The Walk Home Ch. 01

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Becky ends up in a difficult situation and must get home.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 06/02/2011
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By Jappio and Xtortion

Just as a quick disclaimer, this story is written by both an author who would like to be known as Xtortion, and me. The general pattern starting off was that we'd each write a paragraph, one after another taking turns. After editing though that pattern probably has been loss. The story and plot is something of both of our creations. The feel of the story in my opinion is very different than my usually type of writing, understandably. Hope that our styles and ideas mixed well though, and that you all enjoy.


Part 1

"Are we there yet Tina?" Becky called out from the back seat. She sat, anxious to know what was going on. The blindfold over her eyes prevented her to see where they were headed. The roar of the engine could be heard, and she could only vaguely tell when the car would turn in some direction or stop. "I still don't see why the blindfold is necessary either."

Tina knew well where she was headed but wouldn't spoil a secret with plans of a good time. Becky was getting a bit nervous since the ride was taking quite a while. In the back of her mind she had questioned everything she had agreed to today, and was starting to think she may be in over her head.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Becky nagged, growing more impatient.

She sat in anticipation of whatever event her two friends had planned for her. What kept her most on edge is her constantly wondering mind. Her parents were away for a few days and had expected Becky to stay at home for the while. She was presumably now a good distance from home. She had never broken any rules before, so this day was both scary and satisfying in some way. She couldn't wait to get there yet-at the same time she wanted to go home already.

"Don't worry; everything is going to be just fine. Shouldn't be much longer." Tina explained. "You're lucky enough that Brianna and I were able to even get you this chance. We had to practically beg. You're lucky that having to be blindfolded is all you have to do."

A few days earlier, during soccer practice at school, Becky expressed her want to be able to get into college with a good recommendation. Two of the other teammates, Tina and Brianna, said they had an idea. They would need a few days to settle things out. It was decided, really earlier in the morning, around 5 AM, Becky would be taken to the secret meeting spot to see if she could get this recommendation from these friends of Tina and Brianna. A condition though was that Becky had to be blind folded, so she wouldn't' know the location of the meeting place.

After more waiting, it finally seemed that the SUV the girls were driving had come to a slowing. They turned a slow, wide right and seemed to be riding on a very coarse, bumpy road. Obviously it was makeshift coated in rocks, definitely not paved. They had driven on this road for a few minutes until Becky piped up. "Jeez you guys, where are we going? This is really starting to bug me!"

"Where are we going? Well we are going to here of course." Brianna said as she stopped the SUV. Becky let out a sigh of relief, reaching for the blindfold. "Keep the blindfold on for a little longer." Brianna warned her. Becky stopped and waiting some more, letting out a small "humph" as she made a pouting face, obviously annoyed with the whole blindfold thing. It left her curious and vulnerable; she wasn't use to the feeling.

Becky had been the poster child for a "daddy's girl" for all her life. She had a wealthy family but they strongly pressed that she makes her own way in life. Yet at the same time, they saw to her every need, as long as she did all the housework and kept straight A's in school. She was feeling too open to the other girls' whims and confused by what exactly they were doing; only hearing cluttered sounds. What got her really curious was the fact that they were whispering excitedly like they had just thought of something new...

"Step out of the car for a moment." Tina said, taking Becky by the hand and leading her out of the car. Becky followed out, and stood at the side of the car. A slight morning chill came over. Becky couldn't see, but could still tell it was early morning; the sun had yet to bathe the area in light.

Beneath Becky's shoes it felt kind of rough so she assumed she was on the path they had driven on for the last while. She was walked by Brianna and Tina for a bit. Her steps were most uneasy as she slowly started increasing her pace with the two girls. "Okay Becky, you can take that thing off now" Brianna informed. As the blindfold came off of Becky's now unshielded eyes, the light of even dawn had blinded her temporarily. The sun hadn't even risen and she still felt as though it were too bright.

Before she could see anything, she felt something. On each of her hips, something was squeezing its way into the sides of her pants: but not just her pants, her panties too. She then felt her pants and panties slide down her slender legs. Eyes still squinted, blindfold in hand, and now pants and panties around her ankles! The speed at which it all happened left Becky in almost a daze.

