The Unspoken Society Pt. 01: An Invitation


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Smiles broke out, and we hugged and kissed again, without a care in the world.

"Whatever happens, that was worth it," she murmured.

"Way worth it!"

"Let's get back to your place, and that dinner that smelled so good."

I served Traci dinner, and we enjoyed a lively conversation around the meal. We both looked down when our phones gave us a notification with a discrete, but distinct, vibrating pattern.

"Join me on the loveseat to read this?"

Traci nodded, excitement animating her eyes. We opened the app and found the same message.

Welcome Traci and Justin to this secure message channel. These messages only last for fifteen minutes before self deleting, so please read them carefully.

We are thrilled that you have chosen to take the next step. And by the way, your kiss raised the temperature of everyone around that fountain. The effect lingered even after you left. So check off your good deed for the day.

We are ready to share much more with you, but trust takes time to establish. We appreciate your discretion thus far, but we want to verify that further. We will do the same for you before we ask you to share anything personal.

Please respond with a concise description of why you think a club like this would value discretion and how you intend to hold it. We know you have little to work with, but we know you take pride in figuring things out. Feel free to discuss it with each other but please answer in your own words.

Make sure to commit our account name to memory.

"Wow. They really keep things private, don't they?"

"Like nothing I've seen. I'm impatient to learn more, but I'm impressed with how they are establishing trust without requiring risk from either side. If this is a ruse, we still haven't done anything we'll regret."

"I agree. Any thoughts on their discretion?"

I thought. "I'm going back to you and your roommate. You've learned to trust each other, and that lets you open up and share. And that leads to magical evenings like Tuesday night."

Traci smiled. "Jeannette said I could tell you. She's masturbated to that memory the last two nights, and we have a green light to do something like that again. She'd even set up a little self-produced audio show of her own if we wanted."

My cock lept to attention at that story. "So, the moral is that trust leads to good things."

"Really good things. And if you have an 'extremely intimate' club, you need that trust to allow people to reveal their deepest feelings and connect with each other."

"I think we have the root of our answer."

We each spent a little time composing our replies before reading them to each other. Traci looked up.

"Just going through this exercise has brought us closer together. I trust you more because I understand where it comes from."

"Fantastic insight, Traci. Let's add something about that."

We did and copied our replies into the chat. We hit send.

"I think we've done enough work for the night. I want to take my high-trust boyfriend to bed."

And that's never a bad thing. Traci and I made intimate love that night and slept tangled together.

We woke to two messages waiting. The first was entitled "Read me first." It stated:

Your answer to our discretion question perfectly captured the idea, maybe more than you know. Please find somewhere with plenty of time to read and discuss the next message. It will be a lot. Please take all the time you need to answer. Just drop a note occasionally to let us know how you're progressing in your decision. And remember, there is no pressure to take any particular course.

"Our favorite park?" Traci asked. My roommate had gotten back last night so we weren't alone.

"How about some even more remote? How about a hike?"

"Great idea. Let's eat and get ready."

We arrived at a state park and set off on a promising day. We agreed to walk a little, find a place to read the note, and then discuss it for the rest of the hike.

We arrived at a clearing and sat down. With a sense of adventure awaiting, we opened the second message.

One final time, speak of this to no one. You'll soon understand why.

A story: Years ago, a group of student couples had a discussion about different paths to take through college. They worked to get decent grades and they all had goals and a plan for the future. They wondered if they were missing out on the social scene. It seemed like there were two paths: have a stable partner that you cared for, or sow a bunch of wild oats and have new experiences. Priding themselves on figuring out dilemmas, they eventually realized they could do both. They just needed a trusted and discrete group where they could sow wild oats together without the risks and drama associated with the party scene. They formed a group that trusted, supported, and affirmed each other, and the results exceeded their wildest expectations. They all grew in confidence in any type of social situation, and they became very close friends for life. These benefits transferred to their professional careers, where they worked with others more effectively while supporting each other as a close family.

