The Walls Have Ears


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Katelyn's head swooned reading the words. His favorite girl. Favorite. Daddy's favorite. Her pussy was very wet and overdue for attention. "Well your favorite girl needs her beauty sleep. Nite Daddy!"

"You would never need beauty sleep but sweet dreams princess," he replied, saddened to end the conversation.

Adam sat alone on the living room couch, with his wife and youngest daughter already upstairs in bed. The texts and calls with Kate had become the highlights of his day, and selfishly he liked to chat with her alone. Deep down he knew it was wrong, but couldn't help himself. In spite of the distance, bonding with her so closely felt extraordinary.

He reread the text thread, and he grinned at her sweet words. He shook his head at, "bestest," but found it adorable. While there was nothing too overt, he figured it was best to dispose of any evidence in the event Sheila snooped into his phone. After reluctantly pressing delete, he made his way up the stairs to bed.

Adam rested uneasy beside his wife. Sheila rarely showed any interest sex these days, even after gently prodding her along with kind words, backrubs and kisses. He was feeling particularly horny, cognizant it was primarily due to the flirtatious exchange with his daughter, and needed a release.

Irritated, he gently crept from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. After locking the door behind him, something Adam had done never before in his own home, he dropped his sweatpants. Sitting upon the porcelain seat, his cock was only partially erect. After just a few strokes it grew rigid. As his big hand ran up and down the length of his shaft, he shook his head with frustration, thinking a married man should not need to jerk off in the bathroom with his wife nearby.

Adam's mind ran over Kate's words again and again. Handsome. Sexy. Wondering if he was at school would he ask her out. His own amazingly gorgeous, living, breathing goddess. Of course, he would.

As he stroked, he thought of her long legs and ass, wrapped tightly in her yoga pants. He imagined running his hands over every inch of the tight fabric before pulling them down to attack her pussy with his mouth. Adam was convinced Katelyn had the best tasting pussy on the planet. The bestest, he chuckled to himself. He urgently wanted to bury his nose in her crotch and make her cum on his tongue.

Adam was ignited with desire for his daughter, and knew an orgasm was not far off. "Fuck, Katie Bear," he moaned, as his hand moved with lightning speed. He groaned aloud as spurt after spurt of cum jetted from his swollen cock and splashed upon the tile floor before him.

Resting on the porcelain throne with head back, breath ragged, he slowly came back down to earth. As his mind cleared, guilt washed over him at the thought of using images of his own daughter for his pleasure. Loathe to admit it, Adam knew a threshold had been crossed with Katelyn, and intuitively understood this wasn't going to be the last time he'd pleasure himself with her in mind.

After cleaning up the floor and splashing cold water on his face, he made his way back to bed.

For her part, Katelyn's evening played out similar to many others. She reread the text thread a few times as she touched herself, basking in her dad's kind words. Within minutes, she brought herself to orgasm. Lying there alone thereafter filled her with sadness, longing to snuggle with her dad. Her pillow was a poor substitute.

Adam spoke to Sheila and Hannah about attending Katelyn's soccer tournament. His wife declined due to the previous fundraising commitment, but encouraged him to take Hannah.

After rearranging his schedule to get Friday afternoon off, Adam booked a room with two beds at the Oak Tree Motel for both Friday and Saturday nights. He figured if they were going to drive all that way, they may as well stay and enjoy the weekend.

At first Hannah was excited to go and see her big sister, but at the last minute instead decided to stay home for a friend's 18th birthday party. So, in the end, Adam was going alone, a fact that only faintly bothered him.

Katelyn was excited about the tournament, but more so that her dad was coming to see her. She hadn't told her dad, but coach had shared with her that she would be starting. One of her teammates had developed a knee injury, so Katelyn would be taking her place. Coach confided that based on her play, she likely would have earned the spot at some point anyway, which filled her with pride.

Adam drove northwards towards Katelyn's school on Friday afternoon feeling excited, eager to see her play. If he was being honest, as much or more simply to see her and spend time together. The two had continued their flirtatious texting, and his mind contemplated just what might happen left on their own for an entire weekend.

