The Twelve Zenati Pt. 24


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Trailing her eyes over his nakedness once more as she moved forward, she reached up to grab his cock firmly and lick the precum beading on the head so deliciously. Unable to resist, she leaned forward further to lick and swirl her tongue around the head of his cock, moving away from the buck of his hips rather than chastise him and came to her feet.

"Having fun?" she taunted placing her hands on his shoulders as she manoeuvred herself to straddle his legs and move to kneel over him the heat of her body radiating from beneath the robe she still wore. She could feel his trembling with the effort to restrain himself as she kissed him deeply tangling her tongue with is as she lowered her pussy to hover over his cock without making contact. He thrust up at her, and she broke the kiss and clucked her tongue following it with a purr of pure enjoyment.

Noah was sure he was losing his mind. He'd never let anyone do something like this to him. He moved his head to try and capture her lips again, but she moved to fast for him to track where she was. He was about to remove the blindfold and take this cruelly torturous woman in hand when she retook his mouth, her hands caressing his neck and jaw holding him in place as she hovered over his cock once more. Groaning at the feel of her tongue dancing with his own, Noah froze as she lowed herself onto his cock, the feeling of her tight pussy enveloping him making him growl in heat and lust.

With slow movements that threatened her own sanity, Marcella lowered herself onto Noah's cock ready to reap the rewards from all the teasing that had left her almost as needy as he obviously was. Truth be told she hadn't expected him to last this long as she had dragged out as much of her teasing as possible without sending him over the edge into release. She was the needy one now, and she wanted all of him filling her to overflowing, but she made herself move slowly and grind down into him when she hit the base of him. She sat there for a long moment, unmoving as she continued to kiss him.

Breaking the kiss, she widened the robe so that her breasts would brush over his chest as she rose and fell on his cock. With excruciating slowness, she moved to fuck him the tips of her pebbled nipples dragging over his chest.

"Fuck!" Noah growled and unable to help himself he moved slightly to meet her with small thrusts of his own and moaned into her kiss as she retook his mouth, kissing him with the passion of a starving woman.

Wanting to come with him Marcella ran her fingers down to her clit teasing at the swollen bud until she couldn't take much more. The angle of his cock pounding her G spot and the whole sense of power she had at the moment sent her spiralling over the edge. She broke the kiss throwing back her head and crying out as she ground down on him, her pussy milking at his cock with her orgasm.

Noah lifted his hands to steady the woman riding his cock as she leaned back and cried out her climax. Lifting her slightly, he thrust up into her enhancing and elongating that orgasm for her before he roared out his own climax into the night air. Coming back down to earth with heavy breaths he gathered her to him pressing her into his chest as he heaved for the air he so desperately needed, pleased that the air he breathed held her scent now.

"Fuck," he groaned breathlessly, as he removed the blindfold and took charge of looking after her now. He stood on shaky legs holding her in his arms and walked through to the bedroom, planning on continuing their exploration of each other in the shower.


Vivienne sat quietly, watching the man she loved work seamlessly with his family. Each complemented the other. There were no egos or commands just true collaboration and praise when one of them discovered a missing piece to the puzzle they were unravelling. She smiled content that she was now part of this fantastic family and considered her earlier idea. She would like to keep it as close to this family as possible but admitted she would need help. Emma she knew could be the one to help her in the end but what she needed was to spend some time with Madrina or Junie to find out more about the origins of this curse that affected the men of this family. It seemed that it had been weeks since she had seen the older woman and wondered if a surprise visit to Madrina might be in order if Gideon was still caught up in this investigation tomorrow. Maybe she could even take Olivia with her if her bodyguards came with them. Genesis wasn't inclined to let her out of his sight for long at the moment, though. Still, there was no harm in asking, and Olivia might enjoy a day outside of this apartment.

"I had an idea," Vivienne said quietly to Olivia. "About a project, we might be able to work on together with Marcella when she comes back. You know to keep ourselves busy while the men are off saving the world from the Suebi influence."

"Oh? What sort of a project?" Olivia asked. "I can't really do much. I never went to college like you, and if I am honest, I barely graduated high school. I don't believe Marcella will return unless she has a good reason which if everything goes well with her plan won't happen. Maybe you should ask someone else to help you."

