The Trust Me Pill Ch. 02


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"Actually," Steven said, "Let's go this way." There were two boards crossing a side path, with a "Trail Closed" sign. "But first, let me get your picture next to that sign." Easily done. "Let's do that again without the bra."

She smiled as she unclasped and removed it quickly, posing several times while flashing him.

When they were underway again, she asked, "Do you know where this goes?"

"Yes, Mark told me about it when he gave me the keys to the cabin. This used to be a popular side trail, and a ranger told him there had been an area that kept getting washed out and was too costly to maintain. So, they upgraded the main trail here since it was far more popular. This one apparently been abandoned for about five years. It leads to another bluff with a more limited view, and the trail remains marked, though some trees have fallen across it."

They had walked about 10 minutes when Steven asked, "You would have fucked him, wouldn't you?"

"Keith? Yes," she said, with more enthusiasm than she had intended.

"I have to keep in mind that you're not just open to my desires, but others as well," he said. "Still, what if I hadn't been there, would you?"

"In that situation? Yes. But if you hadn't been there, I wouldn't either. I don't make a habit of going to shoe stores without panties, do I?"

Steven said, "Take off your clothes. If it gets cold, let me know. Otherwise, there's no bugs out, and no people as far as I can tell."

She stripped, and he placed her clothes in his pack. That left her with her shoes and her belt with the water bottle. He looked at her, admiring her body for a time. "You're looking a bit like Lara Croft. I like it." Photos, of course, followed.

Steven followed behind her "to admire the view" he had said. After a few minutes, he said, "I do want to see somebody fuck you."

Hayley's pulse quickened, and she stopped to look at him.

Steven laughed. "You won't remember I said that in the morning. Actually, by this evening, I guess. Your history drives me crazy whether it's a boyfriend or that night with however many it was. I can see it in my mind, and part of me wants to watch you do it."

"I know. You ask often, and it turns you on so much when I tell you about them. All I can say right now is how I feel. I'll do whatever you say and I think I'll want whatever it is."

"That's the pill talking. I have to live with myself afterwards, though. Let's go on. But I want you to tell me how you felt when Keith licked you and when you sucked him."

She did, answering his questions along the way and another affirmation that, yes, she would have fucked him, happily.

They continued walking perhaps an hour, stopping for Steven to photograph her wherever he had a whim. There had been no hint of other people. The reality was that they were just hiking, in an area where it was unlikely someone would come along. It was his stops to take photographs that reminded her she was naked. Otherwise, she was getting used to it. She told him that, and he seemed excited by it.

As they climbed, the temperature increased, which was surprising given the elevation but welcomed nonetheless. They eventually came to a small stream, and Steven referenced his map.

"This way," he said, "about a quarter of a mile." There wasn't a path along the stream, necessarily, but it appeared worn to a degree, maybe by wildlife. They had to cross the water several times, its temperature icy. They eventually came to a formal trail and took the downhill path which shortly led to an opening in the trees. It was in a little vale, and the creek that they had crossed made a small waterfall of sorts over large flat rocks, with a shallow pool at the bottom. It appeared that, at times, there was much more water given the absence of vegetation.

"So, this is where you wanted to go?" she asked.

"For now. Let's do some more poses, first."

"But, of course," she said, smiling. She took the usual variety, she supposed, of fetching poses, using the rocks to lean against or lie on. "Steven, what do you do with all these pictures?"

"Well, I upload them to a website where you have many, many fans, and, of course, I share them around the office and with our friends."

"You do not!" she said. "Seriously, what do you do?"

"Well, the obvious. I admire them. I enjoy tweaking them on the computer to make them, and you, beautiful."

"And," she asked, "you jerk off to them when I'm not around?"

"That goes without saying. It's hard not to even when you're around."

"What do you think about when you look at them?" she asked.

"How fortunate I am to have you! And, how gorgeous you are."

That seemed honest, but, maybe incomplete? "Okay, but what do you think about when you look at them? Are you fantasizing something?"

"Often, yes." Steven said. "There's a certain pride about them, the unhealthy sort that makes me wish they could be shared."

