The Turquoise Panties

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We introduce a couple to the wonderful world of swinging.
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I'd been corresponding with Tony for a while. As an avid reader of Loving Wives his stories had turned me on and inspired me; I'd seen we had a lot in common with what we liked and I reckoned there were a lot of similarities in our relationships and wives too. We'd got on really well but it was a strictly online thing. Hell, we live on opposite sides of the planet for a start.

Suddenly, out of the blue I was asked to go on a business trip back to the UK - it's where I'm from originally but I've lived in Aus for years - and for once I wasn't just being asked to go to London either. Among other things, I was to travel round the country to interview a number of people for possible relocation/employment so it was a lengthy trip. I didn't want to be away from home for a full two weeks so Jackie and I decided we'd go together and meet up with some family.

As we were making my plans I realised that one of the projects I was visiting was in the city nearest to where Tony and his wife, Karen, lived. I wondered if Tony would have any interest in meeting up in real life. I wasn't planning it to be a sexual thing, just making a real connection where I'd had a long term virtual one, so I messaged Tony when my dates were locked in.

Tony was keen to meet for a drink or two, and we exchanged a couple of chatty emails as the trip came closer. I hadn't thought further than just a catch up, but then he sent an email introducing something more intriguing: "Would you like to meet Karen too?"

My mouth went dry when I read this. I didn't know if he meant just to meet as friends, or something more. After all, we'd connected in the first place through an interest in wife watching/swapping but I also knew they'd never acted on it. Was he hoping to set us up, to finally realise his fantasy? My heart beat faster as I savoured the opportunity. The whole prospect was enticing - maybe we could all get our fantasies delivered in one? I turned it over in my mind and could see it as a real possibility.

I messaged Tony back and said "We'd love to."

Over the last few weeks as my accommodation and travel was fixed up I made arrangements with Tony too, made sure my diary was clear for the evening we landed on, and we were all set.

The trip was a good and successful one and it was the second week when we'd made our date, so I was in an upbeat and celebratory mood. I'd told Jackie of how I had 'met' Tony and what we'd shared of our adventures with our wives and she was obviously in a frisky mood, but had told me not to get my hopes up too much. She thought the chance of all four of us fancying each other was too remote for a start.

On the evening itself I finished work early and got ready with my best shirt, best suit, liberal use of aftershave. Jackie wore a blue dress she likes that's fitted wonderfully to her heart shaped rear and shows plenty of cleavage, set off with shiny black heels.

We stopped at the bar we'd arranged a couple of minutes late, deliberately so I could try and spot them - I didn't really know what they looked like but they did me, I'd sent a picture to Tony a year or two prior as part of showing I wasn't some grifter out to cause trouble for him.

I looked around and saw a couple who looked likely. They seemed to be looking around for someone. The guy was trim and looked distinguished and the wife was very attractive - a touch older than me but in very good shape with lovely long dark curly hair. She was dressed smartly in a white business style blouse and grey knee length skirt. I was pretty sure this was Tony and Karen, he knew what I liked dress wise and this was right up my street. Then I looked down to her feet and saw she was wearing some shiny nude patent Mary Janes with a 4" heel. That made up my mind that it was them - Tony and I have talked a lot about my love of sexy shoes. I grinned to myself.

I pointed them out to Jackie and we sauntered over and introduced ourselves, "Hi, are you Tony and Karen? We're Rob & Jackie, really great to meet you."

They looked up. Tony nodded and stood to shake my hand, and kiss Jackie's cheek, but Karen stayed seated. She looked me up and down - I don't mind admitting I sucked my stomach in a bit, some reactions never leave you! - but she cocked her head sideways slightly and smiled, so I had everything crossed she liked what she saw. She looked even lovelier close up, a real sparkle in her eye and beautiful skin. I took her hand, bent down and air kissed her cheek, hoping she liked my aftershave.

I sat down and ordered drinks for us, they already had theirs. I let my eyes steal across to Karen who was slightly flushed and giving me glances under her eyelashes. Whether this was a result of a bit of dutch courage, or that she was excited too, I didn't know, nor care - either way it was a good sign.

