The Twelve Stage Process

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A 12 stage process to sexually control your man.
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The Twelve Stage Process

Hello everyone! My name is April. I am a friend of Latisha's and that is why I am publishing this instructional in her account with her permission.

This instructional is generally for women. If you are a man you probably should not be reading any further.

Many women (including me) care deeply for their boyfriends but wished that certain sexual aspects of their behavior could be changed. And often, this is easier said than done (I will explain later on). In my experience, I got tired of asking my boyfriend to 'try this' or 'let's try sex this way'. Essentially I was getting a little bored with our sex life and the lack of variety and I was tired of ASKING my boyfriend to make changes for me. So, with the help and advice of others, I decided to stop asking and start taking control of the issue myself. And my efforts were rewarded WAY beyond my wildest expectations.

With that said I give you "The Twelve Step Process" - an instructional on how to sexually train your man to become sexually submissive to you resulting in increased sexual pliancy.

Generally speaking the whole goal of this Twelve Steps Process (herein referred to as 'The Process') is to induce your man to be more mentally, emotionally, and physiologically pliant to your desires when it comes to sex. This is accomplished through implied submission through established dominance combined with slow feminization. These abstract concepts are established in your man through the careful usage of three tools:

  1. Butt Plugs

  1. Strap-on harness/dildos

  1. Orgasm control & denial

All three of these tools are essential and integral to your success. Failure to include or utilize even one of these three tools will result in failure of your efforts!! ALL THREE are very important to your efforts for different reasons BUT your whole endeavor BEGINS with the use of butt plugs so if you fail integrating the use of butt plugs into your sex lives you will fail overall!

Keys To Success - The success of your efforts hinges on your successfully integrating anal penetration into your man's sex life. Very often, the everyday American male has adopted many toxic beliefs regarding anal penetration (i.e. if I experience even the smallest kind of anal penetration it will compromise my masculinity and turn me into a homosexual). So, as you can imagine, there are certain characteristics in one's relationship that would indicate a greater chance of success with this kind of undertaking:

  1. If your man is open-minded
  2. If you have been together for a while
  3. If he trusts you
  4. If you care about one another
  5. If your sex life is pretty vibrant
  6. If he has a high libido
  7. If he a 'I'll try anything once' kind of guy
  8. If you are charismatic and can coerce people into doing things for you
  9. If you are confident
  10. If you have more self-esteem than he does
  11. If you have more sexual experience than he does and he knows this
  12. If you control the relationship (even if you do not control the sex).
  13. If you are patient

And there are many others but you get the idea. Patience is probably the most important as this is a slow adaptive process you are undertaking.

Important Tasks - At this juncture I will give the reader two warnings for things to look out for (as I have gone through this experience). There are TWO tasks that are IMPORTANT for you to do as they go hand-in-hand:


I STRONGLY advise you to give as much thought as you possibly can to the goals which you are trying to attain by implementing The Process. Essentially, determine, with as much granularity as you can, what changes you are trying to instill in your man. The more thought you give to your desired end result, the closer you will get to attaining what you wish for. The path I am going to lay out for you can be a jumping off point for attaining any end result. I wanted my man to be willing to try WAY more sex acts than he currently did, to be more attentive, to listen to me, and to be way more emotionally vested in how I felt about our sex life. I got more than that! But if you wish to establish a BDSM relationship, establish a Dominatrix/Submissive relationship, establish a FLR, make your man more submissive, make your man more feminine, engage your man in sissification, or try bisexual sex or anything else... This is a good path to start down. But KNOW where you want to end up!


As you go through the steps I outline later on it is VERY IMPORTANT to be VERY aware of the changes that are occurring. Not only the changes that will occur in your man but also the change that may occur in you. This is SO important for two reasons. Your man may like the changes you establish in him WAY more than you expected, AND/OR the changes in him simultaneously may be marked by changes in you (which you may like as well)! Be careful and be aware!! I am a perfect example! I watched the changes in my man closely as I was very careful and slow. But the changes which occurred in me were a total shock! I LOVED the power of being the dominant! I LOVED being the one doing the fucking! And I will confess that I have developed a wild desire to see him suck a real cock for me! One of the two wonderful girls who advised me and contributed to this program kinda lost control of her man and now he has such a craving for cock that he seems more interested in dick than her! So be careful!