"But nobody else can, only you and Marcella can do this project with me," Vivienne explained making Olivia frown in disbelief. "Those fairy tales you talk about, that Marcella created for you as a child to get you and Jessa through some rough spots, sound like something that could help other children who are in similar situations? I thought maybe we could write them down and make them into children's books that parents or even therapists could personalise for children to help them navigate some very tricky situations. When I was little, there was a book called The Invisible String; it was a simple picture book that got me through some of the rough stuff in my life."

"You want me to tell children fairy tales?" Olivia wrinkled her nose.

"No," Vivienne laughed. "I'm not sure either of us wants to tell stories for an audience of children, but I thought maybe we could make your stories into picture books and then therapists and parents could buy them for their kids to help them through rough times. We could start with the ones Marcella created for you and once we have all of the characters we can extend them to other books to address other issues that affect kids differently, like school bullies and or when life seems out of control. Whenever you talk about those stories, your mood lightens like you remember the difference they made to you. Wouldn't it be wonderful to help someone else in the same way?"

"I guess, but they were never my stories they were Marcella's, and she's the one who made up all the characters and told the stories to both Jessa and me," Olivia explained. "I'm not sure Marcella would like it if we did that with her stories."

"I hadn't thought of that but think about it anyway, and we can ask her when she comes back," Vivienne said brightly.

"You know she won't come back," Olivia said, sighing with resignation and looking up at the table of men.

"No, I don't know that, and I would like to think that Noah can convince her to give us all a second chance," Vivienne said hopefully.

"She thinks she needs to be here right now to protect me. Once she finds Hermione's she won't need to be here anymore and she won't stay in case the Battaglia come back again. I don't think you or they," she looked at the men again, "Understand how much being there with Veronica Donati affected her. She came back from the Battaglia different that last time and she had the frog to protect her instead of being the one to protect us. She never came home, she went to live with my Aunt and got me to leave home too because Papa was so mad at us all when he couldn't punish her for getting caught again." Olivia said.

"You understand why she couldn't go home to you, don't you?" Vivienne asked gently.

"Now I do, Genesis told me and let me read the report you wrote," Olivia nodded. "I didn't back then, though. All I could see back then was that she had left us again and didn't care that Papa was madder than ever and hurting Mama so bad."

"Well think about the project anyway, and when we see her we can ask her if she would mind if we used those stories to help others," Vivienne said resigned to the fact that she couldn't move Olivia from her stance and oddly proud of her for making one on her own without seeking Genesis's approval first. "Somehow I don't think the men are going to be finished any time soon," Vivienne laughed, indicating the men at the table. "I'll let them know I am going to go up to bed and hint that Gen should encourage you to do the same."

"That's okay. I'm comfy here for now, and I like being around the noise and action," Olivia gave her a small smile.

"As long as your sure," Vivienne smiled and took her hand squeezing it and noticing just how much Olivia had grown in her confidence and self-expression since she had first found her at the hospital. Whatever Genesis was doing was working miracles for Olivia. Then she got up and crossed the room to Gideon. "It's starting to get late. I'm going to head upstairs, good luck with your research," she went up on her toes to kiss his check and was temporarily stunned with he pulled her to him and dipped her back kissing her long and deep despite the good-natured jeering of the other men in the room.

"I've hit a dead-end, for now, I'm going to walk my wife upstairs, but I'll be back," he informed them and took her hand.

"Sure you will," Genesis chuckled and looked over to where Olivia had made herself comfortable on the couch. He knew he should have encouraged her to go to bed, but he liked being able to see her while he was working, so he left her where she was.

Gideon was halfway out the door when Zanto stood up grabbing his laptop and without a word to any of the men stunned by his sudden movement he walked into the living room where Olivia was curled on the couch listening to the noise of their research. Turning the laptop around to face her, he spoke quietly, barely above a whisper.

"Could this be the woman you were introduced to as Madonna Schwann?" he asked softly.

"I think so it's hard to tell, but she was tall and beautiful like that and," she narrowed her eyes a little. "I think she is wearing the necklace Remy gave me but its hard to tell, the necklace was important to her for some reason. She didn't like that I was wearing it."