"So, what, you'd put them on the internet? Print them and leave them lying around the house?"

"No, of course not. But, like, when I'm out with the guys and they're making comments about some hot woman who walks by, I'm like 'if they only knew.'"

"Huh. So, the idea of showing them a picture of me turns you on?"

"Yeah, it really does. Isn't that just so wrong? You make a really, really great model, and this is a really good camera."

"So it's really all about the photographer, is it?" she said, smiling. "Well, you can show them to someone if you really want to."

"What?" he exclaimed.

"Why not? These are for your enjoyment. If it turns you on... well, it turns me on that you lust after me, and if you tell me there's someone else who does too..."

"You'd want to know?!" he said, surprised.

"Of course! First tell me who it was, then tell me about their reaction I think it turns me on the same way it does you. And wouldn't that be a kick later if I met them, knowing."

"Well, wow. Maybe I could, some of the general nudes."

"Maybe you could," she teased.

"I could blur your face..."

"No! If you show someone pictures of me, they should know it's me."

"You wouldn't be embarrassed?"

"Why would I be embarrassed? Are they going to come up to me and tell me what a terrible husband you are? Or tell me I should be ashamed? Steven, this is about you me. When I'm older, I'll like having those photos to remember my younger years. But if you tell them you gave them..."

"Gave them? Steven interrupted. "I thought you were just talking about showing them to someone!"

"That's fine, too. Either way there is someone else out there wishing they were you and imagining having sex with me. Speaking of which, this seems like a good place..."

"It is! But no. Not yet." He reached into his bag and pulled out her skirt and halter. "Here, use these to rest your head on the rock. I want you to make yourself cum, and you tell me what you're fantasizing about. Something related to sharing those pictures."

Hayley settled back, thinking as she absently rubbed between her legs. "Okay, let's see. We give the key to someone... let's say we had a dog, and we hired someone to house sit while we're on vacation. Not a teenager, well, maybe... One of your college friends happens to come to town when we're leaving, and you offer the house. Like Mark. He comes to town a lot to see his friends. You move one of our security cameras to your office, concealed but pointed at your desk. You leave your computer unlocked without the sleep or password functions on. Hey, you might want to at least pull your cock out of your pants while I'm doing this. You know, give me something to look at..."

Steven did, taking a video with one hand while making himself available with the other.

"I don't know. Did you make a screen saver out of some of your favorite shots? Or the background image? In any case, there's a folder on the desktop labeled 'Hayley.' Maybe he's turning lights off at night and notices the glare from the computer and thinks he should probably turn it off. He goes to take a look. And he sees."

"We watch the video later, or maybe live! He finds the directory... and he sees everything you've chosen to put in there. Pictures. Would you do videos? You might if you're turned on. Anyway, he can't help himself. He drops his pants and look at that! I get to see him stroke his cock, turned on by me! It's not long before he cums. But that's not enough. There's too many pictures. He keeps looking and looking and... oops, there he blows again. By this time, you're fucking me like crazy and it's blowing both our minds. Only... wait. There's someone coming."

She could tell it took Steven a moment to catch the change of subject, but he must have heard something too and looked up the trail.

In a low voice, he said, "They're watching, I think, two of them. Keep going with the story."

Now that was a helpful jolt. Hayley began inserting a finger within while using the other hand on her clit. "Do you like what you see?" she asked, seeing Steven's nod of approval.

"We get an alert the next day. He's at the computer again. Only, this time he has a USB drive. I love it. You're fucking me because you're so turned on, and you hate that he has all those pictures. Sure, I trust you with them. But what would he do with them? Of course, I tease you, because I'm now at least a Playboy playmate, and, depending on what files you put there, I may be a porn star."

"We get another alert that night. We see Mark, but he brought along a girlfriend and another couple. They walk into your office with some of your bourbon, ice and glasses. They pull a few chairs close. I'm thinking we need a camera there that has audio now. I wouldn't want to miss what they're saying. They start laughing. They act amused that someone would leave these available. But they keep looking and we can tell they're getting uncomfortable. The sexual tension between them is growing. The girls lean in to the guys, the guys are struggling to adjust their cocks discretely in their pants. But you know how this plays out. It doesn't quite work that way."