They figured out a system for recruiting other couples, and this group continues to this day. Yes, it still includes very intimate relations between members, but it also teaches members how to conduct themselves in any social situation, from the dance floor to an art gallery.

The group bears a slight resemblance to a fraternal organization, but it goes much deeper. The trust is absolute, and members can be their true selves and admit their deepest secrets. It's like a group of best friends. Given the intimacy around this group, it guards its privacy very deeply, not even acknowledging that the group exists. You wouldn't recognize the members in outside settings—they are dedicated students like you, in committed relationships, who have privately chosen to experience all that college life has to offer.

We formally invite you to join this group, but we recognize that it is not for everybody. This invitation may come as a shock. Also, if you express interest, you will now understand why we carefully interview candidate couples. We have been able to operate without significant jealousy or drama in the group, and we screen specifically for those factors.

Think carefully about your decision. We offer an extraordinary opportunity for the right people, and we want you to appreciate that. Our members struggle to describe how much richer their life has grown after joining the group. On the other hand, we ask a lot of you. You will share your partner, and that's just the beginning.

If you respond that you want to move forward, you will be interviewed at a very personal level. Once again, we will offer an unmistakable signal of our sincerity before asking you to answer anything. When you are comfortable with that sincerity, we will share more and answer questions, but we will also ask a number of very probing questions of our own. If all parties are comfortable with the situation and wish to move further, the interview will move to a second, even more intimate phase. Please understand how deeply we take the task of recruiting and screening candidates.

Is this for you? We can't answer. We have honed our recruitment criteria with the latest insights from psychology and sociology, and rest assured that you are well within the population that would flourish in such a setting. But only you can decide.

To wrap up, take the time to feel comfortable with your decision. We would appreciate updates on where you are in the decision process, but take the time you need without pressure. We will support any decision you make.

If you decide to move forward again, we will share more information about the interview and coordinate to set it up. Remember, we won't ask you to share anything until you are convinced of our bona fides.

PS. You may be asking "Why me?"

Don't worry. We know why.

Traci gulped and looked up at me. I scrolled to the top to read the message one more time before it disappeared. She did the same.

"I don't even know what to say," I offered, stunned.

"I'm in shock. Can you just hold me a minute?"

I put my arms around her and felt the trembling in her body. I'm sure she could feel mine.

"If you're okay with it, I think we should walk and think about this before we discuss it." I offered.

"Thank you, Justin. I'd love that."

We set off holding hands. Traci and I would occasionally squeeze some reassurance to each other. It felt good that she wasn't freaking out.

After a while, I could feel both of us relaxing.

"Ready to talk about it?" I offered.

"Yes. I also have a question. Could we create a safe space to discuss this? We might struggle to communicate in such bizarre circumstances and we might make mistakes. Can we promise to give each other a little grace?"

"I think that's a great idea."

She stopped and looked straight into my eyes.

"Your first reaction wasn't no."

"You're right."

"Mine wasn't either."

"I noticed."

She started walking again. "But they want us for what? A high-achiever swingers group?"

I laughed, and that got Traci to smile.

"Putting it plainly, I think you nailed it."

She laughed this time but then got serious again.

"Are you okay with a bunch of guys nailing me?"

She stopped, a chagrined look on her face.

"I'm sorry, that's not really a safe question, is it?"

"It's okay. I figured this question was coming, so I thought about it. But I still may stumble over the answer?"

"I understand, and I'll try to help. Thanks for going first on this one."

We started walking again.

"We've been dating for nearly a year, and we've grown close. I don't want to predict the future, but it's hard not to see you in it."

Traci's hand gave mine a squeeze.

"I care for you a lot, and I want to see you happy. What does that mean in relationships? If I put myself into the shoes of your best friend from high school, Marie, or your roommate Jeannette, what would they tell you?"

"That's easy. Marie and I talked about boys when we got to college. She wanted me to have some torrid affairs full of hot, soul-satisfying sex, but also find a boy who was special. I wanted the same for her."

