The Unwanted Swap Ch. 01


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She shrugged offhandedly. "Yeah, I guess so."

I nodded, finishing of the last of my breakfast. "You still want to go to those parties don't you? Isn't that what you said to me?"

With a defeated growl she murmured. "Yes."

"So at the next party you could be sleeping with my boss. Is that right?"

"Jesus, Eddie. Nothing happened, and you said you didn't want to do it anyway. Don't let a good opportunity slip through your fingers because of something that never happened."

"How often do you have lunch with Tony?"

Scowling, she asked, "What... Oh god. Don't make something out of that. We had lunch while I gave him a brief close out survey about the employment process. We are friends, you know."

"Oh don't worry, I know all right. Let's not forget he wants to sleep with you, as well."

She sighed. "Oh fuck. I have had enough of this. Have you finished?"

I nodded and she picked up the tray and walked out. I showered and wandered downstairs. Rose was doing dishes.

"Eddie, you have wound yourself in a bloody knot over this thing. I told you that if you don't want to do the swap thing then we wouldn't. Tony is a friend and he was just trying to help."

"He might be your friend, but all he is to me is a guy who wants to bonk my wife."

She snarled. "Fuck, you frustrate the shit out of me."

"Yeah, whatever."

I caught up on the usual jobs. Did my laundry and suggested we go down the pub for lunch before I headed away.

Things were cool between Rose and me for the next week and I couldn't clear those damn images of Claire from my mind. As the week slipped by I chastised myself. 'Eddie, you are a dick. She's bloody right. I could actually be banging Claire. No need to imagine it."

Towards the week close out I got a couple of job offers. One was in Wales. The other in Southampton. The one in Wales was the best opportunity: project lead on an old parking building demolition. It had the added benefit of having board and lodgings attached. It would mean a chance to add to our home account. We had both been saving like crazy to buy our first home.

I sent back an email with some questions, hoping that I might be able to squeeze a few more quid out of them.

The next bit was the bit I wasn't looking forward to: telling Rose. She was adamant she wanted me home. There just weren't that many prospects, none that paid good money, anyway.

That night I had a few beers to stiffen my resolve before calling her. This week our calls had been brief and cool. "Hi, Eddie," she said.

"Rose, I need to talk if you have a moment."

"Yeah, of course. What's up?"

"I have a job offer."

I picked up her hesitancy. "Yes, okay. Where is it?"


"Oh god no. Please tell me you're joking."

"No, sorry, babe. I get a two week break after this one and then start there."

There was a moment of silence before she asked. "Have you signed anything yet?"

"No, not yet. I'm trying to get them to sweeten the pot."

"Can you hold off or stall for a week? Give me a chance to find something local?"

"Rose, I have looked around. There are jobs but they pay shit coin."

"Just give me a chance, Love. All I'm asking for is a week."

Reluctantly I grumbled, "Yeah, all right. But if they say sign or else, I'm signing."

"Just give me a chance, Okay?"

"Yeah, so hows thing at home?"

"Busy. I have been flat out actually. Got a couple of big contracts on the go. Babe, since I signed Tony I have had some really big signatures. I can't believe it."

"Good for you. Knock em dead."

"What about you, Hon? Are you still finishing next Friday?"

"Yeah, I will be home on schedule."

Over the next few days Rose called me incessantly with questions and information about jobs and experience. She was obviously hard at work. I balanced that with continuing emails from Wales. They were getting a bit antsy with me.

They came back with more money to finalise the deal, it was now a very lucrative offer and I got nervous. I didn't want to lose it. I rang Rose. "Hon, I have just got a really bloody good offer from Wales. I think I'll sign. It is to good to pass up."

"Bugger off. You promised me a week. Don't go weak at the knees now. I have a couple of prospective offers. I am just waiting for an email right at this moment."

"What's the money like?"

"Better than the Wales one. Plus, I get a sign on bonus if you take it."

"Yeah Okay, can you forward it to me ASAP?"

When she didn't answer I asked. "Who is it with?"


"What is the job?"

"They're managing the decommissioning of an old pumping station. Your role would be to oversee the removal of all the usable equipment and the sale of. Then the actual demolition of the structures. It is a 24 month contract with possible extension if both parties are happy."

