The Vampire, Hymee Pt. 02

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Luke meets Brie.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/07/2022
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Part 2

I woke the next morning to the sun streaming in through the open window. I was slicked in sweat despite the chill in the room. I tried to sit up but was immediately floored by a crushing headache. I felt deathly weak and collapsed back into the mattress. My bedside clock read, Sat 10.32 am and beside it, I noticed a handwritten letter. I opened it, and in perfect calligraphy that could have graced a wedding invitation, was a short note from Hymee.

'The sun will rise in 10 minutes so I will have to leave you soon, although I wish I could stay longer. I held you all night willing your spirit to survive the virus that even now courses through your blood. That you are reading this is proof that we have been successful and that everything we have worked for to reveal your dark self is possible. That you are able to understand these words is also proof that you have not lost your mind, and as to the last point, I can safely say that you are not a monster, my dear.'

'By the time you read this, no doubt Briggs and Mortimer would have sent someone to check in on you as I have given them clear instructions to make you their highest priority. They will be able to give you some of the answers to your questions or at least help assuage the fear that I know you must feel. Also, I will rest easier knowing that someone is looking after you. I will visit you soon,


Just at that moment, the doorbell rang and a concerned voice crackled on the intercom, "Mr Wallace, are you at home?"

It was Natasha -- her perfect English accent was unmistakable.

"Yes," I said. My voice sounded frail.

"I'm going to let myself in, Briggs and Mortimer have a spare key to your properties under the order of a Miss Hymee."

I heard the door grate open and then footsteps on the stairs. The door to my room opened and Natasha rushed in, worry painted on her face.

"They said you weren't well," she said, out of breath from the two flights of stairs. She wore grey seamless leggings and a matching crop bra. Despite my fever, it did not escape me that her figure-hugging leggings rather than hide her sex, accentuated it, highlighting the prominent slit of her vagina.

As if, reading my mind she said, "I was on the way to the gym when I got the call. I came straight over."

She sat on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on my head. Alarm flared in her eyes.

"You're burning up," she said.

She pulled back the bedsheets revealing my rippled abdomen and prominent bulge in my pants. Barely skipping a beat, she adjusted the sheets to hide my embarrassment and said, "We need to cool you down."

Immediately she was up and off again. I heard clinking in the bathroom and she returned a few minutes later with a white porcelain bowl which she set down on the bedside table. She soaked a cloth in the cold water and dabbed it onto my forehead, before working it over my face and abdomen. She worked methodically as if trained for the job.

"I used to do this for my mother before she died," she said. "She got cancer and the chemo always made her like this. Worse than the disease really. This was the only thing that gave her relief."

Her hands worked gently over my body as she sat beside me on the bed focused on the task at hand.

"Here, take these."

She handed me two lozenge-shaped pills and a glass of water which I gulped down without any questions. She took my temperature with one of those old fashioned glass thermometers which I guess she found in the bathroom and held it up to the light. She shook it and said, "Say arrrr."

I duly complied and she placed it in my mouth.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked when she withdrew the thermometer.

She looked at me puzzled and then with a cheeky grin said, "Well, I wouldn't want to lose my best client now, would I Mr Wallace?"

"Call me Luke," I said.

"Fine, if we're on first name terms," she replied with a chirpy lilt to her voice, "you should call me Sasha. That's what my mum always called me."

"Deal," I said grinning. This was the first real girl I had spoken to who didn't make me feel nervous or somehow insufficient. Her kind face brimmed with compassion, and I realised that if she had not become a lawyer then she would have made the perfect doctor.

Sasha turned up unannounced the next day. She let herself in and bounded upstairs as if her very life depended upon it. The door swung open and I was greeted with worry that quickly transformed into delight.

"Oh you look so much better," she said slightly out of breath. "You were deathly pale yesterday. I was so worried."

She was wearing s similarly tight grey gym outfit and when she noticed my admiring glances she giggled.

"Well I thought it might help bring the colour to your cheeks," she said playfully.

