The Vampire Seductress

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Lizzy the vampire is on the prowl for sex and breakfast.
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This story was commissioned by a regular reader of my work who wanted something a bit more Halloween-themed for this time of year. If you're interested in commissioning me to write something for you, just check my bio and reach out to me.

All characters are over the age of 18.

Enjoy the story!


The dance floor was bathed in blood.

The crimson lights washed over the dancing crowd evoking images of a party drenched in blood. They were not, they were merely bathed in red lights. Imagining scenes of blood was always a sure sign that Lizzy was hungry. It was a good thing she'd come to the nightclub she owned with her best friend, where the dance floor was her own personal buffet.

Lizzy stepped through the throngs of revelers, making her way to the bar where Harley was working. Unlike Lizzy, Harley actually enjoyed working in the club they owned together. Lizzy enjoyed planning events and arranging decor, but Harley got down and dirty in the nitty-gritty by working behind the bar. Lizzy couldn't figure out why she put herself through such torture but to each her own.

Lizzy felt the stares of numerous eyes scanning her body, clad in a figure-hugging and revealing black dress. She could feel them undressing her with their gaze as she walked by, the fabric of the dress hugging her curves like a second skin. There was a time, a long time ago, when she would have found their lingering stares intimidating, but being a vampire she had nothing to fear from human men. She stared right back, passing her casual gaze over each of them and deciding which of them would become her meal for the night. They took it for flirting and smiled at her, some wiggled their eyebrows or licked their lips suggestively. She curled her lips in a secret smile that only she understood the meaning of and continued to the bar.

"Hey there queen," Harley said, turning her back on the scrawny man who was still deep in the process of trying to chat her up. It wasn't the first time that Harley had walked away from a man while he was mid-sentence and it wouldn't be the last.

"Looking extra slutty tonight," Harley said, approaching Lizzy as the dejected man behind her faded into the crowd to wallow in his failure.

"Not half as slutty as you," Lizzy replied, smirking at Harley's nonexistent outfit. Harley had never much cared for modesty and was wearing an incredibly revealing pair of torn leather shorts and a low-cut top that was doing a poor job of covering her breasts. Her makeup was on point as usual; she wore thick black eyeliner and bright red lipstick that made her made her stand out. Harley was not the type of girl who liked to blend in.

"No modesty, no shame," Harley said, smiling devilishly. It was the motto she lived by and Lizzy loved her for it. Her self-assurance was intoxicating.

Lizzy's confidence had come from being turned into a vampire. The power that came with the blood of the night gave her superiority over almost everyone. There was little to be anxious about when you possessed such power. When she'd been home confidence had been an alien concept to her. Even now there were moments when it abandoned her. But with Harley around that was rarely the case.

Harley's confidence had existed even when she was human. It was what had drawn Lizzy to her five years ago when she'd arrived in this town. After just a week of visiting bars and clubs with Harley, Lizzy knew that she wanted to give her the blood and make her an eternal companion.

Vampirism didn't change Harley - other than the occasional desire for blood. She hadn't let her newfound powers define her as a person and maintained her own identity regardless of what people thought. She was the same now as she had been five years ago, except now she could crush a man's skull with her bare hands.

"Have you fed?" Lizzy asked.

Harley shook her head and her dark hair danced around her face. "Not yet. I'll wait until Monika starts her shift so I can take a break."

Lizzy rolled her eyes. "We own the place, Harley. You can take a break whenever you want."

"The longer I stay behind the bar the more men too simple to realize that a goddess like me is way out of their league will approach me, and eventually, one of them will annoy me so much that they end up being my breakfast," Harley said.

She wasn't joking when she called herself a goddess; she'd always had a god complex and becoming a vampire only validated that. On some a god complex would be annoying, but Harley wore it well. Lizzy smiled and looked out at the dance floor again. She employed slightly different tactics from Harley when it came to finding her food. Harley chose people who annoyed her, but that's because she liked to punish them. Lizzy chose people who looked like they could give her a good time, and she made sure they got one too.

