The Unspoken Society Pt. 04: Members


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"Why don't you two relax for a moment, and we'll get the meal ready. We're serving you tonight."

"Thanks, you two," I replied.

We sat back down. We both had stupid grins on our faces.

"I've had a bit of a crush on Eric for a while," Traci confided. "It was justified."

I laughed. "I didn't let my crush on Monica get beyond platonic, until they stunned us at the restaurant. Then I knew we'd get together, and the crush got a little more erotic."

She got an evil grin. "And how many more erotic crushes do you have, Justin, beyond Monica and that innocent little vixen behind the vault door?"

I felt a flush. "Maybe a few more."

"I'll bet every club girl who found you and flirted with you."

"You're probably right. Confident, intelligent, fun, quietly sexy. Now that you mention it, I've met several women like that."

"I've met several men like that."

"Any crushes?"

Her face got warm. "Maybe."

We both laughed.

"Still feel like you made the right decision?"

She looked into my eyes. "Hell, yes."

We laughed again.

"Besides some very effective physical mentoring, Eric has been doing some emotional mentoring this evening. It's helped put things in perspective. I'm guessing Monica has been doing the same?"

"Yes. She is taking advantage of the privacy to really dig into the emotional side of things."

"Did she ask for permission to share intimate details?"

"Yes. I said I would talk to you, but I'm inclined to agree."

"Me too. Justin, something tells me it would be a good idea to put ourselves in their hands. I think they have big plans for us. Good plans."

"We're flying now, girlfriend."

"Ain't that the truth."

I wasn't surprised to see Eric and Traci appear just after we finished our discussion. They brought silverware and glasses, including champagne flutes.

They came back with salads, water, and a bottle in a bucket.

Eric explained. "We serve non-alcoholic beverages here—don't need that legal risk—but we work to get decent stuff. We get to splurge with your first visit."

"We appreciate it," Traci answered. "And to get the conversation flowing, we discussed your question to us. We would like to open up to you, and put ourselves completely in your hands."

Monica and Eric looked at each other, an exhilarating range of emotions flashing between them.

Monica stood up, came over, and pulled me up into a tight hug, her breasts straining against my chest. "Thank you for that," she whispered into my ear. Eric was doing the same with Traci. We all sat down, a little flushed.

"I believe a celebration is in order," Eric said, reaching for the bottle. He poured a measure of something bubbly in our flutes.

Monica took her glass. "A toast, to a very special addition to our club, and the trust of two of our favorite people. May you thrive in your new home."

We all sipped. It was surprisingly good, especially for someone like me without a lot of experience.

"Okay, I have to know," Monica said with a gleam in her eyes. "When Brianna asked if you wanted her to beg, Traci snorted. What was that about?"

Traci and I flushed. Oh my god.

I stumbled out an answer. "There's—ah—a long backstory, but Traci worried about being a desperately dependent girlfriend. I reassured her, but I, um, said I liked her being a little desperate, because I could get what I wanted with that."

"And I said didn't you get everything you wanted already?" Traci prompted, helping put me on the spot. She sure wasn't stumbling—not one bit.

"And I said...I said I wanted her to beg."

Eric whistled. Monica looked stunned. Then she got a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my, Justin, we are going to have so much fun with you two. You said that to Traci? You told the goddess I set you up with, the one who melted down the clubhouse, that you wanted her to beg?"

I figured it was a rhetorical question, so I just sat there, face burning.

"Okay, let's put that little morsel aside for another time," she purred. "I figured I'd get a harmless inside joke."

We all laughed, and my face started to return to room temperature.

That broke the ice, and we relaxed into the meal. We chatted through the salad.

"I'm surprised how quickly I've adapted to eating naked," I said.

"Like the rest of the club, this place is clothing-optional on regular nights," Eric replied. "We dress up on date nights, such as tomorrow night. And you may notice how private it is. Great for getting to know your date. Same engineers did the acoustics of this restaurant. They have a business now, doing sound isolation. Anyway, it helps keep us all comfortable. We open up a lot to each other. How many places can you do this, with people you completely trust?"

"It's a little magical," Traci observed.

"Exactly," Monica said. "You assemble a group of trusted, committed couples with a zest for life, and magic happens."