"I'm thinking yes, you did include videos. They've seen all of me, and liked it, but when they play the videos of me sucking your cock and taking your cum... They start stripping, pausing to play another video where you fuck me. Then, each couple is more interested in having sex than their shyness around the other couple. So, we're fucking while watching people watching us fuck. Are you sure you don't want to fuck me now? I'm close!"

Steven shook his head, stepping closer with the video, but also stroking his very hard cock. "Face more uphill, so they can see, though."

"Have it your way then." Hayley adjusted as much as she could manage and be comfortable enough on the rock. She worked herself furiously, but it wasn't long before she reached a thoroughly satisfying orgasm, and a noisy one.

When she had recovered somewhat, she found Steven standing above her, stroking his cock.

"On me or in me?" she asked.

"We probably still have an audience," he said. "I'm thinking on you. Sit up on your knees and suck me, my little pet."

Hayley did just that, sucking him, teasing the head of his cock. Based on the tightness of his balls, he wasn't going to last long. After a couple minutes, he pushed her head back and said, "Hold your breasts up for me."

He began stroking furiously, and within a minute began shooting his cum, covering her face and into her hair. After he had worked out the last drops, she felt him press his cock to her lips. She couldn't really see for the cum in her eyes, but she cleaned him, the idea still exciting her that people were watching. She could tell his cock softened, but he still used it to wipe much of his cum from her face, and she cleaned it from his cock.

She used her fingers to finally clear the cum from her eyes and nose... and eyebrow. "That was a nice big cum for you, fella," she said. "So, why did I have to hold my breasts if you were going to cum on my face?"

"You never know," he said, laughing. "I could have missed or changed my mind."

"How much farther?"

"I'm not sure, back to the trail and then probably another half hour. You're not getting blisters from the new shoes, are you?"

"No, they're great. Thank you."

"The basics of a satisfying hike. Your shoes, your water bottle, and your body."

"And a blow job?" she asked.

"They do seem to go together well," he said.

She resumed the hike, now mostly going up the mountain. They never saw the other hikers at the vale, but they had relaxed long enough to give them time to remain unknown if they wished. In any case, she was ready to reach the peak, in more ways than one.

"Hayley, tell me. In the store. Keith. Was your mind saying 'no' and your body saying 'yes?'"

Her husband was definitely in the mood for a conversational hike. "Steven, my mind was saying 'yes.' Is saying 'yes.' I was ready to take Keith inside me without you saying anything, but then you did. My body is saying that you better fuck me when we get to the top. Otherwise, let's stop now and head back to the shoe store. A girl has needs."

"Damn. Only one pill left."

Hayley laughed, and he joined with her. That shared laughter was perhaps their most intimate moment of the day.

The trail had been a moderate challenge for the elevation and somewhat an aggravation for the number of trees that they either had to climb over or walk around. And the streams... no warm water here!

The bluff was protected by an overhang, and another mountain cut into the otherwise expansive view of the valley below. There was a railing along the edge of precipice which seemed to remain in good repair when she tested it. She saw that there were footprints in the wetter areas, a sign of others having been there recently. Maybe it was not as forgotten as it had seemed.

"What would you like me to do?"

"First, I want to take pictures, and then I'll have a question for you."

He took several photos of her, including standard poses and then quite a number of more explicit ones of her exhibiting her cunt. She teased him meanwhile with her need to be fucked.

"It's time for your question. Hayley, tell me, now that you've been here a bit, what situation can you imagine that would turn you on the most if it happened right here?"

"Situation? Like a fantasy?"

"Yes, exactly."

She looked around. She thought about it a bit. There were really very few options. A memory surfaced from her conversation with Carolyn. She pressed against the railing, which was up to her torso, leaning into it.

