The Waitress


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"Mommy!" a child yelled as he ran from around the corner to Molly, his arms stretched out in anticipation of a hug. Scott developed a hint of a smile as he watched mother and son embrace. The child couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old.

Molly took the child's hand in her and turned to face Scott. "Timmy, I want you to meet Mr. Koehler."

"Hi mister cooler," the young boy said with just a touch of shyness.

"Scott," Molly started, taking a deep breath, "this is my son, Timmy." Molly held her breath as she watched Scott drop down to Timmy's level.

"Well, hello there, Timmy," Scott said with a wide grin. He looked up at Molly and saw tears in her eyes, "He's adorable."

Molly sniffed and said "Yeah, he is."

Scott's work life made the idea of he and Maddy having kids a pipe dream. He looked at Timmy with a bit of envy.

"So, Timmy, you look like you're what 15 or 16?" he asked.

Timmy slapped his leg with one hand and said in an exasperated voice, "I am not."

"Well, you must be 10 then."

Timmy vigorously shook his head no.

"Well, how old are you?" Scott.

Timmy held up one hand with his fingers spread out, "I'm five," he responded proudly.

Scott stood up, looked at Timmy and then Molly, "Maybe the three of us can go out and do something tomorrow."

Molly formed a hint of a smile, tears still in her eyes. She shook her head, "No, I have to work."

"Aw mom, do you haveta?" Timmy pleaded with his mother.

It was then that Scott noticed a teen behind Molly leaning against the door frame when she said, "Timmy, we'll go to the park tomorrow and play on the playground."

"Scott, I forgot," Molly started, turning towards the teenager, "this is Sam. She's Valeri's daughter and babysits for me."

Scott nodded his head, "Nice to meet you, Sam."

His attention was diverted by the little man's voice, "Can mister cooler come too?"

"Timmy, I'm sure that Mr. Koehler has other things to do," Molly admonished her son.

"Um," Scott stuttered, "if it's okay, I'd love to join Sam and Timmy at the park."

Molly looked at Scott, her lips slightly apart. It was several seconds before she looked away and back to Timmy, "Well, I guess that settles it."

Molly turned to Sam and indicated to take Timmy. Scott watched as Sam called out, "Come on Timmy, let's get a snack."

Scott smiled as the little boy bounded out of the room in anticipation of his snack. He looked at Molly and felt his heart skip a beat. "Well, I guess I better go. Can I see you after you get off work tomorrow?"

"I'm hoping so," Molly replied.


Scott followed Molly's directions to the park and easily found Sam and Timmy. Timmy was running from one playset to another on the playground.

"Hi, Sam," he said as he approached the teen.

She turned and looked up at him, "Oh, hi."

"May I?" he asked, pointing to the empty spot next to her.

"Sure," as she scooted to give him a little more room.

Both were silent as they watched Timmy play. He wasn't the only child playing and Timmy seemed to get along with the others.

"How long you staying?" Sam asked.

"I have to leave tomorrow."

Sam nodded her head slightly and remained quiet for a minute and said, "She really likes you, you know."

Scott looked at Sam, "Molly?"

Sam nodded her head without looking at him.

Scott went back to watching Timmy. He thought the last couple of days. "I like her too", he said in a soft voice.

Scott caught her turning her head towards him out of the corner of his eye and turned his to face her. It was obvious to him that Sam was going to say something. He waited for her.

"Aunt Molly hasn't seen anyone since Timmy was born."

"No one?" Scott replied with a bit of uncertainty in his voice.

Sam shook her head slowly.

"She's your Aunt?"

She turned back towards Timmy, "No, not really. She and my mom are real close and I've known Aunt Molly all my life," she paused, "I don't have a real Aunt. She was always around and, I don't know, just kinda became an Aunt I didn't have."

Sam turned back towards Scott, "Aunt Molly said you have to leave soon?"

Scott looked at Sam and then towards Timmy. It was a few seconds before he answered, "Yeah, I do."

Several minutes went by when Scott broke the silence, "Does he have a baseball, glove, bat, or anything?"

"No. Just some small cars he plays with in the house and some trucks he plays with in the sandbox at home", Sam responded and turned to Scott, "Why?"

Scott smiled, "Just curious." He looked at Timmy a little longer and then to Sam, "What hand does he write with?"

"His right."

