The Wait for Mother

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A son's wait for the woman he wants, his mother.
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Kevin Bates was a bit nervous as he sat in his car at traffic lights. He had not seen his mother for over 10 years - ever since he and his father had had a blazing row leading to him storming out and not coming back. His mother had tried to contact him during the last few years but he had refused to talk to her whilst his father was around. Now things were different - his father had died of a massive heart attack 3 months previously and he had finally plucked up the courage to ring his mother and arrange a visit. His mother had seemed pleased to hear from him and as the only family member left he felt he needed to see her, to make sure she was ok.

Kevin thought back to how she had looked - he was embarrassed that he only vaguely remembered her features. She would now be 60, no 61 - her hair would probably now be completely white having been silver all those years ago. She was always pleasantly dressed and tried to look after herself but no doubt the years would have taken their toll. His mother was called Eileen, an old fashioned name now but it suited her.

Kevin had never married, preferring to concentrate on his business life - now comfortably off and able to only work when he wanted to, he drove the car towards his home town, a fairly affluent area close to the sea. Turning into his mother's road he saw the house in the distance, a large detached house at the end of the road. Kevin parked his car. He didn't get out for a few minutes as he gathered his thoughts.

Getting out of the car, Kevin walked to the house and rang the bell. The door was opened by an old lady that he barely recognised as his mother - white hair as he expected cut into a bob and conservatively dressed, his mother greeted him with a cheery hello.

"Hi mum," he said. "You ok?"

"Yes thanks dear. Come in and close the door behind you," she said as she moved back into the house. She sounded nervous as if this meeting meant the world to her but she didn't break from her strong, motherly facade.

They moved into the living room - a large sprawling room. Kevin sat down on one of the sofas and looked around him. He didn't recognise much apart from the pictures - one of him as a child and one of his hated father.

"I'll get you a cup of tea, dear," his mother said, "or would you prefer coffee?".

"Tea's fine, thanks mum."

His mother left and a few minutes later was back with the tea. "How are things dear. Please tell me what you have been getting up to since we last met." She didn't refer to the unpleasantness so Kevin decided to steer clear as well - he spent the next half hour detailing his life over the last few years. They chatted amiably during this time and seemed to get on well, enjoying each others company again after all these years.

"So are you back permanently dear? I do hope so. There's no-one left in the family and I have been lonely for the last few months."

"It all depends on you really mum and how you react to the next few minutes."

"What does that mean, love."

"It means that for me to come back permanently in your life you will have to do something for me."

"What is it dear?"

"I want you to strip"

"Sorry dear," she asked quizzically. As she did so Eileen had a flashback to a few years earlier just before her husband and Kevin had the row.

"I think you heard me mother, I want you to strip, remove your clothes, get naked. Do you understand now?"

"Oh Kevin, what on earth do you want me to do that for? I am your mother remember."

"I do remember mother and that's why I want you to see you naked. You must remember why I left? Dad caught me spying on you when you were taking a bath. I had my cock in my hand wanking furiously. He then found my stash of incest porn videos under my bed. We had the row and I left. The last few years I have continued to lust after you and my fantasies about fucking you have continued to this day. You don't have to of course. I will just leave and never see you again."

"Oh Kevin, don't make me do this. This is wrong. You shouldn't lust after me, you should go for ladies your own age." Eileen was crying now.

"30 seconds to do as I want or I am out of here." Kevin looked at his watch for effect. "20 seconds left mum."

Eileen looked at him through her tear filled eyes but didn't move.

"10 seconds mum...ok time up. You've clearly made your decision and hope you have a good life." Kevin got up and started walking to the door.

Eileen stood and pleaded with him "Kevin please don't go." She was sobbing now.

Kevin looked at her and his resolve weakened seeing her in this state but he took another step towards the door.

"Ok Kevin you win," Eileen said. She started unbuttoning her cardigan, tears streaming down her face.

