The Twelve Zenati Pt. 07


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With her feet planted firmly on the floor, she pressed back against his hand and the invading fingers that teased her and pushed her towards to edge of her climax. He answered her whimper with a soft growl of his own, and she almost cried out with the loss as he pulled his hand away from her. The cry of disappointment froze on her lips as he suddenly surged forward, filling her completely with a deep hard thrust that knocked the air from her lungs in a loud whoosh of breath. Her legs curled up to wrap around him, and she cried out with the pleasure of feeling him take her and the pain lancing into her side as her body arched, pulling at the wound and the dressings giving it scant protection from his use.

As his body met hers, Genesis groaned loudly when Olivia tore her mouth from his to emit a fierce, sharp cry of pain, pleasure and surrender. Her legs trembled and stretched out along his sides, then drew up and closed around his hips, locking them together as if wrapping herself around him.

As if it had been preordained, from that first day in the hospital to this moment right here, Genesis knew that he and Olivia had been tangled together, victims of the stars or Cupid's arrows, the fates, or whatever strange synchronicity that guided the lives of the Zenati men. There was no doubt in his mind that this was right. It was in the way she fitted to his body, the way she melded to him and the way they worked together, seeking the same thing, obliteration in each other's bodies. She'd been drowning in sadness and needed rescue, and he realised now that he was hardly any different. He had needed her to pull him from the complacent, comfortable life that had been killing him since he had returned home permanently.

He looked down into her face, seeing her submission to the pleasure that he offered her, but there was something new, a wicked gleam in her eyes that told him that even though she enjoyed this rough usage, she would continue to challenge him for more. She was split wide, stretched, totally violated, and she wanted it, but she also wanted more.

"Yes! Please, more!" she whispered. "Harder! Faster!"

He began fucking her so hard that the bed shook, and with that, the headboard banged against the wall and briefly drew her eyes up. She looked at the wrought iron filigree and then back at Genesis, who rose above her, and gave him a deep, submissive look. She raised her arms above her head even though the headboard was too far away to grip, and her mouth opened in a long high whine as her eyes closed. She came with amazing force, her body tense and then limp as a rag doll. Spasms in her pussy clutched at his cock as her legs twitched. He paused, savouring the feel of her and holding back his own climax, before instinctively reaching for her wrists, needing her to feel his power over her despite allowing her to come at will.

Olivia felt his hands lock around her wrists through the fog of pleasure that surrounded her. She closed her eyes and moaned in acceptance of his dominance over her and her body. His movements slowed to long shuddering strokes to torture them both as he took his time to enjoy the aftershocks of her orgasm with her. It was like a delicious agony as she felt him move inside her, as if she could feel every detail of his cock.

As obsessed with her as Genesis had been, he'd had many sexual fantasies of her as he had sated his need alone and unfulfilled while she had recovered in hospital. Now it all clicked into place, the force of their bond, who she was and why there was this powerful attraction between them. Why she was filled with such conflict and doubt. He took her wrists again and held them tight against the bed. Then he levered his upper body up and looked down at her. Her lips were parted and strands of her dishevelled hair were in her face, giving that sweet, angelic face a look of wanton sensuality. She was flushed with sexual excitement, but her eyes, beautiful sea green eyes, were open and looking at him with a mixture of anticipation, need and desire. He saw that wicked gleam in her eyes again and thought he recognised it.

He knew, at that moment, that she wanted what she would never dare ask for, from a part of her she would never even acknowledge. The greedy, spoilt girl who was Olivia who always wanted more wanted the pain she knew he could give her, the punishment she thought she deserved. Hot, needy, passionate, the secret pain slut, the hidden sexual slave on fire to be taken with all the violence of naked male desire, plundered, fucked, and used, looked at him from the depths of those beautiful eyes as if daring him to use her completely.

Olivia was the first to look away from their locked gaze. She knew that he knew just what she had been thinking, and she felt the flush of her skin increase as she turned her face in, as if to deny that she had been about to beg for him to hurt her. She had challenged him with her reactions to his possession of her, and she remembered his words about trying to manipulate him. As his movements stilled, she dreaded that he would withdraw from her before reaching his own climax.

