The Twenty Year Itch


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I rubbed his sac around, getting in my hand just like I wanted it. I even kissed it as I gently massaged it. He closed his eyes, pushing his hips upward again. That's when I tightened my hold and gave a twist.

"Owooo! What the hell are you doing?" Tears were dripping down his cheek before I stopped increasing the pressure. I has anticipated him trying to hit me so I'd held back out of his reach while on his back; when he tried to sit so he could swing, I tightened my hold. He immediately dropped back down and started to beg. As long as he remained still, I loosened my grip—a little.

"Now you listen and listen good. I'm not going to repeat myself. Don't you ever insult my husband again—and as far as you getting his pussy—his pussy didn't get turned on by your juvenile antics. It's all still there, waiting to get him in the bed tonight." I hesitated before continuing. I was so mad I had to consider just what I wanted to say.

"You're right about his cock only being average, though I'm not quite sure how you'd know—have you been peeking in the men's room?" He started to say something but a slight twist of my hand changed his mind. "I admit some of this is my fault, but I suspect you and that bitch Pat worked together, though I can't imagine, for the life of me, why she'd care. Anyway, I fell for your line, so I'm the fool in this drama, but I tell you right now, if you ever approach me again, I'll tell Sid, and I can almost promise you he'll twist these things off and stuff them down your throat. Do you understand?"

He nodded. "But what if they assign us to work together again?"

"Won't be a problem. I'll call my resignation in Monday. Sid didn't want me to work anyway." I gave him what Sid calls my death stare. "Do you think you can stay there like a good little boy while I get dressed?

He nodded and I turned back to retrieve my dress; I knew damn well his male pride would force him to jump me. I was ready. I heard him make his move and when he did, I flipped him over my hip and landed on him with his balls in my hand again, only this time I squeezed harder.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty," I said. "You promised you'd be a good little boy." He was clearly astonished to find himself in this position. "Oh, I must have forgotten to mention Sid and I work out with the local judo club twice a week. I only hold a brown belt, but soon I'll have a black one like Sid."

I arose and started dressing again without glancing at David. "You will remain on the floor this time, won't you? I asked. He stayed in that same spot while I stepped into the bathroom to clean away his cum that I just realized was still leaking from me. Finally satisfied that I looked presentable, I opened the door to leave. David still hadn't budged from where I left him.


Seeing it was April l leaped to my feet ready to burst in there and put a stop to this crap. I didn't even make it to the door before two of the biggest men I'd ever seen had me by each arm, pulling me back to my chair. Hell, I didn't even know anyone was in the room except me and Mark, but as they almost dragged me back to my chair, I noticed another door was open. That would explain the 'how' of their presence; their next words accounted for the 'why'.

"Da boss, he doan like nobody messing up his deal; nows how about youse jest sitting in dat chair and joy the show. Youse can leave after it be over."

So I was forced to watch my wife being fucked by her lover, while two goons stood behind me, ready to assure I didn't, 'Mess up de boss deal.'

At first I was burning, just thinking of the ways I would handle that bitch, but then things got a little amusing, even if they still pissed me off. It became obvious fairly quickly that David was one of those big cock studs who thought only of his own pleasure. I was pretty sure April wouldn't care for the kind of screwing I was watching her get.

"That's a lot of woman!" Mark eyes were glued to the scene also. "Wonder what it'd be like to fuck her?" he mumbled. I didn't think he had any idea she was my wife, so I didn't get insulted by his comment.

My opinion of how April would like David's performance was vindicated when I heard her trying to give him instructions on how she liked it. It was obvious the dumb ass wasn't listening and when he finally flopped over and started snoring I knew April hadn't climaxed. I knew all her little 'tells' and was sure she'd only come close a couple times. If I wasn't so mad, I knew I could get a real fucking when she got home. That asshole would have only made her hot as a firecracker.

As I continued to watch the spectacle being played out before me, I started losing some of my anger. Maybe I'd only kick her out, not beat the hell out of her, as I had intended. When he insulted my manhood I remembered her promise to kick the shit out of anyone who tried, and I started getting pissed again.

