The Virus

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New virus mutates man into a woman.
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So I guess I was either the first or one of the first to get the new virus. That is hardly anything to be proud of. It started almost like a cold with sniffles and congestion. Then I got a severe fever and just headed to bed with lots of liquids and ibuprofen. I fell asleep with feverish dreams. I suppose I should have gone to a hospital, though others did later and there was nothing the hospital could do.

When I woke up in the morning, my fever had broken and I felt good, just very weird. I quickly understood just why I felt weird. As I moved, I felt something shift on my chest. My chest had swollen as though I had boobs, or so I thought. I also felt weird down below and unusually for the morning, I had no morning wood. As it turned out, the reason was that I no longer had a penis.

I rushed to the bathroom and took off all my clothes. I saw my body as it now was and hoped that this was some kind of weird nightmare. Maybe I was still sick and this was a bad dream or hallucination. Sadly, as it turned out, it was quite real. I had boobs and a pussy. While looking in the mirror, I touched my titties, and I could feel the touch and they felt like women's breasts I'd caressed.

How could this have happened? I had what seemed like a cold and woke up with the body of a woman. Was this some sort of weird dream? Was I hallucinating? I went back in my bedroom and put on clothes. Obviously, I had no bras or panties, so I put on boxer briefs, jeans, and a tee shirt. I was embarrassed to see my breasts stretching out my shirt, so I put a flannel shirt over the tee.

It was Sunday, so my doctor's office was closed, so I drove to the nearest hospital emergency room. I wasn't sure what, if anything they could do, and I clearly was not close to death, but I had to do something. None of this made any sense, and I wasn't even sure how to explain it to the admitting clerk. Was I supposed to say, that I went to bed a man and woke up a woman?

I suppose if I wanted to find myself under psychiatric evaluation, I could say that. I just said I was having weird physical side effects of a virus infection. They made me put on a mask and sit away from everyone else. I guess they thought I might be contagious. Hell, how was I to know whether or not I might actually be contagious?

I gave them my insurance card and got some very strange looks. The clerk asked if that was my card, and I said it was. With what must have been c-cup boobs, I guess I didn't look much like someone named Thomas. They had me cool my heels for a short time before I was taken back to see a doctor. He looked at my info, then looked at me, then did a double take.

"You are Thomas Mitchell?"

"It's hard to believe, but yes, I am, or at least was."

"What do you mean, was?"

"I got some sort of virus. I do part time work as a docent at the zoo, and I was bitten by a new monkey they got in. The doc there checked and said it didn't seem serious, but gave me some pills and sent me home."

"At the city zoo?"

"Yeah, and doctor Burns was who checked me out."

"So what happened?"

"I went home and felt very feverish. I took some pills and went to bed. Then when I woke up I was like this."

"What do you mean, like this?"

"When I went to bed, I was a man. I had a cock and balls. When I woke up, I had tits and a pussy."

"Over night, and from some animal bite?"

"I don't know that the bite caused it, but it happened last night."

"You expect me to believe this?"

"I'm having trouble believing it. Are there any tests you can run?"

He took skin cell scrapings along with a swab inside my cheek, then took those away. I sat waiting for the longest time. I heard people pass the little room where I was, but no one came in for the longest time. I wondered whether he was going to send me to the mental ward, but nervously waited. Eventually, the doctor returned, and had several other doctors with him.

"The dead skin cells from your arm, have XY chromosomes, but the cells from inside your cheek had XX chromosomes. Apart from that, the DNA seemed identical."

I shook my head before speaking. "I don't understand."

"Your living cells have female genes, but the dead ones still have male genes."

"So you believe me?"

"We need to do a full physical, including CT scans and a gynecological exam."

"A gynecological exam?"

"If you have a vagina, we need to check it out."


"We won't be doing that."

They wanted a stool sample, to check the DNA in that as well. Since I needed to take a dump, it wasn't a problem, even though all of this was humiliating. They later told me that the DNA in my shit was XY, confirming that I had been male, even if I no longer was. They did some CT scans and found I had not just a vagina, but ovaries and a uterus.

