The Vaulted

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Spying on a coworker at a sex club. To see or be seen?
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The Vaulted wasn't exactly a secret.

As a former munitions factory on a sleepy tree lined street downtown; it had been repurposed several times over the years- with its current incarnation the longest lasting. It began in the eighties as a gay bathhouse before running into troubles in the nineties. It had been on its last legs when new owners helped the space greet the new millennium as a full on sex club, heralding in a new era of sex positivity.

I had only dared to enter in my last year of college, when a late night party grew small, quiet and horny. Someone had suggested we pop in, and from then on I was hooked. My regular attendance inevitably lead to part time work overnights while I schlepped around as a commercial artist, and I hate to say it- but being there all the time kinda killed the mood for me.

Maybe it was the rude patrons, or having to run out some of the creepier, less abiding guests. It could have also been the rotating horror show of messes some folks leave behind for us to clean up. Nonetheless, by the time I'd closed out my first year at the Vaulted, my desire for sex was nil. I could slip in and out of rooms with the most incredible bodies doing the most insane things, or poke my head into an orgy and never flinch. Genitals, tits, asses- just another day in the life.

Until I saw him,

The blonde curly mop, the cleft in his chin, the smooth baby face that made him look younger than he was. His name was Alan, and if we're being honest, he looked like any five men you'd see on your morning commute. The only thing remotely special about Alan was that he worked at a design firm I freelanced at.

Now as generic as he was, I could only imagine how imperceptible I would have been to Alan. At work I was a transient - hoping to get picked up, working the floor, praying for face time with someone who could keep me employed. At most he maybe said hi to a group of us in the elevator once. At the club, I was support staff- rarely working the cash or dealing with memberships. If I was seen it was with a mop in hand skirting the darkened halls and avoiding eye contact. I enjoyed the invisibility and the freedom it offered.

It was happenstance that I'd ever even noticed Alan at the club. A patron had said that someone had been sick in "the chute", and I'd been called to shut down the space until it had been thoroughly cleaned. The "chute" was a long skinny hallway that cut through a series of small rooms, one-way mirrors offering entrants a front row view of all the activities that played out within. It was purposefully kept dark as to not bleed light into any of the rooms, and everyone who went to play was made aware that they could be watched. Which I imagine was the point.

After closing down the hallway, I was relieved to find that the mess wasn't from someone getting sick, but a puddle of spilled sangria with stepped on fruit. I bent over to scoop up the mashed pineapple before passing the mop over the juice. When I stood up I saw the door to the room in front of me open and a dark haired mom type giddily lead her partner inside. I didn't recognize him at first, what being naked and all- but as my eyes travelled up his doughy body I found my eyes and mouth widening as I clocked the face.

Alan leant down to playfully kiss and embrace the shorter woman, a contented relaxed look upon his face. He held her there as he looked down at her adoringly. The familiarity and chemistry between the two was unmistakable and I wondered who they were to each other. Was that his wife? Girlfriend? Stranger? I didn't see any wedding rings on either so...

The two of them easily smiled at one another as they spoke, their bodies gently swaying in unison as Alan's hands caressed the folds of her back. You could see the marks from her bra on the skin where he touched her, imagining how nice that must have felt. I was lost in their casual nudity and lack of eagerness. While I could see Alan's long pink hard-on squeezed between their bellies, nobody was rushing to the actual sex- they just stood there hugging one another and sharing a kiss between bits of chit chat. It was when he snaked his hand up her spine and gripped the back of her neck that it seemed things would begin in earnest. His kiss was harder and longer, his body seeming larger as he pushed her backwards into his arm.

Then they stumbled, breaking them apart and causing them to bust out in fits of laughter. I watched their bodies jiggle as they jokingly reenacted the moment, with Alan taking a pratfall to the lower bench. His face looked warm as he settled down on the vinyl mat, propped up on one arm with one knee pulled up. His female companion laid down beside him, causing Alan to fish out a bolster from behind and slip it under her head. He calmly surveyed her body as she lay before him, running a smooth hand over her belly and down her thigh. The woman gripped her fleshy middle and I could almost hear the self effacing complaint. Alan dipped down and kissed her tummy, which felt kind- but with each successive kiss he would look up at her with a grin and move towards her chest. She smiled back and gripped his head when he buried himself between her large breasts.

