The Unrepentant Slut Ch. 02

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Sadie steals the prize from the birthday girl.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/03/2009
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Brian watched Sadie work the room. She was wearing a black halter top and a tight black miniskirt. Black sandals finished the outfit that showed off her full breasts and shapely ass. The black accented her creamy skin and thick auburn hair. It was early summer and already nearly everyone at the party was tanned within an inch of their lives. Among the sun worshippers, Sadie's pale luminescence glowed like moonlight. She flowed through the crowd flirting and gossiping with everyone.

"From wall-flower to social butterfly in one short year." Brian whispered to himself. He knew though, that hadn't been a short year for Sadie. All through high school, Sadie had been smart, but plain; a sweet, but shy girl. Almost everyone liked her, but nobody thought much about her unless they needed help studying. Some of the girls had teased her because she was so plain, but beyond that nobody paid that much attention to her. Brian had though. Then on last Halloween, a drunk driver had hit Sadie. She had been out walking and some guy just plowed right into her. She'd been in the hospital for about six months and when she came back to school nobody recognized her. Gone was the plain shy girl and in her place was this hot red head. She was outgoing and funny. In fact, if it weren't for the fact they had classes together, Brian would have sworn it was a different girl. However, Sadie was still beating Brian in every test and still top in every class so he knew it was the same girl.

The first week she was back Sadie had gone to the cast party for the spring musical and there was a rumor that she'd gotten it on with the drama teacher's husband -- a notorious rake. Brian knew that rumor was true having seen Sadie right afterwards. Brian had seen her at a few parties since then and was pretty sure the other rumors were true too. So tonight Brian decided to watch Sadie carefully to see what she was up to.

Sadie continued to move through the guests unaware she was under scrutiny. Always wanting to keep her options open, she flirted all the good-looking men she past. A smile at this one, a whispered dirty comment to that one. Sometimes she'd press her breasts against their arms as she leaned in to listen to their girlfriends' gossip. Other times she'd just kiss them sweetly on the cheek as she went by. She sipped her drink and scanned the crowd. She was having a good time. She could feel her hard nipples pressing against the fabric of her halter and she knew her pussy was wet from all the flirting she was doing. She was hunting and while any one of these fine young men would do, she had specific prize in mind. She hadn't seen her quarry yet, so she decided to check the backyard.

Brian watched Sadie's ass move up the hall and enjoyed the throbbing ache in his cock. He had a quarry of his own tonight. After a few moments he followed her.

Sadie stopped on her way through the kitchen to the backyard. Amy, the birthday girl, was there with a whole bunch of her friends. Amy had graduated the year before and immediately moved in with her boyfriend, Jack. He was working as a studio guitarist and she was majoring in Asian studies at DePaul University.

"Happy birthday, Amy." Sadie said thrusting a small box into her hands.

"You didn't have to do that. I told everyone no presents."

"Well, I don't like to follow the rules."

Amy laughed. "Well, thank you." Amy opened the box and gasped. "Oh my God. You shouldn't have." She lifted out a carved, ivory statue of Vishnu. Amy studied yoga and very into all things Indian.

Amy was gushing over the statue. "Look at the detail, right down to the eyelashes. My God, where did you find this?"

"Oh around. I knew you had to have it."

"Oh my God, it's wonderful. Thank you." Amy got up and hugged Sadie tight. "You've always been too sweet for words."

Interesting, Brian thought. The only times he remembered Amy and Sadie together before the accident; Amy had been making fun of Sadie. My how things had changed. Not wanting to be part of the hen party in the kitchen and guessing where Sadie would end up, Brian walked through the kitchen, said hi to all the girls and headed out to the backyard.

As soon as she could, Sadie got out of the kitchen and into the backyard where she wanted to be. She didn't come here to be part of a girls' night out. She took a swig of her drink and started making her way through the men. Nearly every guy out here had a girlfriend in the kitchen. She flirted with every one of them. She moved smoothly through the crowd until she saw Jack standing in front of the grill. As soon as she saw him her smile changed. Subtly, just a tiny shift in the corners of her mouth, but it was now the smile of a predator.

So that's what she's after. Brian thought. She's stalking Amy's boyfriend. She's going to fuck Amy's boyfriend at Amy's birthday party. He smiled and shook his head. That's just vicious.

Still, considering the way Amy treated Sadie before the accident, it was no wonder. That's exactly why Brian tried to be polite to everyone. You never know when the worm would turn.