My body was quite thoroughly changed, and they took some blood samples to see if they could isolate the virus that caused this. Then they had me change into a hospital gown and had me in the stirrups for a gynecological exam. I was very uneasy about not only having a pussy, but having them check it out. It was part of what was going to happen once I went to the hospital.

There were a number of doctors, both male and female for my exam. I winced and gritted my teeth as they inserted the speculum into my nether parts. They did suggest that while they were there that they put in an IUD. Now honestly, I didn't want guys sticking their cocks in me, but it was better to be safe, so I agreed. I was checked out by several of them, and they said I was normal -- for a woman.

I guess that was supposed to be reassuring, though I was hardly reassured. They were baffled that a virus could do this, and made it clear that they knew of no way to reverse the effects of the virus. I did notice that most of the men were very careful about wearing masks and gloves while inspecting me, and then washing thoroughly afterwards.

I have to assume they weren't sure how the virus might be transmitted, and wanted to make damned sure they didn't get it as well. After hours of testing of various sorts, they said I appeared to be a perfectly healthy woman. Because there was the suspicion that the monkey bite had caused my condition they called the zoo, to find out that the monkey had died, and his remains cremated.

There was no way to verify that the bite had caused it, but they told me to be careful anyhow. They released me and I went to a discount store and bought a couple of sports bras. I decided that unless this somehow reversed that I might as well accept it, so I also bought some boyshort panties in dark colors. For now, I decided I'd wear my regular slacks and shirts.

I went home and put on a sports bra and a pair of boyshorts, then put my jeans and shirt back on. I wasn't even sure how to deal with this. I knew nothing about being a woman. I called Sonia, my last girlfriend, who I was still on good terms with. It was obvious when we broke up that we were looking for different things, but we were still friendly.

"Sonia, this is Tom."

"Tom? Why does your voice sound so weird -- higher?"

"Something happened, and I think I need some advice."

"Are you okay? Is that why your voice is strange?"

"I caught a virus of some sort."

"I hope it's nothing serious. It isn't contagious, I hope. Have you seen a doctor?"

"They saw me and released me, and I think it has run its course."

I could hear the concern in her voice. "How can I help?"

"The virus -- changed me."

"Changed you? How?"

"I'm now a woman."

"Now I know you're shitting me. Who is this, really?"

"I swear to you -- I'm Tom -- although now I guess I'm Tommi."

"I know you're calling from Tom's phone, but I can't believe this."

"Please come over."

"But your virus?"

"You're already a woman. What's it going to do to you?"

"I don't know. Turn me into a cat maybe?"

"I doubt that, but if it does, I swear I'll feed you, pet you, and take care of you."

She laughed. "That sounds like the Tom I know."

After talking with Sonia, I called the zoo. They told me that a woman had been bitten by the monkey also, but she had suffered no ill effects, apart from a slight fever and chills. I guess I could feel certain that Sonia wouldn't have any problems even if she got the virus from me. After the monkey had bitten both me and Margo, they had quarantined it, and then found it dead.

Sonia arrived at my place about half an hour later. She still had a key from when we'd been dating, and she knocked before letting herself on.

"So Tommi, should I be stocking up on cat food?"

"No, I should stock up on cat food and kitty litter. Only the best canned tuna for you."

"I should hope so."

I hugged and kissed Sonia. She returned both the hug and kiss, then pulled back and looked at me.

"So you're not contagious?"

"I have no idea, but the woman who was bitten had nothing but a fever for a day."

"Too bad, I was looking forward to having you spoil, pet, and cuddle me."

"I could do that, even if you aren't a kitty."

She laughed and we went over and sat on the sofa. After we did, she sort of pulled back and looked me over carefully.

"I can see some of Tom's face, and you seem to be the same size. I want to see the scar on your shoulder though."

I pulled off my tee shirt and pointed at my still prominent scar. She reached out and gently stroked it, which she used to do often after we made love.

"And you're really a woman now?"

My sports bra flattened my breasts somewhat, though I still had a noticeable chest. I pulled up the sports bra to let my titties out. She looked at me, shook her head, and bit her lip.

"I can show you down below too, if you want to see that."

Sonia looked pained. "I don't think I'm ready for you to get naked for me."

"If that's what you want. We are halfway there already."