"And if I were your best friend from high school, I would want the same. So, at some level, why should that be different if I care about you now? Now maybe I'm the best boyfriend that ever lived and you'll never even think about what torrid affairs might have been, but I'm realistic enough to guess that's not quite the case."

"On the other hand, I'm supposed to be outraged that anyone would dare suggest sleeping with my girlfriend. But I'm really not a possessive kind of guy. The bigger issue is whether it would affect us. Would it cheapen our relationship? I definitely don't want that."

Traci squeezed my hand again. She stopped and kissed me.

"Thank you for the honest answer and for thinking in terms of what's best for me. I'm really lucky you're my boyfriend."

She started walking again and looked up, a wry grin on her face.

"Now ask the question I know you want to ask."

So I did.

"Safe space on your answer. What do you think about getting intimate with other guys?"

"Yes." She walked a little.

"No." She walked some more.


I let her collect herself to explain.

"Yes, I'm a woman who responds to a man. I think you've gotten a sense of that. Of course some part of me wants to sow my sexual oats. And in a trusting environment where there won't be negative repercussions? And you would support me? There's a lot of appeal."

"No. I'm a nice girl and nice girls don't do things like that. They save all their sexual energy for that special boy in their life. Or they keep it in fantasy land."

"Maybe. What do I decide? The first thing I know is that we decide together. You are much more important than this group. So, can you help me and give me a sense of what you're thinking?"

"I feel the same yes, no, maybe that you do. If there was some magic potion that gave us the best case outcome, it would look like a very tight, torrid relationship with you, but also some joint play time with a close group of friends. I don't know if that's possible, but if I'm honest, there's some appeal."

Traci lowered her voice to a tease.

"So my naughty, naughty boyfriend is trying to corrupt his innocent girlfriend and make her into some sort of personal sex goddess."

We both laughed. I loved how Traci always kept her sense of humor. I aimed a shot back.

"If that night performing for Jeannette is any indication, my innocent girlfriend is already on the accelerated track for a major in personal sex goddess."

Traci blushed. "Touche."

I put my arm around her and pulled her close. "No matter what happens with this invitation, don't ever change, Traci. I love you just the way you are."

She stopped and gave me a kiss filled with passion. We continued walking in silence, communicating through our intertwined hands.

When we got back to my car, Traci looked over.

"Jeannette has a school function tomorrow. How about a quiet evening together and then we get extra naughty tomorrow? I'm thinking a little role play of how this would work to give us some perspective."

"I like how you think."

We got back to her place and each sent a message back: Message received. Thinking.

We woke up the next morning and had breakfast with Jeannette. Then she left, pointedly saying that she wouldn't be back until the late afternoon.

"Okay, I thought about a little role play today. How about we start with a scenario where I leave for the day but give you Jeannette to play with? I'm guessing that you can find a way to get up the hots for her?"

"I'll manage."

"I'm sure you will, naughty boy. I've seen her flirt with you. Afterward, I figured we'd flip the tables and play where you were gone but brought over a boy toy for me."

"Would my roommate Kevin light your fires?"

She batted her eyes. "Nicely."

I laughed. She had mentioned more than once that she liked my roommate.

"One more thing," she added. "I know my roommate is a terrible gossip. She may share a few things about me but of course she's not a complete authority?"

"I understand. And if Kevin shares some sordid gossip about me, of course take it with a grain of salt?"

"I think we understand each other perfectly. Ready?"

I nodded. "Excited?"

Traci just gave me a look, then she got up and went to the door. She opened it and took a quick look.

"Thanks, girlfriend. I'll take care of him," she said to the hall. Then she sauntered back.

"All day to fuck my roommate's boyfriend, who I've been lusting over for a while." She sat in my lap and turned to me. "I can't wait!"

"Me either. I can't believe Traci set this up."

"You've got her wrapped around your finger, Justin. That little slut would do anything for you. You know that, right?"

"Maybe I'm starting to learn, Jeannette."

"You're fun to be around, you treat her well, and you totally rock her world in bed. Take it from me—I've heard what you guys get up to."

