The Visitors


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"Hmm, candles I love candles . . . so romantic . . . as is the music" Dani whispered as they guided her across the room to the bed before helping her lie down.

After retreating across the room to the comfortable chaise lounge chair opposite her bed on the far wall, Ava whispered to him, "Now, Tony will have his fun with her, just like downstairs while we will just watch from over here."

Michael was fidgeting nervously while he watched the outline of someone, it had to be Tony, still almost totally invisible, join his mother on the bed.

"He . . . he won't hurt her? You promised," Michael asked again.

"He will be as gentle as a butterfly with her sweetheart. Don't worry," Ava told him in her sultry voice.

The impression of someone moving across the bed could be clearly seen by Michael as his mother, feeling someone on the bed with her, lifted her head up. "Who is there?"

She stared across the room, at Michael and Ava.

"It's just my son, Dani honey and he is going to be super nice to you . . . so just lay back against him, he is behind you, and close your eyes while he gives you a nice gentle massage."

As promised, Tony was gentle with his mother, which, if anything, only increased Michael's jealousy as the implausible scene played itself out.

"Remember to be gentle with her, Son," Ava whispered from the chaise as Michael watched his mother's pretty face being turned around. The quiet bedroom was filled with the sound of Tony's and Dani's lips coming together, over and over again.

The gentle sound, floating like some surreal dream across the bedroom, toward Michael made the already intense feelings of jealously he was experiencing increase tenfold.

He watched, his pulse racing, as ever so slowly his mother's snug little blue tank top was being lifted upwards. He had to fight every impulse in his body not to go charging off to her defense, but by the gentle way his mother was sighing while her top was being lifted indicated maybe she did not want to be rescued at all.

Michael's eyes were glued to his mom's chest as her blue tank top was finally yanked clear of her breasts.

"Jesus," he exclaimed softly as he ogled his mom's big tits. They were gorgeous beyond belief.

"My, oh my, your mommy does have some nice tits on her," Ave cooed in his ear before raising her voice and speaking to her own son. "Go ahead Tony, honey, and ask Ms. Danielle nicely if you can play with them."

"Ms. Danielle, can . . . can I play with your boobies."

Michael couldn't help but to notice how the voice asking so amiably to "play with her boobies" was infinitely sweet and childlike. Probably by design to put his mom at ease Michael figured.

Apparently, it worked like a charm because after a brief pause his mom whispered, "I don't mind sweetie if you play with Ms. Danielle's big boobies."

"But before we begin the fun and games, Ava interjected, "maybe would you mind very much, since my son is going to play with your boobies, if your precious Michael can play with my boobies as well . . . while we watch. After all that would only be fair right?"

Their eyes meet from across the candle lit room. Something right then and there, deep and forbidden as if they were partners in crime maybe, passed between Michael and his mom.

"No, I don't mind, I . . . I think he would probably like that," Dani whispered.

Michael turned to watch as Ava began to slowly pull up her snug white tee shirt.

Michael sighed heavily as the biggest pair of tits he ever had the pleasure of beholding were revealed to him when Ava's finally pulled her tee shirt clear of her prodigious breasts.

"You like them sweetheart?" she cooed to him. "You can play with them just like my son is playing with your mommy's boobies."

Just then Michael heard his mom let out a soft moan causing him to turn his head toward her.

Tony was once again wholly invisible, but his presence could not be denied as Michael watched in awe those unseen hands manipulating his mom's boobs. He could clearly see the impression of fingertips pressing gently in and out of her boobs before he saw them being squeezed and jiggled all about by those playful fucking invisible hands.

Dani let out a soft giggle before whispering, "Hmm, that feels good honey." Raising her head up, Dani looked down over at Michael, "Isn't it so weird how I can't see those gentle hands of his fondling my boobies, Michael?"

"Yeah, Mom, very weird," Michael said just before looking away from her. He simply had to as his feelings of jealousy were just that intense. Fortunately, a readymade cure was close at hand in the form of Ava's large boobs.

Grabbing his hands, Ava guided them to her chest as she brought her lips to his. They exchanged several sweet kisses as he began to fondle her nice firm tits.