Scott smiled some more, "I'll be right back."

Sam watched as he left the park and drive off.

A half-hour later Scott returned with a couple of gloves, some baseballs, and a batting tee. He spent the next hour showing Timmy how to hit the ball off the tee. Timmy would run with glee around the make-believe bases.

It wasn't until Sam called out, "It's time to go home, Timmy. Your mom will be home soon."

"Aww, do I have to?"

"You better listen to Sam," Scott suggested.

"Will you come with us?" Timmy asked.

Scott rubbed the top of Timmy's head, "I'll be right behind you," Scott assured him.

Scott and Timmy were sitting on the front porch when Molly drove up. Timmy grabbed his bat and glove and ran to his mom.

"Look what Mr. Cooler got me," he exclaimed with joy.

"Wow, that's pretty cool," Molly replied, kneeling down to his level and looking at her son.

"And guess what, mom."


"I hit a home run," Timmy announced, almost jumping up and down.

"My, what a baseball star you are," Molly said as she stood, rubbed the top of his head, and looked a Scott, who was still sitting on the porch. Molly rubbed her hand, to wipe away the tear that was starting to form.

Scott stood up as Molly approached him and took her in his arms. He felt his heart pounding in his chest. He touched his lips to hers and felt passion coming from her. Their tongues briefly touched when their kiss was interrupted.

"Mr. Cooler," Timmy started to ask, "can we play again tomorrow?"

Scott looked at the little boy and felt sadness, "No, I have to leave tomorrow."

Scott felt a tug in his heart as he watched the boy look down at the floor as he walked away. He turned and looked at Molly and could see sadness in her eyes.

"Stay for dinner?" Molly asked as she put a smile back on her face.

After dinner been consumed and Timmy put to bed, Molly and Scott sat snuggled together on the sofa.

"I wish you didn't have to go," Molly said softly.

"I know. But I have to see my sister in Denver tomorrow and New York is expecting me soon."

"I know. You been honest with me from the beginning."

"We still have tonight," Scott commented as he took her chin in his hand and turned her head towards his. There was silence yet a lot of communication between them as they looked at each other. He drew her nearer to his face as he tilted his head slightly and kissed her.

Molly emitted a slight moan as their lips touched and their kiss became more passionate. When at last they separated, Molly suddenly stood up. Scott became concerned that the night was going to end sooner than he had hoped. Until Molly extended her hand for his to take. Scott grasped her hand and stood up beside her. Not a word was spoken as Molly led him to her bedroom.

He stood next to her as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He felt his skin tingle as her kisses made their way down his chest. Her hands pushed the shirt off his shoulder as she made her way lower. Scott looked down just as she looked up, her hands unbuckling his belt. She smiled and blew him a kiss as she lowered both his trousers and his boxers to the floor. His penis was already fully erect.

Scott's eyes closed as he felt her lips wrap around the head of his cock. He savored the warmth and wetness of her mouth as she took in more. He only stopped her when he could feel his testicles begin to tighten with the impending orgasm. He wasn't ready just yet. Molly understood as she let go of him, giving his cock one last kiss before standing up.

Scott slowly disrobed Molly. He took her nipples in his mouth as he let her bra fall to the floor. He felt her hands on the back of his head, her fingers running through his hair. As he got to his knees, he let her skirt loose and looked at the panty covered juncture of her legs before him. He took a deep breath of her arousal, savoring the aroma. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband and slowly lowered her panties to join the skirt on the floor. He buried his nose in her bush and gave her lips a quick kiss before standing back up.

He gently moved her towards the bed and laid her down on her back. She scooted to the center of the bed and watched as he spread her legs apart. Scott looked at the delicate flower that became more visible as her legs parted, the lips peeking out from the neatly trimmed pubic hair.

He caressed her feet as he started kissing her toes. He slowly worked his way up her leg, taking the time to kiss and caress her skin. Molly was squirming by the time he reached the source of the wonderful aroma that had become even stronger. He looked up at Molly to see her eyes tightly closed and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around her hips and used his fingers to part her moist lips, revealing the pink flesh and the hood of her clitoris beneath.

With a combination of his tongue and his fingers, he was able to bring her to orgasm, her legs clamped tightly around his head. It was only after the second time he was able to bring to orgasmic bliss that she grabbed by the hair on his head and pulled him upward. He kissed her belly and nipples along the way until his lips met hers. He felt her hand guide his erection to her entrance.