She posed for a fraction longer than was strictly necessary letting my eyes linger on her body. Her crop top showed off her lean abdomen and the prominent bulge of her breasts. Her seamless leggings acted as a flawless second skin setting off her wide hips and half-moon buttocks. Outlined beneath the tight fabric were the thick lips of her vulva nuzzled between the lines of her shapely thighs. She seemed not to be worried by my longing glances and sat down beside me putting a hand to my head. I in turn rested my hand on her knee eager to be closer to her. Again, she didn't mind, or perhaps through professional courtesy, tolerated my small advances, and so I let it ride up her thigh.

"So how is our patient?" she asked, in mock seriousness.

"Much better," I said. "Your healing touch has done wonders."

The lycra did nothing to hide the supple muscles of her upper leg from my wandering hand.

She laughed and said, "Oh I bet you say that to all the girls."

I felt the warmth from her skin and in one natural motion and without breaking conversation, she hitched her leg up onto the duvet, opening up her sex as if inviting me to slide my fingers down her crotch into her tight pussy. A dark patch had formed between her legs but her face was as impenetrable as ever, seemingly unaware of the subtext smouldering below.

"I should let you know that I have a message for you from your benefactor," she said brightly.

"Benefactor?" I asked sitting up breaking my reverie, unclear now where this was heading.

"Yes, Mr Mortimer informed me that your account had been paid in full by a Miss Hymee and that I was on retainer to look after your needs."

"My needs?" I asked suffusing my voice with innuendo.

There was a slight pause before she laughed, "Oh gosh, that sounds so wrong. Business needs."

She bashed me playfully on the shoulder and burst out in laughter which bounced her full breasts.

"You know just because I'm on retainer doesn't mean I can't be transferred to other cases," she said in a mock-serious tone.

She placed the bowl on the floor bringing her pert bottom within touching distance. Her perfect oval buttocks framed the slit of her labia deliciously and I felt myself growing hard.

"Financially more important cases?" I asked, now with an impish grin.

"Well, not necessarily more important," she said sitting down again emphasising the word 'more'. She placed my roving hand in hers and set it down in her lap perilously close to her vagina. "But financially more lucrative," she continued smoothly.

Catching my bedside clock she announced suddenly, "Oh dear, I have to go. Mr Mortimer is expecting me back at the office." She picked up her Dior handbag, again allowing me to admire her backside, and reached inside for a GPS navigator. "Hymee said to go to the coordinates stored in the GPS unit when you're feeling well. Apparently, it's some kind of test and you will know what to do."

She bent down and quickly kissed me on the forehead before skipping out of the room.

"See you soon," she called up the stairs and was gone.

I gingerly got out of bed. The fever had passed and despite my ordeal, I felt well-rested. Whatever virus Hymee had given me had done its work. The GPS device sat on the bedside cabinet and out of curiosity I turned it on. The screen sprang to life displaying a colour Ordnance Survey map with a red point blinking to the North of the property. Having nothing better to do, I pulled on some clothes, went downstairs and searched for my hiking boots. Ten minutes later I was trudging through the dewy grass that quickly soaked my boots. The winter sun was low on the horizon and I guessed that I only had an hour or two of light left. The satnav took me through woody copses and down into a valley. A stag silhouetted on the horizon looked up and eyed me suspiciously. I froze, entranced by the majesty of the beast and then it melted into the woods. The going was hard as the property had been left to grow wild but after about half an hour of hiking, I found myself in a small clearing. Fog hung on the ground, and in front of me corresponding to the flashing dot, was a plain patch of birch trees.

I considered the instructions that Sasha had given me. 'If you find anything there, you will know what to do.' I walked into the little stand of trees. The silver bark glowed yellow in the setting sun and once again I was struck by the beauty of the natural world. Starlings circled in the sky as they gathered to roost. The air was silent with barely a breeze and I became aware of the cold as it began to creep into my hands.

I stood perfectly still for what felt like 20 minutes but I knew was more like 10. Nothing stirred and I was beginning to think that I had failed Hymee's test when something caught my peripheral vision. It was barely a flicker, and when I turned, nothing was there apart from a gnarly old birch. I stared at it confused. The rest of the trees were all young saplings, their trunks just a handful of centimetres across, but this one was a fair-sized specimen. I surveyed the rest of the trees around me and then I felt it again -- something had happened. I can't describe it in more detail other than a preternatural sense that something was wrong.

