The Try Taboo Challenge


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Charley began to thrust, and Evey began to squirm, the pleasure of her first orgasm boiling up again as her brother fucked her rough and deep, his cock rock hard and swollen inside of her. She reached out and grabbed his arm, and he held her arm back, giving them leverage as they bucked against each other.

After a few moments, Evey pushed Charley away, pulling her leg down and turning herself over, shaking her butt for her brother as he leaned over her back.

"I want you to give it to me," she said. "Fuck me as hard as you can until you cum inside your sister, okay Charley?"

Charley nodded, kissed her lips, then pulled her back onto his cock. He started slow, just letting his length fill her up, then pulling back, letting her feel every inch. Then faster, harder, their bodies slapping together, her ass shaking with his thrusts, the room filling with the sounds and smells of their taboo sex. Charley wrapped his arms under his sister's stomach, one hand slipping between her legs, rubbing her clit, the other taking her breast, squeezing it as he fucked her harder and deeper into the bed. He looked at the monitor and saw her face, her eyes closed and her mouth open in sexual fulfillment as her hips fell back to meet his thrusts. She opened her eyes and looked at the camera, looking at her brother through that black lens, staring into his eyes. He shot rockets inside of her, his cum flowing in thick shots down into her womb, and he heard her gasp in climax once again.

Evey hung there for a few minutes, half on the bed, half off of it, ass sticking in the air, her brother's cock buried inside of her. Then she crawled onto the bed and moved her pussy into the camera's eye, spreading her slit so that Charley's cum could leak out of her for all to see.

Charley crawled into bed beside her and kissed her lips, and she kissed him back, panting heavily after their intense lovemaking. Then Charley reached over and clicked stop on the recording.

They lay there in each others arms for awhile, until Evey spoke.

"There's something I want to tell you, but I don't want to say it too soon and ruin things between us."

"I'm in love with you," Charley told her.

She looked at him in shock.

"I've been in love with you," Charley told her.

"I'm in love with you, too," Evey said.

"I really hope that's what you were going to tell me, or else that probably seemed like it came out of nowhere."

Evey laughed and cuddled into her brother's chest.

"I also wanted to tell you that was the best sex I've ever had, and I can't wait to fuck you every chance we get."

"That too," Charley said.

Evey smiled.

"Go upload that vid before I change my mind," she said.

"You're sure you want to upload it?" Charley asked.

"You don't want the money?" Evey asked.

"I've got you," he said. "That's what matters. Money would just be icing on the cake."

Evey looked down between her legs, her brother's cum drying on her thighs. "I guess it's your choice," she said. "Either way, I'll agree with your decision."

Charley thought about it for a few seconds, staring at his sister's body.

"I think we should do it," Charley said. "If it weren't for the Try Taboo challenge, we might never have ended up like this. What if our vid helps someone else admit their feelings?"

"As good a reason as any," Evey said.

Charley stood up and moved to the computer, feeling Evey's eyes on his body as he searched for the site, dragged the vid onto it, and clicked upload.

"It's done," he said.

"Good," Evey said. "Now get over here and kiss me some more."

Day 47

It was late in the morning, and Charley and Evey were still in bed, naked and wrapped in each others arms. They fell in and out of sleep, waking up to kiss each other, to trace their fingernails over the other's shoulder, before losing themselves again.

They were both quite surprised when the doorbell rang.

"You expecting someone?" Evey asked.

Charley shook his head. "You?"

Evey shook her head too.

They threw on some clothes, Charley in a pair of sweat pants and an AJJ t-shirt, Evey in a pair of shorts and one of Charley's Dead Kennedy shirts, and shuffled into the living room.

The doorbell rang again, the visitor or visitors apparently getting impatient at the siblings' lazy pace.

"We're coming, hold your horses," Charley said, before opening the door.

The woman standing outside the door was familiar to Charley, as he'd only seen her a little over a month before. She had wavy red hair, and was wearing the same green dress that hugged her body in a fitted way.

"Good morning," the woman said. "Charles, right?"

"What are you doing here?" Charley asked.

"You know her?" Evey asked.

"She's the strange woman at the bar I was telling you about," Charley explained. "The one who insisted I download WhichWatch."