Feminization - Right here I will give you women a word on 'Feminization' as it often has a negative connotation right off of the tongue. But that is not the case. Feminization is purely about training a heterosexual male into adopting feminine traits for the purpose of submission and for the female's enjoyment and pleasure. Additionally it is for the submissive male's betterment and enjoyment. It is a win-win situation, is not permanent, and exists only between the dominant female and the submissive male during their sex sessions in which they actively explore feminization. The relationship between the dominant female and the submissive male goes back to normal outside of these sessions. This relationship has absolutely nothing to do with gender desire allegiance and is not forced.

Additionally, if done in a nurturing and caring fashion by the dominant female, submission and feminization strengthens the following human characteristics of the submissive male:

- Gives him courage to go outside of his comfort zone.

- The orientation shift encourages sexual self-exploration in the submissive.

- Strengthens confidence.

- Learn to pleasure a woman in any way possible without hesitation.

- Learns to stop sexual inhibitions from holding him back.

- Learn to be satisfying and self-assuring when submitting to the dominant female.

- Learns to give completely and unselfishly with no expectations in return.

- Learns to appeal to women in ways he did not know about.

- Understands the sensual form and behavior of a woman better.

- Understands the feminine side of life.

- Embraces feminine characteristics he did not understand or was ignorant of.

Importance of the Effect Caused by the Use of Butt Plugs - The whole process is fired off by the usage of butt plugs. Your average ordinary American man has little or no experience with anal penetration and usually wants to keep it that way.

The insertion of a butt plug in one's anus ALMOST ALWAYS causes three things to occur to the person the plug is inserted into:

  1. It causes a constant and no-stop 'filled up' feeling inside of your body.

  1. It causes a constant and non-stop low-level feeling of sexual arousal, &

  1. As the 'filled-up' feeling and sexual arousal is non-stop & constant AND the butt plug itself is penis-shaped, the user is ALWAYS aware that they are being penetrated by a cock-shaped object.

This subtle awareness is why a butt plug is the perfect way to start making your man more submissive.

That is why it is SO IMPORTANT NOT TO FAIL at the initial step and get your man to try using a butt plug in the first place.

See, it is essential that you get your man to allow you to fuck him in his ass with your strap-on dildos. But 99% of men would NEVER let you do that right off the bat! That is what the usage of the butt plug will slowly do for you! So in the early stages when you are using a butt plug to train him, NEVER tell him but ALWAYS REMEMBER that everything you do with the butt plug is conditioning him so you can strap-on fuck him one day! I am going to tell you what to look out for as the changes in your man will happen slowly but if you HAVE FAITH IN THE PLAN, they WILL occur!

On the very first time you put a plug inside your man he will be shocked. He will be shocked because the constant 'filled-up' feeling of a cock-shaped object penetrating deep inside his ass is turning him on will freak him out! He will be wondering, "OMG, do I like cock in my ass?!?!" And his acclimation to anal stimulation will have begun (even though he will NOT be comfortable with it). And as you continue to have him try the butt plug what you are really doing is breaking down his resistance to anal penetration. As you continue to induce him to use a butt plug further you will do certain things which accentuate his awareness of his sexual arousal from anal penetration. You will SLOWLY train him to begin to think less of his cock as his main erogenous zone but think MORE of his ass as his erogenous zone. Essentially you will be conditioning him from being a Sexual Penetrator to being a Sexual Receiver. This will take a long time but you WILL get to a point where you will allow him to cum ONLY when he is being anally penetrated. He will not know this but what you are doing is preparing him to take your dildos anally. You will end up getting him to wear the butt plugs longer and more often and you will also use bigger and thicker plugs. Unbeknownst to him you are anally training him to take your bigger dildos. You will imply some subtle humiliation techniques when he begins to get more comfortable with the arousal. Soon you will imply subtle submissive techniques. You will imply control of his orgasms and he will get hornier and hornier getting more and more comfortable with anal stimulation until one day he accepts that he is turned on by anal penetration and begins to embrace the feeling. Comfort will turn to enjoyment which will turn to desire which will turn to a craving. Oddly enough, with some suggestive texting and teasing, his cravings will be accompanied more by thoughts of cock resulting in an accompanying thoughts of sucking dick. In the end, if kept horny, he will become so turned on when having a plug inside him that the thought of being sexually aroused in a feminine fashion will no longer bother him and he will accept it. A psychological change will take place and any male resistance will crumble away. He will WISH to be penetrated in a feminine fashion and he will allow you to finally strap-on fuck him. That will be the turning point!