The tournament had four solid teams, counting her own, so Katelyn knew this would be a tough couple days. She felt her team was more than ready. She and her teammates watched most of the first game together, before they began warmups for their own match which would start shortly thereafter.

Just before kickoff, Katelyn noticed a black SUV pull into the parking lot, and was thrilled to see her dad get out and walk towards the near sideline. She ran to him, and flung herself into his arms. "Daddy, I'm starting!" she bellowed, elated at sharing her news with the most important person in her life. After only a few seconds, she reluctantly let go to rejoin her teammates, ready to start the match.

Adam was delighted by Katelyn's update, but was certain she had earned the opportunity. He was amazingly proud of her accomplishment, particularly as a freshman. Watching play unfold, he made his way around the field to the bleachers.

It was a cool, crisp late September afternoon, and Katelyn's team was firing on all cylinders. They took the lead early, and coasted to victory. She played the entire game, and although she didn't get on the scoresheet, she distributed the ball superbly and played flawless defense. The next afternoon, they would be playing the winner of the earlier game, with the championship at stake.

Katelyn was exhilarated as she joined her dad after the game. As usual, they gave one another a long embrace, before he escorted her to the locker room. Adam waited outside for his daughter, wondering what the plans were for the evening and balance of the weekend.

The plans had actually been formulating for days, and Katelyn was ready to set things in motion. After exiting the locker room, she explained to her dad that coach had told them all to get plenty of sleep for the big game tomorrow. She added the dorms were insane on weekend nights, so sleep was nearly impossible, and asked if it was ok to stay with him at the motel.

Adam of course agreed. He was however very pleased with the idea of spending time alone with her in a motel room. A married man sharing a room with someone other than his wife, even his daughter, felt slightly wicked. Outwardly all seemed innocent enough, yet he felt his pulse quicken and groin tighten at the prospect.

They went back to Katelyn's dorm so she could quickly pack for the evening, electing to take her post-game shower at the motel. She had carefully planned her outfits, hoping to entice her father by highlighting her best assets.

Soon they were on the road, chatting incessantly about the game as they made their way to the motel. Both father and daughter were happy to rehash the match, with Adam heaping praise on Katelyn for her form. She glowed at the appraisal.

Katelyn was excited to find they were given room number five at the Oak Tree. She easily recalled it was in that room the daddy/daughter pair had made love, opening a Pandora's box she had no intention of shutting. The couple helped awaken the sexual being within her, one she was desperate to explore further.

The two settled in the room, before Katelyn excused herself for her shower. She peeled off her clothes, and stood naked under the bright lights. The focus of all her recent fantasies was just beyond the bathroom door, and she wished he would barge in to join her. She recalled pleasuring herself to thoughts of them showering together, and tingled all over imagining her daddy soaping every inch of her firm young body.

Katelyn took her time, enjoying the hot water massaging her body after playing a full 90 minutes. She was very aroused, yet didn't want to cum as she had already learned the long, slow burn was often better than the finale.

After drying off, Katelyn slipped into her favorite little black thong, and black yoga pants. She was more than willing to show off her long legs and firm ass, made solid from years of soccer and trips to the gym. She chose to go braless, since her moderately sized boobs were super firm, lightly encased in a thin, off-white sweater. Katelyn completed the ensemble with a black ribbon pulling her hair back, thinking that while casual, it made her look both sweet and sexy at the same time.

Adam waited while his daughter showered, but not patiently. He brought his laptop on the trip and had intended to enter meeting notes from recent sales calls, but found it nearly impossible to concentrate. With Kate showering nearby, he couldn't help but think about her nubile body under the cascading water.

As Katelyn picked up her dirty clothes to exit the room, she had a naughty thought. Dropping everything, she found the panties she had worn earlier, and rubbed the gusset between her fingers. They were still very wet from the soccer match. She then held them close to her face, and drew in air deeply through her nose. The musky, feminine smell was heady, and she shivered at the thought of what she was going to do.