I immediately looked back at the old birch. Had it moved? It seemed closer than before. How could this be? I cocked my head to one side and without warning a branch twitched sending me backwards as it brushed against my face. To my chagrin, the branch had grazed me rather than knocked me over. Again I knew by some unnatural instinct that a spirit inhabited this tree and that it was not malign.

"Hymee sent me," I said, feeling silly addressing a tree and thankful that no one was around. "She told me to come here, that it was a test."

The leaves rustled and the branches ever so slightly relaxed.

"She said that I would know what to do."

A slow minute ticked by and I was starting to doubt myself when the birch began to suddenly draw in upon itself. Its branches condensed into limbs and the trunk morphed into a head, thorax and pelvis. A few moments later a naked woman of maybe 4 feet in stature stood before me. Her skin was olive green but her hair that trailed to her waist was silver, as were her eyebrows, eyelashes and the soft velvet of her sex. She was willowy thin but sported the most enormous breasts with acorn-shaped nipples. They dangled on her chest magnificently like two great teardrops and when she swayed her lithe body, they rocked and jangled enough to set my pulse racing. However, her most prominent and distressing feature was a deep discoloured wound on her thigh that wept a viscid brown fluid that smelt of rotten meat.

"Brie be my name," she said in a soft Irish accent, unaware of her nakedness. "Charmed to meet you."

She curtsied and gave me a boyish grin.

I smiled, and said gently, "My name is Luke."

"I be knowing your name, and me poor ears still be ringing with Miss Hymee's words these past two days. The talk still fresh in me head about the new master, but now that I meet you, I can see that she may have a point..."

The last words hung in the air and I wondered if I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes?

"You must be cold, would you like my jacket?" I asked.

"No thank you," she smiled, "spriggans don't be feeling the cold especially. Hymee said you might be seeking me, so here you are. Perhaps it's best if you follow me, it'll be a hollering or worse if I'm seen like this with the sun up."

The last rays of sunset highlighted her breasts and buttocks as she set off into the stand of trees. She weaved between the trees at a deceptive pace and I had to run to catch up. She led me to a small cut in the land with steep granite sides. I had explored the estate as a boy and had never discovered any crags on the property and wondered whether the landscape had been transformed by some kind of spriggan magic. We entered the rent in the earth and she led me to the mouth of a cave.

"This be me home," she said simply, "you are free to enter."

As she uttered the words, the darkness that obscured the interior evaporated and inside was a fire with thick animal furs strewn about. A stream babbled through the little cave and disappeared into a sinkhole. I followed her in and felt the warmth as I crossed the boundary. The cave seemed to vibrate with the thrum of magic. She bid me take a seat, and seeing none, I reclined on the furs. Brie did likewise and we spent a moment in silence.

"You be known to me," she said. "When you were a little boy."

"I used to wander these woods when I was a child and climb the trees," I replied, "thinking back, it's a wonder I didn't kill myself."

I laughed reminiscing. The first girl I had kissed was in these very woods...

"You liked the birds' eggs," Brie said. "And you were willing to climb for them, so high that you set poor Brie's heart a fluttering. It be me power over the trees in these woods that kept you from falling. Brie be so afeared that she commanded all the trees to keep you safe. Your father would have been disappointed in little Brie if you had hurt yourself and he could be very angry when vexed... but then you stopped coming?"

"I left for boarding school, and then University," I said, "and when I came back I had forgotten about childish things, but now, sitting here, it feels different, I can feel something in the air..."

"You be the young master. You be sensing us as we be sensing you," she said. "Your essence is in these woods. We all feel it, because we be your people, to serve as we can, and you be the young master whose duty it is to command."

"You knew my father?" I asked, excitement creeping into my voice.

"Of course, the old master spent many nights here. He would talk to little Brie until deep into the night, but then he be leaving without word or warning, until he left us for the last time, but you be knowing about that. Come tell little Brie what you need."

She smiled pulling back her hair and stretching back her arms revealing the full bounty of her body.

"There are other spriggans here?" I stammered unsure how to proceed.