"I'm here. Alone. Naked. Except maybe with my shoes," she said, with a quick laugh. "My hands are tied to the railing, spread apart here and there, so there's little movement allowed. Maybe I'm gagged. Yes, I am. I haven't been abducted. I've probably been fucked by someone I trusted, but maybe some other reason. I've been here long enough that I'm not physically hurting yet, but more than long enough to wonder if this is a game or if I've been left completely alone. I start to wonder how soon would someone else come? If I did, would they help me or take advantage of me? What if it was a group? Like some college guys or even two or three married men? I hear the sound of someone approaching from the trail. Is it someone I know? A stranger? A guy? A girl? I don't know."

"I stand because my knees are tired and I feel like I should, to show that I'm alive. Only, all it accomplishes is that I'm bent over in a sexual position, like this." She placed her hands where she had indicated and stood bent over the railing. "I'm in that in-between state that I don't know which I want more. To be taken, or to be rescued."

"The steps come closer. It's one person, and I just know it's a male. He introduces himself by running his fingers over my cunt, then squeezing my nipples, hard. He doesn't even make a noise."

"Go on!" urged Steven.

"That's the end of my story. Did he have friends arriving right behind him? Did they take turns fucking me? You write the ending."

A soft rope appeared as if from nowhere. Her hands were fastened. Her breathing quickened as she realized this was really happening.


"How did I know to bring rope? It's what I had planned. I had no idea that your fantasy played right into it."

He fastened her wrists. "I'm going to take a few pictures now. Then I'm going to go down the trail a bit. I'll be back...sometime."

Hayley heard the clicking of the camera, then the sound of his pack zipper. Shortly, she was blindfolded. That wasn't part of what she said! But it was better than a gag, she supposed. Then she heard nothing but the sounds of nature. A cool breeze rustled through the leafless trees, and she was acutely aware of tree trunks creaking around her, and some below. There was a bird somewhere calling in the distance as well. Her juices were flowing between her thighs, and the cool wind gave an icy feel to her skin where the moisture touched her lips. The experience was interesting, the anticipation building... and then, well, it was uncomfortable. And the breeze did make her cold. She shivered.

What if Steven fell and hurt himself badly? Then what would she do? What if someone else came by, like the hikers they had vaguely overheard earlier? Well, that was the turn on in her fantasy, but she was coming to understand the anxiety of Steven failing to return at all as what really mattered. Still, she trusted him. He would come, and he would find her wet and still needing a cock.

Time passed.

He was taking too long. Her desire for a cock was being challenged by the cold and a stiffness in her muscles. She hoped he would come soon. Her thoughts drifted to that imaginary group of men, climbing the path to her. That warmed her a bit, as she imagined getting more than a cock to meet her need.

Or, maybe that conversation Steven had with Keith had been about him following them here! Probably not. But, that cock was something to think about. Then her thoughts turned to that night in college... a cock...there... and another in this hand... and another...

She was startled by the touch. Steven's hand didn't just rub at her cunt, it slid right in the crease, to maximum effect, gliding on her lubrication. She whimpered. He stayed with that a while, before toying with her nipples. His hands traced her arms down to the ropes, to the knots. He didn't untie her. But then, she didn't expect him to. Her confidence that it was truly Steven, and not some stranger, was surprising.

She heard a zipper and the sound of pants falling to the ground. She felt a hand on her waist followed by the back of his other hand briefly against her leg, guiding his shaft to her cunt. Contact. Partial penetration. She spread easily, sensing the warmth and hardness of his shaft. But he stopped, his head not fully in. It needed to be in. She felt his other hand on her waist. She pushed back to receive him, only to find that he backed with her, teasing her with his cock. She adjusted her feet slightly, but her range of motion was limited. She wiggled against him best she could, just as he plunged deeply into her with a single thrust, holding it, filling her. She wasn't cold now. It felt good to have him inside; it felt good to be touched...there...finally.

"Yes," she moaned. "Fuck me."

He backed up, just to the edge, then plunged again. His hands released her wrists, then squeezed her nipples tightly, then pulled them down, stretching them. All systems were connected. She moaned, but she was still frustrated. He held still within her, and she wanted thrusts. She wiggled again, but he moved with her, preventing any deepening pleasure.

After what was probably only several seconds of this aggravation that seemed to stretch interminably, Steven finally spoke up. "You look all tied up. I thought about your story. But you're going to finish it. Do you want me to untie you? Or..."