"Who is Thompson's? Can you give me some details so I can Google them. Find out a bit more about them?"

"I can't do that yet. It is confidential."

"Don't be stupid. I'm your bloody husband. Jesus, you will have to send it to me anyway so I can sign."

"Babe, I can't reveal the details, not yet. I just have some details to finalise first."

Peeved, I snapped, "They are a Birmingham company though?"

"Yes, Love." I hung up without saying goodbye. I was very agitated and irritated. I realised I didn't like her playing with my career.

I jumped onto Google and started to search for asset management and demolition companies named Thompson's in Birmingham.

A couple popped up. None of which looked like they would be big enough to take on a job like that.

I did some searches around the pump house. It threw up the job. It was a big job and would be a great project. I did manage to find some tender docs on the Council web site. None of them were tied to a Company named Thompson's. She had lied to me. Why, that was the question.

I waited till she called later that night. She called sounding upbeat. "Hey, Love. Good news. They promised to send me a contract tomorrow morning. I should have it to you by ten."

"Who is?" I asked.

There was silence again. I spat out. "There is no Thompson's in the running for that job. From what I can see in the public documents. There are two companies vying for the job."

"Yes, the Council is announcing the winner tomorrow. The Company I am in discussions with have more or less already been told they have it, but they're waiting for confirmation. That's why I can't give you their name."

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I'm not allowed to reveal the contract details. You must understand that?"

"But why lie to me?"

"Because I didn't want you going off half cocked before I had the contract in my hand."

"You thought it easier to lie to me than explain."

"Hon, there are some delicate negotiations going on. I just need you to trust me."

"You want me to trust you, but you think it's okay to lie to me. Is that correct?"

"No, okay it was wrong to lie, but you have to realise I couldn't give you the real details."

"Jesus, Rose. I am worried. Lies come so easily to you these days. What else are you lying about?"

"Nothing, Hon. It was wrong. I apologise. Look, tomorrow you will have the contract. You will be able to see for yourself what a grand opportunity it is."

"All I want to do is find out some background about this company. I'm not signing anything until I know who I am signing with. If you can't give me something, I am signing with the mob from Wales."

"Oh, shit, don't be so stubborn. You will have it all tomorrow. Look, I can't talk now. Claire's coming over and we're going out for dinner. I promise tomorrow it will all be ready to go."

She hung up with an angry retort still hanging unsaid on my lips. "Bitch!" I snarled.

I went back to the web. The two companies in the vying were Patterson's and another mod named Trimax Engineering. They both had web sites, so it wasn't difficult to find out a little about them. Patterson's didn't offer much. They looked like a solid firm. They had plenty of recent activity and had completed several fairly large contracts. None of the directors names meant anything to me.

One thing that did impress was the list of endorsements. With a little nod to myself I hoped this was the Company Rose was talking to.

Opening up the Trimax web site. I was again impressed. Their website was professional and well laid out. If Patterson's had a long list of recent projects, this one was huge. Wow, major projects, and their facilities looked first rate. My opinion changed. This was a much better company and now I hoped it was Trimax.

As I was closing out I saw a photo of the CEO and he looked familiar. I dived back in and quickly found the list of senior managers. Carter Jones. I recognised him. He was Tony's friend from the party. That's why Rose wouldn't give me the Company details. She knew I would find out who he was.

Angry and disappointed, I went for a walk in the cool bracing air. What the hell was I going to do? The thought of working from home sat well with me. Not just so Rose and I could spend time together, but because I was sick of living out of dingy digs, living alone and the long drives home just to be with her.

Add the fact that she was still lying to me pissed me off. She was trying to manipulate me. Her underhanded approach really irritated.

How to deal with it?

The next day was the one. I left it, I didn't ring her. I waited for her to get in touch with me. It came in the form of a phone call. "Hi, Babe. Okay, I have forwarded you a contract. Read your email. All you need to know is in the email. God, I'm so excited, it is going to be so nice having you working from home."

I sniggered. "You seem pretty confident. Who is the company?"

There was a certain hesitancy in her voice, but she answered. "The Company is called Trimax. They are a major player, Hon. I mean these guys are big and getting bigger. Read the contract. The terms are amazing."