Genesis knew submissives. He knew what it was like to find a woman who lived to give herself and open her body and heart and absorb all his wild violence and savage passion, whose pleasure was always mixed with a bit of pain and the ache of surrender. But to find one like Olivia, one who he was fated to love forever and one who didn't yet even know the depth of what she was and how he would cherish her for her surrender and submission? This girl, his girl, was ripe for discovery and exploration, and she was a treasure beyond value to him. He began to fuck her again, thrusting into her hard, deep and fast, seeking his own pleasure in the woman who would satisfy his every need given time.

Olivia took Genesis' renewed possession of her, and the pounding thrusts, with a series of little whimpers and excited mewls, his pubic bone grinding against her labia as her wrists twisted helplessly in his fists, testing the degree of his resolve to restrain her hands from touching and holding him, making the act far more intimate. The power and strength that she felt in him pushed her higher again, and she teetered on the edge of yet another orgasm as her body shook and arched into his onslaught.

Bending his head to her breast, Genesis sucked her nipple deeply into his panting mouth and chewed on it roughly, revelling in her cries and the feel of her shuddering, straining body below him. He wanted her like this. He wanted the cries and jerking spasms of her body as he gave her the painful pleasures he so enjoyed inflicting on her. He wanted more, just as she did, but she was damaged, and he knew even now that he was using her too hard for her unprotected side. He pushed her higher, biting into the soft flesh of her breast, and felt her convulse as she fell into the dark abyss of the climax that assaulted her.

Genesis let the beautiful body below him milk his climax from him as she bucked and cried out her own pleasure. She pulled it from him. She milked him with her greedy, spasming little pussy, and he watched her fall into her own writhing, slutty ecstasy again and yet again, as waves continued to wash over her. He released her hands, and she clung to him, almost sobbing with her pleasure and the exhaustion of her restless night sleeping beside him.

Olivia had never felt so overwhelmed by sensations and emotions. Not even when she had believed herself truly in love with Remy and he was at his best had she felt the way Genesis managed to make her feel at that moment. Her whole body seemed to answer his call for her to meld with his. Tears sprang to her eyes as the sweetest orgasm began to wash over her before the tidal wave of sensation behind it crashed over her, making her cry out and jerk in spasms that shook her whole body. She had never felt anything like it and fear of the unknown mixed with the pleasure and pain that he gave her.

Finally, Genesis ground to a halt. Drenched in sweat, he slipped from her body and fell onto the bed at her side, gasping for air. He took her in his arms and pulled her tightly to his chest again. He didn't intend for her to get away in any way, shape, or form, and she was too weak to resist his need with her doubts and excuses like she used when he pressed his dominance last night. She seemed so frail as she fought to regain her breath and equilibrium. She seemed so small as he cradled her to him, her features appearing so fine, even in the afterglow of sensual fulfilment and abandon.

"Shush, my girl. I've got you now, I've got you," Genesis whispered soothingly into her ear.

"What did you...? How did you...? I've never... " She seemed unable to complete a coherent thought.

"Don't talk, little one. You don't have to talk. I think we just said it all." Genesis held her closer. He could feel her heart thumping against his chest. "We connected. That's what happens when you connect. When you both know."

"When you know? What does that mean? When you know what?" Olivia whispered in confusion and pulled back and looked at him, her eyes searching his face.

"I meant that we know each other, that we're connected in a way that we could never be connected with anyone else. We know each other on a different level, a deeper level few others could ever understand." He tried to explain how he felt about her and hated that he had to acknowledge even more of the unbelievable curse that afflicted his family. Today was a new day for Olivia and him, and he planned to make the most of it, bonding her even more tightly to him.