I expected something more to happen, but couldn't pull my eyes away from the two of them as they just lay there. She held him to her bosom, fingering his hair as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. That and their breathing were the only signs of movement in this human still life- and yet once again, I could not look away. I leaned my elbows against the sill, and nearly pressed my face to the one-way glass as the two seemed to nap.

In some time, I watched as Alan's hand returned to his friend's stomach, his fingers tracing lines around the divots on her hips, swooping down to tease and tickle. He kept almost a lyrical rhythm as his circles began to take more territory from between her legs and inside her thighs. I watched as she closed her eyes and exhaled. Alan's face was now more alert and focussed on the task at hand. He splayed his fingers out, running them through the dense pubic hair atop his lovers mound, before arcing his ring finger downward and between her lips. My eyes darted up to catch the woman's face, her mouth opening suddenly in a languorous pout. Alan had moved his face to smell her musky curls, sending a shiver of arousal through my groin. He had inserted a couple fingers and was lazily sawing away at his friends cunt, periodically glancing up to gauge her reaction.

I began to feel bad, taking in so much of their intimacy, but reminded myself of where I was. We'd all signed up for this after all. They knew someone might be watching. Looking down the empty hall though I did snap out of my trance to remember I was still at work. I'd cleaned up the mess and taken a little... personal time. I should get back to things.

Taking one last look, I saw Alan shift down on the mattress and plant his face between the woman's legs. From the movement of his head, I knew I'd be leaving right when things were getting good. I took my hands out of my pants and grabbed the mop and bucket.

It was a Tuesday when I found myself back at the office for my day job. I had taken my mid afternoon break, heading out to the coffee counter in the foyer when a group of men pushed some tables together, and I finally saw him.

Alan was dressed in khakis and a neatly patterned shirt with his pass dangling around his neck from a blue lanyard. His eyes looked sharp and attentive as he listened to an older man who talked animatedly with his hands. Alan seemed to be late on a joke, but made up for it by doubling down on laughing hard at whatever was said. It obviously couldn't have been THAT funny I thought. I watched as he leaned forward across the table, his eyes dancing from one speaker to another as he blandly nodded. He did this thing where he brought his coffee up to his mouth, then darted his tongue out to test the temperature. It made me think of the last time I'd seen that mouth at work.

Agh. Shake it off. I tried to concentrate on my empty notepad while I waited for my drink, but I kept glimpsing over to the group of men. Then just as quickly as they had started, the team dispersed and I watched as Alan patted some arms, and strode off to the elevator. He looked so much taller and skinnier with his clothes on, but kept a more scattered, nervous look in his eyes.

Weeks later, it was nearing 2am on a Friday night when I'd been tasked with doing a walk through to gather cups and garbage around the club. I put on some gloves and grabbed a bag and mini flashlight and headed out.

The chute had been fairly busy early on, but the evening crowds had fucked themselves tired and vacated, with the younger kids from the club district arriving sometime soon. I walked down the hall past a middle aged couple, and a single guy- mindful of all the activity going on in the rooms. I was elated by the time I got to the far end where no one was around and saw him once more.

Alan was naked and kneeling on the mattress, angling his cock into the petite backside of an asian girl who was on all fours. I almost didn't recognize him at first, because there was a third person in the room who's ass was nearly pressed up against the mirror. These hairy cheeks belonged to someone stuffing the girls mouth with cock. I decided, based on nothing, that this would be the asian girls boyfriend; a brutish looking ginger with a sturdy rugby body and bad tribal tattoos. The boyfriend's thighs were thick and muscled, which oddly made me appreciate Alan's soft and simple self. I watched as he kneaded the girl's bony butt with his hands, spying the edge of the condom at the base of his shaft as he pounded away on her.

The ginger pulled his cock out of her mouth and stood back to take in the scene. He stepped beside Alan and nudged him to shift over. Barely stopping mid-thrust, Alan helped reposition the girl's body so he would be standing on the ground as they fucked. The ginger then crept up behind Alan and pushed up against his backside, wedging his cock between those pale cheeks. Things momentarily slowed while Alan leaned back into the shorter man's embrace, his head turning for a sloppy tongue kiss.