"Trimax, huh. Funny I have never heard of them. Who is the boss?"

The hesitancy was back, I waited for her response, thinking this should be interesting. "I don't know the CEO's name. I have been dealing with the Project Coordinator and HR. Please, just read the contract. We don't have a lot of time."

Waiting a few seconds I replied. "Now I know who I am dealing with I will do some research. Find out a little about them. I'm not working for cowboys."

She read out a list of the projects they had completed on. She obviously had their web site open.

"That's all good and well, but I need to know who they are and where they're going. I need details."

She seemed frustrated. "Eddie, trust me. Read the contract. The salary is a 35% increase on what you currently make. It is a two year deal, with rights to renew. Hon, it would mean we could live like husband and wife again. Sleep in the same bed every night."

"Yeah, I like that idea. I will do my research and get back to you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!" she screeched. "Hon, we are on a tight time frame. They want you to start immediately. If we muck about we might miss out."

"Ask them for another 10%."

"Oh, you have got to be kidding. Eddie, this offer is a good one. It is already a lot more than your current job."

"Yeah, but it's less than what's on offer from Wales. I negotiated with them and got some extras. They are offering more than this."

I heard her mutter "Shit," Away from the phone. Before she replied I snapped back curtly. "Remember you are working for me, not them. I want more. If they won't play ball, at least I have a confirmed back up."

"For Pete's sake, Hon. You are not the only horse in this race. There has been a lot of interest. I approached them on your behalf. They aren't chasing you."

"Another 10%, Rose." I hung up. Reading the contract, it was a good one. The money was good and the attraction of sleeping in my own bed was definitely appealing. The only sticking point was her lies and disrespect. I told her I didn't want to work for this guy. I didn't want to be beholden in any way to Tony.

I was also worried about how easily she lied. It did braise the issues of what else she lied about.

Ten minutes later she rang again. "Well, what do you think? Great contract isn't it?"

"I don't know, I haven't read it yet. I am just doing my research on the Company. If you had given me the details yesterday, I could have already finished this."

The phone was silent for a moment before she whispered, "Well, what do you think?"

"Rose, I am busy. I will complete my research before looking at the contract. Did you approach them about the money?"

"No, not yet. Look, babe, I don't think they will offer more. Remember, we want them, they aren't falling over themselves to employ you."

10%, Rose, and I wouldn't mind a performance bonus as well. See if you can get them to come to the party with that."

Before she could reply, I hung up. I sat ruminating. I went over the two contracts. The one in Wales paid more, had free board and lodgings, so I could save that. There were some KPIs and they were prepared to pay performance bonuses based on the KPI's. It just meant committing to being away from home for a very long time. I let Rose stew and finished off the punch list items I was tidying up.

It was late in the afternoon when I received another email from Rose. Attached was a new contract and it did indeed have a salary increase. Although now the salary was going to be performance based with 20% at risk.

About half an hour later she rang. "Have you received your new contract?"

"Yeah, just reading it."

"What do you think?"

"It's okay I guess, but they haven't really addressed the salary. Just made it at risk. I am still researching the Company. Luckily I Know a couple of engineers working there. I am waiting to hear back from them. Find out some dirt about the boss man."

The phone was again silent when I muttered. "You know, I'm sure I recognise the boss, Jones. I have seen him somewhere. Do you know him?"

The tension was palpable. She hesitated before replying. "No, I haven't spoken to him. Like I said. I have been dealing with the project guy."

"Hmm. Okay, but I'm sure I have met him somewhere. Right, I have a response. If they want me to accept that 20% of my salary is going to be at risk. It is going to have to come up another 10%. I have sent you the Wales contract so you can compare. I have to go. Bye."

The level of her lies seemed to know no bounds. I was convinced she had contacted Jones directly and used Tony as the leverage. There was no way I was accepting working for the guy, knowing what I knew.

It was late that night when Rose rang again. She sounded flustered and uncomfortable. "Okay, Eddie, I got them to raise the salary as you requested. But the higher you push the salary, the higher the risk. They are offering you another 15%, but now 30% of it will be at risk."

"I can live with that. I will need to see the KPIs though. I will also have to have control over meeting them. I won't accept KPIs tied to the company success. Just the elements I am in charge of."