Kevin looked at her and didn't say another word in case it made her change her mind.

Eileen removed her cardigan and undid her skirt, which she allowed to fall down to her feet. She was wearing tights - Kevin could see her knickers underneath. Eileen then removed her blouse and stood there looking at him in her bra, tights, panties and slippers, with her skirt pooled at her feet. She looked at him with pleading eyes.

Kevin sat back down on the sofa, "Continue mother. I said naked."

Eileen reached around her back and undid her bra. She then peeled down her tights and panties and removed them completely. She stood back up, naked, trying to hide herself with her hands.

"Hands behind your back mother and walk over here in front of me please."

Eileen walked over to him, head bowed. When she stood in front of him she moved her hands behind her back.

"Open your legs a bit please mother."

She did so.

Kevin looked at his mother's body. Not bad for a 61 year old. A bit saggy and her bush was unkempt but not bad at all. He reached between her legs and played with her cunt. "A bit dry mother. I would have thought that standing here naked in front of your son would have made you cream yourself."

Eileen didn't respond. She was trying not to enjoy the feeling of her son gently massaging her pussy - she had not had any form of sexual contact for a number of years. She was also trying to think of ways for her pussy not to betray her by becoming wet.

Kevin continued to massage his mother's pussy. "Ahhh that's much better mother, a bit of moisture." Kevin worked the slippery wetness around her pussy, moving to her clit, which was starting to emerge.

Eileen tried to think about anything other than what was happening to her, but after a couple of minutes more she let a slight moan escape her lips.

"That's it mother. I knew you were a kinky bitch. I can't wait to see how far I can push you."

Eileen was now on the way to her first orgasm in years. Kevin stood but kept his massaging going. He bent down and gently nuzzled on her left nipple. This pushed Eileen over the edge and she came. Kevin kept rubbing more insistently, gently biting her breast as he did so.

As Eileen came down from her orgasm, she sat down wearily.

"I didn't give you permission to sit down yet mother, but I'll forgive that transgression this time. I knew that you'd enjoy that. Now sit forward please."

Eileen wearily sat forward.

"Take out my cock and suck me please."

Eileen was broken. She unzipped his flies and slipped his cock into her mouth. After a few seconds of unenthusiastic sucking, Kevin removed his cock and said, "Look you are going to have to try much harder than that. I know that you are a cocksucker, I used to hear you sucking father's cock at night when I was younger. Now suck it properly and by the way, don't forget to swallow."

Eileen resumed her sucking this time with a bit more enthusiasm. Kevin was enjoying the sensations and tried to hold back from cumming as long as possible to ensure that she was properly broken in. When he came it was with the force of a man who had not ejaculated for months - which of course it was, as upon hearing of his fathers death, he had not cum during the period that he planned this day. Eileen gagged on his sperm but did take most of it down, with just a small amount escaping from the side of her mouth.

Kevin sat down beside his mother and put his arm around her. She relaxed into him.

"Mother you are now mine, your mind, body and soul is mine. You will do whatever I want, whenever I want. Is that clear?"

Eileen didn't respond.

"Now when I ask you a question you must respond immediately mother. Is that clear?" he said a bit more forcibly.

"Yes dear."

"Firstly a few rules. As your body is mine, I would like you naked at all times that we are here alone. This will mean that when I want to use you, you are readily available. I will fuck you in the mouth, pussy and if I desire, your ass so please make sure you are clean at all times and ready for me.. That means being wet so make sure you have plenty of lube readily available. I don't like pubic hair so get that removed, including from around your ass and keep it that way. Now follow me please." Kevin got up and held out his hand for his mother to take, which she did. They went upstairs to her bedroom. "When I am here I will sleep here with you, now let's have a look at your wardrobe." Kevin moved to her wardrobe and opened the door. He took all of her clothes out and emptied her drawers, placing all of her clothes on the bed.