I enjoyed the shock of the moment - watching the two men be so crudely intimate, never mind while sharing a woman. My mind went back to the foyer at work, remembering how Alan interacted with the alpha male business types. Seeing this play out before me now just added a multitude of dimensions to my perceptions of him. I casually wondered if he was bisexual or just good and willing to play along. Was he threatened by the shorter, stronger looking guy? Was this not a cuck type situation? My imagination was on fire with possibilities. The ginger dropped to his knees and turned to lean back against the bench. He stuck his face into the dark between Alan's legs, seemingly licking his girl while giving Al a ball washing. I smiled to myself just as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, but do you take these?" I waifish goth with nipple piercings had approached, carrying a handful of empty plastic cups. A rush of laughter could be heard from the entrance to the chute. Club kids are here, I thought. I nodded and took the cups, filling the garbage bag as I looked back at Alan's room. I could see him bent over and meeting the ginger's mouth on the asian girl's pussy. Ugh. I really wanted to see how this played out.

Back at the office, things were proving to get a little more interesting. My contract not only got extended, but I was shifted over to Alan's department to cover someones maternity leave. I waited all day in anticipation of seeing him up close, and by the time he zoomed by my desk we were already clock watching for 5pm. I could see him through the glass of his office as he nervously checked email before grabbing his jacket and dashing out the door. He was so harried and dramatically unlike his persona at The Vaulted. It made me wonder how he managed to decompress at the end of the day before hitting the club.

The interesting part about the close contact was seeing how he was reflected in the people around him. While not of high importance like a senior manager, Alan had a little clout, but the people under him didn't fear nor hold him in great respect. He was A boss not their end boss, and while they were all friendly, nobody felt the need to kiss his ass. Alan didn't feel the need to throw his weight around either or intimidate people. I watched him as he walked around putting out fires, gently chiding staff and scanning the room for problems, all the while wondering when he would notice me.

Bodily, I admit to a slight fascination on seeing him in the blank corporate-casual wear throughout my first week. He had a slightly rounded backside that filled out his dockers when he bent over, but little to no bulge in front. It was even kinda cute how he would leave the top couple buttons on his shirt undone, but always wear a t-shirt underneath. That drove me crazy, thinking about how modest and meek he presented in every day life while fucking random women and making out with guys on weekends. I knew that there wasn't anything too special about him when he was naked, but knowing how easily he could put himself out there and do those things with strangers was thrilling.

I would watch carefully as he interacted with the women, wondering if he'd harboured dirty thoughts about any of them. Did he stare at any guys ass, hold a handshake too long? Nothing! I couldn't detect a single thing that might tip a person off as to how deviant he was.

Then one day came a gentle tap on the shoulder, and there I was face to face with the object of my fascination. I had turned with a shocked look on my face, nudging my headphones off as we made eye contact.

"Thanks for helping us out, you're doing great work- lets catch up next week eh?," I feigned a smile, registering that I was likely coming off as a nutter. Nodding at one another, Alan then gave me shoulder a quick pat before rushing off to a meeting. Was there maybe a faint chance he'd recognized me?

I imagined getting to know him better over the next little while, developing a rapport, even a friendship- and finding ourselves in close quarters together where I could tell him "I've seen you at the Vaulted," just to see his face change.

I'd have no idea how he would take it, but the thought of crashing both sides of his world together proved incredibly enticing. His secret, OUR secret was too good not to share.

So for the next couple weeks I dove headlong into work, as well as finding new reasons to circulate within the club over the weekends. I wanted to be visible to Alan in both workplaces. But things just seemed to keep chugging along, business as usual and as mundane as possible. Days and nights started to blend together as I fell into a boring rhythm, which is why I barely noticed when the girls in the office had wished Alan a happy birthday one Friday.

"Doing anything special?" One of the dreary girls from marketing asked him.

"Nope, just a quiet night out,"

My ears perked up.

So that night at the club I was on the lookout. I'd picked my cleanest black tee and most fashionable shorts, spent time on my hair and subbed out my glasses for contacts. I guess I wanted to look my best should he appear and I happen to run into him.