Marcella walked along the path at the top of the cliffs and looked out over the bay. It was beautiful here. She had never expected this town to be so pretty. It was small in comparison to the other capital cities she had visited, but it was one of the prettiest. She looked across the bay to the buildings at the heart of the central business district in town. It would be nice to have a day of shopping and fun with the girls. She had enjoyed Vivienne's company at dinner the night before, and she was looking forward to meeting Sera, Noah's sister.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, she sent a text to Vivienne and asked if she wanted to meet for coffee at the café on the foreshore near their apartments. The answer was almost immediate, and she smiled. She'd been relying too heavily on Noah when she had always prided herself on being independent and self-sufficient. She wasn't sure if it was the shock of Olivia's condition, or just that she had felt like a fish out of water here, that had made her call him every day but she needed to get herself together.

It was the sudden change in his demeanour as he had walked her to her apartment last night that had affected her the most though and made her realise that she had allowed herself to become dependent on him for more than just his friendship. He'd been so flirty during the dinner, but when she had invited him in he had made the excuse of an earlier phone call from his cousin to decline. It had hurt. She rarely considered any relationship that could be more than just an anonymous one-night stand. She wasn't used to being turned down. In fact, she had never put herself in a position where it could happen before, and she wasn't sure whether to be mad at him or herself for being and feeling that vulnerable.

She walked toward the café as she reconsidered her plans and the favours she had asked from Noah. She could live without both. However, it would make her life more difficult and put a strain on her finances and her position in the legal firm she worked for in Perth. Maybe she should just get herself a car and back off from him for a bit, get her bearings and do what she knew she needed to do. Vivienne may be a solid sounding-board, with her relationship with Gideon seeming strained too. The Zenati family were known to be reclusive and strange in some of their beliefs. Maybe having a friend who was in the same boat as her would be a good thing.

Marcella smiled as she saw Vivienne approaching the café from the opposite direction as she arrived and indicated a small table at the side that was empty for them to sit at. She then went to order coffee and muffins for them, remembering how Vivienne said she took her coffee after dinner the night before.

"I'm so glad you invited me this morning," Vivienne said once Marcella returned with a table number and took her seat. "I didn't know if I would be disturbing you and Noah if I called too early or if I would miss you if I called too late."

"Me and Noah?" Marcella gave a soft laugh. "He didn't stay last night. I'm pretty sure he has friend-zoned me despite all the flirting."

"Oh really? Wow, my radar is way off then. I thought you were a couple last night." Vivienne shook her head, wondering how she had gotten that so wrong.

"I suppose I should have thought of that. I didn't disturb you and Gideon, did I?" Marcella asked.

"No," Vivienne shook her head and blushed. "It's all a bit too new and complicated for anything like that," she admitted.

"Something tells me that all three of those Zenati brothers are complicated," Marcella laughed.

"I don't think you're wrong about that," Vivienne laughed with her. "I'm very curious about their sister, Sera. Gideon said that Sera is short for Serafina but that she isn't angelic at all."

"Interesting," Marcella said and checked her watch. "We should call her after we have finished our coffee. What are your plans for the next few days?"

"Well, I'm not sure how welcome I will be at the clinic after I told Genesis he could fire me after I interfered in what he was doing for Olivia - again," she sighed.

"You don't agree with the treatment she is getting? You're the expert on these types of neuroses, aren't you?" Marcella asked, obviously concerned that Vivienne and Genesis had a disagreement over her sister's treatment.

"Genesis has reasons for the things he does that I don't always see at first. Gideon seems to relish those opportunities to remind me that, even though I have all the background knowledge and research, I don't have the hands-on experience with extreme cases like this. If I am honest, Genesis has been one step ahead of me this whole time and is making a huge difference to Olivia's treatment and care. While I seem to make mistakes. I think it might do us all some good for me to take a break from the clinic today, maybe just call in this afternoon to check on her. I think she needs me there as a friend more than a doctor who keeps messing up," she sighed again.

"But you're the expert," Marcella repeated. "Are you sure that it's not Genesis who is making the mistakes. I mean he isn't a doctor or anything."