"Yes, of course, the magic be deep in this place, or once it was. Night-elves, spriggans, sprites, and the beautiful nymphs... there be many magical creatures here. All be yours now to command as you see fit, and now that you be the master, they will reveal themselves when the time is ripe."

Brie spoke with a whisper, perfectly comfortable in her nakedness, and beguiled by her animal beauty, I examined her body. Her green scaly skin was made from a fine mesh of interlocking leaf-shaped facets that sparkled in the firelight. Noticing my gaze she lay down next to me, picked up my hand and placed it on her stomach.

"You be wanting to know how a spriggan feels?" she asked, curiosity in her voice.

Her stomach was soft and supple, but I could see that her feet and hands were tough like leather, and her breasts glistened with dew. Her fingers too were odd, tapering into delicate vines that coiled and uncoiled as she spoke. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders to her waist, partially covering her slender frame and further down, her tiny slit-like vagina grew a downy fur with soft tendrils that pulsed whenever she became excited.

"Your leg," I said, "it's injured?"

"Yes," she replied, her green eyes glowing in the gloom. "An old wound that won't heal. It's come to festering and Brie fears the rot has set in."

She twisted her leg to one side showing the deep gash that stretched from just above her knee to the curve of her little labia. Maggots crawled in the surface ooze and the stench filled my lungs making me want to vomit.

"'Tis what Miss Hymee meant when she be saying that you would know what to do?" she asked.

"I think so," I said, "medicine is all that I know, so if I were a betting man, which I'm not I should add, then this is what I'd put my money on. I could help you if you want?"

"You be good for all kinds of help, methinks," she said, with a little smirk, letting her tongue delicately flick over her lower lip.

Was this little spriggan flirting with me? It was hard to devine what was mischievous intent versus innocent conversation, but intuition suggested that Brie had more than conversation in mind.

"I need to fetch some instruments from my home. I could be here and back within the hour," I said.

She smiled, holding me with those luminous green eyes and said, "I be here when you return".

I pulled the satnav out of my pocket, punched in my current coordinates and then set off at a run. Thankfully the moon was still full, providing just enough light to stumble along without losing my way, but even so, I blundered headlong into bogs, and then through thicket and thorn. An owl hooted, but I couldn't penetrate the shadows to see where it was. The hair on my back stood on end as I sensed eyes all around. I had never felt the countryside like this before, but like many secrets, I surmised that it must have always been here, lurking in the background. I looked up, hoping to see Hymee patrolling the night sky, but on seeing nothing more than the scudding cloud shining in the moonlight, I picked up the pace.

Half an hour later I burst in through the front door trailing muddy bootprints into the study. Rifling through the drawers of my mahogany desk I stitched together a basic medical kit consisting of a scalpel, local anaesthetic, povidone-iodine antiseptic, bandages, swabs, syringes and antibiotics, all bundled into a small cloth. I also added a paring knife, the sort you would use to carve wood, for the grim reality was that the work I needed to do would not require the fine tools of a surgeon, but more the brute force implements of a mortuary technician.

I started out again trying to follow the direct course that the satnav set. Briars and brambles ripped at my legs reducing them to a bloody pulp or tripping me so that I fell headlong into the clinging mud. Again, I had the preternatural sensation that something was watching me from the dark, but rather than giving in to my fears and turning around, I drove forwards until at last I spotted the flickering glow of the campfire inside the cave. Brie sat there as I had left her, idly picking maggots out of her flesh.

When she saw me her gaze jumped from my face to my muddied trousers and back to my face.

"We weren't sure you were coming back," she said, "but from the state of you I can see that the journey be anything but...," she paused searching for the right word and put a hand to her mouth trying to hide a grin, "... straightforward?"

"I guess the time in the Boy's Scouts didn't really rub off on me?"

"Oh we don't know, you're rubbing off on us quite nicely," she said with a naughty grin. "Now, how do you want little Brie?"

She sat on a low rock with her left thigh agape revealing the soft silver of her sex. The tendrils on her vagina flexed and curled as if they had a life of their own. I knelt before her, aware that her vagina just a few inches from my nose. It smelt of pine needles and damp earth. Studiously I aranged my tools on the white linen blanket.