He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes as he slowly pushed in until he was completely inside her. The sensations that her vagina was giving his penis was nothing like he recalled feeling before. But then again, he was experiencing a feeling inside that he hadn't felt in a very long time.

Scott didn't return to his motel room until just before the sun started its glow on the eastern horizon. The couple alternated between sleep and love making all night long. Some of it was slow and passionate, while some of it was fast and furious.

It was four hours to Denver and he didn't notice a bit of the scenery on the way there. His mind kept going over the time they spent in the meadow, spending the previous afternoon with Timmy in the park and dinner with the two of them. And of the night that he spent with Molly.

He had spent more time in Buena Vista than he had planned and the date that he needed to be in New York was quickly approaching. He pulled into his sister's driveway, turned off the car and sat.

He was startled by a rap on the window, "Hey, you okay?"

He turned to see his sister staring at him. He smiled and opened the door to get out.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tired after the drive," he said as he leaned in to give his sister a hug.

"I started to worry. I heard your car pull up 15 minutes ago, but you never came to the door," she said.

Scott turned his head to face her and repeated, "Just a little tired, Caroline. That's all."

Caroline took his arm in hers and led him into the house. "George will be home in an hour. Thought we'd grill some steaks for dinner."

"That sounds great," he replied.

"Go on out back. I'll bring you a beer," Caroline suggested.

She watched as Scott nodded his head and went out the patio door to the back porch. She became concerned.

She handed Scott a beer and sat in the chair next to him, "So, Scotty, how have you been?"

Scott continued looking out over the yard, "Not bad."

"When are you supposed to start the new job?"

Scott batted his eyes for a moment as he had to stop and think for a second. He turned to look at Caroline, "Um, the week after next."

Caroline nodded her head. It was clear that Scott's mind was somewhere else. She had seen him like this once before.

"What's her name?" Caroline asked.

Scott suddenly turned his head back to his sister, "Uh, what?"

"You heard me, what's her name?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"I've seen you like this before and the name attached was Madeline. So, what's her name?"

Scott looked at his sister. They were only a year apart and unlike a lot of brothers and sisters, they were each other's best friends. Which also meant that each could fairly well predict the other.

Scott's focus became a little blurry as he softly said, "Molly."

Caroline smiled, concealing a happiness she felt that he was finally coming out of the cocoon that he wrapped himself in since the divorce.

The next morning Caroline found Scott still lost in his thoughts.

"We meet with the lawyer at 11 and then I thought we'd just come back here and hang out," Caroline offered over breakfast.

"That sounds good," Scott nodded his head in agreement and smiled. "I wouldn't mind just doing nothing for a day or two."

"So," Caroline started, placing her chin in the palm of her hand, "where did you meet her?"


Caroline smiled, "Molly."

"Buena Vista. I met her in Buena Vista."

With some carful prodding, she was able to extract all that had happened in Buena Vista. Well, almost all. He circumvented the time in the meadow. But he figured that his sister probably already put the missing pieces together.

"Do you like her?" she asked.

Scott broke into a broad grin, "Yes, I do."

Caroline knew that there was more to it, "Do you love her?"

She saw Scott draw inwards a little, the grin disappearing. She watched him and was rewarded when Scott imperceptibly nodded his head and whispered, "I do."

Caroline's heart was filled with joy for her brother. The two had longs talks after the divorce. He shared how he placed his work over his relationship with Maddy. He reiterated how he wished he had done things different. It was too late for Maddy as she had since remarried. 'Perhaps,' Caroline thought to herself, 'he has another chance'.

Caroline got up, "I'm going to change. We should head out in about a half hour if we're going to get the lawyer's office on time." She looked at Scott, who barely moved, "I'll drive."

Scott stood up, smiled and with a slight shake of his head, "Okay, I'd get lost anyways."

It wasn't until they were halfway to the lawyer when Scott asked, "Why are we meeting with them, again?"

"It's been a year since mom died and we've got to finish up some paperwork after getting her house sold and some other things," Caroline answered, quickly looking as Scott with a bit of a smirk. They had talked about this just before he left California.

"Don't you have to go to work?" Scott asked, shortly after George left for work.