"He's been pushing her since leaving the hospital to stop using the false identity that Remington Royce gave her and to take her name back and accept who she is, and she has been fighting him. Refusing to answer to the name and only speaking when called by nicknames, although she isn't insisting she is Serena anymore," Vivienne began to explain. "I didn't understand why he was so adamant about her acceptance of her name, and I suggested she use the shortened version of Liv if she hated Olivia so much."

"That make's sense," Marcella agreed. "I used to call her that all the time."

"I thought so too, until I had the reason that Genesis is so adamant it pointed out to me. Olivia is trying to hide from her past mistakes, all the guilt and self-recrimination she feels about the person she was when she was Olivia. I only gave her another name to hide behind so she wouldn't have to face you or anyone from her past. She uses other names as places to hide so that she can continue to think of Olivia as dead. Genesis wants her to face her past and move forward from that. He's trying to undo all the damage that Remington did to her psyche by showing her that she will still be loved and cared for as Olivia, no matter what secrets hide in her past."

"But Liv is Olivia. Like you said, it's just a shorting of the name." Marcella argued the point that Vivienne had tried to last night.

"It's still not her name. I even told her that if she didn't want to be Olivia because it was too hard, she could be Liv instead. I encouraged her to explain to Genesis how much she didn't like Olivia and tell him that she would be Liv instead for him. I didn't realise I was just giving her another façade to hide behind. I made another mistake because I was looking at it through a different lens than Genesis. Turns out that I'm not the expert I thought I was, not with these extreme cases of brainwashing or conditioning anyway," she admitted. "The women I usually work with are victims of domestic violence or sexual assault, not the long-term physical and psychological abuse Olivia has suffered."

"I'm sure your treatment is just as valid," Marcella said, wondering why this woman would be confessing her short-comings in the treatment of Olivia to her.

"You know, I never realised just how much I needed to someone to talk to who wasn't so invested in Genesis' agenda. I mean, I know you're invested in what happens to Olivia but..." Her voice trailed off. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have unloaded like that on you. You barely know me. Trust me, if Olivia were my sister, I would want someone like Genesis looking after her."

"You know what? I could use a friend too," Marcella said decisively. "Truthfully, I don't have that many girlfriends. I've been so busy working my butt off to prove myself to everyone that I don't do a lot of socialising." She felt for Vivienne and could see the toll that having to admit she wasn't the expert she was supposed to be had on her.

"You're a lawyer, I remember. I imagine that's a tough world for a woman," Vivienne said.

"Not really. I deal with family law mostly, but I chose not to lean on family support or apply to work in one of the family businesses, so that made it a bit harder, I guess," she shrugged. "I'm like a third or fourth cousin from the Table, so I doubt that those close to the Table even take notice of what my sisters and I have done with our lives," she explained without rancour.

"I know a little about family law, because of the women I work with," Vivienne told Marcella. "It can be a highly volatile space."

"True, but I am also a bit of a bitch at work. People who face me across the settlement table know that I negotiate hard for my clients. Some of them are spoilt and rich and others like the women you treat. I have asked Noah to help me navigate the legal system here. I'd like to know about the differences in Territory Law to state, if there are any." Marcella gave Vivienne an insight into her work in return for her confession, putting them back on equal footing again. If they were going to be friends, it was important that they started on equal footing. She knew more than a little about psychological profiling herself, not that she would ever admit that to Vivienne. The woman was the expert after all.

"Why are you interested in Territory Law? Are you planning on working here while Olivia recovers?" Vivienne frowned.

"Maybe, but it's more for personal interest at this stage," Marcella hedged. She wasn't sure how much she could trust Vivienne with her plans yet, and she didn't want the Zenati putting obstacles in her way.

"I have an idea," Vivienne smiled across the table. "Why don't we play hooky from the clinic and the brothers today and do some exploring on our own. I have barely seen this city, and I have been here for over two weeks."

"I was considering hiring a car so I could do a few things for Olivia. I'd like to try and find her boat for her. Maybe we could combine the two things, a bit of sightseeing and a visit to the marina?" Marcella suggested.