The Twelve Tables Ch. 18


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"You don't have to ask me twice, look at this place," Dante walked into the room touched that Josh had decorated in the style he had used in his apartment. "It feels like home already."

Beaming up at Josh, Peri hugged her arms around him. She had listened to them when she woke through the night and knew that they were good for each other. Dante had let Josh pour out his feelings about Nik in an unreserved way and then when he was ready, and able Josh listened to Dante as he spoke about Emilio. She had known Josh planned to create a space for Dante here, and she was happy to have him as part of their lives and immediate family here in this house.

"I haven't forgotten you," he murmured returning her hug and leaning down to kiss her. They walked back to where the kitchen sat behind the staircase and rather than going around it, they walked through to the other wing. They walked down a short corridor past two closed doors before coming to a wide open space that was the Master suite.

The large bed in one-half of the room faced a glass wall that looked out onto a private courtyard complete with hot tub and tropical plants. A small lounge and comfortable chairs sat in the other half of the room and opened into a large walk through closet space and bathroom. A closed in room occupied the space next the private courtyard and as she finished exploring the other areas of the room she went to the door.

"What's in here?" she asked Josh curiously as she tried the handle.

"The fun room," he grinned. He stepped forward and pressed a small hidden panel beside the door which unlocked it and let her turn the handle. Peri opened it only a fraction before blushing and went to close it again.

"Maybe we should explore that later, together," she whispered.

"Not likely," Dante laughed. "I'm not going to be the only one here who doesn't know what's in there," he put his hand on the door and pushed it wide. "Well, well, well," he smirked. "What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall in here."

"Stop that," Peri smacked his arm lightly and went to pull the door closed again not daring to look at any of the other people in the room. "A little warning would have been nice," she whispered to Josh.

"What? Josh said innocently, "They helped me build it, even designed some of the furniture to make it safer and ergonomically supportive." He couldn't help but laugh as Dante roared with laughter at his explanation. "Trust me Dante is far from shocked. He's probably even more jealous now."

"Hell yes, I am!" Dante laughed even more and stepped between them putting an arm around both their shoulders. "Perhaps all the good things in your life should be in three's," he waggled his eyebrows at them.

"I give up," Peri muttered and stepped away from the brothers towards the small group who stood at the other end of the room talking quietly. "I don't know how to thank you all enough. This is all beyond my wildest dreams." She said with genuine gratitude.

"You will get our bill," Tarsia laughed merrily enjoying the tour and the obvious happiness of Josh and his family.

"Maybe we should go back out to the living room before Peri's blush makes her burst into flames," Dante chuckled closing the gap between he and Josh and the others.

"Wait! The nursery where's the nursery? It's sort of important right about now," she asked running her hands over her big belly.

"I'm so excited about this, and I thought you would never ask," Grant took her hand, "Come with me. We kept the nursery close. All babies need their Mama." They walked back to the short corridor, and he opened a door to a basic guest room with three single beds. "This is where the nannies will stay and this," he opened the door opposite to reveal a nursery for three babies.

Overwhelmed Peri walked into the room her eyes travelling over every piece of furniture and accessory. The individual wall art with the babies names she had commissioned hung proudly over each bed. The only person they had told the names they had finally decided on had been Grant until now. Each crib had its own space and accessories including changing station, rocker, and chest of drawers.

"I had all of the gifts we were given at the baby showers brought over and organised by the staff. Mama has already sent the girls that you and Bridgette approved. So we can move in straight away if we want," Josh said coming to stand behind her and wrapping his hands around her waist and belly. "Or we can stay in the city close to the doctors and hospital until the babies arrive."

"I say we move in now," Dante said following them into the room after giving them a few minutes alone. "She can come back to the city with me during the day so she isn't here alone and I can bring her back at ..." his voice died as he stood in front of a crib and read the name art. "Well, at least you didn't make it his first name. I'm not sure I could have handled that," he said his voice thick with emotion. "Blaze Emilio," she said softly and turned to see the other names they had chosen. "Cruze Joseph and Eden Anne," he read from the walls.