Harley grabbed a bottle of gin from the top shelf and two tulip-shaped glasses from the rack. She filled each one halfway and pushed one glass across the bar to Lizzy. She raised the second glass to her lips and quickly drained it before refilling it. One of the first questions Harley had asked before letting Lizzy turn her was if she would still be able to get drunk. Vampires could drink anything a human could; drinking human beverages meant they needed to piss when otherwise they would not. The same went for food, although Lizzy found that nothing tasted nearly as good as it had when she'd been human. Blood was the only thing that tasted truly exquisite.

Lizzy sipped her gin slowly, watching as the crowd on the dance floor grew more frenzied. Each of them was lost in their own world, the music blaring so loud that it was difficult to hear herself think. The strobe lights flickered across the sea of bodies, casting everyone in an otherworldly glow. She scanned the crowd again, searching for someone to ensnare.

"My outfit turned up for our trip next weekend. It's too big so I'm sending it back," said Harley. It was her birthday next weekend and they were going to New York for a weekend of getting drunk, fucking, and biting strangers.

Lizzy had stopped celebrating her birthday when she'd turned 100. It just seemed pointless after that. Birthdays had no meaning when you were immortal. Some vampires celebrated the night they were turned instead. A deathnight it was known as in some circles. Lizzy kept track of how many years she'd been a vampire but she did not celebrate that night. She tried to think about it as little as possible.

"Are you even listening to me?" Harley said, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Sorry, I got distracted by birthdays," she said distantly.

"Yes, because you don't celebrate them because you're so old. You could do the whole deathnight celebration and give us a reason to party once a year." As if Harley ever needed a reason to party.

"I'd rather not think about that particular night," said Lizzy.

Harley fell quiet, knowing she'd touched on a tender subject. It was something that Lizzy rarely spoke about, even to her best friend. "Are you ever going to tell me about your night father?" she asked.

Night father was the term used for the vampire who turned you. Other vampires turned by that vampire become your night siblings. Technically, Harley was Lizzy's night daughter, but Lizzy found the whole thing weird so they refused to use the terms on one another. They were best friends bound by blood. Sisters if anything, not mother and daughter.

"I don't like thinking about him. He was a monster," Lizzy said. She wished she could erase the memory of the vampire who'd turned her completely. He was a stain on her history, a stain that she'd never get out no matter how much she scrubbed. And she had scrubbed very hard.

Harley's voice was tinged with hurt as she looked her friend in the eyes and said, "I know. I just wish you'd trust me enough to open up about it."

A flower of anger bloomed inside Lizzy and her nostrils flared as she slammed her glass down on the bar, shattering the spine and upending gin over the wooden surface. "Don't try to manipulate me," she warned her friend.

Harley stepped back, eyes wide with surprise as she held her hands up in surrender. "I know it sounded that way, but I swear I wasn't trying to be manipulative. You know me better than that."

Lizzy sighed wearily and shook her head. "It just sounded like a guilt trip. You have to understand, it's something he always used to do. He'd make me feel guilty and manipulate me. As my night father, he failed me in every way imaginable. And that's all I'm going to say about it. For now."

"For now?" Harley asked, as she began scooping the broken glass off the bar.

Lizzy walked around the bar and grabbed a cloth to clean up the spillage. She didn't like being behind the bar when the place was open because she didn't want the patrons to know she had any affiliation with the place. But it was her mess and she was going to clean it.

"I do trust you, Harley. In 200 years there are only 2 people I have trusted absolutely and you're one of them." And the other was somewhere very far away. "I just can't talk about him. One day I will. I promise you that one day I will tell you everything about him and believe me..." Lizzy let a derisive laugh seep through her words. "'ll wish I hadn't."

Lizzy's gaze connected with Harley's and her heart filled with warmth as she watched Harley's full lips part into a loving smile, her dark eyes twinkling with joy. "I would never regret it," she said. She snatched the cloth from Lizzy's grip and tossed it aside before pulling her into a warm embrace.

Lizzy wrapped her arms tightly around Harley, drawing deep breaths of the sweet, familiar scent that filled her lungs. Her friend's touch boosted her mood; calming her nerves and soothing away the pain from the memories of her past.