Caroline shook her head, "Nah, I took a couple of days off." She turned to look at him, "It's been a long time since we've seen each other. I figured we had some catching up to do."

"I'm glad. It has been awhile."

"Well, with you traipsing all across the world taking pictures, it was kind of difficult."

"Not just for you, I'm afraid", Scott replied, turning up the corner of his mouth.

"But that last one, Scott, you could've been killed!" Caroline exclaimed.

Scott broke into a grin, "Yeah, but that was some shot, wasn't it?"

"I swear," Caroline sputtered.

"They say it could be a Pulitzer," Scott said when a certain amount of pride.

"Hardly worth it if it's given posthumously."

That evening the three sat outside and watched the sun set over the Rockies.

Caroline looked at her brother who appeared to be somewhere else. "Scott, I think you need to be heading west first thing in the morning."

"Uh? What?" he replied as he recognized that Caroline was speaking to him.

"Between mom's estate and I know you've earned yourself a pretty penny over the years. I bet you you could retire now and not have to worry. I don't think you should take that job in New York," she said.

Scott shook his head in disagreement, "No, it's an opportunity of a lifetime."

Caroline nodded as she put her chin in her hand, "Maybe, but I think you left your heart in Buena Vista."


Scott pulled up to the curb at the park and watched as Sam tried to throw the ball to Timmy. But Timmy just didn't seem to be in the mood to hit it. He got out of the car and slowly made his way over. It took a couple of minutes before Timmy spotted him and came running up.

Scott looked at Sam, "I want to talk to Timmy for a little bit."

Sam nodded, and Scott put his hand on the young boy's shoulder and led him off just a little way. Sam watched as Timmy nodded excitedly at whatever was being said to him and eventually wrapped his arms around Scott's neck.

Scott led Timmy back to where Sam was, "I'd like to take you and Timmy to lunch, if that's okay?"

Sam simply shrugged her shoulders, "Okay, sure."

The three of them sat in a booth that Valeri made sure was one of Molly's. Molly first saw Sam and Timmy and then the back of a man's head. It only took her a second to realize who it was. She felt her pulse quicken as she made her way to the booth.

She looked at him, moisture in her eyes, "You came back."

Scott simply nodded.

"Mom," Timmy blurted out, "can Mr. Cooler be my daddy?"

"Well, Timmy, I don't know about that," Molly started to say. She looked down at the table as Scott opened a small box with a ring in it.

"I'd like to be his daddy," he said, "that is, if you will marry me."

Molly brought her hands to her face, tears streaming down. She was so overwhelmed with joy that she couldn't speak. She finally nodded her head and softly said yes.

The wedding was held in the same meadow that they first made love. It was a small affair.

"Won't the owner be upset that we're on their land?" Molly had asked.

"No, I don't think they're going to mind a bit," he replied.

"You sound pretty sure of yourself."

"Well, unless you have a problem with the wedding being here, there won't be a problem."

"I don't understand," she replied with her brows furrowed.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, the deed on this property says Scott and Molly Koehler."


Tim Koehler and his wife Cathy were going through boxes in the attic of their parent's house. Scott passed away shortly after their 50th anniversary. The couple had become inseparable and had never been apart in all that time. Molly passed away a few days after him. It was a joint funeral and they were buried on the property it a spot that they had specifically picked out. Tim didn't understand the reason, only that he was told it was where they had fallen in love with each other.

"Well, I'll be damned," Tim said as he pulled a picture and a letter from an envelope.

"What is it honey?" Cathy asked.

"This photo," Tim showed the photography that he extracted.

"I remember that. I've seen that a bunch of times."

"Yeah? Well it seems that dad took the picture."

"You're kidding me."

"Nope. And here's a letter awarding him a Pulitzer Prize for it."


"I wonder if mom knew," Tim pondered as he reached for another envelope with a New York return address.

Tim quickly read the letter that was inside.

"What's it say?" Cathy asked.

"It says, Dear Mr. Koehler, I want to personally welcome you to TimeLife. Having a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer as our Managing Editor is a great privilege and honor. I look forward to meeting with you on your arrival at our New York headquarters. Welcome aboard."

"Did you know about this?" she asked.

Tim shook his head no, "No. He was the editor of the Buena Vista News-Gazette for years. I never knew this. He never said anything."

Tim looked at the picture again. His throat became dry and his eyes damp, "My folks really loved each other."