Peri woke with a start. She woke often having to go to the bathroom, but she had never wet the bed before. She was sitting up and about to swing her legs over the edge of the bed when she felt the first twinge. Slightly stronger than the usual Braxton Hicks she endured she bit her lip and rubbed her belly as it subsided. The pain felt like it radiated from her back making her belly tense up and she began to worry.

Standing up she padded to the bathroom and turned on a dim night light. Despite the wet bed, she still needed to empty her bladder she sat on the toilet and took a deep calming breath. Something was wrong. She could feel it. She was half-way back to the bed where her phone lay intending to call Pete and explain what she was feeling knowing he would calm her down when another twinge gripped her. Taken by surprise, she bent as if to double over but was stopped by the belly which had tensed with the pain and what she believed was just a stronger Braxton Hicks contraction.

"Peri?" Josh said sleepily hearing her soft cry and realising she was no longer in the bed.

"Something isn't right, I was just gonna call Pete and tell him I feel a bit weird," she said through gritted teeth as the painful moment subsided.

"Weird how?" Josh woke immediately at the sound of pain in her voice.

Peri made it to the bed and turned on the bedside lamp folding back the sheets and revealing the dampness on the sheets. "I wet the bed, and the Braxton Hicks feel different somehow. Like they are coming from my back and circling instead of just tensing my belly. It's not super painful or anything, but its hurts a little bit more than usual," She admitted.

"Fuck we should have stayed in the city," Josh immediately snatched up his phone and called Pete. "She's in labour we're on our way, get whoever you need there we'll be there as soon as we can, I'll get D to drive," he said abruptly and hung up. "Just sit for a minute I'll get everything we need including D." Josh began to bellow Dante's name before he left the room, adrenaline racing through him and colouring his voice with the panic he felt.

Peri could hear a murmur of voices from the kitchen as she walked into the wardrobe and pulled on some clean underwear and one of the big tent dresses her mother had given her for being comfortable around the house. She slipped on a pair of flat shoes and grabbed the hospital bag she had repacked almost every day in the last ten days. Her caesarean had been booked for two days' time.

Dragging on a pair of jeans and a shirt, Josh rammed his feet into his shoes not bothering with socks. Dante raced into the room and picked up her bag as Josh picked up Peri and they hurried to the car. Bridgette had woken and stood in the doorway of her room realising what was happening wishing she could ask for more information or at least a phone call from the hospital, but instead she said a silent prayer and watched them go.

Peri's emotions were all over the place, and she began to cry. This wasn't what they had planned; she wasn't ready. She was anxious and overwhelmed; she had not seen Josh look at her with such concern since they had reunited after her ordeal in Canberra. She didn't know what to do or what to say, she reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, and he gave her a crooked smile.

"It going to be perfect Josh, everything is going to be wonderful," she whispered and grimaced as another spasm started in her back and tightened her belly. "I don't want the caesarean anymore, they want to come normally, I can do this, I'm stronger than I look," she gave a laugh that was laced with pain. "I can do this. I want to do this. Don't let them cut my babies out, please, Josh, I don't want that anymore."

"Let's see what the doctors say when we get there," Josh said stroking her hair back from her face.

"I know there're risks, but there is a risk no matter what we do now. This isn't what we planned this is what they planned, let's let them come into the world the way they want to," her voice was soft but held a certainty and determination that she could and would give birth to them naturally.

"Ah," she groaned loudly biting her lip realising the pains were coming more frequently now and wondering how far they were from the hospital.

"Step on it D. or I'm going to be delivering one of the babies in the back of this car," Josh said urgently.

"You think I am out for a Sunday drive here," Dante growled, his anxiousness palpable. Dante pulled up to the emergency entrance of the hospital, and a team was waiting. Josh refused to leave her side as she was placed on a hospital bed and wheeled through and up in an elevator to the delivery suites. A team of doctors and nurses in surgical scrubs waited for them and overwhelmed by the crowd Peri sat up grimacing.

"These babies are coming now it's too late for the plan I don't want the caesarean," she declared loudly making everyone in the room stop to look at her. She cried out as another pain gripped her, "They're coming now whether we like it or not so do what you have to do here not in surgery, I'm not having the caesarean."