"Now to sort through what you can and can't wear from now on." Kevin spent the next 10 minutes sorting her clothes into two piles. "This lot will be given to the charity shop," he said pointing to the larger of the two piles. "This lot you can keep." He was allowing her to keep all of her dresses and skirts which were knee length or above, some of the nicer blouses and some, but not much underwear. "I will let you keep some of your tights for when it gets cold. Unlike some people I do like to see a woman in tights but when these are worn, you must be naked underneath. No panties. In fact panties will be a rarity for you from now on. Now where are your shoes?"

"Downstairs on the rack," she said.

"OK we'll look at them later. Put these clothes back whilst I undress."

Kevin removed his clothes and watched his mother putting her clothes back. "Now put these clothes for the charity over there on the floor."

When Eileen had done so, Kevin laid on the bed. "Come over here and sit down on my cock. I want to fuck you."

Eileen walked over to the bed and climbed over Kevin. She then squatted down on his cock as he held it upright. When she was fully impaled on his cock she sat still, seemingly waiting for instructions.

"Ok mother now fuck yourself on me."

She started moving slowly up and down enjoying the sensations of being fucked again, even though the person fucking her was her son. She slowly quickened her pace, opening her knees wider so that every time she sat down, his cock went further into her pussy. A few minutes later and they were rutting like wild animals. Eileen was grunting and moaning like a cheap whore as her son felt the familiar sensations of impending orgasm. They both seemed to explode in ecstasy at the same time - Eileen continuing to bounce up and down on his softening cock for a few seconds afterwards. They stayed that way for a while, both breathing heavily but both fully sated.

As his cock slipped out of her pussy, Eileen slid down beside her son. Kevin raised his arm and enfolded her again. As he did so, he was able to hold her left nipple. He slowly caressed it as he said, "Our first fuck mother. It was definitely worth the wait. You are some fuck buddy." They laid there for a few minutes and Kevin realised that his mother had fallen asleep. "Sleep well mother," he thought. "For you will need the rest for what I have planned for you." Kevin also closed his eyes but was unable to sleep due to his excitement at his plan working so well so far.


"Time to get up, mother," said Kevin, gently shaking his mum. "The next stage of your development is due."

His mother stretched and realised that she had been asleep for an hour. She felt good. Her pussy ached and she was a little bit cold but these were minor issues. She got up and walked over to Kevin who was standing by the door.

"Come on follow me."

Kevin walked to the bathroom and indicated for his mother to get in the shower. She walked in and Kevin followed her in. It was a large shower so there was easily space for them both to shower.

"Sit down on the seat please mother." There was a seat in the corner of the shower for someone to sit whilst washing themselves which they had had installed a couple of years ago.

Eileen sat down.

"Now I must christen you as my women," said Kevin cryptically. "You have taken my seed through your mouth and your pussy and now you must receive my pee."

Eileen didn't have a chance to say anything as she was hit in the chest with a stream of urine from her son. Kevin moved his aim to her stomach, then legs and finally to her head. He pissed all over her hair, rubbing it into her scalp.

"Look at me please mother."

Eileen looked up and received a blast of pee across her face. After he had pissed over her he stood her up and they embraced. The smell of his piss was overpowering but they stood there holding each other for a full 5 minutes.

Kevin turned the shower on and they washed each other clean.

Getting out of the shower they took it in turns to dry each other off, returning to the bedroom when dry.

Kevin picked up his laptop and got back on the bed, motioning for his mother to follow. "Now to sort out your new clothes."

They spent the next hour ordering new clothes for his mother. "Eileen was shocked at what he ordered but said nothing, other than offering up her sizes.

Turning the laptop off, Kevin looked at his mother again and said. "I know that the last few hours have been a shock for you but I know that you will enjoy what I have planned and the next few years of our lives. We must now start on the next phase. I want you to sell this house and move in with me. I have a house near in the west country where we can live undisturbed by prying eyes and we can continue to show our love for each other. You must also sell or get rid of the majority of your possessions. You only need your clothes for your new life and you won't need those much either."