He briefly tried to break off their kisses, he wanted to look over and check on his mom, but Ava quietly "forced" him to kiss her again. This time their kisses were not at all sweet, but instead were more on the serious side when Ava slipped her tongue inside his inexperienced mouth.

Feeling the older woman's tongue being expertly twirled around inside his mouth left Michael panting with fierce ardor. He fondled Ava's immense breasts with a greater sense of urgency while nearly forgetting all about his mom just a few feet away over on the bed.

Ava released him just as Dani began whimpering loud enough to, once more, get his attention.

He turned his head around just in time to see his mom spreading her legs a bit. Her pajama bottoms were half pulled down revealing a golden forest of soft blondish pubic hair covering her juicy pussy.

Soon she was thrashing all over the bed from the invisible tongue lashing she was receiving from her unseen lover.

"Hmm, you wanna watch your mommy come baby? Here maybe I can make you come at the same time huh."

Ava clawed at his gym shorts, nearly ripping them off of him before doing the same to his boxers. His nicely sized, nearly eight inch cock was nothing short of a raging monster as she spat on her right hand before slipping it around his engorged pole.

Even as Ava tended to him, Michael's eyes were glued to the awesome sight of his mother thrashing about, all over the bed as her moans became increasing louder and more desperate, giving him the sense she was near to having a tremendous orgasm.

He simply found the sight of his mom being pleasured to be highly erotic while at the same time making his heart wretch with bitter envy. The sight of her squirming all about the bed was, of course, made all the more surreal by the fact he still could not see her lover.

Any jealousy he was feeling was quickly forgotten about as he now had his own orgasm to worry about. Ava's skilled hand, aided by her own saliva as lube, slipped up and down the length of his rock hard cock and within a manner matter of seconds the young-- and sexually inexperienced-- Michael was near to blowing his top.

In a fitting conclusion to the naughty events of the evening both mother and son enjoyed mind blowing orgasms within mere seconds of each other.

"Go to her. Cover her with the blanket, honey. Tell her it was all a dream and you will be right here watching over her for the rest of the night. Don't defy me on this . . . and one final thing, very important, over the course of the next few days or weeks, or however long we chose to stay on this plane of existence and continue to entertain you as your hosts, do NOT interfere with your mother having a bit of fun with my son and do not question her about it. Act as if . . . everything is normal between the two of you. Understand?"

Michael nodded his head yes.

"Do this for me and eventually I will return and give you maybe something much better than a hand job. Would you like that?"

Again, too stunned to speak, Michael nodded his head yes.

By the serious tone of her voice, Michael knew he had better obey. After hurriedly slipping on his boxers, he joined his mother on the bed.

Both her top and bottoms were back in place as she mumbled something incoherently. Her eyes were closed again as he carefully pulled the blanket protectively over her body while bringing his mouth to her ear.

Dazed and confused, Dani looked at him with half lidded eyes. "What happened . . . Was I attacked again baby?"

"Hmm, no Mom. It was just a dream. I was right here . . ." He pointed back over to the now empty chaise. "Watching over you. I fell asleep and when I woke up you were like moaning and stuff. I think you were having a bad dream maybe."

"Bad dream . . . yeah, I guess . . . but maybe it wasn't so bad," she mumbled before turning her back on him. Within a mere manner of seconds she was dozing comfortably once more as he retreated to the chaise.


The next morning a groggy Dani made her son a quick breakfast, neither spoke of the previous night's events, before heading back to bed.

Later that morning, she was unexpectedly called into work to cover for someone who called off sick and managed to get to work without any of the previous day's drama.

Dani came home that night in good spirits and since she came in on her day off as a big favor to the boss, she was allowed to have the next two days off.

He eagerly accepted her suggestion they enjoy a popcorn and movie night in front of the television before she excused herself to go upstairs to change into her pajamas.

"Do you want me to come upstairs and like stand guard outside your door while you change, Mom?"

"No, no. I . . . can't explain it but I feel whatever danger I might have been in from my unseen visitor has passed. It should be OK I'm sure so just make the popcorn and find us something to watch."