We chatted through the rest of the meal. At one point, I remembered Monica's knocks.

"Monica, your knocks on the wall seemed well thought out."

She smiled. "No phones in here, so we've all learned Morse code. Eric and I had some contingencies figured out depending on how the evening went, so we shortened to some letter codes. By the way, the lack of phones has another advantage. No distractions. You'll notice there are no TV's or computers in the main clubhouse. It takes you back to a time where there was nothing to do at night...except fuck."

We all laughed. Traci caught my eye and winked.

"I can see why people want to spend the night here," she said.

"Everyone grows to love it. A private, distraction-free room with your partner. Some couples spend the weekend, cruising the town between getting their rocks off. Sometimes they invite another couple to join them. You'll get the details at orientation, but there are two more of these clubhouses at universities in the region. Eric and I have journeyed to both for getaways."

"Always good to experience other cultures," Eric said.

"And other pussy," Monica said drily. Traci and I cracked up.

We bantered through the rest of the meal, then Traci raised her glass.

"Eric and I wanted to get you two together to reconnect and take your temperature after all the events today. Everyone feeling comfortable?"

Traci and I both nodded. She reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Then a final toast. To a great evening with a lovely couple. So lovely, we're going to take each of you to bed."

"I can drink to that," Traci replied, downing her glass. She looked over to me.

"I don't want your mentor walking straight tomorrow."

"Damn, girl. Way to turn Justin loose on me," Monica chided.

"I think you can handle it," Traci said and then leaned over for a kiss.

"Night, boyfriend."

"Night, girlfriend."

Eric and Monica stood, then reached for our hands. I stood and let Monica lead me back downstairs. She looked down at my erect cock, then into my eyes. The perceptive bitch could tell that I was enjoying letting her lead me. I looked over and could tell that Traci was way turned on also. Monica saw that and winked.

She led me inside our room and shut the door. She leaned back against it, symbolically blocking the exit.

"Completely in our hands, if I remember the words right. Justin, you and Traci don't know how good that makes us feel. And you don't fully understand how deep your words go. Eric and I really value give and take in our relationship. So let me take you tonight. Get ready for bed, and put yourself completely in my hands. Just follow my lead, and we both will get what we want."

"I'd love that."

Monica shooed me into the bathroom. I found a toothbrush and got ready. When I opened the door, she handed me a glass of water and some vitamins.

"Take these and drain the glass. You'll get a class about building your stamina. You're going to need it."

I laughed and swallowed the pills.

"Finish your water then relax on the bed. Your sexy mentor will have class in session soon." She dimmed the lights and closed the door behind her.

A few minutes later, the door opened and she stood in silhouette, a hand cocked on her hip.

"Justin, Eric and I always dreamed about having a couple as a sexy project. I am dripping, baby."

She slowly sashayed to the bed and climbed over me.

"There's only one guardrail tonight. Don't do anything you haven't done with Traci. I want your first experience to always be with her."

"That doesn't leave much out. I've never penetrated her...back there. But I'm guessing we'll get there eventually. Saving a few things for the future. I do touch and kiss her all over."

"Naughty girl. Thanks for letting me know. What about the other direction?"

"We do everything together."


She sat on my hips and started massaging my chest. I relaxed under the pleasant sensations. I don't know how much time passed.

"Do you think she'd beg?" she asked softly.

"Yes." I was in a pleasant haze, open to Monica's probing.

"Do you really want her to beg?"

"Yes, I would love that."

"Do you think she would do anything you asked?"

"Probably, if the mood were right."

"Would you beg?"


"Anything she asked?"

"You know I would."

"Would you do anything I asked?"

I looked deeper into Monica's eyes. They were open, vulnerable, and I could feel her gentle gaze. There were some darker caverns back there, but her care and affection blazed the brightest.

"Yes, Monica."

Even more warmth poured out of her gaze.

"I'd do anything you asked, too, baby."

She leaned down and captured my lips in hers. We made out for a long while, sealing our deal, then she cradled my head and had me suckle her breast. We were bonding at an elemental, infantile level.

Eventually, our bonding migrated to more vigorous activities. At one point, Monica was riding my face, and she pushed her pussy forward. I let my tongue drag across her rosebed.

"Yes, baby, I love it. And I love that Traci lets you play with her ass."