We all got on like a house on fire - just chatting about work, families, holidays. There was lots of laughter and animation. We ate a light meal and I noticed we were all keeping the alcohol at a reasonable level - a light buzz. But after a couple of hours I knew we were going to have to come to some sort of collective decision, and whilst keeping the conversation going I was turning over in my mind how we were going to do this. I reckoned Tony would be doing the same. My mind was in turmoil. I felt I knew this couple intimately and what their fantasies were, but apart from that we were complete strangers; yet here I was seriously wondering how we were going to engineer a swap..

Eventually it was Karen who broke the spell, by announcing she needed the bathroom and disappearing off. Inevitably Jackie excused herself too, as women always do and I knew there'd be a conversation going on in the toilets I'd wish I could hear. It was now or never. I turned to Tony and said "So......?"

He smiled. "I think she likes you."

"I hope so," I replied, "She's lovely, Tony. What a great wife you you think she'll go for it?"

"I'm not sure," he said, "I'm kind of waiting for a sign from her"


"I bet I know what they're talking about" I said to Karen as we walked into the bathroom, "Men! What a stupid thing to obsess over."

"I know," she chuckled, "Tony's been on at me for years to swing and I've always said no. You'd think he'd give up at some point."

"Same here," I sighed, "Rob used to nag me all the time to try someone else. I think he got encouraged because I'd let him push me into some other things I'd said no to - pictures, alfresco sex - then got the idea that if he pushed me on anything I'd eventually say yes."

"How did you get him to stop going on about it?"

"Well.....I did it"

She looked shocked. "What?!"

"I did it. It stopped him going on about it nearly so much"

"What......what was it like?...?" Karen looked fascinated

"It Nice. I felt.....worshipped. That feeling you get when a man is hard for you and you feel sexy and wanted? Take that and square it."

"How did it feel, a different cock?"

"Oh, like any cock I guess. They don't feel too different do they - except the really small ones - it's what the guy does with it that counts. I knew I was being fucked by someone other than Rob because he moved differently and that made it exciting, but it wasn't about it being 'better' if you see what I mean."

"I....wouldn't know"

"Are you saying you've only had one cock.....what, ever?!"

Karen nodded.

"Oh my, Girlfriend. Then you should definitely try it. And if your hubby's like mine, he'll shut up about it for a while too." I could see her turning it over in her mind, but she didn't say anything.

We turned to leave and Karen grabbed my arm "Wait.....I have an idea. I sometimes go knickerless for Tony, he loves it and I find it exciting. Let's both do it. And present our panties as a signal."

" each other's husband?" I inquired, with a meaningful look and an arched eyebrow

She paused.....and then nodded. We both fiddled underneath our skirts and pulled off our

panties. I swapped my lacy black ones with Karen's turquoise pair and we put them in our bags. Then looked at each other and laughed with the ridiculousness of the situation.

Feeling the breeze on my naked pussy was a different thing for me and I found it hugely arousing as we turned and walked out of the bathroom. It was just what I needed to get myself in the mood....


We had to shut up then as the girls were walking back across the bar. I reckoned Karen was swinging her hips more on the way back and took a chance, boldly looking at her strut as she came over, even if it meant I revealed my intentions. I felt sure I could make out the slight ridge of a suspender strap where the curve of her hip pushed against her skirt, and my cock twitched. These are some of my favourite things. She bent over and kissed her husband and held his hand, but she had positioned herself so this was obscured from my view by her body, and said "We need to think about going soon, honey. I'm getting a little tired," and then sat down, smiling at me.

I saw Tony stuffing something in his pocket and realised what had just happened - she'd taken her panties off and given them to him. Instantly my cock twitched and I looked sharply at Jackie, wondering if she'd done the same. She kissed me and I felt her hand rummaging in my jacket pocket. We broke apart and I looked down and saw a glimpse of pants I didn't recognise in there. Or, rather, I did recognise them. They were a turquoise pair that was VERY familiar to me in the virtual world. My heart beat faster, and I looked up at Jackie with wonder but she was just smiling at me.

No one said anything - we didn't need to. But Tony and I looked at each other and laughed, like we'd just hit the jackpot.