"Jack." Sadie exclaimed smiling brightly. "I was wondering where you were!"

Jack turned and smiled back. "I'm manning the grill. Do you want something?"

"You know the meat I like doesn't come off the grill. Gimme hug." Sadie opened her arms showing off her hard nipples poking through her halter-top. Jack scooped her up into a huge bear hug. Sadie hugged him back making sure to press her ample tits against him. When they separated Sadie ran her hands down his sides and rested them on his waist holding him just a little closer to her hips than was really proper. "Don't you just look good enough to eat?" She let her eyes roam over his broad chest. "I may just have to take a nibble later."

Jack looked flustered as Sadie smiled and walked away. Brian watched Jack checking out her ass as Sadie walked back inside and laughed to himself. He knew better than anyone what Jack was wishing for. Amy was a nice enough girl. She was skinny and athletic and had a nice smile, but truth be told she was built kind of like an ironing board. Amy had tiny little bit-tits and no ass at all. Brian and Jack had been friends since they were kids. Brian knew Jack was an ass man. He loved a shapely butt. Good thing Amy was inside because his face was an open book.

"Don't let Amy see you staring like that." Brian said by way of greeting to Jack.

"What?" Jack looked startled. "Well, Amy's in the kitchen and you can't kill a man for looking."

"Don't be so sure of that." Brian laughed. "She does have a cute ass, though, don't she?"

"My God! I just want to grab hold and squeeze. I still can't believe that's Sadie Campbell. What the hell happened?"

"Maybe the boob and ass fairy visited her in the hospital."

"I guess!"

"Do you suppose the rumors are true?" Brian asked.

"Amy doesn't think so. She says Sadie would never do anything like that."

"Mmmmmm." Brian said thoughtfully. "I'm heading back in for another one. You need a beer?"

"Yeah, I could use one."

Brian made his way back into the house. The hen party seemed to have relocated somewhere. Sadie was alone trying to pull a cork out of a bottle of Shiraz.

Brian forgot all about getting Jack's beer. "Here let me help you."

"Thanks Brian. I haven't seen you all night. I didn't think you were here."

"Just got here." Brian lied smoothly as he pulled the cork out. "Do you want to let it breath or should I pour you a glass?"

"I should let it breath, but screw it. I'm thirsty."

Brian got a wineglass down from the cupboard and poured a neat glass of the deep red wine.

"Don't fill it..." Sadie stopped when she saw that Brian had only filled the glass half way as was best for a heavy wine like Shiraz. "Amazing. A guy who actually knows how to pour wine."

"I'm just full of surprises."

"I remember. Quiet, laid back Brian turns out to be the best kisser in Chicago." Sadie's eyes sparkled. Brian had been one of the few guys who would give her the time of day back in her 'Plain Jane' days. They had gone to Junior prom together as friends, but at the end of the night he planted a kiss on her that curled her toes.

"I'm not the only one who specializes in surprises. Everyone here is marveling at how you've changed."

Sadie's smile faded and her eyes darkened with remembered pain. "Well, get put on a feeding tube for four months and you'll drop a lot of weight too."

"It's not just the weight you've lost or the curves you've gained. Everyone sees how much more confident and carefree you are."

"I don't know if it's confidence. I guess it's wisdom." Her eyes got teary as she spoke. "Don't they say that wisdom is born of pain? I lay there in the hospital for months and just thought about all the things I almost missed out on doing. Not just someday things like joining Mensa or going to Europe. But everyday things like talking to boys and learning how to ride a motorcycle. You know why I never did those things? Because I was scared. I was scared the boy would laugh or I might fall and get hurt." Sadie laughed. "Believe me getting hurt while learning to ride a motorcycle isn't anything! So I promised myself that I wasn't going to let fear stop me from doing anything ever again. I'm still scared the guys will laugh when I talk to them, but I do it anyway. Every day I have is extra. It's more than I was going to have once that motherfucker plowed into me. I'm not going to waste one of them."

Brian reached out and touched her hand. "You're an incredible woman."

Sadie laughed. "No, I'm not. I'm just a girl who learned very quickly how important life is."

Something she had said popped to the surface of Brian's mind. "Wait a minute -- did you just say you're learning to ride a motorcycle?"


"But aren't you terrified after what happened to you?"