The next few days were a whirlwind. The house was put up for sale and was sold within hours. Eileen and Kevin spent ages sorting out her belongings, sending the majority to the charity shop and selling some of the larger items, until a few weeks later the house sale went through. Kevin put her few remaining worldly goods in the boot of his car and they drove off to where their new house was waiting for them.

Whilst they had continued their incestuous relationship over the last few weeks, everything was building to this moment when they moved in together permanently.

"Are you ready for the start of your new life Eileen?," asked Kevin. He had started calling her by her first name over the last week.

"Yes Kevin." After her initial shock at their new relationship a few weeks ago, Eileen was now enjoying herself particularly the regular sex.

Kevin looked her over as he drove towards the motorway. She was wearing some make up again, not slutty but she looked 10 years younger. Her skin was blooming and he hoped that this was due to the sperm he regularly deposited on her face. She was wearing a light coloured dress and he knew that beneath the dress she was wearing a bra, but only to stop the sagging of her breasts. She was also wearing tights but no panties. Finally she was wearing two inch high heels. She looked gorgeous in his eyes and he couldn't wait to start the next phase of his plan.


The drive took over four hours but Eileen had spent most of the time with her eyes closed - she wasn't asleep but it gave her time to think about the events of the last few weeks. She was appalled when her son had made her take her clothes off when they had met again all those weeks ago but she was now thoroughly enjoying the attention he gave her. Her son was clearly a kinky sod but she had never had so much attention or so much good sex at any other time during her life. She was regularly having his semen running down the inside of her thigh but she was now loving it. She hoped the next few weeks would be equally as good if not even better.


Kevin turned into the drive of his house and stopped. Eileen opened her eyes.

"Here it is Eileen, what do you think?"

"It looks beautiful from here Kevin, but why have we stopped?"

"Just so that you can see the house from afar and also so you can remove your dress now please."

Eileen looked at him but she removed her seatbelt and then unzipped the dress which she then wriggled out of. She sat there in her tights, bra and shoes.

"You really are beautiful Eileen." Kevin reached over and rubbed her pussy through the tights. He also leaned over and sucked on her right nipple. Eileen leant back and enjoyed the sensations. She could feel Kevin trying to rip the fabric of her tights to get to her cunt. She reached down and ripped the material herself. Kevin continued to rub at her cunt until she came.

"The first of many," he said to her as he put the car in gear and drove off towards the house. He stopped the car in front of the house. It was an imposing mansion and Eileen looked at it in awe.

"Stay there Eileen and I'll help you out." Kevin got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. He opened the door and helped his mother out.

"I hope no-one can see me," said Eileen as she looked upon her dishevelled appearance.

'"Don't worry we are completely un-overlooked. No-one will disturb us. That was the reason for buying it."

Kevin opened the front door and they went inside. Once inside Kevin stopped and looked at his mother. His mother remembered the rules and immediately stripped the rest of her clothing off.

"Good girl, now let me show you round."

They spent the next hour looking around the house and unpacking Eileen's meagre belongings. As both were tired, they had a light dinner and went to bed - despite both being tired they managed a quick fuck before falling asleep in each others arms.

End of Chapter 1.

The story of Kevin and Eileen could end there...mother and son living and loving together for the rest of their days.

It could however continue. It could become darker. Clearly Kevin has mummy issues and has a dark side...who does what he has done without having a dark side?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Kevin needs his a$$ kicked !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Unusual story but needs more

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please continue this story. So much interesting possibilities. I love the dark sexual psychology of this story. Hope you peel the layers of this story further and take them deeper in.

johncan6johncan6almost 4 years ago
Nice story,

Mother age can be little lower.....And built it up.....

zcapp85zcapp85almost 4 years ago

Love the story! Can't wait for more chapters into their life together...

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