They stayed in each other's embrace for a while, neither one speaking. It was enough just to be close to someone who understood and accepted all the darkness inside of Lizzy.

Finally, Harley spoke first and stepped back from their hug. "You broke a glass. You must be hangry," she joked.

"Shush," Lizzy said, smiling nonetheless. As she looked up her eyes landed on a towering man dancing with total abandon, the lights highlighting the ginger shine of his hair as he moved beneath them.

Harley's gaze followed hers and she nodded knowingly. "Ah, you found a ginger," she said. She knew Lizzy's type well; tall, muscular, and ginger. The muscles meant nothing in terms of strength since Lizzy could flatten any human in a fight, but they still had a pleasing aesthetic, and they felt nicer to touch than soft, flabby flesh.

"I'll catch you later," said Lizzy as she walked out from behind the bar and stalked towards her prey. Other men tried to get her attention as she glided through the dancers but she had eyes only for one.

The ginger man turned as she approached and their eyes met across the remaining distance between them. His eyes, the color of molten honey, scanned her body with an almost tangible touch. His gaze lingered on her curves, taking in the soft swell of her hips and the exposed flesh of her breasts that pushed against the fabric containing them. When his eyes returned to hers they were glazed over with desire. She stared into his eyes, lowering her lids, and slowly dragging her tongue over her lips. The man gulped before walking toward her, nervousness ebbing away at some of the confidence he'd been exuding before.

"Hi!" he shouted over the music. "You wanna dance?"

Lizzy's lips curved up in a sly, inviting smile before she began to sway her hips and move her arms elegantly in time to the pulsing rhythm. The man watched her movements with a burning intensity. She could feel his gaze caress her as if it were a physical touch, warming her from head to toe. Slowly, he picked up the rhythm and began to dance in time with her.

His hands found her hips and pulled her closer, their bodies now only inches apart. She ran her fingers along his arm, enjoying the hardness of his steely muscles; he didn't even flinch at the coldness of her touch. Lizzy felt sparks shoot through her body as they danced together; their movements becoming more intimate with each passing moment. Soon the man had pulled her body close to his and she could feel the heat radiating from him. She could hear his heart thumping quickly in his chest, pumping blood to all the right places.

With dextrous movements, he spun her around and pulled her into him, his groin against her rear. She felt a faint hardness pressing into her and grinned. A strong hand snaked around her waist from behind, holding her body against him. The other hand moved upward, pausing briefly at her ribcage to give her the chance to stop him. When she did not it slid up, cupping her breast and squeezing with rough desire. He let out an animalistic sigh, a noise of complete lust, and she felt his breath fall on her neck. His touch electrified her whole body and she felt herself melting into him, wanting his lips on her body.

She tilted her head to the side, exposing her flesh, and offering up her neck to him an ironic twist. He seized the invitation; his lips found her soft, pale skin and caressed it eagerly with small kisses that sent shivers down Lizzy's spine. Her heart raced as she slowly turned her face towards his, and their eyes locked in a moment of anticipation. She felt the warmth of his breath on her face before their lips met in an arduous kiss.

She let herself relax into the moment, allowing their noses to gently brush against each other as the kiss deepened. The music that had become a gentle static in the background faded away as her mind was filled with the sound of his heart. It pounded quickly in his chest, and she clung to him even closer as they continued to dance; following the rhythmic melody of their own desire.

Aware that they were starting to draw attention from other dancers, and not possessing the unabashed confidence that Harley did, Lizzy decided it was time to move to a more private space. She took a small step away from him and took his hand in hers. Wordlessly, she led him across the dance floor. He followed her obediently, unable to resist his own desire for her. He'd tasted her lips and he wanted more. She guided him past the bar and through a door at the back of the club.

Lizzy and Harley had a VIP room for this exact purpose. The room was decorated with modern art and a luxurious red velvet sofa that spanned the circumference of the walls. A fully stocked bar stood in one corner, glittering glass decanters reflecting the light from a sparkling chandelier.

"Classy," the man said in approval, looking around the room. It was obvious there was only one thing in the room that he was interested in and it wasn't the booze or the art.