I switched to rimming her and moved my fingers to her slippery clit. She looked down at me, both affectionate and erotic to have me touch her most private place. She came hard, her hands latched on her breasts, thrashing and moaning.

"Oh, baby, that was a good one."

We made affectionate love after that, then rested before she took me in her mouth, raised me from the dead, and had me rail her from behind.

"Grab my hips and give it to me hard, while I play with myself and cum all over your cock."

So I did, and the third time of the night was no problem listening to my sexy mentor rock and moan under me, her arm vibrating from the workout she gave her clit. She peaked up and cried under me, her body thrashing wildly. She recovered and used her kegels to massage my thrusting cock, and I pulled her close and shot deep inside, a guttural groan ripped from my throat.

We calmed down, and then spooned together. Monica pulled my arm across the chest and turned back to kiss me.

"Night, Justin. You made me a very lucky girl."

"Night, Monica. You were a dream made real."

We slept soundly. It felt good to snuggle with my longtime friend and mentor.

I awoke to light in the room. Monica had turned and was watching me wake up.

"Morning, sleepyhead. I'm still a very lucky girl."

"You're still a dream come true."

She smiled. "Last night got pretty intimate. There's probably all kinds of deep psychological stuff that went on, but try not to analyze it too much, okay? I loved everything about it, and that's the important thing."

"I definitely loved it."

"Good. Now, would you like one more treat this morning before we take you home? We could invite Eric and Traci over if you aren't too worn out. Maybe I could ride you while Traci does the same to Eric?"

"I could get up for that."

"I figured you could, horn dog. Give me a few minutes to clean up a little and check in next door. We didn't have any preset plans this morning."

When Monica stepped out, I rinsed off quickly and brushed my teeth. She found me in the bathroom.

"They are all in. They asked for a few minutes to clean up, then they'll be over. I'm going to take a quick shower myself."

Monica stepped back out and rejoined me on the bed. In a few minutes, a knock preceded the door opening. In stepped Traci, her eye's alight. She came over and leaned down for a kiss.

"Morning, boyfriend."

"Morning, girlfriend." We were always okay when we greeted like that.

"Your sexy mentor wants me to follow her lead. So we'll be doing...synchronized screwing?"

Everyone laughed. I always loved how Traci kept the situation playful.

"Okay, girl, get off my playmate and take care of my boyfriend," Monica directed.

"You don't hear that too often," Traci chuckled as she moved around the bed.

Monica straddled me, and I watched Traci take her cue with Eric. We began a languorous makeout session, and my cock hardened completely to hear the passionate kissing beside me. Monica sensed it, and I felt her smile on my lips. I let my hands caress Monica's back and ass, visiting the sensitive spots I had found last night. Soon I had moved to her breasts, and I could hear Traci purring next to me.

Monica got us all heated up, then she whispered, "Let's flip over. I want a tongue lashing."

We did, and Monica propped herself on a pillow where she could see. Traci did the same, and I followed Eric as he suckled her breasts for a while before moving down. Monica reached for Traci's hand.

"This is one of my favorite things."

Traci chuckled, clasping her hand in Monica's. "It does have its appeal."

Eric and I went down. I had teased Monica a little last night, but she took her hand and pressed my head into her pussy. It hit me that she wanted to cum first, so Traci could pay attention to her thrashing in orgasm.

I slid two fingers into her channel and hooked them against her G-spot. Monica jolted, and she began a steady climb of pleasure and pressure. I paid attention to her reactions, but I could almost feel my girlfriend's eyes locked on what I was doing, and I certainly recognized her own reactions to Eric's talented tongue.

Soon, Monica peaked and bowed her chest out. Then she clamped down, and with a horse cry, exploded all around me. I easily felt her pussy spasm with her legs locked around my head, even though her body twisted wildly on the bed. I stayed with her and flattened my tongue against her clit to squeeze everything out.

"Oh, fuck," I heard Traci mutter. Monica's legs relaxed, and that allowed me to soothe her pussy through the afterglow but also look up to see how my girlfriend was doing.

Traci had cupped Eric's head and pulled it into her pussy. Her hips humped into Eric's face, while her other hand savaged a nipple. Her head stretched back until the cords of her neck strained. She was lost and didn't give a damn that we saw her like that.