Orgasm Control & Denial - Having your man give you control over his orgasms and ultimately denying him any orgasm at all is ESSENTIAL!! YOU MUST DO IT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!!! The main reason is that you want to deny your man any orgasm whatsoever so he gets hornier and hornier and hornier. And the hornier he gets the more willing he will be to submit to doing whatever you ask so long as he gets to orgasm as a result. And strict Orgasm Denial will cause him to become so horny that he will eventually accept only being allowed to cum when he is being anally penetrated by a butt plug. And after further orgasm denial combined with constant anal penetration, eventually he will accept that he is only allowed to cum when you are strap-on fucking him. And the more you strap-on fuck him allowing him to cum, the more he will associate his orgasm with anal penetration. Before you know it he will be begging you to fuck him! But before I go into the secondary reasons, a note on HOW to go about your orgasm control & denial. Essentially there are two ways to go about this:

  1. Chastity: Essentially you will have to buy your man a chastity cage, put his cock in it, lock it up and have him give you the key. He will not be able to get at his dick at all unless you let him out. I think it is somewhat barbaric but many men do not have the self-control they think they do and this is the only way to POSITIVELY keep them from jerking off without your permission.

  1. Psychological Denial via Trust: This is the route I took with my man. This is where the dominant woman denies the submissive man any orgasm by implanting an idea, threat, or reward which will make the submissive man WANT to hold back their climaxes. This is what I did. I can ALWAYS tell when my man is lying. He knows this too. And he knows that I know. So it is useless for him to ever lie to me as we both know he will get caught. He has a certain rare collectible worth nearly $100,000 US. When I brought up the idea, as he has high self-esteem, he took it as a challenge and gave me control. We went to the bank and rented a safe deposit box and put his rare collectible inside the safe deposit box and locked it. He gave me the key to the safe deposit box and told me that if he ever orgasmed without my express permission then I could keep the collectible item for my own. I agreed and hung the safe deposit box key around my neck on a necklace between my tits so he could always see it as a reminder that I 'own his cock'. I respectfully asked him every day if he had jerked off (while looking for signs of him lying) but, as best as I could tell, he kept his word as I never felt he was lying to me. I helped him stick to it by making little tributes to him, giving him encouragement, and making sure he got off here and there. I was very pleased he was strong enough to do this for me. IT IS STRONGLY ADVISED that, when you decide to utilize this method of Orgasm Control & Denial that you buy a locking chastity cage anyway. Show it to your man when you first take over control of his orgasms and tell him that if he ever breaks your trust and cums without your express permission that he will have to put his cock in the chastity cage from then on. And stick to your word and lock him up if he orgasms without permission.

As I said earlier there are good secondary reasons to obtain orgasm control and implement orgasm denial. I am getting ahead of myself here but if you have success you will get to a point where you become so dominant, he becomes so submissive, and you continue to strap-on fuck him, and deny him any orgasm that eventually he will, what I call 'Cum Like A Girl' and shoot his load hands-free solely from the feeling of a strap-on dildo sliding in and out of him! This is a wonderful accomplishment. I felt so powerful with my big dick! The longer you deny him an orgasm the more willing and easier he will cum from anal penetration.

There are other reasons too. Male orgasms can release hormones that impede the process you are trying to accomplish. Also the lack of orgasm will have better mental clarity and encourages focus and dedication. Also, each orgasm a man has just makes them crave another one. He is satisfied for the moment but then his toxic male instincts take over again. The longer you starve the masculine beast within a male by denying him an orgasm the more submissive and obedient he becomes.

