The Video Blowjob


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She kissed her way back up until her mouth was only inches from mine. "Can I kiss you?" She asked.

Before I could answer, her lips were on mine and we kissed. It tasted weird, not unpleasant, or disgusting, the fact she acted like it was a treat made it less weird.

Afterwards, I gasped. "Fucking hell, Chelse."

"Did you like?" She giggled.

"What do you think?" I spluttered.

"Well, it felt like you liked it."

We cuddled together and drifted off to sleep.

When my eyes prised open in the morning, it was to the feeling of another blow job, and this one ended much faster. I feared for her life, my explosion was so fierce.

We showered and climbed out on deck. Bob and Melissa were already up and breakfast was served.

The sail back home was strange; there was this weird new connection between Chelsea and myself. She flirted wickedly, little touches, caressing fingers everywhere. Every time our eyes met, there was that cute little giggle.

I sat in the cockpit as the girls went from getting food and drink, to lying in the afternoon sun.

"I don't want to meddle, Solly, but what's stalling you two starting a family?"

Feeling the steely bite of his gaze, I shrugged. "I've been waiting to get the business up and running, and I was hoping we would be in our own home before we lose the extra income."

"Son, it seems to me you're playing with fire. Chelsea is a remarkable young woman, and from what Melissa has said, she is desperate to start that family."

"Yeah, I get that, Bob, but we still have time. We don't have to rush."

"Solly, sometimes, if you're fighting and things like this get in the way, it breeds discontent, and resentment. Once you have that in a relationship, it can grow. I urge you, don't wait."

I could see he thought he was helping, and his words sounded like good advice, but how did I tell him that ship had already sailed?

We helped them dock and tie up before we said our goodbyes. The car doors were barely shut when Chelsea said, "Wow, that was an amazing weekend."

"Yeah, sure was." It's hard to cuddle in new cars; with seat belts and bucket seats, it's impossible, but Chelsea slipped her hand over mine as I changed gears. Once we were on the motorway, I turned my hand over and we held hands. I know it sounds silly, but it was a gesture of acceptance. The traffic was light and we trundled along.

"Solly, are we good?"

"Chelse, I want to say yes, but I'm still stuck. I want to forget, but I can't. The weekend was great, and well, you know. Saturday night was pretty special."

I felt her hand grip mine, as she mumbled. "But..."

"I can't commit. You let me down, you cheated, you lied to me. Now I feel like I can't trust you, like I don't know when you're telling the truth. Do you understand? There's that age old cliche, about once bitten, twice shy."

I heard her sniffle, and she whispered breathlessly, "I get that. I'm sorry for hurting you, taking away your trust in people."

As we drove, she said, "Can we keep what we have. I can accept friends with benefits."

I scowled as I stared across at her. "You would be happy with that?"

"Solly, I'd be happy with anything. I want you, if that's all you have to give at the moment, I'll take it. I want more, but if that's it, then okay."

"What happens when either one of us finds somebody else?"

She shrugged. "I'm not looking, truthfully. I have had offers, but I turned them down."

I shivered a little. "You see, Chelse, that's what I mean about trust. In the past, I wouldn't have ever questioned you. Now I'm thinking, did she?"

"I can only do what I can, Solly. If you can't believe me, then yeah, perhaps we don't have a future. I'll keep on trying; I'll do whatever it takes."

It was a pretty sweet period. We made love every night and the sex was incredible, passionate, intense and satisfying.

When I told Parker that we were having sex, she rebuked me viciously. "Solly, that's not fair. Do you understand. I don't know Chelsea, but she must now be thinking that reconciliation is a possibility. If you pull that rug from underneath her, she will be devastated. You could scar her for life."

Confused, I asked, "What am I supposed to do?"

"If you are serious about trying to make your marriage work, then I will encourage you to throw everything you have into it. If you are using your wife to fool your clients, and give you sex when you want it, then I am recommending you leave. It's not fair to either of you."

"You want me to leave?"

"No, I want you to stay. I think you love your wife. We already covered all this. If you didn't, you would have already left. But, and this is a big but, it will only work if you commit to it. Playing around is just going to hurt somebody, and that somebody might be you."

"Me?" I spluttered.

"Yes, Solly, you. If you are nothing but friends with benefits, then she is free to meet somebody, as well as you. How are you going to feel if that's the case?"

I walked away feeling confused. It's true, she was free to meet somebody else. That thought sent shivers down my spine.

Work just kept growing. It got to the stage I needed to take on more staff. It was a pivotal moment; as a one-man band, I could live or die, and nobody got hurt. Taking on extra staff, brought responsibilities and pressure. I started bringing work home with me and spending a couple of hours every night trying to keep up.

It was Chelsea who suggested she help out. I wasn't exactly convinced, but we set up a big desk in the spare bedroom. She was pretty much back sleeping with me full time anyway. We worked side by side on a few of my accounts, and she was pretty good. In fact, she was better than that, she picked up on things I missed, she had a different perspective, a different take on life.

As we worked together, we got closer. We often just crashed in bed, too tired for anything but sleep. But the business was growing, and quickly.

A lot of things coincided. Our lease was up, and we either renewed, or moved. The whole reason we stayed together was the bloody lease. I took on a new, very large client, and Chelsea and I worked together closely on the proposal every night. Her suggestion was to invite a couple of the execs from the company for dinner. She would wow them with some food, and we could go over the proposal.