"Peri, it's Dr. Bellino," Anna said pushing her mask down. "I know you are scared, but it will be much safer if we stick with our plan," she said gently as once again the team started working to place monitors on both Peri and across her belly to monitor the babies.

"No! These babies want to come now, normally, not in a cold, sterile room. Josh help me," she begged looking up at him as yet another contraction gripped her. "Pete, please, I can do this. You know I can do this," she was becoming distressed as she pleaded with the people around her. "Oh God," she groaned loudly.

"Peri I'm going to examine you now. I need you to lie back and relax," Anna said. "Dr. Thomaz needs to feel your tummy to see what the babies are doing right now. "We need to look after the babies now," she said with a gentleness that encouraged her to relax and lie back allowing the doctors to work to ensure her babies were fine.

"Josh don't let them take me," she begged as he took her hand and stood by her head as her underwear and dress were removed, and she was given sheets for some modesty as the doctors worked.

"Peri, I'm Dr. Thomaz, and we have an ultrasound set up to look at your babies. Try and breathe slowly and deeply for me," he said in almost crooning tones.

"Baby A is crowning Peri, try not to push yet until we have more of an idea what position he is in?" Anna said calmly, but her eyes sent a different message to Dr. Thomaz, who immediately ran the scanner down over her belly. "It looks like we are doing this, let's hope that only one has decided to come right now."

There was a flurry of action as members of the team hurried for equipment and dragged it into the room. Josh watched wide-eyed as the room filled around him with bodies and equipment. His hand continued to stroke Peri's hair and try to soothe her. He bent his head to kiss her and promise her anything if she could just get through this safely but she cried out and crushed his hand in her own.

"He not waiting any longer it seems, push Peri," Anna said loudly. She pushed hard crying out and gripping Josh's hand and in only two pushes the first of her sons was born.

"I've got this," Dante said from behind Josh, "Go and meet your son." Josh hesitated looking down at the woman he loved and back up at Dr. Thomaz, who now held his son who wailed taking his first breaths.

"Is he okay?" Peri's eyes implored Josh, who kissed her forehead and moved to go to his son.

"He's perfect," Dante murmured taking the stool Josh had vacated and smoothing back her hair as Josh had done. "The doctors need to check him over, and you have two more who are waiting to meet their Mama."

"Baby B is head down, but Baby C is still transverse. It looks like B pushed A out and is coming just as fast," Dr. Thomaz alerted the team. "Peri you're going to have to keep going he spoke as he saw the current contraction subside. Breathe and feel what your body needs right now."

The second of the babies was born just as quickly as the first with the second of the boys being born only minutes after his brother. Josh was there to cut the cord for the second baby who was screaming and crying upon his entrance to the world. Dante remained with Peri holding her hand and helping her to understand what was happening by repeating everything the doctors said. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead as Josh had done as she cried and gasped for breath after delivering the second of her babies.

"Peri, we need to try and move this little girl, she's not dropping into position, and we need to try and turn her before she becomes too distressed," Anna said gently moving up to her head and talk to her. "Dr. Thomaz is going to massage your belly and encourage her to move now that there is a little more room in there. Peri cried out as another contraction gripped her body, she was tired now and breathless from the pain and exertion. Determination drove her as she felt the heavy hand pushing hard on her and massage her belly trying to move the baby into position.

"She's turned now Peri, but the little ballerina has her hands above her head. How are you doing Peri?" Anna asked as the doctors continued to manipulate her belly.

"I'm great!" Peri tried to sound confident.

"Good. The baby is becoming stressed now. Try not to push yet I'm going to attempt to move her arms internally," Anna said and moved back to her position at the foot of the bed.

"I can do this, I really can. I can do this. Oh ah," Peri let out a long, painful cry as she felt the hand invade her cervix and attempt an internal manipulation. "She's going to be fine because I can do this," she cried tears streaming down her cheeks as she thought of her baby being trapped and distressed within her. She felt the warm rush as the water was broken and she cried again as the doctors hand continued to move within her in an attempt to save her from surgical intervention.