I was used to pushing Jackie in this sort of situation so I decided to take charge. I looked mainly at Karen, trying to give her my best bedroom look and said, all the while looking at her "So, I'll grab a couple of cabs and we'll head back to our hotel guys, yeah?"

They looked slightly nervously at each other and then I saw Karen give Tony the slightest of nods.

"Fantastic!" I said with a broad smile, "You won't regret it. Let's go."

We stood and walked out. My stomach had major butterflies going on and I just knew these two felt the same. Jackie grabbed my hand with a slightly sweaty palm and squeezed it - she was really excited.

As the taxis drew I up I held Tony's arm and said "You take the first," and ushered Jackie to go with him.

I opened the back door of the second for Karen so she could get in. She sat on the seat and swung her legs across and I stole a good look at her lovely legs as she did so. I figured the time for being coy was over. Then I hopped round the other side of the cab and got in beside her.

Our hotel was only a five minute ride away so I knew I didn't have long to act, but I wanted to warm her up and get some inhibitions removed. As we drove off I started with a pretty safe move - just put my arm over her shoulders. She stiffened slightly but didn't make to move away, just turned her head and looked at me, so I put my other hand on her thigh on top of her skirt - not too high - and just left it there. She turned her head more towards me and tipped it up slightly, so I moved in for a kiss. She started chastely, but I broke off and then kissed her again, more powerfully this time. She responded, gasping slightly and parting her lips. I pushed my tongue in and kissed her properly, crushing her lips against mine as I drew her to me.

I moved my hand that was on her thigh down to her knee, but just to get to the bottom of her skirt. When my hand contacted nylon I pushed the skirt out of the way and moved my hand up underneath it this time. I could feel her moving her legs and parting them to give me easier access. I could see out of the corner of my eye the driver was trying to watch us in the mirror as well as keep an eye on the road. We didn't have time to do much but I wanted her warmed up. I pushed my hand up as far as I could get it, but her skirt was tight enough I couldn't reach her pussy, lacy stocking tops was as far as I got. I could feel her pushing her legs apart as far as they would go - not that far, without my shoving her whole skirt up which we didn't have time for - and pushing her mound in vain towards my hand. I was as desperate to touch her as she wanted me to, but it was going to have to wait. I had a knot in my stomach wondering what was going on in the other taxi; I knew Jackie's skirt was quite a bit fuller so Tony would have much easier access.

The taxis pulled up at the hotel and we got out, all of us moving very quickly. Karen grabbed my arm, Tony grabbed Jackie's, and we held hands as we walked in together. The desk staff gave us a stare but I don't think any of us cared. I tried to tell from Jackie's face if Tony had got further with his fingers but she was in a poker-playing frame of mind and I couldn't tell.

As we waited for a lift I was absolutely fizzing and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. We stepped in and I gave thanks we were on a high floor so had a minute to keep the girls on the boil. I knew from Tony that Karen's fantasy was to be taken forcefully and I wanted to keep the dominant position; as soon as the doors closed I pulled her to me, kissed her passionately, then spun her round and held her close to me, my hands closing on her delicious boobs and pulling her tight to me as I kissed her neck. She gasped and wriggled her arse against my rapidly hardening cock, so I pushed against her to show how much I wanted her.

This time I wanted to take it further than in the taxi, but I had to rush it, so shoved my right hand forcefully under her waistband from above and straight down between her legs, which she again parted for me. My finger glided through her delightful furry bush, over her clit, and encountered her pussy for the first time. She was soaking, and gasped out loud as my fingers parted her lips.

All too soon the lift bell pinged and we tumbled out, then tried not to run down the corridor to our room. As we entered I called out "Alexa, turn the lights low.......Alexa, turn on some smooth music.".

Pulling Karen to me again, I took her in my arms and kissed her with passion. With another woman I'd have probably got some wine out and taken it slower, but I knew her thing was to be taken hard and fast and I wanted to make this work for all of us, not just me and Tony, so I moved quicker than I normally would. Not that I could deliver on her desire to be fucked with her knickers shoved to the side, they'd already gone, but it did mean I wasn't going to slowly dance with her and strip her.