Fifteen minutes she came bouncing down into the living room wearing the same exact thing as the night before while Michael was dressed casually in a pair of worn, battered jeans and a raggedly tee shirt.

It was maybe an hour into their movie, some big budget crime caper, when Dani untangled herself from her son. He had actually dozed off in her arms at some point during the movie.

"Where you going" he mumbled, still half asleep.

"I just paused the movie hon. I gotta go to the bathroom and then I'm going to the kitchen to refill the popcorn bowl. Go back to sleep baby. I'm alright."

"OK," he mumbled before slipping back off to sleep. He hadn't slept well the previous evening thanks to the night's wild events, making him extra tired this evening.

Sometime later, his eyes flickered open. Someone was softly shaking his shoulder. Rising up, he whispered, "Mom, why you'd wake me up."

He blinked his eyes. No one was there. He looked around the dark living room. Nope, she wasn't there and ominously the movie they were watching was still paused in the exact same spot as it was when she left to go to the bathroom and refill the popcorn bowl.

Then he heard her and his blood ran cold. She was moaning again. He climbed to his feet, fully awake now, and listened more intently. There it was again. Another, slightly louder, moan followed by an audible gasp . . . and another moan, louder still, all coming from the nearby kitchen.

Quietly, Michael crept across the living room to the kitchen. Peering inside the nearly dark kitchen, the only light came from the small light above the stove, he saw his mother pressed up against the refrigerator. Her blue tank top was hiked up revealing those big, beautiful breasts of her. She had one hand tangled in her lovely blond hair, holding it up, while the other was wrapped around the back of the head of the blurry, indistinct image that was pleasuring her by sucking so eagerly on her tits.

Michael blinked his eyes staring into the gloom of the kitchen with both his cock and jealousy growing as he assumed it must have been that fucking Tony pleasuring his mother again. The loud suckling noises he could hear of her indistinct lover feasting on her tits came floating across the silent kitchen to him not helping matters one bit.

He again found himself mesmerized by the sight of his mom being pleasured and very much wanted to retreat back to the living room but simply lacked the will power.

She clawed at her pajama bottoms pulling them down half way before the blurred image dropped down onto what passed as its knees. The outline of its head could be seen between her legs now-- as Dani writhed madly against the fridge.

Michael's cock was on full alert status as he mother whimpered in unabashed pleasure at this fucking thing, this ill-defined excuse of a man, obviously eating her pussy with whatever passed as its mouth.

Again, jealous anger filled his heart. He thought of rushing into to save her but just as the thought crossed his mind he heard his mother whine, "Oh God honey, please don't stop. Make me come . . . pleeeaassse."

Yeah, she obviously did not need saving, and just as obvious was how he could not just stand there and watch any longer.

Retreating to the living room, Michael buried himself under the blanket they had been sharing while covering his ears to mask the sounds of his mother's whimpering and moaning.

He closed his eyes, hoping to fall back to sleep, but after a good two or three minutes he realized it was hopeless. He wasn't slipping back to sleep anytime soon, thanks mainly to the image of his mom first offering up those gorgeous tits of hers to him before allowing her invisible lover total access between her legs.

It simply was all too much for him to bear as scenes of his mom being pleasured kept flickering across his mind.

Giving up, he yanked the blanket off of him and sat up. It was quiet now. Maybe she was done being pleasured. Curious, he crept across the living room heading toward the kitchen once more.

After poking his head around the corner he saw they were not quite done yet. His mother, at least her pajama bottoms were back in place, was leading the still blurry image of the visitor by one nebulous hand across the kitchen to the table.

At the kitchen table, she turned before pulling her bottoms down revealing her perfectly tanned and rather ample ass to him—and her fucking lover.

Maybe it was his imagination but his mother seemed to be staring at him, giving him a soft smile, as she arched her ass outwards. Michael watched just long enough to watch the thing's nebulous hands begin to crawl all over his mom's ass, but that was not what caused him to flee.

Instead, it was the soft whispered exchange of words he just barely caught between them as those stupid tenuous hands continued to rub her ass.

"You are going to fuck mommy so good huh little boy?" Dani whispered.