She placed them strategically upon the floor, hidden under the corner of the vanity with only a portion of the white fabric extending into view. Katelyn hoped her dad would soon find them, assuming they were left inadvertently, overlooked since they were nearly out of sight. Just as she had done, Katelyn wanted her daddy to understand how wet they were and smell her feminine charms. Hers was not the scent of a little girl, but a woman. A woman ready to surrender her virginity to the right man. The only man for her. Her loving daddy.

Katelyn grabbed the remaining clothing, and exited the bathroom as casually as possible. She turned her back to her dad, and bent over at the waist, setting the dirty clothes beside her overnight bag. She was basically presenting herself for her father's inspection, and she longed for him to look, like a lioness in heat presenting herself submissively before the Alpha male.

Adam couldn't help but behold the beauty. He tried not to stare as his daughter exited the bathroom, but found it impossible as she appeared so amazing. The long legs he loved so much were exquisitely wrapped in her tight stretch pants, while her firm ass nearly jumped out at him. The simple sweater accentuated her taut tummy and firm young tits, while the ribbon in her hair was reminiscent of a sexy schoolteacher, one of his all-time favorite fantasies.

When she straightened back up and turned around, Katelyn was unsurprised to find her father looking towards her. He gave her a weak smile, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, which thrilled her. To her, she had the fish on the line. Now all she had to do was reel him in.

"I'm starving, Daddy. Ready for dinner?" she asked, advancing towards him.

"Sure am, sweetie. What do you feel like?" he replied, partially taken aback by her closeness.

"Well, I ran my ass off today, so I need some carbs. What do you think about Italian?"

"Sounds good to me, is there any place nearby?" he replied.

"Let me check," she responded, and grabbed her phone. As she searched local options, she had another naughty thought and just couldn't help herself. Looking over her shoulder towards him, she asked, "So, Daddy, did I really run my ass off today or is there anything left?"

Adam was stunned by his daughter's bold words, and was blown away when she then gave a little shake, wiggling her butt side to side. "Err, umm...yes, it's left, I's still there," he stammered, feeling guilty for looking but thrilled by her cute dance. Clearly, Kate was taking the flirting up another notch, which to him was equally electrifying and terrifying.

Katelyn could barely contain herself, yet somehow muttered, "Good, a girl needs her ass." She noticed her dad looked bug eyed, and feared she was pushing too hard. She could sense he too was interested, but didn't want to scare him away by acting too rashly, and decided to back off somewhat.

They drove to the restaurant largely in silence as both father's and daughter's minds were working overtime. As a dad, Adam believed his primary purpose in life was to be a provider for, and protector of his family, keeping them all safe and ensuring a happy future. Yet there he was, lusting after Katelyn. Every time he saw or even thought of her the last few weeks, he felt a swelling in his crotch. She was young and naïve, so he could only assume she had no idea just what she was doing.

Katelyn, on the other hand, knew exactly what she was doing. She understood numerous guys found her attractive, yet she had no interest in most guys. She wanted one guy only.

The two enjoyed a wonderful dinner over pasta, once again mostly chatting about the earlier game and looking forward to the championship the next day. Adam did his best not to let his eyes wander, yet they occasionally drifted south towards his daughter's chest. The off-white sweater was stretched tightly across her breast, and her nipples made little mounds in the fabric. It was clear Katelyn was not wearing a bra, and to Adam it was also clear she didn't need one.

Katelyn purposefully sat upright with her chest pushed forward, shoulders back, to display her cleavage. She tried to act casual, and often scanned the restaurant, hoping to provide her daddy fleeting opportunities to check out her goods.

Growing hotter by the minute, Katelyn excused herself to hit the ladies' room. Once inside, she first stared at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, and her hair appeared nearly perfect, thrilled at the thought of seeming so good for Daddy.

Looking down, she noticed her nipples were distended, straining the light fabric of her tight sweater. Feeling naughty again, Katelyn decided to give them a further tweak for effect. Entering a stall, she slipped her hands under her tight top and began pinching her little nubbins.

Katelyn couldn't help but wonder what her dad would think when she reentered the dining room, but she was certain he would be smitten. Other men might watch her stroll through the room, but they would also see she had eyes for only one man. Her daddy and dining partner.