"My name is Vivian," the woman said. "I'm one of the legal executives for Voluptas Video."

"You're running the Try Taboo challenge," Evey said.

"Smart," Vivian said. "I see why you like her so much."

"What are you doing here?" Charley asked.

"I came to give you your prize money," Vivian said. "We would love to have you out to California for a full award ceremony, but we understand that with the sensitive nature of the challenge, you may not be comfortable with that. So I came to present you with your earnings and introduce myself."

"We won the million dollars?" Charley asked.

Vivian produced two envelopes in her left hand, the envelopes appearing to pop into existence like a sleight-of-hand artist producing playing cards. She handed one to Charley and one to Evey.

"Half a million each. And my card," Vivian said, producing two business cards in the same manner and dropping them onto the tops of the envelopes. "Like I said, Voluptas Video would be happy to pay for your travel expenses if you'd like to appear at our studios in Los Angeles for an award ceremony."

"We'll have to think about it," Charley said. "It's one thing to post a vid on WhichWatch. It's another to be featured publicly."

"Like I said, Voluptas understands," Vivian said. "But your vid was such a hit, we'd be honored to celebrate you. Just let me know when you've made your decision. I'm always a phone call away."

She gave a little head bow and headed down the stairwell and away from the apartment.

Charley closed the door and opened the envelope in his hand. A cashier's check for five hundred thousand dollars, made out to Charles and Evelyn. Evelyn held an identical one in her hand. Charley wondered for a second how Voluptas Video had found his last name and address, but before he could dwell on it, Evey was pulling him to face her, bouncing with joy.

"We're rich, Charley," she said.

"I'll make a couple drinks to celebrate," Charley said.

Evey held his hand, not letting him leave.

"We might want to hold off on the drinks," she said.

Charley shook his head, confused.

"I um... I missed my period this month, which might mean that it would be a bad idea to drink."

Charley stared at her.

"What's on your mind, Charley?" Evey asked. "You happy, sad, scared, freaking out?"

Charley wrapped his arms around her and lifted her into the air, kissing her lips.

"We're going to have a baby?" Charley asked.

"We might have a baby," Evey said.

"We're rich and we're going to have a baby," Charley said, spinning Evey around.

Evey laughed happily.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before," she said.

"This might be the happiest I've ever been," Charley told her.

He put her down and smiled down at her, before a thought hit him like a truck.

"Oh no," he said.

"What's wrong?" Evey asked.

"We can't get married," he said. "Our baby's going to be born out of wedlock."

"We can't get legally married," Evey corrected. "We can still have a ceremony and devote ourselves to each other."

"Would you be okay with that?" Charley asked.

"You are going to have to like actually propose," Evey said. "This doesn't count. But yeah, I think I could. Legal marriage is just a scam anyway, it's nobody's business but ours."

Charley kissed her.

"I love you so much," he said.

"I love you more than anything," she told him.

Day 79

Charley and Evey shuffled through the crowded airport from station to station.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs." the check-in agent said, handing them their tickets.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs." the TSA agent said, checking their passports.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs." the gate agent said, scanning their tickets.

They had a couple hours to kill before their flight, so they snuck over to an empty place, pulled down their masks, and kissed in the corner. People passed by, none of them realizing the taboo scene they were seeing. Charley felt so bold, knowing they were practically invisible amidst the crowd.

Evey's hair was a dark green, a color she called "enchanted forest," and her nails were painted to match. A little girl ran up to them and said she liked Evey's look, before running away to join her family again.

Charley reached down and squeezed Evey's belly, the small bump where their baby was growing.

"Have you thought of names?" Evey asked.

"I was thinking of V names," Charley said. "Voluptas Video, Vivian, all that. Maybe Vaughn if it's a boy, Violet if it's a girl."

"What about Valentine?" Evey said. "It's gender neutral."

"I could get behind that," Charley said. "They'll get teased in school though. Kids will say they're named after the date they were conceived."

"Kids will tease about anything though," Evey said. "Not like we're naming them Richard or Brittany Jane or something."