"I got hit by car, Brian, not a motorcycle and I still ride in cars. My mom was against it at first, but my dad thought it would be a good way to deal with what happened and my shrink agreed. So now my sister's boyfriend teaches me on Sundays."

"Your sister's boyfriend?"

She got a dreamy look on her face. "Yeah, he's really cool. He's teaching me a lot."

And it's not just motorcycles you're learning from him, Brian thought, but kept that thought to himself.

"Who's teaching you what?" Emily, a girl from school asked coming into the room. Brian watched an artificial face descend over Sadie's real expression. He hadn't noticed the transition before, but now he saw that Sadie had a different face for the rest of the world than the one she had shown to him only a moment before. Talking alone in the kitchen had been like talking to the Sadie from before. Now the bubbly vivacious Sadie was back and the real Sadie was barely visible underneath.

"My sister's boyfriend is teaching me to ride a motorcycle. He's sweet. He'll do anything for her."

"Oh that's so nice. My boyfriend would never do anything that nice for me."

Brian could sense the estrogen level in the kitchen was climbing again, so he grabbed a beer for Jack and headed back into the yard.


It took Sadie awhile to escape the hens in the kitchen. She made her way to the backyard, but Jack was no longer manning the grill. She cruised to the front of the house and saw her prey grabbing a smoke. She leaned against the brick wall out of sight of anyone in the house or backyard and watched Jack for a moment. He was tall with a medium build. He had curly brown hair and light brown eyes, but what had always attracted Sadie to him were his hands. He had slender elegant hands. Strong but graceful. The hands of a sculptor or a musician. Sadie just knew those hands would feel wonderful on her body.

She slapped the top of her thigh and said, "Damn it!"

Jack looked up startled. "Oh Sadie. Didn't see you there. What's wrong?"

"Damn mosquito just bit me." She lied pulling up the hem of her mini skirt and pretending to look at the bite. "You know when I used to get bites when I was a girl, my mom would kiss them to make them all better. Sometimes I wish someone would still do that for me. Kiss it until it's better." Sadie snuck a glance at Jack. He was staring slack jawed up her skirt. "Now I'm going to have a welt. Can you see it?"

"Almost." Jack whispered.

"Come get a closer look."

Jack looked startled. "What."

"Come closer and see if you can see a bite mark."

"Oh, okay." Jack walked closer to Sadie and looked intently at her thigh. "I don't see anything."

"Well, of course not from way over there. Come closer." Jack took a couple more steps.

"Closer." Sadie said. Jack took another step.

"A little closer." Sadie whispered. Jack stepped so close to Sadie he was nearly touching her.

"I don't see a welt." He said pretending to look for one.

Sadie took his hand and placed it on her thigh sliding his fingers under the hem. "Here's where it bit me. How does it feel to you?"

"Incredible." Jack breathed. "I mean, I don't feel a bite mark. I'm sure you'll be fine."

Sadie held his hand to her thigh. "You know something, Jack. I have always wondered what it'd be like to kiss you."

"You have?" he whispered. "I've wondered a lot of things about you."

"Why don't you kiss me and we'll both find out something." Sadie raised her face to him.

Jack glanced toward the house checking for witnesses and quickly grabbed both sides of her face and kissed her like a starving man. Sadie pressed her body against his and wrapped her arms around him. The kiss went on and on. Jacked forced his tongue between her lips. She responded with her own. His hand glided to her shoulders, down her body, around her hips to her delicious ass. Oh God, he thought. How wonderful to have his hands on a real ass again. He gripped her ass cheeks and pulled her against his hard cock. He wanted so badly to hike up that tiny little skirt and shove his cock straight up her pussy. His fingers started to pull it up without him even realizing it.

Slam! went the screen door. Jack leapt back in a panic. Brian was standing on the front porch. "Jack, dude. Amy's looking for you. She wants you to bring out her cake. I told her you were having a smoke."

"I was," answered Jack his voice a little flustered. He glanced apologetically at Sadie. She gave him a teasing smile. He dashed up the steps.

Brian watched Sadie from the porch. She smiled sweetly at him and walked gracefully around to the back door.

Out of Brian's sight, Sadie leaned against the rough brick wall and caught her breath. Her heart was still racing. God, she'd wanted Jack to do her right there against the wall. He was so hot. Her skin felt like it was burning wherever he had touched her. She'd planned on trying to seduce Jack tonight, but now wild horses couldn't keep her from him. She was going to have that sexy man's dick in her before the night was over no matter what. I'll do him in front of Amy if I have to! she thought.