It turned out to be a great idea. Chelsea, as always, was an amazing hostess. The food was top shelf, she flirted a little, laughed in all the right places, and when I went over some of the proposal, she helped me sell it.

It was a complete success. I saw a new side of her, something that had remained hidden beneath her other talents.

The night I was notified we had won the new contract, Chelsea and I went out on the town to celebrate. We had a fabulous dinner and went dancing at this upmarket club. It was erotic, she looked sexy as hell. She wore a short little silver sparkly cocktail dress that showed enough of everything to get the heart racing, but not too much. It was sexy without being slutty.

It was one of those incredible nights, we were both elated, both on a high. In the taxi ride home, we made out like kids on a first date. Her hungry mouth devoured me. If she found a patch of exposed flesh, she bit, sucked and licked. Me neck was red and swollen under her attack.

She didn't stop there, though. Her hands had been in my pants from the moment the taxi doors closed. My dick was hard and swollen. She guided my hands between her legs, only to find she had removed her panties and her pussy welcomed my invading digits with gleeful delight.

I could see the evil sleazy glare of the driver's eyes in the rear view mirror, which he had adjusted just so he could watch.

Chelsea ran inside giggling. After I paid the driver, she was waiting inside and dragged me into the bedroom. Her gorgeous naked body, waiting. We made love with a ferocity I had never experienced; even for us, this was extreme. She sucked my cock like a wild woman. She ground her pussy all over my face as I sucked and kissed it. She kept going, insatiable and explosive. It was late in the morning when we finally finished, an enormous wet patch impossible to avoid in the middle of the bed.

Lying together, breathless and sated, her head on my chest, my arms around her, holding her tightly, she said, "I love you, Solly, I love you so much."

Her words echoed around my head, and from somewhere, god knows where I replied. "I love you too, babe."

She looked up at me with big pleading eyes. "Do you mean that?"

"Yes, I've always loved you, even when I could have easily killed you, I still loved you."

"Maybe you should have killed me," she whispered hoarsely.

"What, and miss this. Hell no."

It was time to move on. I started looking for a house. When Bob found out, he introduced me to a friend of his who specialised in property. It might have taken me months, but after giving him a list of must haves, he had it narrowed down within two weeks. When he sent me the video link of the house he recommended, I realised it was perfect. I waited outside Chelsea's office. When she walked out that evening, I was waiting.

"What are you doing here?" she asked confused.

"I have something I want to show you."

She climbed into the passenger seat and I sensed her unease. When we pulled up outside the house, she looked at me strangely, her eyes flicking from the huge for sale sign, then back to me. "Okay, why are we here?" She said hesitantly, the anxiety clear.

I walked around, opened her door, and said, "I want to show you a house."

She wiped away a tear that wouldn't stop. "Solly, If this is a joke, it's not bloody funny."

"It's not a joke Chelse. This is serious."

I picked up her trembling hand, and urged her out of the car, and led her inside. Her gasps of excitement filled the room, as we walked into the large entrance. We moved from room to room, and the excitement levels grew exponentially. There were fresh cries of, "Oh my god, it's perfect," as we walked into every room.

When we got to the back yard and the huge kids playground, she was lost for words.

Walking back inside, she couldn't stand it any longer. "Okay, Solly, why are we here?" Her voice wavered, the trepidation plainly evident.

"Chelsea, if you like this house. I want to buy it, and tomorrow, I want you to stop taking the pill."

She jumped into my arms, and the kisses she rained down on me almost suffocated me.

Five years later, and we have four children. I'm exhausted, but she wants more. I don't know where it will end. She said she is never going back on the pill, and even with four kids, she still loves sex. At the current rate, we will be able to field our own football team by the time I'm fifty.

Life, though, couldn't be better.

I came close to throwing it all away: divorcing her and turning my back on her. When I look at my children now, and think about how close we came, it scares me. I wouldn't give up my kids for the world.

Plenty of people will say I should have kicked her to touch, found somebody who I could trust. To them I say "Wake up, people make mistakes and do dumb shit. None of us are immune to it, none of us are perfect."

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

I would have agreed with his expressed sentiment, "I came close to throwing it all away: divorcing her and turning my back on her" up to page 3. That woman was clearly too immature to be a trusted wife. But then again, his running away from the issue was its own kind of immaturity too. But the woman from page 3 onwards was someone who grew up, and pursued what she wanted. He just took longer to grow up, with some push from his first big client (and wife), and others. That the character Chelsea waited him out said much about her new maturity. She gave him time to come to terms with his conflicting and confusion. That, and she made defacto restitution.

This story may not have the "hot" star some of the author's other work, but she gives a plausible evolution of righting a troubled marriage where the couple grow up. A plausible story, well told instead of the unsupported tropes she sometimes employs. Not her best work, but still a solid 4 stars, and worthy of her ability. One of the authors I check and read regularly on this site.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

I think this author hates men or wants a cuckold as her partner. All the stories the man is a wimp, idiot, or/and wayyy to forgiving.

CamdudeCamdudeabout 1 month ago

Loved it⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I loved this

It was much more than the usual masturbation fodder found here

It reads like a true story

RuttweilerRuttweiler2 months ago
A trend in your writing.

I sometimes wonder about your male characters, and how inflexible and obtuse they are. Interestingly, they are also given to being emotionally unaware of others. When reading your work, I sometimes say to myself, “what the fuck is wrong with this guy?“ and then I remember that you wrote him that way.

And then I wonder, “why?”

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