It was a busy night with a steady flow of perverts from all walks of life, and I'd spent most of it helping front cash dole out locker keys and keep stock of fresh towels- simply to watch whoever was coming in. I was angered when I got pulled away for an extended period of time because it meant an unobserved stream of customers had passed through. Mac, our cashier for the early evening, could see I was scanning the line and was irritated with the distraction.

"If you want to go in, just get naked- stash your shit in the back and go in. Nobody will bother you if you're nude, you'll just blend in," I eyed them carefully, a little scared and embarrassed that I was so obviously obsessed and horny. Mac raised their eyebrows at me and nodded towards the back room where we kept our stuff. I slowly nodded back and slipped into the locker room.

Off came the shirt, down came the shorts and after an incredibly long pause I stripped off my underwear. That last bit of fabric was a tussle, as I'd left my big clunky boots on and had to sit and untie them before I could slip the cotton off my toe. Whatever elegance one might feel in revealing themselves goes away when you're sat on a bench wrestling with a pair of knotted docs martens. Finally I stood up, sliding quickly out from behind cash and into the sea of bodies. It felt weird to think that Mac would have seen me naked so I wanted to just disappear into the crowd. Having someone I knew see me in the nude was always an uncomfortable prospect, which is why I never spent recreational time in the club. But here I was, without a stitch of clothing on, moving about the first floor looking for Alan.

My first stop was the chute, which looked like the floor of a busy aquarium; all these joyous faces pressed up against the glass watching a menagerie. Staying to the centre of the hall I could watch the watchers from behind, studying the diverse bodies in silhouette as they peered in on all the kink and fuckery. I stopped for a moment as a short man with hairy shoulders traced his lovers spine with a hand, reaching between her voluptuous cheeks to finger her as they watched a foursome in a greasy daisy chain. Oh the human zoo.

Another window was being watched by a single woman with short hair, who could have been making eye contact with the guy being fucked in the ass on the other side of the mirror. He was being topped by a rotund man with dark chocolate skin and tattoos on his neck. I momentarily wondered if she was the wife who had sent her husband in to get fucked.

By the time I got to the end of the chute I hadn't seen a viewer or subject that resembled Alan and started to wonder if I'd made a mistake. People celebrate birthdays in plenty of ways, there was never any guarantee this would be the weekend Alan made his return to the Vaulted. Looking down at my naked body though, I felt committed to the cause and pushed myself to leave the chute and head upstairs. I fought my way through the crowd, staring at boobs and armpits, shuffling my feet as I caught glimpses of dicks both tall and small. The sounds of sex were everywhere, as was the tinny ambient lounge music we played over the PA system.

I was watching a small dicked muscle head get a handjob from an older woman, when a voice was heard shouting above the din.

"-so on his birthday, he was promised pleasure AND pain!"

I pushed towards the burlesque room where a crowd had formed in front of the stage. Folks cheered and whistled as Melody - a regular- had pulled her victim up on the elevated platform. Much to my joy it was indeed was Alan. I was hit with a rush of adrenalin, relief and lust as I'd finally realized my goal. There he was on stage, in all his mediocre honesty- his soft little belly, his drooping penis, his pretty little dimpled ass. But Alan stood there with all eyes on him wearing a gigantic smile. Melody had made him raise his arms above his head and do a slow twirl so we could get a better look at him. I couldn't help but let a cheer escape from my mouth as the room egged him on and he wiggled his ass. This was NOT "Office Alan". Of all the times I'd seen him at work, I'd never seen him this smiley and relaxed before.

"So first of all, lets give our boy a little PAIN," The audience hooted and clapped as Melody turned and bent Alan over. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! More whistles. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!

A short dumpy girl with braids jumped on stage and handed Melody a bunch of stuff. A small stool was produced so she could lay everything out on as she slipped her hand into a black rubber glove. With more people peeking in from the door, Melody approached Alan's backside and pried open his cheeks. Now on full display was his puckered anus. I giddily laughed as I watched everyone's cheering faces. I wanted to pull someone in close so I could tell them I knew this guy, to explain who Alan was and why this was so fucking intense! I thought about what it would be like to yank down his pants and pull his cheeks apart at work as Melody poured lube down his crack and ceremoniously produced a bejewelled butt plug. More clapping, more laughter as she penetrated him for the crowd.