I pulled my sports bra back into place, but didn't bother putting my shirt on. Sonia gave me a funny look, then shook her head and had a short laugh. She sat back and seemed to relax.

"Can I get you something to drink, Sonia?"

"I can't really stay long. I have a date tonight."

"I'm sorry you can't stay, but I hope you have a good time."

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"As okay as someone can be who has had their gender changed on them overnight."

"I'll be back tomorrow and spend the day with you. I know this has to be a shock."

"In some ways it doesn't even seem real yet."

"I can imagine."

Sonia stood up, and I stood as well. She paused and looked me over very carefully, then licked her lips.

"You're pretty cute as a woman, Tommi."

I was taken aback. I never thought Sonia was into women, but as I remembered there were subtle signs even when we were dating. Did that mean she might want to sleep with me now? Was I up to being touched as a woman? I felt like I didn't want guys messing with me, but in some ways it felt like that would make my being a woman even more apparent.

Sonia hugged me and gave me a long passionate kiss. I kissed her back, and it was almost like when we were lovers, except I wasn't the guy I'd been then. After some lengthy kissing, she turned loose of me and smiled.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll let you get naked for me."

I was flabbergasted, but regained my aplomb to reply.

"I'll expect you to get naked for me too."

"Count on it."

She walked to the door, with me following. She gave me one more brief kiss before opening the door and leaving. I stood in the open doorway, watching her go. As I did, I realized I had some wetness down below. That was kind of a shock. I was used to getting an erection when I was turned on, but not in having my pussy get wet.

I closed and locked the door, then went in the bathroom. I pulled down my jeans and panties and sat on the toilet. I hadn't really looked at my own parts since I'd awoken. Sure I had to pee when I got up, and obviously sat to pee and wiped after. But I hadn't looked at or touched my pussy apart from that. There was a clear damp spot on my panties, and I wiped them out.

Did I really want to explore my female parts? My labia seemed darker and spread wider than they had previously. My clit seemed to be peeking out and I was clearly wet. I took some toilet tissue and wiped them and it felt very different from when I wiped them after peeing. I couldn't help myself, I ran my fingers down my pussy lips and it felt electric.

I didn't think I wanted to be turned on by touching myself like that, but I couldn't help it. I began to slowly and steadily stroke my quim with my fingers, even sneaking a finger very slightly in as I did. There was never a conscious decision, but before long I had my middle finger deep inside me and was moving it in and out.

My thumb began to lightly stroke my clit and without realizing it I found my other hand under my sports bra caressing my breasts. One part of me was appalled at what I was doing, while the rest of me didn't want to stop. My ring finger joined my middle finger in plumbing my depths and I found myself leaning back on the toilet as I jilled myself.

Okay, as a guy, I had jerked off more times than I could count. This was like a primal experience and I was reduced to animal sexual pleasure at my own hands. I could feel it building up in me and I knew I had to close the deal. I had to get there and make myself cum. I felt a heat spreading through my body and then I felt my cunt grab my fingers as it hit.

I think I drifted off to sleep briefly, while sitting on the toilet. I awoke with my fingers still deep inside me. I pulled them out and tried to clean up and wash my hands. My bush seemed to be a mess, so I grabbed a razor and shaving cream and just shaved all the hair from my nether regions. I finished and realized it was stupid to have a shaved pussy but underarm and leg hair.

It was harder to shave my legs and underarms than I would have thought. Still I knew that many women do that all the time. It gave me a little more appreciation for what they went through, and I had not even tried makeup. Honestly, while I might now be female, I had little interest in wearing makeup. I'm not trying to attract men, so why the hell should I bother.

I was cleaning up and trying to put myself back together when my phone buzzed with a message. I had completely forgotten it was poker night and it was my turn to host. I had been so wrapped up in everything else that I'd forgotten. Had I remembered, I'd have cancelled, but now my three poker buddies were on their way to my place.

None of them had any idea of what had happened to me and I wasn't sure I really was ready to deal with them, but I didn't have much choice. By the time I had my shit halfway together, I already had at least one at the door. I was dreading it, but went to the door and opened it to find Ron and Jim standing there. They looked at me and did a double take.

"Hi, we're two of Tom's friends and we're here for poker night."