Coercion - This is the last topic before I get into the details of the different stages. As you can imagine, like most American males, if your man knew everything you were going to do to him and why he would certainly NOT allow you to even start doing these tasks in the first place. So for you to successfully pass through all 12 Stages of modifying your guy's sexuality you must remember that you are relying on patient constant coercion on your part.

There is a 'No Turning Back' point in this 'Process' where your man is likely to choose (voluntarily or under duress) to no longer consider refusing to do anything you tell him to do. In "Stage 5 - Removal Of The Male Ego" when you very first strap-on fuck him, you will take a video of him while you strap-on fuck him without his knowledge. From that point on you will use that video as leverage by using it as a possible source of blackmail (if your man ever wishes to quit the process you can always blackmail him with the video threatening to show the video to his friends if he does not continue on doing whatever you tell him to). Resorting to blackmail may sound distasteful but that depends on your end goal. One of the two girls who contributed their experience and knowledge to my own successful experience had a boyfriend who was a jerk, treated her poorly, occasionally hit her, and stole from her. And when he fucked one of her friends when she was drunk she knew it was time to break it off with him. But since this guy suffered from low self-esteem and this girl was very vindictive after months of poor treatment, she decided to get him back right before she broke up with him. So this girlfriend of mine used this 'Process' as a basis to sissify her boyfriend. It took her many months but she was wildly successful! Her ex-boyfriend now has a 'Daddy', is in permanent chastity, and the only sex he now experiences is taking men's cocks in his ass and mouth while dressed like a slut in a dress, heels, stockings, and makeup. HOWEVER, even with his low self-esteem, according to my girlfriend, there was a time early in The Process where he insisted that he wanted out! Nothing my girlfriend told him could change his mind. So she showed him the video she had taken of him being strap-on fucked by her and threatened to show it to his friends if he did not continue. And she had no issues blackmailing him either because she hated him. And the blackmail worked! It is too late for him to turn back now!!

But if you truly care about your man (like the other girl who contributed her knowledge as well as me), the LAST thing you want to do is jeopardize your man's trust in you by blackmailing him! It is likely to work if it comes down to that but he may resent you blackmailing him which will undermine your success. Besides, once The Process begins it will be 5 weeks before you first strap-on fuck him and take a picture to blackmail him with. So it is VERY IMPORTANT that, in the first 5 weeks you go slow, be patient, are encouraging, are nurturing, and while doing so, coerce him to do your bidding.

Remember that, deep down, if you expose your man to submission and feminization slowly, almost every man will end up enjoying it! Never start thinking, "I am twisting his mind to do something which he does not like." Instead, always think, "I am slowly exposing him to new sex acts which he will end up enjoying once he gets used to them!" Always remind him that his participating in your requests makes you feel so sexy and gives you a thrill! ALWAYS remember, from the very start, that the butt plugs inside him cause him CONSTANT SEXUAL AROUSAL (even if he will not admit it or denies it). So, in the beginning, if you get him to wear a butt plug, ALWAYS wear a butt plug too, tell him how turned on it feels inside you, encourage him to recognize that the butt plug inside him turns him on too, and give him subtle suggestions to recognize and enjoy the feeling. Make him cum, as often as you can, when he has a butt plug inside him. DO NOT RUSH! You want him to get comfortable with the experience as you will work at getting him to wear his plug for longer periods of time and start using thicker and longer plugs inside him. And as he uses them long and bigger the resulting sexual thrill he experiences will get stronger. Remember this! As the sexual arousal which the plugs cause him continually gets stronger, he will feel it. He is aware of this and will fight this arousal as he feels he is a man and being turned on by anal penetration is unacceptable for men in our culture. Besides, he likes the feeling and this scares him. He may want to quit using them altogether. This is where your sexuality and coercive skills must come into play. Associate you two using butt plugs together with turning you on to the extreme. Only let him cum when he has a plug inside of him. Experience a butt plug session with him as often as you can make it happen. Subtly have him wear the plugs for a longer and longer time and, without telling him, increase the width and size of the plugs you use a little bit each time when you can.