"The KPIs are listed. I haven't checked them. I don't know what I am looking for."

"Send it through and I will check it out. I am just certain I know the CEO. I'm sure I have met him."

We closed off the conversation and the contract popped up in my email.

It was damn good. The KPIs were all personal, except for the safety one. That was only 5%, anyway. Damn it was tempting.

I went back to work and emailed off my acceptance of the Wales job. Rose called several times during the evening. I let them all go to message bank.

The next day was frenetic, two days to completion and we were all feeling the pressure. Rose rang early in a fluster. "Eddie, where the hell have you been? I tried all night to get in touch."

"Sorry, Rose. I was talking to Wales. I decided to go with them."

"What!" she snarled. "Oh fuck, Eddie, no. Why did you do that?"

"I didn't have an alternative. It was the only one on offer."

"Oh fuck off, what about the Trimax offer?"

"That wasn't an option. Once I figured out where I knew the CEO from I went no further."

The phone was silent for a long moment. "Why didn't you tell me, Rose?"

"Because I knew what you would say. Listen, Hon. I talked to Tony..."

I cut her off. "You talk to him a lot, don't you?"

"Don't be daft. He is helping me out. When I said I was trying to find you a job he suggested he would broker a meeting with Carter. When we met, Carter looked over your CV and was really impressed. He wanted you."

"That's funny because when I asked you yesterday you said you didn't know him."

"Yeah, okay you busted me. After you said that stupid shit about not working for some guy who might sleep with me. I knew I couldn't tell you who it was with."

"So you were hoping I would just blindly sign and then later find out I was working for him, and it would all be too late."

"No, what I hoped would happen is you would meet Carter and find out that he is a lovely guy. Pleasant and easy to talk to. He genuinely is a nice guy, Eddie."

"Yeah, A nice guy who is doing a favour for his mate so he can sleep with my wife. No thanks, Rose."

"Eddie, please, Hon, this is a great opportunity. After meeting and talking to Carter, and to Tony, it's obvious this company is going to be huge. You could get in now. Honey, please don't be a fool."

"Ha, a fool am I? Sorry, Rose. I prefer to work for people with ethics. How long would it be before he was putting the acid on me so he could bonk you?"

"Oh good fucking lord. Eddie, you're behaving like a bloody child. I haven't slept with anybody. Carter is a nice man who wants you to work for him."

"Too late. I have already signed. I'll be home in a couple of days and we can see where we go. Rose, I have to say. I am increasingly worried about our relationship. I distinctly told you I wouldn't work for that guy and you went behind my back and tried to trick me. You lied to me and now I am worried whether our whole relationship is based on a lie."

"Eddie, you have got this all wrong. I only said those things so you could see the contract for what it was: a good prospect."

"Yeah, and how do I know you aren't lying now? You see, Rose, once you've told one you create this uncertainty. Now I will always be wondering if what you say is the truth."

"Christ, babe, I am just trying to help. I am sick of living by myself. Sleeping alone, you never being here to help with anything. The car breaks down and you're off in bloody Scotland. I deal with everything. You are never here. All I wanted was a normal life."

"If you had been honest and I knew how much this bugged you, the outcome might have been different. Why didn't you tell me how you felt?"

"Because I didn't want to get in your way. I wanted you to have your adventures, slay your dragon. I kept it bottled up because I knew how important your career was to you."

The conversation died. The phone was filled with her sniffles. "I'm sorry, Eddie, I fucked up, but all I wanted was you at home."

"Rose, there are hundreds of companies around town. If I knew how strongly you felt I could have easily found work. Why did you have to go to him?"

"Because Tony said it would be good for you. Carter is a nice guy who looks after his employees. When I did my research I found out he was telling the truth."

"So you just lied?"

"Yeah okay, I get it. I fucked up and I'm sorry. I should have told you." Through her sniffles she asked. "Would you reconsider?"

"No, It's too late for that. I have signed. I can't go back on that now."

To say the mood changed would be an understatement. I could sense her dissatisfaction. She was pissed. She hung up not long after that. There were no more phone calls leading up to the contract wind up. It took a couple of days longer than expected, and It was Sunday before I pulled into our driveway.