"Hey guys, believe it or not, I'm Tom, though I guess now I'm Tommi."

"Tom" I thought most people who did drag wore dresses or that kind of shit."

"I'm not in drag. It's some weird shit and I'm actually a woman. Maybe we should just call off poker for tonight."

"No way, dude. If you're really a woman, I need to check it out."

"I don't think I'm comfortable -- "

"Fuck, man, we're your three best buddies. Why wouldn't you be comfortable?"

"How about because I'm not used to being a fucking woman?"

"We won't make a big deal about it. We'll just play poker, the way we always do."

The door was still open, and while we stood there, Dan showed up, looked me over, whistled and spoke.

"What have we here?"

"This is the new Tom, though now she calls herself Tommi."

"The fact that you look like you got boobs doesn't make you a woman."

"I got boobs and other female parts. Look, I think this is a bad idea."

"We're not going anywhere. Set up and let's drink and play some poker."

They were old friends, even if they seemed to be acting funny because of what happened to me. I keep my dining room table clear, so we went over, sat down and set up for cards. I had previously bought snacks and beer for poker night and Ron broke out the snacks and brought everyone a beer. I wasn't sure I should drink, but I felt like I needed to numb myself so I drank my first beer quickly.

"Damn. Girl knows how to throw down her beer, doesn't she?"

"I kind of like the new Tommi."

"She not hard on the eyes,"

"Guys, I don't like where this is going."

They dropped the comments and things settled down. Someone brought me another beer which I began to drink more slowly as we started to play cards. We don't play for the big bucks, usually no one wins or loses more than about fifty dollars. I tend to be pretty good at poker and normally end up ahead at the end of each night.

The worst loser of each hand was the one to fetch drinks and snacks, and I spent most of my time at the table since I was doing well, as I normally did. I think I was up about twenty bucks when I started to feel woozy.. Normally I know how to judge my drinking, but I wasn't sure if the change in my body had thrown off my alcohol tolerance.

"Guys, I don't feel good. I think I need to take a break."

I had trouble getting to my feet, which shocked me. I never have that reaction to drinking beer. Two of the guys jumped up and grabbed me to keep me from falling. I remember them helping me toward the bedroom. That was the last thing I remember from that night.


I woke up the next morning in my bed, covered up, but naked. My pussy felt tender, and when I looked at it there seemed to be something crusted around it. The place seemed to be cleaned up and my poker winnings were still on the table. As I staggered to the bathroom, I realized that what was crusted around my quim was cum.

After I passed out, my so-called friends had stripped me and fucked me. I couldn't imagine that I'd have passed out so thoroughly from beer, so one of them must have roofied me. I was pissed. They were guys I'd known for years and thought of as my friends. I wasn't sure how many of them had fucked me, but obviously they had all known what was happening and no one stopped it.

After I scrubbed myself thoroughly, I googled a homemade douche. One was three parts water for one part vinegar. I mixed it up and found something I could use to squirt it in me. Sure, I know they had put an IUD in me yesterday, but I damn sure wanted to clean out any trace of what the bastards had done. Some would say I should get a rape kit and file charges, but I didn't want anyone to know what happened.

I went back in the bathroom and I'm sure I cleaned myself out more than necessary, but it was as much an emotional purge as a physical one. One thing was certain, I now had three less friends than I had before. There was no way I was even going to play poker with those assholes again, and frankly didn't even want to see any of them again.

Hell, two of them had wives at home to screw. Why the hell did they feel they needed to do this to me? Once I felt sufficiently clean, I put on some clothes, then stripped the bed and washed sheets, bed spread, and mattress pad. I half wanted to burn the clothes I'd been wearing, but just washed them as well. I wanted no trace of what had happened.

I got a call later from Ron.

"Tom -- Tommi, I'm really sorry about what happened."

"Oh you're sorry. Screw you."

"Dan and Jim took you into the bedroom and stripped you. I told them they should stop, but Dan went ahead and fucked you, and Jim followed."

"And you just stood there?"

"I wanted to make sure they couldn't do anything worse."

"Like raping me wasn't bad enough."

"After Jim was done, they said everyone would assume I had fucked you too, and that they'd say I did."