"Give me a minute," Zanto said, sitting beside her and zooming in on the photo while trying to keep the clarity of the image. "It looks like a Suebian knot," he nodded.

"Can you look at her face that closely? I'm not sure I remember much except that she was stunning, but it might help," Olivia asked. Then watched as Zanto moved the image and tapped the keys with lightning speed to make it as clear as possible for her. "I think it is, but Remy had already started to mess with my head when I met her, I think. I can't be positive, but it is my necklace or its identical twin," she gave him a half-smile.

"Thank you, are you okay to stay here if I need to ask you any more questions? Would you like a blanket?" he asked solicitously.

"There's a throw on the couch if I need it. I'm comfortable here, and I like to listen to you all talk," she smiled at the shy young man. Or at least he came across as shy. He was sweet at the very least, she decided as she watched him walk back to the others to explain what he had found.

Having found that one photo of the woman they suspected was Madonna Schwann their job became infinitely easier with a reverse google search. By the time Gideon returned an hour later they had the name she had used as an alias, her address and business premises now they just needed to decide how to proceed with that information. Picking her up to question her and find out if their theory was right would be the most apparent course of action. Still, it would also put Bea on alert and thereby Marcella's plans to discover Hermione's and the Suebi power players who would be there. No this would be a waiting game, but they had more information than before and delving a little deeper might give them details of one of Madonna's cohorts who might have the information they needed to prove the theory.

"We're not going to do anything to risk Marcella or Noah's lives. A few days sitting on this information while she gathers the information about the meeting at Hermione's won't kill us and What she is doing is far more important and infinitely dangerous than proving a theory from behind computer screens," Armando said.

"Agreed," Xavier said. "Let's let Marcella do her thing, and then we will do ours. She's the one leading the charge to exonerate Olivia, and that has to be the priority. Once that's done, we can go after the people who tried to kill her."

"Agreed," the men at the table said almost in unison and Armando pulled out his phone to call Marcella hoping she was awake by now and that Noah had filled her in. He knew how important it was to her to be in control of this situation and he wasn't about to hurt all of the work Noah was doing to convince her to stay with him by messing with their dynamic.


Noah restrained himself from taking Marcella the way he wanted after all her teasing earlier in the night. He had been attentive and affectionate with her in the shower that followed and was pleasantly surprised when she reciprocated. She was in control, and he should have realised how much she needed that in light of her background. Not that he would give in to her like that often but if it soothed the tension between them the way this interlude had he could meet her halfway on occasion and alter the way he approached her. His mind went back to their earlier battle, and his cock jumped in response, she had been spectacular in her resistance, and he would need to find a way to recreate that scene as well for them both.

"Kitten," Noah prodded Marcella as she slept in his arms. "Honey, that's your phone, and if you don't answer it Dad will only call me again," he warned. "I'm not sure how cut out I am to be your secretary," he grumbled and reached over her to grab her phone and bring it to her as it continued to peel with the distinctive tone she assigned to his father.

"Hello?" Marcella croaked.

"Yeah, your stupid middle child made me get up before the sun this morning and then ran me ragged all day, so now I just can't think straight because I'm so tired," she grumbled rolling onto her back and scowling at Noah.

"Yes! Threw me out of a perfectly good plane into the sunrise!" she exclaimed, shaking her head and Noah raised an eyebrow at the conversation.

"We're at the treehouse. I'm guessing you know the one," she said.

"No, I'm awake now," she said, sitting up and letting the sheet drop from her body exposing her breasts to Noah who watched her appreciatively.

"He told me about Isaacs theory, but that doesn't matter right now. It doesn't change the fact that I need to find Hermione's for Olivia so she can watch it bulldozed to the ground. Even if this Bea or her daughter is the one behind the assassination of Remington Royce, if they realise you are watching them they will call off this exchange and find another way to get rid of their rivals for the leadership of the Suebi," she said. She was pleasantly surprised that the men with Armando had come up with the same outcome and had decided to wait to make a move on Bea and more so Madonna until after the exchange and subsequent raid on Hermione's had taken place.