Again my anger was shorted lived because she did just what she said she'd do. All four of us moved closer to the mirror when she caught his balls, and as I listened to her words my anger disappeared, only to be replaced by memory of the time it was me doing the cheating.

Her words sounded like those of a woman who had screwed up and knew it—and she was resolved not to do it again. I could relate to that—it was the very way I had felt. The fact she was saying them to her supposed lover with no idea I could hear them made me think she was sincere.

We all whooped when she threw him ass over heels and pounced like some Amazon warrior of old. We had practiced that move for weeks because the instructor said it might come in handy in case of a mugger grabbing her from behind. I thought she had it down pat.

Five minutes after April and then David left the room the goons opened the door and signaled for us to leave.

"Don't worry about me, Boss," Mark said as we walked to his car. "My lips are sealed." Crap! For the first time I remembered Mark knew my wife. "Besides, from what I heard her say, I think you're a pretty lucky man. She got it out her system with not too much damage."

As I listened to Mark's words my mind was still in turmoil. Common sense said he was right, but my male ego wasn't so ready to give up. Should I at least let her know I was aware of her cheating? At once the thought popped into my head, 'Sure O righteous one, and while you're at it be sure to tell her about the time you cheated.' That thought didn't appeal to me at all. By the time I got home I'd decided to ignore the situation, hoping she'd meant what she said there at the end.

I had managed to get home about thirty minutes before April. I knew she was bothered about what happened as soon as she walked in the door.

"Have a good night, Honey?" I tried to sound normal.

"You wouldn't believe how rotten it was or how glad I am to see you." She came to me, shedding clothes on the way. I followed her lead, but I was faster. She still had her bra and panties when we embraced. Her bare skin felt good pressing against mine. We kissed and as usual she waited for me to finish 'unwrapping my present' as we always said.

As I unhooked her bra straps her breast spilled out, the nipples standing out and begging for attention. I had to fight down the pictures in my mind of another man's lips were on them just a short while ago, but I managed. April always claimed there was a direct string between her nipples and her pussy and I intended to show her nobody could pull that string better than me. I think I succeeded when she moaned and her knees gave way.

I scooped her up and headed to the bedroom. Dropping her on the bed, I pulled on the waistband of her panties. She lifted her hips enough to allow them to tug down. Her labia were still red and puffy but when I slipped a finger inside, I realized she had taken time to clean up. I'm not sure how I'd have reacted I'd found his cum still leaking from her.

For one of the few times since I'd known her I didn't use my tongue in our foreplay, but my fingers filled in nicely. I was nibbling on her breast and playing with her g-spot when she started that little whining moan that announced the beginning of her first climax. I didn't let up for her to recover, instead I rolled on top and with one shove I pushed it to the hilt.

Beginning the long slow strokes I soon had her humping against each downward stroke. This time she started moaning, then screaming for me to fuck her harder as she got closer to going. When she shuddered and held her hips up instead of matching my strokes, I switched to the quick short jabs I knew she loved

"Arghhh. She moaned un-intelligible nothings as a wave of sensation swept throughout her body. I could feel the goosebumps on her back when I pulled her tightly against me.

I gave her time for her breathing to return to normal before I started stroking her again, but I remained firmly encased in her silky sheath. with my cock feeling like it was going to burst. I dearly wanted to give her a third big 'O' but when I started stroking again, I had my doubts.

She did her best to help, lifting her hips to meet every downward thrust, and this time it didn't take long for her to start that sweet little mewling that let me know the end was near. This would be her last for the night, even if I had anything left, which I doubted. I tried to shift my body to allow my short, quick jabs to hit her g-spot and I must have been successful. When I could stand it no longer, I shoved as hard into her as I could and it felt like my balls were turning inside out.

I could feel her warm juices leaking around my softening cock. When I finally pulled out and lifted myself off her, I could see stuff, both my thick cum and a clear liquid, running down her cheeks and soaking the sheets.

We lay entwined and silent for the longest time. I don't know what she was thinking, but all I could think of was that I loved this woman, zits and all. I didn't want to lose her, no matter what. Finally she broke the silence.