Adam could not take his eyes off his daughter as she sauntered between the tables. As he had earlier surmised, she clearly was not wearing a bra, her young tits slightly bobbing with every step. The nipples that before somewhat tented her tight sweater were now prominently displayed.

He was stunned. The turnabout in her attire and attitude was striking. Only weeks ago back home, Kate typically wore soccer shorts with an athletic top of some kind, regardless of the situation. She always appeared cute of course, just casual. When she wanted to impress, she always did. Fancy dresses and short skirts brought out some of her best features, however those clothing items were usually kept buried at the back of her closet.

Adam was more blown away by the attitude. After only being out of the nest a short time, it appeared his daughter had truly spread her wings. She walked with a confidence beyond her years, which cemented the fact that she was no longer a little girl. Katelyn, his daughter, was all woman.

Try as he may to keep his eyes focused on Kate, he couldn't help but notice other men in the room peering at her with interest. On one hand, he was immensely proud of Katie, and absolutely adored everything about her. She was a vision, worthy of any and all attention. On the other hand, his skin crawled at the thought of the older lechers in the room lustfully examining her, likely pondering what they wanted to do with her.

Katelyn understood her appearance was overtly sensual, yet hoped to project an illusion of naivete. Because this was largely true. In spite of being blessed with a body built for sex, no man other than her family doctor had ever seen her naked. Just one former boyfriend had been granted permission to touch her below the waist, and even then, only through her panties. Unlike most of her friends, she was still a virgin, and had neither given nor received oral sex.

They decided to share a desert, and both found themselves leaning over the table towards one another intimately as they scooped up morsels of tiramisu. Sequestered as they were in a corner, away from prying eyes and ears, Katelyn decided to get playful again. She put the spoon in her mouth and closed her eyes, tilted her head back and then let out a soft moan, "Hmm, yummy."

Adam had never witnessed anything as sexy. In spite of the fact that the girl across from him was his own flesh and blood, he could not stop his own blood from rushing to his cock and making him throb with desire. He wondered if Katelyn had any idea what she was doing to him.

As they left the table, Adam followed closely behind his daughter, mesmerized by her swaying hips as they navigated between tables. When they arrived back at the SUV, he opened the door for her and helped her in, trying to be the perfect father and gentleman.

The car ride was quiet as they drove back to the motel, each wondering what was in store for them when they arrived. After a short journey, Adam pulled to a stop before room number five.

Back in the room, Katelyn announced she was going to study for a while before bed and opened her notebook on the small table, across from Adam's laptop.

Adam excused himself to use the bathroom, and while relieving himself, spotted the pearly white glow from the little item of clothing Katelyn had left earlier in the evening. He picked up the soft panties, and found them damp, still sweat-soaked from the soccer game, he surmised. Without hesitation, he stretched them out across his palm, marveling at the dainty style. He then lifted the gusset to his nose, and instantly a tremor shook his body while every hair immediately stood on end. Between his legs, his cock throbbed.

While he had heard the term 'panty sniffer' used derogatorily in the past, Adam didn't feel perverted for doing it. In fact, if given the opportunity, he would gladly sniff Kate's undies again in a heartbeat. As he breathed in, he couldn't help but think about spreading her long legs to smell and taste them from the source.

Adam ached to rub himself off, his cock was crying out for relief, but he just couldn't at the moment. After one last sniff, he reluctantly placed them back on the floor where he found them, and then waited for the swelling in his groin to abate.

Katelyn realized her dad was taking a while in the bathroom, and hoped he had found her little gift. The thought of him touching her panties, possibly smelling them, and perhaps even using them to jerk off, was wondrous. She couldn't help but wiggle in her seat just thinking about it.

When Adam exited the bathroom, Katelyn noticed his cheeks were a tad flush, and guessed he may indeed have been naughty. She felt her nipples tighten and her clit throb at the very idea, knowing the little thong she currently wore was itself getting quite damp and likely fragrant.

Adam took a seat across from his daughter, and attempted to complete his sales call notes, which again proved difficult. Katelyn was humming as she did her work, and occasionally rocked her body side to side in rhythm to the song in her head. Months ago, he would have thought it cute, but now found it amazingly sexy.