Becky quickly felt the breeze on her bare backside. She immediately reached down to grab her pants but what felt like Brianna's hand had grabbed her leg and pulled it up a bit. Brianna slid the one leg of her bottoms completely off as Becky tried to struggle, still slightly blinded from the new light. Everything was fuzzy from her haze. After Brianna let her one leg down, Becky tried to put her leg back in, but Brianna had taken that side of her clothes in-hand. She was struggling to get the other leg off.

Bending over, she almost had her pants in hand, but she felt herself being pulled up. Her shirt was being lifted, pulling her arms with it. She struggled to pull her arms down, but her upper body strength was not the best. Tina surely was the one her shirt up she figured. She felt nothing around her ankles now aside from her socks and shoes. There was a sudden looseness around her breast now. The hooks on the back of her bra were undone! It didn't take much more for the two girls to get the bra and shirt off of Becky, leaving her in just her socks and shoes.

The whole world seemed to spin. Becky was left bare in the presence of her friends. She had never been exposed to anyone and now, this crucial moment, the first impression, was happening out of her hands. The girls were left holding Becky's clothes and stood in front of her with a smile, almost a matching pair. "You are SO lucky we left you what you have- you'll need them to be walking as far as you will today".

With a screech and a quick motion, Becky held an arm over her breast and a hand between her legs. The arm didn't quite hide the breast as a whole, but the nipples remained from site. The hand between her legs kept hidden her trimmed bush. She turned her red face away from them, wanting to hide. She was too stunned to think to go anywhere, especially not knowing where she was in the first place. She was able to let out a meek reply to the situation, "What is going on here?"

In a fit of fear, she turned around looking for any way out of here. "Nice ass kiddo" Brianna smirked from what was now behind her. She jumped a bit and hastily turned around.

"You guys this really isn't funny! What's the deal??" Becky demanded, although not very authoritatively due to her stuttering in fear.

"Ha, well since you asked so VERY nicely...." Tina said. "You have to get home, but we're not taking you..."

"What!? Well what about my clothes, and on that note, where the hell are we?" Neither of the girls had even figured little Becky knew HOW to curse. She stood there ogling the two of them in disbelief for a good while.

"I'll explain Becky. We decided you needed some loosening up. You're too much of a stick in the mud and do everything by the book and try to take the easy way out. We're just giving you some real life experience. We tricked you out here so you could have one hell of an adventure. A good old naked stroll home will do you some good. As for where we are, we aren't telling you. It's all part of the challenge to see if you can get home on your own." Tina explained.

"Oh my god, you guys... this is really pushing it!" Becky said out loud, all the while thinking, 'Do I really need this reality check?' She looked both of them in the eyes just to see, and yes they were, both completely serious right now. Becky finally just put her head down for a second and sighed. She couldn't think of a way out of this. "Alright fine... I'll just have to walk home, but don't I even get a clue, what direction to go... anything?"

"Wow, complying already. That's really good, 'cuz honestly, we didn't think you'd break so fast, Princess." Brianna said. Becky grew a tad angry; she hated the nickname 'Princess'. Her friends loved teasing her about being pampered and not having to do much on her own ever. Becky figured though that was what this cruel prank was about, so she ignored the comment. "We won't be giving any clues. Hope you've got good directional sense. We'll be leaving now." She said getting back into the SUV. Becky was quick to try and get inside; her nerve was getting to her. Being naked outside was too scary for her. She found the door locked though. She looked inside with begging eyes.

She smacked on the glass of the SUV's windows as hard as she could but the girls just smiled. Becky was trying as hard as she could to get them to stop this prank and just say, "We're only kidding." or anything to ease her worry right now. The SUV started moving away forward and as the turn-around had started, Becky tried a desperate attempt to jump in front of the SUV, which was traveling roughly a few miles per hour. The SUV stopped hard on its way back out of the woods as Tina leaned out the window. "You aren't going to learn much if you're run over by your friends, silly!"

Becky asked again, "Please guys! I really don't want to do this right now..." Tina and Brianna just shook their heads perfectly in sync.

"Don't worry. We promise it will be OK. Just stay strong. Don't let us see a little bit of exposure break down our little Princess." Shouted Brianna as they pulled out of the path. Becky didn't even get a chance to see which way they left to. She thought, 'A little exposure, easy for them to say!' she didn't let herself break down though. She wasn't going to let her friends get the better of her.