"Sid, about that anniversary gift you were looking for..." She hesitated and a tear ran down her cheek. "Don't look any further; I got exactly what I wanted and what I needed tonight. Thanks"

She kissed me once more and we drifted off to sleep.


I found this account when I was cleaning up after the funeral. I had to get rid of a lot of stuff before I moved into the assisted living home and was throwing out a lot of junk. April kept quiet for a little over ten years before her conscience finally got the better of her. Mine had always given me a little kick in the behind, so when she came to me that night, crying and confessing , it was too much for me. I broke down and told her about my fling all those years ago. We must have been a queer sight, just hugging, and crying and confessing.

Finally, when we were all cried out, we both started laughing like crazy. Don't let anyone tell you confession isn't good for the soul; I know I felt much better and April sure acted like she did also. That very night we sat down and started writing this account, hoping to sell it to True Confessions magazine. They didn't buy so we stuck it back in the closet and got on with our lives. I hadn't even thought about it in years until now.

I decided I'd brush it up a bit and send it to iterotica. I know how some of you readers hate forgiving anybody, and how you claim it never works out, and I guess I'd agree in most cases. For us I can tell you we had over twenty wonderful years together before the Lord took April home, and not once during that time did I cheat and I don't think she did either.

Lord, the years ahead look lonely without my April.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Enjoyed the story overall.

Buster2U's first comment below shows baffling misogynistic sexist double standards and hypocritical tunnel vision. Sid should divorce April because ... once a cheater always a cheater? That would mean Sid's always a cheater and should have already been dumped by April ... I know I know it's different for men ... riiiight. You know like Buster says women succumb so easily to their Slut friends ... hmmm wait it was a susstained campaign by Pat and David over a long period and Sid's own previous infidelity influenced her wrongly succumbing. While on the other hand Sid was worried about April taking the county job because of all the "slut" men that were pussyhounds there and also let us remember he cheated without being convinced at all. Just his wife was out of town taking care of sick father and a hottie came along and said want some big boy lol.

Man up and face this sexist weak ass denigrating women bs. People of all genders are crap, flawed and foolish as well as loving, needing love and pretty fuckin amazing! Being a man is facing your own mistakes and shortcomings, not projecting them onto others or showing how self-righteously judgemental you can be. Being a man includes compassion, sympathy and empathy. That is different than being a doormat. To paraphrase "Ender" 'truly understanding another so well you love them, in that moment you understand their defeat" ... and have a better chance of staying with the wisdom and temperance if that living understanding to guide any further action or non action.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

@Buster2U: Actually the Anonymous comment from eight months ago while indeed long was actually quite on target on some points. And not just about the hyper fictional penis size trope. But the commenter analysis of the three strikes are absolutely spot on.

And the irony that if hubby had not watched her with David, and not seen her inability to orgasm with David (an inferior lover despite a mythical penis size / girth), and her violent reaction to the David's derision of her husband, then their marriage was doomed. And yeah don't understand the 10 year gap in confessions. But was an entertaining read full of dichotomies. 5 stars.

Buster2UBuster2U6 months ago

Remember readers, IT IS JUST A STORY! IF YOU WANT REALITY GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. LOL, I just did a RAAC story myself. LOL This was still a very interesting read. Stop with all the complaining and trying to remind the writer "that in reality this" or "In reality that" Stories on Literotica are just stories about life with some elements of truth and imagination. Nothing to get upset about. The one "Anony" wrote a whole book of complaints 7 months ago. LOL. He should just write his own story then, and show us how it should be done! We don't get paid for our efforts here. We just do it for fun. Lighten up, Folks!

Buster2UBuster2U6 months ago

5 big Blazing Stars. I was starting to Hate this story of a CHEATING wife who was so easily influenced by her SLUT coworker, which is so typical of women. LOL, But I liked it much better when she wasn't pleased with Dad's performance and started twisting his balls. In reality, I would suspect that a lousy lay would just be the end of David as a lover, but not the end of her cheating. I still think hubby should have divorced her. Once a cheater always a cheater. LOL what a hypocrite LOL Thanks, Buster2U

XluckyleeXluckylee9 months ago

Nice story, thank you for sharing 5 stars from Xluckylee

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