Next to us Tony and Jackie were kissing passionately, and I saw Tony unzip her dress and let it fall from her shoulders and down to her feet

I did need to get that skirt off though, so I flicked open the button at the rear and unzipped it over her firm arse, then tugged it down sharply. It pooled round her shoes and she stepped out of it and kicked it away, leaving her standing in rumpled blouse, grey stockings and suspenders and shoes. I kissed her again, picked her up and threw her on the bed and shrugged off my jacket.

I didn't give her - or anyone else - a chance to say anything, but dived straight in and planted a full kiss on her hairy pussy. Forceful fantasy or not, I love eating pussy, I reckon I'm good at it, and I was going to eat my fill before fucking her. The fact I love a good bush just added to the spice.

She groaned and held my head, I pushed her legs wide open and held them open with my hands forcing her inner thighs apart before pushing my tongue down to the base of her slit and running it up very slowly, opening her lips up with my tongue and tasting her properly for the first time. Her aroma and taste was fantastic. I flattened my tongue and circled it around her clit, gently and at a distance to start with, then slightly closer.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jackie on her knees, tugging Tony's trousers down and then hooking her fingers in the sides of his pants down to access his cock. I wasn't surprised: She loves to suck cock almost as much as I love to eat pussy. Secretly I was pleased we were taking the lead with this less experienced couple.

I ran my tongue all the way down Karen's pussy sharply, making her gasp, and pushed it against her perineum while my nose was buried in her bush. I was taking a chance here but most women in my experience love it. Whether they can tell what I'm doing or not I don't know, but if they get lost in the feeling that's all the better. Then I gently just touched her arsehole, eliciting a gasp, before quickly pushing my tongue back up to her entrance again before she realised what I was doing. I made my tongue into a point and forced it in as hard as I could, squeezing another gasp out of her and she clutched her tits. I knew I had her now.

Her already wet pussy was juicing up like crazy and I licked up her delicious nectar. I breathed in her scent deeply, making my cock harden and twitch even further. There's nothing hornier than a woman losing control and running with juice, knowing it's your cock she wants inside her. I lifted her legs high and wide and started long licks all the way from her arse to her clit, mixing up where I stopped and played - one time her hole, pointing my tongue and forcing it into her, next time just above, inside her lips but under her clit, then around and on her clit, then her perineum and bum as I started bringing her close to coming.

I was concentrating solely on Karen so couldn't see what Jackie and Tony were up to, but I could hear the wet, sucking sounds of a world class blow job. I smiled. I knew what Jackie would be doing. She does this incredible thing where she gets her mouth really hot and wet and swirls her tongue around your head, just dipping on to it with really short strokes, almost pulling off your cockhead at times - then suddenly plunges down and takes you deep, the back of her mouth opening up to your thrust. Usually she then pulls straight back before you've even had time to register the incredible feelings, but every once in a while she stops without pulling back, and then drives down on to you again, taking you - if you're really lucky - into her throat and burying her nose in your pubes. From the sounds of Tony's gasps, this was having its usual effect on him. I hoped he could hold back as I knew what we both wanted was to seed each others' wives' married pussies, but at the same time I was determined to bring Karen off with my tongue so I increased the pace.

I had Karen splayed wide open with her heels against my chest and they were digging in to me. I'm not into pain but this was wonderful - a sign she was losing it. I would relish the bruises they'd leave on me. With her legs high and wide, I eased one finger in to her as my tongue played around her clit, and she threw her head back and groaned. I could see the flush rising on her chest and knew she would be coming like a train before too long. Her pussy felt fabulous round my finger, hot and soaking wet.

I pushed in another finger and started to thrust them in and out, my hand forcing her open, as I lashed above and round her clit with my tongue, getting it as wet as I could. Then I curled my fingers round towards her belly inside her and felt for her G spot, locating the rough, rippled skin there that marks the magic zone in most women, and started gently massaging as I thrust my fingers in and out and licked up her delicious nectar. I swear I could feel her clit begin to vibrate and pulse as she started moaning and shouting, and then it retracted slightly before pushing right out into my tongue as her pussy started contracting on my fingers.