Once her breathing was steady she went in the back door at watched Amy blow out the candles.


Brian looked at his watch. It was getting pretty late. People were getting ready to leave. It'd been a good party. Brian had hung out, chatted with people, done a couple of shot with Amy and been trapped in corners by girls who just wanted to kiss on him awhile (his reputation as a good kisser had spread since Junior prom). He'd had fun. But he hadn't given up on his main quarry for the evening. People were beginning to go. He knew Sadie was going to try to slip away with Jack any moment. Amy was at the front door saying good-bye to people.

"Hi Brian," she said. "Do you know where Jack is? People are starting to go. He should say good-bye."

"I'm not sure, but I think he's in the bathroom holding Spanky's head for him."

"Oh God!" Amy said in disgust. "Fine. His friend. Let him clean up after him."


Sadie breezed past the living room and saw Amy safely near the front door talking to Brian and saying good-bye to people. She headed to the back bedroom where the jackets were. As she passed the kitchen where Jack was cleaning up, she shot him a seductive look. She slipped into the dark room and bent over the bed as if searching for her coat. She heard the door opening behind her. She shifted slightly thrusting her ass further in the air.

"Oh fuck." Jack gasped and pressed his hard cock against her ass. Sadie straightened up and leaned back into him. His hand reached around and grabbed her tits. Stephanie gently took his hands and slipped them beneath her halter as she arched her back pressing her ass against his cock.

"Oh yeah." Jack moaned. "Bend over."

Sadie bent over and braced her hands on the bed. Jack pushed up her skirt and pushed down her panties. He fumbled for a minute unsnapping his jeans. His rigid cock sprang free. Without wasting a second he plunged it into her up turned pussy.

Sadie grunted softly. He felt marvelous. Long and hard. Tapping against her cervix with each thrust.

"Oh my God, what an ass." Jack moaned. "It's been so long. Oh fuck." He grabbed her luscious ass and squeezed. Sadie moaned in response and tossed her hair. She pushed back against him. God he felt good! No romance to this fuck. Just mindless beasts mating hurriedly hoping desperately to not get caught.

"Faster. Harder." She whispered. She reached one hand down between her legs and found her clit. She rubbed it frantically. "Oh fuck yes. Harder. Harder."

He slammed into her with wild abandon. Faster and faster. "I'm going to cum."

His words triggered her and her body convulsed in a violent orgasm. He felt her pussy walls spasming like they were going to snap his dick off. He grabbed her hips and thrust deeper into her than ever before. She cried out as his cock exploded deep within her.

"Fuck YES!" he half shouted half whispered. Three more thrusts into her as his cock just came and came and came. Her convulsing pussy milking the cum out of him. His softening dick slid out of her pussy.

His hands were shaking as he stuffed it back into his pants. Sadie pulled up her panties trying to conceal how her heart was racing. That had been more incredibly than she ever imagined. She pulled her miniskirt down.

They looked at each other. She stepped close to him; her face upturned. He took her in his arms and kissed her. He broke the kiss off and held her close to his chest; his chin resting on top of her head. "That was the most amazing fuck, I've ever had."

"Maybe next time you can try my ass."

She heard him gasp. "Next time?"

"Maybe. You should call me." She pulled away from him and slipped out the door.

Brian grabbed her before she could go into the living room. "Amy's in there gossiping with Emily. Why don't you go the bathroom and splash some water on your face. You need to lose that fresh-fucked look."

Sadie nodded and slipped into the bathroom near the kitchen. Jack came out of the back bedroom while she was still in the bathroom. He saw Brian and blushed.

Brian just looked at him and grinned. After a second Jack grinned too.

"You've been taking care of Spanky while he threw up."

Jack nodded. "Did he throw up?"

"Yeah. A while ago. I sent him home with Pedro."

"Cool." Jack headed into the living room.

Sadie came out of the bathroom a moment later.

"Come on," said Brian. "It will less suspicious if we leave together."

"Thanks." Sadie answered. Together they went to the living room and said their good-byes. Outside Sadie turned to walk home and Brian turned with her.

"Are you walking me home?"

"Maybe. I think you might need looking after."

She smiled. Brian was cool. He made her feel so safe. You could always count on Brian.