly. "They are strong despite what has happened to them, and they all seem to adore you."

"It's the chip; they have to like me," I said.

"It's more than that, Kate especially," said Dr. Song.

"She can't remember anything else but being with me, and I can on a command send her spiraling into a mind shattering orgasm. It's simple conditioning, she likes me because of that," I said.

Dr. Song stood up and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't actually think that do you? You said yourself that the state they are in at the moment is a blend of their personalities and the chips' programming. Can the person, not just the chip, like you?" she asked.

I shook my head, letting out a small laugh. "I'm a loner with no friends or family. I got my degree and ended up doing lackey tech support out of college. I lived in a crappy apartment and I'm not a model of male physique. So no, I don't have much faith in the idea that women enjoy throwing themselves at me. I'm enjoying it while I can," I said.

"You are a pessimist," said Dr. Song.

"Realist," I countered.

She shrugged and held up her hands. "Fine, I need to find the serial numbers of the equipment I need ordered. I'll be over in the morning with the list. You have a cell phone number I can call?" she asked.

"No, I tossed everything electronic like that. No point in running if they can track you. Just come around in the morning. We'll still be here," I said.

I glanced back at my monitor.

"You can stay for dinner," I said.

Dr. Song shook her head.

"No thanks. I have a feeling they want some alone time with you," she said, pointing at the screen. Turning around I could see that Helen had her hand inside Kate's robe even as she continued to stir the pot on the stove.

I rolled my eyes. "They are a handful," I said.

Dr. Song watched the screen for another moment and then tearing her eyes away from it, turned back to me. "I can imagine."

"So tomorrow bright and early?"



Leaning back into the pillows stacked up behind me I smiled and looked down at Kate. She was curled up like a cat next to me.

"Do you ever wonder what your life was like before this?" I asked her.

Kate yawned and looked up at me.

"No," she said.


She nodded. "That wasn't me, I'm different now than whoever I was. All I have ever been is your slave and that's something I'm perfectly happy with," she said as she put her head down on my chest. Reaching down I put my hand onto her head and slowly began to weave my fingers through her hair. Kate sighed contentedly.

"It's strange, I think about everything up until I met you and none of it really feels real, like I was sleepwalking through life and nothing really mattered until you turned up."

I chuckled.

"I get to play hero now, I'm taking on an organization that will kill us given the chance, and I have a beautiful woman to fight for. I think that covers half of the action hero tropes, all we need now is a training montage to whip me into shape so I can do kung-fu," I said.

Kate rolled over to face me and my hands slipped out of her hair.

"Master?" she said, a little apprehensive it seemed.


"Why are you fighting for us? Why did you help me?" she asked.

"It's the right thing to do," I said.

Kate rolled her eyes. "As much as you might want to be that altruistic, Master, no one is that simple," she said.

I smiled and leaned down, placing a small kiss on her forehead. Kate shuddered and leaned into the contact.

"Like I said, I feel alive for the first time in my life but more than that I'm not lonely anymore. I'm not a people person and I had already isolated myself after college. I had no friends and no one I was close to. If I did date or marry it was going to be settling, just to try and have someone in my life with me. Now I have you, at least for a little while. I plan to enjoy it," I said.

Reaching down, I brushed my hand along Kate's nipple and she shuddered again, a smile breaking through the pensive look on her face.

"Do you want children, Master?" asked Kate.

I paused for a moment, blindsided by the question.

"Not really no, why do you ask?"

"If you do you would need to have sex with a real woman, I can't have children," she said.

"Real woman?" I asked, unsure what she meant. Her sterility wasn't a surprise, it had been in the Doll manual. I'm not sure what the Company did but it was a surgery, so I didn't think she had any reproductive capacity left. It was the same for every Doll.

"I'm a slave, I'm not supposed to be your lover or wife. If you want those things I can't do them!" said Kate, her eyes going watery now.

"Kate..." I trailed off.

"I'll be the best slave I can be Master, but I can't be more than that!" she said.

Reaching down, I pulled Kate up into a hug so that she was on top of me, her face directly in front of my own.

"You are Kate. You are more than that." I paused and sighed.

"You want to know the real reason I'm doing all of this? It's the reason that every man uses when he does something crazy," I said.

Kate was crying now, her tears falling onto my chest.