"The heart rates beginning to decline," Dr. Thomaz announced, and Peri cried out in fear and pain as another contraction gripped her. The talk went on over her head as if she wasn't there and she knew that the baby was either not tolerating the labour anymore, or the placentas were beginning to detach and starving the baby of oxygen.

"Push, Peri push," Anna yelled withdrawing her hand quickly, and Peri put all of her reserves of energy into pushing this baby to the freedom that beckoned outside her body. Finally, fifteen minutes after her brothers she arrived. There was no scream or crying, and she appeared to be quite blue. Dr. Bliss took the baby quickly.

"What's wrong? Why isn't she crying? Oh my God what have I done?" Peri was becoming hysterical. She should have let them do the caesarean she thought. One of her babies might not make it, and it was her fault.

"The doctors are looking after her Peri. She will be okay. Dr. Bliss has her," Dante said at a loss to say anything else as he stroked her damp hair from her face once again. "Breathe, relax, you did it. You did it all on your own little Mama. You have three beautiful babies.

Peri continued to ask for her babies and to see her daughter as they continued to deliver the placentas and clean her up.

Josh returned to her holding a bundle. "Hello, mama would you like to meet your son Blaze?" He smiled and bent to kiss her forehead as he placed the baby on her chest. He immediately started rooting around and surprised she exposed her breast from under the sheet that now covered her body. He latched on but barely suckled before being content just to be there on her breast.

"He's a boob man just like his father and Uncle," Dante chuckled in awe of the woman lying on the bed and the small bundle she held. A nurse brought in Cruze and Peri took him in her other arm finding that he too seemed to be seeking out her breast. The twin boys rested peacefully as Peri counted little fingers and continued to ask about Eden.

"Can you check on Eden please, Josh?" she asked her anxiety clear in her voice.

"She's okay, she just needs some oxygen for a few minutes, but she is recovering beautifully," Josh said gently. "She's going to be perfectly fine. Pete is with her. He will bring her in as soon as he can."

"I'm sorry Dante, you got a little bit more than you bargained for tonight but thank you. We couldn't have done this without you here," Peri smiled and reached up to touch his cheek. Rather than feeling jealous Josh felt a warmth at seeing Peri touch Dante with such an intimate gesture.

"Are you kidding? I'm honoured and privileged to be here. I can't imagine anywhere I would rather be than here with you two right now," he said looking at them both and taking her hand. "I love you," he said to Peri but looked up to include Josh in the statement.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This reminds me of mastering Bella. Ever since they introduced Dante as best man… I had a feeling Josh’s days were numbered. Especially since he’s been focused on being the head of the family and is changing from including her to just telling her what to do. Seems they’re setting Dante up to be Josh before he went “traditional” like his dad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Peri and Dante

Maybe Peri can comfort Dante later through sex. After all, her trial with the family was cut short by the attempted murder on her.

aisielynnaisielynnabout 5 years ago
To the Anonymous poster immediately prior to this comment....

Please just let go of your disgust over what happened at the very beginning of Peri’s trial. There is sooo much more to this story than that blip of time. I’m whole-heartedly upset over the loss of Lio, but it has opened the door for a new future for Dante that may never have been possible if Lio were still alive. You, however, are so caught up and overwrought about something that was extremely minor in the overall scheme of things. I could understand still being upset about it if Joseph has fucked Peri outright after she agreed to the trial or if he continually ogled her and propositioned her at any time they were in the same room or area.... however, he has embraced her as a daughter and has not shown any signs of wanting, desiring or even contemplating a repeat of what happened between him and Peri during the trial negotiations. It is annoying to see you bringing that blip of time up in every comment you leave after almost every chapter since the event occurred. I hope that you are able to seek out counseling for whatever deep-seeded issue you have that has been triggered by that event for it to remain such a sticking point for you in regards to enjoying this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wrong son

Damn! Why not Josh instead of sweet Emilio so Peri can end up with Dante? I keep picturing Josh and his father dying in a firey crash along with a couple of "kept" slaves! I can never get over him handing Peri over to his Pappa "to train" and his perv of a father making her blow him! I'm still hoping Dante gets Peri somehow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is one of the more touching chapters...I have laughed and now cry from the beauty of rebirth and loss. Such good writing. I have loved all the chapters so far btw...d

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