A minute later, she tensed, went rigid, then detonated in Eric's face with a horse cry. I got a new perspective on that body that I knew so well as I watched her jerk and moan through her climax. Finally, she went limp and slumped back into the pillow.

"Damn, girl, don't hold back next time," Monica teased, and Traci answered with a goofy grin. Eric stayed with her until she regained her senses.

Monica stirred and directed me back against the pillow. She straddled me and expressed her appreciation with her lips. Then she worked those lips down my body, Traci mirroring her trail of pleasure down Eric's body. Soon, Eric and I were treated to our own oral show, and my eyes flicked between Monica's lips around my cock and Traci's lips doing magic on Eric's.

Monica popped off, then moved over me and lined up my cock with her opening. She slowly sunk down, staring into my eyes. Once seated, she reached for Traci's hand again. Monica and Traci got started riding us, and I could just feel an echo of Traci's motions through her link to Monica. Something brushed my hand, and I instinctively clasped my hand into Eric's. Immediately, I felt my girlfriend rocking through that link as well. Monica saw that in my eyes and smiled. The four of us were bonding even tighter, and there was some hint that I would learn to see my girlfriend in a new way—translated through our mentors. I looked over to Traci, and she locked eyes with mine. We felt the connection, and when my eyes returned to Monica, she knew.

Of course, I enjoyed getting ridden by my sexy mentor, but I really responded to the heightened sense of signals flashing among all of us. The new channel went to Eric, and I could feel his affection and admiration for Traci in his grasp. I'm sure he felt mine for Monica, who looked deep into me, as always reading what I was feeling.

We journeyed together, linked physically and spiritually. We all climaxed at slightly different times, and the chain transmitted the intense pleasure and reactions through everyone. We came back to earth with our partners hunched down over us, fusing our lips together.

Monica stretched her legs behind her and settled down on me, luxuriating in the sensations. We made out in the post-orgasmic glow, and I could hear Traci and Eric doing the same. Even this brought Monica and I closer together. Something felt right about holding her in my arms. I needed to talk to Traci about this.

After a long sesh, Monica pulled back, a grin on her face.

"Okay, Eric, we could easily do this all day. But we need to get our charges back to the real world."

"You're right. Traci, let's get up and get cleaned up in our room. Meet in 30 minutes?"

Monica and I showered together, dressed, and knocked on their door. They came out, and Eric led Traci over to me.

"Hey, girlfriend," I said as I put my arms around her waist.

"Hey, boyfriend," she answered before nuzzling close and kissing me deeply.

"Oh, how cute!" Monica exclaimed, and we all laughed.

"How about we treat you to a little breakfast downtown and then get you back?" she continued.

"Sounds great. I'm famished," I replied.

"I'm sure you are," Traci deadpanned, smacking me on the butt. Monica winked, and we made our way to the elevator. Things were fairly quiet in the clubhouse this morning.

"Okay, we'll show you another exit." Eric took us down to the parking garage and then up some stairs to street level. "A lot of people use this covered garage when they are downtown, so it's pretty easy to blend in."

We ate and enjoyed some normal conversation at the breakfast nook they selected. We took the light rail back and got off on campus.

"Thanks for the, uh, mentoring," I said, to grins from everyone. Monica stepped over and hugged me.

"You are so welcome," she purred into my ear. "Look forward to next time."

Traci took my hand after they departed and steered me toward the park.

"Looks like you've gained another girlfriend," she said.

"I think I have." Again, I knew that honesty was the best policy with Traci.

"Think you can handle both of us?"

"Not really."

Traci laughed. "It's okay, Justin. I think Monica is going to be something like the 'work wife' you hear about. She really, really, likes you. I think she'll bring us closer together, but she's going to enjoy herself doing it."

"You can say that again. How are things with Eric?"

"Very good. I have to confess that I wanted to tease you first because I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I might have a second boyfriend. I could feel it just as you could. They are both seducing us hard."

"Monica told me that I would only be in lust with her, but she underestimated things. You're right, she seduced me deeper than that."

"So did Eric. Are you okay with them doing that?"

"Yeah, I think they have the right motives. They may have underestimated how quick the chemistry would sync. It hit Monica pretty deep when we put ourselves in their hands."