Their boarding was called and they got in line, Charley holding Evey's back to his chest, nuzzling against her neck affectionately as they slowly got onto the plane and found their seats. They were seated near the back of the plane, close to the restrooms, and were luckily the only two in their row. Once they were in the air, Evey lifted the arm of her seat and reclined against her brother's chest, while they watched a vid on the screen embedded in the seat in front of them.

It was a couple hours into the flight, the lights were off, and many people had their windows pulled down, so the passenger area was dark and quiet. The skies had been clear and easy all flight, and many people were napping or engrossed in their vids or music.

"Hey babe," Evey said. "Can you come help me with something?"

She slipped out of her seat, holding his hand as she led him out into the aisle. As casually as possible, they slipped into the bathroom at the back of the plane and locked the door behind them, before removing their masks and laying them down on the sink. The airplane bathroom was small and cramped, but they were both too excited to care.

Evey slipped out of her skirt and panties, letting them fall around her ankles as she kissed her brother. Charley pulled his cock from his pants and pressed it against her belly, pushing her against the wall of the plane. Evey raised her leg, and Charley lifted it under his arm as he pressed the head of his cock to her entrance. Her eyes closed and she sighed with pleasure as her brother's cock slipped inside her again.

Charley's palm kneaded Evey's breast through her shirt, while her hand found his ass, pulling him in with his thrusts.

"Ever think you'd join the mile high club with your sister?" she asked.

"Hoped," he said. "Dreamed a few times."

She grabbed his neck and pulled his lips to hers, sucking on his tongue, fingernails dragging down his bare skin. Though he couldn't move a lot, he found a position that felt comfortable for both of them and thrust, fucking his sister against the wall. He was grateful that the engines of the plane were so loud, the chances of them getting caught were low, but excited at the possibility of it.

Evey was panting into Charley's mouth as he felt her body beginning to tense, stifling her own moans against his mouth. Charley pulled her close and tight, pushing her harder and harder until her body shook and the smell of her orgasm filled the tiny room.

Evey pushed her brother back, then shifted, leaning over the small sink and shaking her ass for her brother. Charley gripped her hips and pushed inside of her sopping pussy. He could see her face in the mirror as he fucked her from behind, watched as her pleasure deepened for him, watched as the bliss washed over her in waves. He couldn't wait to be married to her, couldn't wait to raise a child with her, couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.

She opened her eyes, saw him looking at her in the mirror and smiled. His cum exploded inside of her.

They stood there for a minute, letting their bodies come down from their highs, then she pulled her panties and skirt back up her legs and replaced her mask.

"How's my hair?" she asked.

"Amazing," he said. "You have a bit of sex hair."

She ran her fingers through her hair a few times, trying to make it more natural.

"I'll go back to my seat," she said. "Wait a minute, then you can come back too."

"Yeah," he said.

She slipped out while Charley ran water from sink and washed his face, trying to make it look less like he'd just had sex in an airplane bathroom than he did. He ran his fingers through his hair as well, before tucking his cock back into his pants and making sure everything was zipped and buttoned. He put his mask back on, then walked casually back to his seat as well, sitting down beside Evey. Evey put her head on his chest.

"I can't believe we just did that," she whispered.

"I can't believe how lucky I am," Charley said.

He felt her smile against him, and then a moment later felt her fall asleep.

Day 80

Their hotel was a dream, high up in a room with a perfect view of the Pacific Ocean. Neither of them had ever been to the coast before, so seeing the moon hover over the dark mirror waves of the horizon at night was sublime. They made love in the silver moonlight that shone in their window.

In the morning, they got a complimentary breakfast delivered to their room, and they ate in bed in their underwear. It wasn't their first trip together, but it was the first trip they'd taken since they'd started... dating? Charley realized that he had never actually asked if Evey would go with him. They'd been together for a couple months, but they didn't have an anniversary or anything. He was about to propose to her, and they weren't technically even dating.

Vivian sent a car to pick them up, a dark colored hybrid with a big back seat. The driver didn't seem to have been told anything about Charley and Evey.

"You two minor celebrities or something?" he asked.

"Nothing like that," Evey said.

"Streamers? I know streaming's a big thing since WhichWatch came out."

"We won a contest," Charley said.