She stopped thinking for a few seconds to just observe her surroundings. The sun had crested the ground through the trees. The spring air had left everything dewy and moist. The ground was left sparkling, putting Becky in a bit of a trance. Soon enough, her brain clicked back with her. "Where the hell am I going to go? God...this is a horrible day." She thought for another while... just disorganized thoughts for the sake of thinking until one final potent thought broke the eggshell of her mind. "I should definitely try to follow that road out the way Brianna and Tina went! Its perfect!...oh God..." Her thoughts finally connected the puzzle. "What if someone is out here? Where will I go when the road splits?" She was confused more than ever, now...

Her feet started moving her. She didn't really know what to do. Her only idea was to go somewhere at this point. She hugged her arms around her bare breast. The cold morning air made her nipples poke out. Her ankles were tickled by dew coming off the grass. She had never been naked outside of a bathroom or her own bedroom. Now she was who knows where, naked outside. She shivered at the thought.

Her thoughts of distance were soon ignored though. A normal paved road had shown up. It headed in two different directions. She had to make a choice now. She stood there thinking. She was at first in the middle, but while looking around she realized how open of a space it was, so she relocated to a more off to the side location. 'I think we turned left last. So I want to go to the right, that should be where we came from.'

She was trying to walk on the tree-line as there was absolutely nothing but open space to her other side. The field of grass faded off on the horizon miles away. She kept walking up the paved road, which had now hit a small incline, until she heard something. 'Oh Christ... I'm in for it,' she thought. She jumped into the bushes and curled up so she could see what was out there. 'What? There's nothing here?' she thought... 'But i am sure i heard something.' All at once something hit her on her shoulder and she screamed as loud as any girl her size could. She scattered for a way out of where she was and she met no resistance. After she slowed her breathing she saw what appeared to be an innocent squirrel scurry away, as scared as she was. Besides a bit of a claw-mark on her left shoulder, she was unharmed...

"Oh god, this has me so jumpy. Oh please let this be over soon." She said to herself continue to walking on. "I guess I'm lucky that it's so early in the morning, no one out at this time." She reassured herself. Looking at the rising sun though only told her it wouldn't be for long.

She kept walking up the hill which had increased in its degree. She hadn't taken notice to the hill before getting here as she was way too busy looking at the ground, trying to cover herself. "This is definitely going to get my exercise routine worked out." she joked with herself. Humor was the only thing keeping her sane right now. The simple spring breeze blowing between her legs was almost enough to make her snap, the constant reminder of her naked state was not helping her be eased.

She occasionally altered her hand positions. She would put one hand between her legs to cover there. At times she'd have both hands on her breast. This nudity made her too aware of things like touch, the wind, and everything. If it affected her body, she could feel it. Chills on occasion made her have the need to rub her arms. Her body almost called to her, she at times would break out into itching fits, scratching not only on her sides, legs, and back, but her chest and bottom demanded touch at times. It was as if her body yearned for something to be against it beside the open air.

She though had to admit something about this was nice. It was a beautiful morning; the nature around her was beautiful. It was almost as if the air itself had a nice scent to it. So far the walk was not bad actually. She was scared out of her mind, and she was filled with anger at he friends. This walk though was nice; perhaps under normal conditions she could even say that it was delightful.

"I think I need to get out of the house more. It's simply gorgeous out here." She was only left to think for a bit more before the hill had crested. She looked out all over the places she had just walked from. She couldn't even see where she began.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Gee whiz, Barbara, give them a break!

The purpose of these stories is to titulate the readers, not to educate them! In that case, I think the two authors did a great job. Right on,guys...write on!!


BarbaraBarbaraalmost 13 years ago
Character building 100% naked walks require erotic encounters with understanding strangers!

May we suggest writing your next submission, from practical experience, without any clothing on?

Gracious me! Assuming co-writers are both foreign nationals, expressing erotic situations, with English language colloquial spellings such as 'site' for 'sight', removed much meaning of writer's intentions! This reader would volunteer to accompany 'stark naked' writers, whilst nuances of correct English language were explained in greater detail, to enhance a practical understanding of professional eroticism! -With humiliation of 'stark naked' lessons, preferably in public places, both these writers should benefit? A truly 'Long Walk Home', flashing 'in the bollicky-buff' would be certain to improve your English writing, as Literotica readers might be expecting?

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