"Master please! I can't return your feelings! I want you to use me! I like it when you do and I'll do anything for you! But the chip won't let me feel anything more!" she said.

"Do you love me Kate?" I asked.

For a moment she froze as she and the chip duked it out, after all, slaves weren't supposed to love their Master like this.

"I cannot lie to you Master. Yes!" she said and collapsed onto my chest. She let out a keen and her hands flew up to her head. The sound was no longer one of frustration but of pain.


"I should not have said that, Master!" she said.

"Kate, you are no longer in pain for telling me the truth. I am pleased," I said, phrasing it in no uncertain terms so that the chip would correctly interpret my command.

Kate released her head and went limp against me, panting slightly.

"Better?" I asked.

Kate nodded. "I love you Master," she said and waited a moment, then let out a giggle.

"I can say it!" she said.

Leaning forward, I pushed Kate down onto the bed so that her hair spread out around her head and she let out a yelp.

"And I want to keep hearing you say it for the rest of my life," I said.

Kate smiled and nodded, blushing. "I do too Master."

The scene broke, my stomach dropped like I was falling, and gasping I sat up in the darkness.


It took several minutes for my breathing to slow; the dream had been vivid and precise. I didn't usually dream, much less wake up from them gasping for breath. But this nightmare had been more vivid than anything I had ever experienced before.

Slowly moving out of the bed, disentangling Kate and Helen from my body, I quietly stood and went to the bathroom. Closing the door, I flicked on the light and stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself for a moment. I looked miserable. The bags under my eyes, and the redness inside of them coupled with the defeated expression left me a sorry sight.

I shook my head and leaned against the counter, staring at my reflection. Did I love Kate?

I certainly liked her, but then how could I not? Her entire purpose was to be pleasing and submissive to me like a personal Venus. The Company had designed her to be a plaything for nothing more than sex, and as much as she had done to fight off their programming, she still didn't like to wear clothes. Her body was perfect, and with every step she took her boobs bounced; she had escaped them but had integrated that programming into herself.

She was the perfect seductress, without even being conscious of the fact that I was head over heels in love with her. Whatever she was doing had to be influenced by the chip, though; a woman like Kate, or Tracy and Helen for that matter, would never have looked twice at a guy like me. The feelings I had for her were based on falsehoods and conditioning.

I suddenly realized I didn't want to fix her. I wanted to keep Kate for myself and live out the rest of my life in this small cabin in the middle of nowhere, enjoying her companionship and luxuriating in the attention she lavished on me.

I couldn't though. No matter how much I might love her I wasn't going to do that, I couldn't do that. I wasn't like the bastards who had put the chip in her head, I was going to remove it and go back to the life I had before. The sad, lonely, miserable life I had before.

Tears were running down my face at this and for a moment the cliché ran through my head. I loved Kate enough to give her up, but then I didn't even have Kate to begin with. I couldn't tell her what I felt either, or she would insist I stop trying to fix her. She was supposed to do what made me happy and I didn't think I would be able to resist the suggestion if it passed her lips, if she begged me to let her remain a slave.

Turning away from the mirror, I took a breath and walked back into the dark room, looking at the forms asleep on the bed. They were mine. I could do anything I wanted to them and they would welcome it, enjoy it.

Leaning over the bed, I reached down and put my hand on Kate's shoulder.

Startled, she opened her eyes and looked up at me, blinking in the darkness.

"Master?" she asked.

I ignored her, my imagination had been too accurate; it felt as if it had really just happened.

"No talking," I said.

Kate, still confused, nodded.

Reaching into the bedside table, I quickly withdrew a blindfold and small leather collar. These things had been in the box of supplies and up until now I hadn't worked up the nerve to use them. I needed them now though, just staring into her eyes looking up at me in complete adoration was too much.

I slipped the blindfold on over her eyes, Kate shuddering as I did so. Slipping the collar around her neck, I cinched it down until it had little play, then clipped the leather lead onto it. Slowly tugging on it, I drew Kate out of the confines of the bed.


*The True Slave.*

The Master slowly tugged on the collar and I felt delicious shivers run down my spine as he led me away from the bed. I was completely nude save for the collar and blindfold, and in the cool night air I felt my nipples harden and my skin become all the more sensitive.