"I hope we don't bother you."

"Bother me? Maybe as in hot and bothered. Justin, there is nothing better than hearing your BFF give herself over to her needy pussy. That little slut is so gone, not even caring that I can hear her. So what do I do? I give myself over to my needy pussy. I've cum several times listening to you give that girl what she so desperately needs."

"She's doing the same for me, believe me."

"It sounds like it, but if there's something more you want, let her know, Justin. Like I said, she'd do anything for you. She wants to do it. She loves making you happy."

"That goes both ways. Any hints I should keep in mind for her?"

"Just keep being your sweet, sexy self. But here are a few guesses I could pass along. First, she loves that you respect her and treat her as an equal. But once in a while, don't. Throw her facedown over the bed, grab her shoulders, and fuck her brains out. Especially when she's on top of the world, like after acing a big test—that's when she'll really appreciate you taking her down to pound town."

"Thanks, Jeannette. I'll try that."

"I think she'll love it. Next hint: you can do a little more PDA. She likes it. Especially over here. I bet she wouldn't stop anything. I certainly won't mind."

"Sounds like fun."

"Another hint: I think she wants you to corrupt her a little. You know, the good girl who loves her boyfriend so much she follows him to the dark side. So, if you've got some secret fantasies or favorite scenes in porn, I think she'd love to know. Especially if you explain why they turn you on. She wants to know how you tick, Justin."

"Got it. Could you pass the same thing back to her? That I enjoy slowly discovering what she likes, but if she wants to share something, to just go for it? I want to know her dark side, too."

"I'll let her know, Justin. She'll appreciate you asking. Now, we've talked about my perfect roommate plenty. Why don't you help me find out why she moans and screams so much when you're together. My hot little body is dying for the same attention."

So I did, giving her two oral orgasms and then pulling her on top to ride me. Traci did a good job mimicking the mannerisms of her roommate, and it turned both of us on. I came hard beneath her, and she napped on top of me afterward.

We got up later and took a quick shower together. Traci got a wicked gleam in her eye.

"Let's see, if you're going to drop your yummy roommate over here, I guess I can stay in my undies. I'm sure he won't mind."

"No kidding. Ready to play, naughty girl?"

Traci nodded excitedly. I went to the door.

"Thanks, dude. I'll take care of her. This is a dream come true."

I turned around. Traci had draped herself on the couch.

"Whoa! You look fantastic, Traci!"

"Why don't you come over and keep me warm, Kevin? Don't want to get a chill with these skimpy things."

I went over and she squirmed into my lap.

"I can't believe it, Traci. You, looking like a million bucks, just sitting in my lap and Justin letting me keep you company while he's gone."

"He does take care of me."

"Hell, yes, he does. He knows how good he has it. He's told me that he's got the sexiest girl alive for a girlfriend."

Traci laughed. "I wish. There's a lot of hotties running around campus, many with a lot more in the chest department than I've got."

"Traci, we both like girls with tight bodies. When we've seen movies together, Justin always comments that he gets into the girls that look like you."

Traci leaned into me. "Tell me more, please."

"I shouldn't tell you this, so don't tell Justin. We sometimes share porn videos with each other. We know what the other likes. I found this one where the girl had your body type. Justin got really into it. He wouldn't tell me anything more, but I'm guessing she looks a lot like you undressed. I guess I'll find out, won't I?"

Traci squeezed my arm.

"Anyway, we put it on the TV and we both jacked off to it. We do that once in a while when we need to let off some steam."

"Really?" she asked. "That's totally hot."

"Yeah. We decided to make our lives easier when we shared a dorm room. One day we were watching this video and we're both squirming around, and Justin said 'Look, if you're not embarrassed, we could just rub one out. I'm going to do it anyway, when I think you're asleep.' We had gotten to trust each other and admitted we needed to jack off all the time, so it wasn't too big a deal. I agreed and we did it. Anyway, we still do it every so often. With this video, we both came hard. That girl rocked."