"Thank you," she said and dipped her head so Noah couldn't see her expression any longer and could barely hear her voice. "I'm glad they understand why I had to do it this way," she said quietly.

"Yes, I promise I will be safe and try to keep Noah out of trouble. He doesn't make it easy, though. His self-preservation skills are way off," she gave a small laugh. "Are you sure you can't order him to come home so I can just get this done?" she smiled and put her hand over the phone looking over at Noah.

"Your Dad says you're grounded and have to go home," she said with a perfectly straight face.

"We're stuck together remember. I'll go home and stay in my room the moment you agree to come with me," Noah said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Did you hear that?" she asked. "Yeah, I know. Thank you. I will see you for brunch in the morning at Star city." She ended the call and flopped back on the bed.

"You better cover up if you don't want me starting round three tonight," Noah warned his eyes raking over her naked upper body.

"You need to sleep on the couch," she said imperiously. "I can barely move after everything we did today."

"Then sleep, Kitten," he said softly pulling the covers up over her and spooning against her body. "Sleep because tomorrow will be a big day too."


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I have been (and still am) enjoying this Table series immensely, more so than the previous ones. I know many people have complained about the brutishness of Noah, or the Table men in general, but, when reading about Marcella’s and Noah’s evolving relationship, I can’t help but disagree! Ellie has a talent for writing complex relations and inspiring fantasies and this is no exception. The constant battle for power between these two is intoxicating and enthralling to say the least, and I feel as if it strengthens the story, rather than takes away from it. I would also like to point out that every single time Marcella has said explicitly to stop an action, it was stopped. She thrills in breaking his resolve, in fighting him for that power, and even when it feels like she’s losing (e.g. being spanked in the car), she knew what she was walking towards. Some people want to fight for control before ultimately letting go and “losing”; it’s almost like a back door to submission, where your opponent is worthy of your submission.

Anyways, I’m going to continue to blast through these chapters so I can see how Noah and Marcella end!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I wish that Marcella would find a man that respects her and understands that the past would colour her present. You are a good writer nu i dislike most of the characters in this storyline. Even Vivienne is forgetting all that she had learned about trauma and starts to behalve like a airhead when it involves Olivia and Marcella. But you probably like those men so saidly Marcella and Noah are going to be happy together, although her past would never allow her to trust somebody that behaves like Noah.

I really really dislike Noah....

hfp612hfp612over 3 years ago

Enjoying the story immensely. There is the right balance of action, dialogue, and sex to make the characters come alive.

That said, please try to differentiate between the possessive "your" and the phrase "you're", a contraction of "you are".

subnotslavesubnotslaveover 3 years ago

Very clever writing Ellie, thank you.

I am a reader. As such I have always believed it to be the author's right to determine the characters they create. Good or bad, sensible or stupid, the characters belong to the author. Yes, I get fed up with the way some characters are, or how they behave at times; but I remain guided by the author about the nature and characters of those that are created in the story.

Story is the operative word here... The author's story.


Ellienora35Ellienora35over 3 years ago

Marcella has only ever tried to help her sister and get out of an abusive relationship. The only mistake I can really see that she made was to give her sister money to leave.

Now Marcella has done everything in her power to help her sister. She has even taken hurt after hurt from Olivia while sticking it out and loving her anyway.

Noah has tried to help Marcella, but he has done it by not respecting her personhood or trying to to find out from Marcella why she is what she is. Noah has a big heart, but he seems to me that he is spending all his time fixing Marcella. He says he respects her, but if he did, he wouldn’t need to fix her. Instead, He has done it by manipulation, blackmail, and outright lying.

I have seen Marcella grow. I have not seen Noah grow. I would love to see Noah grow. He needs to look inside and see something wrong before he can grow. It seems like he likes himself just the way he is.

The reason that I put whatever my ideas and what I am thinking down here is not to bash the story. It is to tell the author and the other readers exactly what I am thinking as I read it. Yes, Noah is a product of where he came from, but that is sort of the problem for Marcella. Noah came from the tables, who have treated her badly, and even Noah’s own family has treated Marcella badly.

I would love to see the growth from Noah.

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