"No kidding! My cousin did that once. Got a year of cruises. Quit his job and just took cruises for a whole year. Said it was the best year of his life. What did you two win?"

"We won a million dollars!" Evey said.

"Lucky, lucky," the driver said. "Now listen, you two are a young couple and might be tempted to spend it all on a big wedding or an expensive honeymoon, and you've got every right to do that, but take some of that money and buy yourselves a nice house. Best investment in your future you could ever make. Your parents ever own a house?"

"No," Charley said. "We grew up apartment kids."

"You might go for a condo then," the driver said. "But buy something. You'll thank me in ten years."

Vivian met them at the front of the studio, still wearing her fitted green dress.

"Do you just have like a rotation of those?" Evey asked.

"It's my look," Vivian said, leading them into the studio. "Don't worry about it."

The studio was set up to look like a late night show, a blue background, a big desk behind which the host sat, and two seats for Evey and Charley. They sat down in their seats, and two bright lights began to shine on them. Vivian clamped small lapel mics to their collars, then took her spot behind the host's desk.

"So, just so you know, parts of your vid, if not your whole vid, will play before the interview. We'll come in right after the vid plays, so I'll say something about it, then I'll ask you some questions about yourselves, your relationship, wholesome stuff. At the end, I'll ask a little bit harder question about the taboo, everyone's going to want to know, and then we'll end with the 'what do you plan to do with your money' question. That way we'll get a little bit to satisfy everybody. Any questions?"

"Many," Evey said. "But I think I've got the gist."

"Alright. I'll count us in then," Vivian said. "We're on in five, four, three, two, one."

Charles and Evey saw three red lights come on in the darkness beyond their stage light.

"Wow," Vivian said. "Charles and Evelyn. You know, we had a lot of submissions to the Try Taboo Challenge, but your vid was both one of the most watched and my personal favorite. It's not just the framing but also the passion between you two. It feels like such a natural chemistry. Was it really your first time trying taboo?"

"Yes," Charley said. "We had been talking about it for a couple weeks before we filmed, after we had learned about the challenge, and decided we wanted to save our first time together until we could film it."

"We'd both apparently been thinking about it for a long time," Evey said. "But the challenge gave us the push we needed to kind of just do it finally."

"That's amazing," Vivian said. "We've heard from both viewers and other contestants that your vid specifically helped a lot of other couples in the same situation, who wanted to cross the line but just needed that little push. How does it make you feel to know that there might be a lot more brothers and sisters getting together because of you?"

"Scared," Charley said. "Having our relationship out there makes me feel kind of exposed. But I'm also happy to be inspiring others."

"Excited," Evey said. "I'm just a goth girl with a programming day job, the idea of being an inspiration to anyone is pretty alien to me. But if anyone finds the same happiness as we've found together, I think that's worth celebrating."

"It sounds like your relationship is still going strong," Vivian said. "Can I ask how it's been?"

"It's been amazing," Charley said. "I've never been happier, and we've never been closer."

"It's been liberating," Evey said. "It's one of those things where like, I always wanted it but couldn't let myself know that I wanted it, and now that I have it, I can't imagine being without it."

"And the sex?" Vivian asked.

Charley and Evey both blushed.

"That good, huh," Vivian said. "You two are really something special. Can I ask, are you two afraid of the societal backlash? Sibling romance remains a hard taboo, even in our modern age."

"Most people we meet don't know, so we haven't had to deal with it in a way that feels real yet," Charles said. "We've been so focused on what we mean to each other that everything outside of that doesn't really register yet."

"Even if we do, I think it's worth it," Evey said. "Like you said, we might help others find the same kind of love that we have, and we've got our baby coming on the way, we're about to start a life together. It's our life and our dream, and we'll fight anyone who tries to get in the way of that."

"Oh my god, a baby?" Vivian asked. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you," Evey said.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Vivian asked.

"We were thinking of Valentine," Charley said.

"I like it," Vivian said. "Keep Vivian in mind if it's a girl though."

Charley and Evey laughed.

"We definitely will," Evey said.

"One last question and I'll let you two get back to your vacation. What are you thinking of doing with the money you won?"