"Yes, I am Mommy, but you . . . you are going to see I'm maybe not so little when I do," came the soft, youthful reply of a well-defined male voice. The voice sounded somehow both sweet and innocent while at the same time hinting at something deeper and darker just under the surface.

Michael fled back to the sanctuary of the sofa in the living room. Fuck, she was letting him call her mommy!!

After throwing himself down on the sofa, completely and utterly dejected, Michael pulled the blanket over him completely, while burying his head under a pair of throw pillows.

It didn't help as within a mere matter of seconds it seemed he could hear the sound of his mom's moans growing louder and louder. Worse was the rhythmic banging of the kitchen table against the wall it was set against. He knew this could only mean one thing: his mom was being fucked—good and hard.

Things only grew worse still as the banging of the table against the wall picked up in intensity - as did her wails of shameless pleasure.

Fortunately, the whole thing was over in maybe less than two minutes causing Michael to snicker before a sarcastic inner voice whispered to him, yeah, like you would have lasted any longer fucking longer dude.

The house grew deathly quiet as Michael, still huddled under the blanket, waited to see what might happen next. After a few quiet minutes passed, he heard the sound of the toilet flushing in the downstairs bathroom.

A minute later his mom was whispering in his ear. "Honey . . . are you awake."

Deciding to not tip his hand as to knowing what she had been up to, he responded in a soft mumble. "Barely . . . I . . . I dozed off again."

"OK, well, I'm tired myself and going to go upstairs to bed. You staying here?"

He rose up. "You want me to sleep on the chaise again. You know, in case you have any more bad dreams or anything like that."

"No . . ." She ruffled his hair before leaning down and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "But thanks anyways. I will be good."

"Fine," he managed to reply without showing any irritation. "I'm comfortable here so . . ."

"OK, well then I guess it's good night and see you in the morning," she said before heading off upstairs.

Michael lay there in the dark living room trying to focus his mind elsewhere other than what he just witnessed in the kitchen and finally he was able at some point to slip off to a restless sleep.

After maybe ninety minutes or so, Michael woke up from his fitful sleep. Cocking his head, he listened; everything was quiet.

Another minute or two passed and he was just starting to doze off again when something passed through the living room. It looked like a hazy image of a person. It quickly flitted through the living room before heading up the stairs.

Michael frowned. It had to be, once again, his foe, the "nebulous one."

The "nebulous one" was his new pet nickname for whatever the hell was fucking his mother. He wished the other one, the pretty female one that gave nice hand jobs, was a bit more forthcoming as to their nature, but as they say "wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills up faster".

Curiosity got the better of him as Michael jumped to his feet and cautiously hurried after his foe up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, he peeked around the corner just in time to see the figure pass easily through his mom's closed bedroom door.

Clandestinely, he snuck up to her bedroom door. Leaning his head down toward the door, he listened and could just make out his mom's soft voice.

"It's about time honey. I have been waiting for you."

"You look nice, Mommy."

Michael's heart wrenched with jealousy once again at hearing him call her "Mommy".

Unable to resist, he wanted to see exactly how his mom was looking "nice" for him, Michael tried turning the knob on her bedroom door. Finding it unlocked, he slowly pushed the door open just enough so he could peer inside.

What he saw made his dick insanely hard. His mother was sitting on the bed wearing a teddy and a wicked smile. The teddy had frilly purple decorative fluffy lace along both the top and the bottom edges, but the whole middle of it was utterly sheer revealing those gorgeous tits of hers.

To Michael's thinking, her sheer teddy may have been the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his short life.

He watched as his mom slowly rose up onto her knees before cocking her head seductively to one side. Whispering, she said to him, "So you like what your mommy is wearing hon? I picked it out just for you."

Instead of answering, the figure make a loud grunting noise before diving straight onto his mother. She giggled as she fell backwards unto the bed with his face buried between her immense breasts.

Michael quietly shut the door. He simply could not stand to watch.

He headed back downstairs feeling more jealous than ever on too many levels to count.

Back on the sofa, he tried to go to sleep but he just couldn't. Maybe it was because his mom's bedroom was pretty much directly overhead the living room and he could hear, most ominously, the loud, rhythmic squeaking of her bed, intermingled with some equally loud passionate moans.