As soon as the door clicked shut, the man gave in to his primal urges. He grabbed Lizzy by the waist and tossed her effortlessly onto the sofa. For a human he was strong, and it wasn't often that she got thrown around by anybody. She giggled as she landed on her back, and then he was upon her. His large hands grabbed her dress and in one skillful movement, he stripped her bare, discarding the dress on the floor. She hadn't bothered with any underwear since it would only get in the way, and panty lines ruined a good dress.

His eyes hovered over her exposed breasts, his pupils expanding, and his lips curling into a boyish grin. "Fucking slay," he said under his breath before he descended upon her.

His tongue flicked her nipple as his hand caressed her other breast. Lizzy moaned gently as he licked and sucked, his hands exploring her. body with passionate abandon. His mouth left a trail of fire as he kissed down her body until his face was positioned between her legs. He growled hungrily before leaning forward and inhaling deeply, taking in the scent of Lizzy's arousal. She let out an involuntary whimper as masculine fingers began to tease over her delicate folds.

His eyes caught hers, locking with her lusty gaze as he spread open her lips delicately. She felt her pussy pulse with desire, swollen with need for him, and she moaned quietly with frustration.

His tongue slid out to seduce her, teasing light kisses over her. His warm breath blew across her sensitive flesh, sending shivers through Lizzy's entire body. She arched her back, thrusting into him, letting out a low groan that was almost a growl. Her fingers curled into his hair and she pulled him towards her, desperate for the kiss of satisfaction.

Her body trembled with pleasure as he granted her request. His mouth found its target swiftly, his tongue dancing up and down against her slit. She moaned again, hoarsely. Her back arched once more, her entire body forming a bridge as she offered herself freely to him. No area was left untouched, and soon Lizzy was wriggling beneath the fervor of his lust. She bit her lip and groaned with ecstasy. Her moans grew louder as he continued his oral assault. He had a talent with his tongue that few men could match. Many claimed to be masters of cunnilingus, but very few lived up to their own hype.

It wasn't long before she felt her knees begin to tremble around him; his tongue was working magic and the buildup of pleasure became almost too much for her to take. Her cum gushed out of her, coating his face as he eagerly lapped it up.

As she lay panting on the sofa, he rose up and stripped off his t-shirt. His chest was muscled but not overly so; the kind of muscles that came from hard labor, rather than hours in the gym; still, his body looked like it held enough power to fuck her the way she liked it. Lizzy looked into his eyes and issued a silent command for him to continue. He pulled off his pants and underwear and tossed them aside. His cock was already at full mast, throbbing with anticipation and pointing at Lizzy with aggressive lust.

He loomed over her, stroking his cock and eyeing her hungrily. It was a good look. Lizzy spread her legs, inviting him to ravish her. She could see the glee in his eyes as he looked down upon her. His lips curled into a smile and he slid his hand up and down his shaft as he prepared to thrust into her. She was unused to the sensation of a man holding back like this, but it felt good in its own way. Most of them were like eager boys, they couldn't wait to get inside her and spill their seed.

Losing patience with his teasing, Lizzy wrapped one of her legs around his waist and with her vampiric strength, she pulled him towards her. He had time for a brief look of surprise before his length was buried in her sopping-wet vagina.

"Aaaaah," Lizzy said as she finally felt the penetration he had been denying her.

Now that he was inside her, all attempts at holding back ceased. He fell down over her, his fists driving into the cushions on either side of her head, his powerful arms straining as his body tensed and he began to thrust into her hard.

"You feel amazing," he said as he pounded away.

A sly smile crossed Lizzy's face as she reached up and gripped his arms, relishing in the feel of his tight muscles. She felt the blood pumping through his veins at an alarming rate. That blood would be hers, but not yet. Like a chef marinating a piece of chicken, she had to wait until it was ready.

"Yesssss," she sighed, wrapping both legs around him and pulling him tightly against her body. She felt his heart beating against her, banging out the rhythm of his thrusts.

She matched his thrusts as he fucked her. Reaching down with one hand to cup his balls, she gave them a gentle squeeze.

"Oh, fuuuuck," he said, his eyes rolling back in his head. He flew into beast mode, pounding her in a rampant frenzy.