The Master had never done this before, taken away my voice and blinded me. He had woken me up during the nights before as the mood struck him, but this, this was something completely new. The look in his eyes when he had woken me had been pained, but before I could voice my concern he had silenced me.

The Master continued to tug on the leash and with each small tug pulling me blindly through the room, another small burst of arousal flowered up from my core. Without my sight, my response to the collar was heightened; it was the only thing to focus on, the only thing telling me what the Master wanted from me.

Moving slowly, the Master took me from the bedroom and down the stairs. I moved carefully, my hands at my sides as we moved, trying to keep from knocking into anything. The Master had at first been slow, but as we continued to move through the Lodge his actions had become more rushed.

Going down the second set of stairs into the lab, I nearly tripped on the last few stairs as he rushed down, jerking the collar. The Master still hadn't said anything and for a moment I was concerned. He had always explained what he was doing in the past, and taken precautions to ensure we knew what was going on. He was the Master though, and I couldn't speak.

"Kate." He hesitated and then said nothing else.

Continuing to pull me forward, I heard the slight creak of the chair as the Master sat down in front of his workstation. He tugged down on my leash and I dutifully went to my knees in front of him. The Master slowly rotated and I followed suit, shuffling across the carpet on my knees until I was inside the alcove underneath the desk as best as I could tell.

I heard the sounds of clacking keys for a moment and then the unmistakable sound of a zipper being undone. I slowly leaned forward.


*The True Master*

I had dragged Kate down into the lab and then proceeded to stuff her underneath my desk. Any woman not under the thrall of a chip inside of their brain would have pushed me away and told me to fuck off. That's all Kate was at the moment, a computer program running inside the substrate brain matter of some innocent woman.

No, that was doing her a disservice. Kate had broken free from that control, if only briefly. She was real, and trying to demean her to the status of nothing more than a computer program devoid of any real thought was an insult to that achievement.

Still, it was best to think of her as she was at the moment, not a woman, but a slave in the more archaic and barbaric sense. An individual in bondage and without choice. She was not something I could fall in love with, it just wasn't the right thing to do.

I felt Kate's breath on my cock and for a moment I paused. The whole point of this was to try and reset my perception, to treat her as nothing more than an object. A well-cared-for object, a well-cared-for slave and nothing more, not a woman I might be falling in love with.

Kate's tongue licked at me and I shuddered as her lips rested at the head of my cock, not moving for a moment. I tried to focus on the screens in front of me but genetic algorithms were a bore at the best of times.

Kate slowly moved forward and I felt her lips slowly encircling me, her tongue moving languidly back and forth on the bottom of my cock. Kate continued her slow creep upwards until her nose was pressed into my navel and I could feel her throat pulsing around me. It was warm and wet, and her tongue was the only thing still moving for a moment.

She slowly began to withdraw and I couldn't take it any longer. She was taking too long.

Reaching down beneath the desk, I took her head in my hands. Kate paused and then began to hum in approval, the small vibrations rippling through my cock. Pushing her away until her lips were on the very tip of my cock, almost seeming to kiss it, I quickly pulled her forward.

Kate gagged for a moment, and for a moment she tensed, a movement that tightened the wetness around my cock. I groaned and quickly repeated the movement. Kate stopped trying to move at this point, her head in my hands and gagged in two different ways. She let me use her like the slave she was.

Pulling Kate back towards me for the final time, I held her in place and grunted as I came, Kate's throat pulsing around me as she swallowed all of it. Breathing hard, I moved my hands away from her head and slowly pushed her away. Kate leaned back and I slipped out of her mouth; she let out a whine but otherwise didn't say anything, my order still in place.

I looked down at her between my knees. She was gasping for breath still, but her head was leaning against my thigh and she had a small smile on her face. I nearly broke down there; she was perfect even after I had completely objectified her.

I couldn't be that weak. I would not be that weak.

Reaching down, I roughly grabbed Kate by her shoulders and lifted her up onto my desk, brushing the keyboard and other trash aside. She thrashed slightly at the movement but remained silent.

"You can speak," I said.

She took in a gulp of air. "Master?" she asked.


*The True Slave*

"Every time I touch you I want you to orgasm," said the Master.

My eyes widened beneath the blindfold; that kind of command was deliciously dangerous. I was already sensitive without my eyes to tell me what was going on, but now every inch of my skin was hypersensitive, waiting for the touch from the Master.