The Way of War Pt. 05

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Sequel to The Tides of War.
3.7k words

Part 5 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/02/2018
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Chapter 14

Two days later, Shaun had a message from reception. A Miss Silverman would be at the hotel that evening at eight and wondered if he would join her for a drink.

She was wearing a yellow summer dress with a cardigan hanging on her shoulders when she walked through the doors. Happy to see her again, he led her to a table in the corner of the bar and ordered vodka and tonics for both of them.

He sat still, lighting a cigarette as he waited for her to speak. He could see she was wrestling with what she had to say.

Finally she spoke, "Shaun, I know you must be wondering why I wanted to see you tonight, especially after what I said the last time we met." She took a deep breath before continuing, "You see, I work for my father in his office, so I'm aware of what he has in mind for you and the others. I know the missions you may have to carry out will be extremely dangerous. Shaun, I couldn't go through the heartache I went through with Peter's death again. That's why I said what I said. It would be very easy for me to fall in love with you, but I know I mustn't."

Shaun just looked at her for a few seconds before replying. "Sharon, I know I am in love with you, and I've never said that to any girl before. Death is always on the cards during a war, it comes with the territory. But we can't keep thinking about it, otherwise we would have no future to think of, and I would like to have a future with you Sharon."

Her face crumbled, "Shaun, you are making this difficult for me. I'm desperately trying not to become involved."

He reached over and took her hand, "Sharon, you became involved when you kissed me."

A tear formed in her eye as she squeezed his hand, "I know I did... I was foolish. I have to leave in a moment, I'm meeting Daddy for dinner." She rose up from her chair gathering her handbag.

He walked around the table and took her in his arms and kissed her, he held it for a moment before breaking the contact. She stood there with her eyes closed as a shiver passed through her, "I think it's too late for the both of us," he murmured softly.

She looked at him and gave a little nod. He followed her outside and kissed her again as her taxi arrived.

Chapter 15

Bobby was in the lounge chatting to some infantry officers when he returned inside the hotel.

He beckoned Shaun over to join them and quickly introduced them. They both had dressings on their arms or legs. It seemed they had been wounded and shipped back to the hospital, but due to the numbers arriving for treatment, they had been assigned to stay here at the hotel and report to the hospital to have their dressings changed.

"These chaps were saying we have pushed the enemy back all along the front and that they're in full retreat."

Shaun nodded at the information, "But I wonder what Rommel intends to do about it, he normally has a trick up his sleeve."

They all sat down and Bobby ordered drinks. It seemed that according to the officers, it had not all been smooth sailing for the Allies. "Their 88mm guns are murder on our tanks, our chaps can't get to them with the guns they have. They have to wait for artillery support or the RAF to clean them out."

They talked for a further half hour before leaving. Bobby told him Tim and Bill were out on a date, it seemed Carol, Bobby's girl, was on duty that night. "I'll see her tomorrow night to say goodbye, and then it's back to the bloody sand-fly. How about you Shaun, how's it working out with you and Sharon?"

Shaun hesitated, "It's early days yet Bobby." He said in a noncommittal voice.

After dinner, he went upstairs and began to pack his valise and have an early night.

As he was leaving the dining room after breakfast, a lobby boy waylaid him with a message. It was from Sharon, she wanted him to ring her at the number she had given.

"Second Officer Silverman, how can I help you?" The voice at the end of the telephone answered. "Hello Sharon, I'm returning your message, it's Shaun..."

There was a moment's hesitation, "Hello Shaun, I...I wondered, as it's your last night of leave, if you would like to have dinner with me at the flat?

"What are you cooking?" he asked in a jocular voice.

"I thought pasta, but if you would like something else..?"

"I love pasta, especially when the chief is a raven haired beauty," He could hear her chuckling on the other end of the line.

"Pasta it is then, say 8:30? I'm on duty until 6:30."

"Sounds just fine, I'll bring the wine, until 8:30 then." He heard the connection switch off.


The door to the flat was open as he stepped out of the lift. On entering the lounge, he noticed her uniform coat thrown over an armchair along with her hat and handbag.

"Make a drink, I'll have one too," A voice cried out from the kitchen, "I didn't get away until 7:30 so I'm running very late... sorry."

He poured out the drinks and took hers into the kitchen. She was in the process of putting the pasta into a steaming sauce pan, alongside other pans that were on the stove. The heat in the kitchen hit him as you walked in. Sharon was still in her uniform skirt and blouse, her hair still in a rigid bun, though a few strands had escaped and were falling across her face. Perspiration covered her forehead.

"Don't look at me Shaun, I look a mess... I wanted so much to be ready for you tonight. This bloody war."

He gently took her into his arms, moving the strands of hair away from her face. "You look stunning," he whispered and gently kissed her. "Now, is there anything I can do to help? I have a boy scout badge that says I can cook."

She looked at him, "Well you can keep an eye on the sauce, stir it now and again but don't let it boil. I'll go and have a shower and be back in thirty minutes."

Shaun opened the window to let the steam out, keeping an eye on the cooking.

She was back in twenty-five minutes wearing a black skirt with a white blouse, her hair brushed out and hanging behind her back. "I've put out the cutlery and odds and sods, can you lay the table please."

He grinned "Yes Marm."

They ate by candle light, her eyes reflecting the candles glow, "How's the pasta?"

"I've cleared my plate, does that give you a clue?" he smiled.

"I'll bring in the coffee," she said, rising and moving into the kitchen.

"I understand that 'Crusader' is going well," he called after her.

"Dad thinks a little too well," she replied.

He waited till she had poured out the coffee and sat down again before asking. "Why did he say that?"

"For every mile they retreat brings them a mile closer for resupply. For every mile we advance, takes us a mile further from resupply. Hitler is sending in reinforcements on a vast scale through Benghazi and the Italians are reinforcing their army. That's what the intercepts seem to be saying."

Shaun shrugged his shoulders, "Well, people above my pay scale make the decisions."

She nodded and smiled, "Can you pour out the brandy? We can have it on the couch."

She'd kicked off her shoes and sat with her legs tucked in beneath her. He joined her and handed her a brandy balloon.

"Shaun, I wanted to see you tonight before you went back in the line. We have to talk about us. Neither of us know what the future will bring, or if our feelings will change."

He put his arm around her gently, pulling her over to him. With his other hand he gently raised her head to look at him. "Sharon, I don't worry about the future, that's Gods business, I only think about the here and now. I love you, I didn't ask for it, it happened and I have to try and live with it. I know what your fears are, but I can wait until you can master them. I'm not here for a quick lay and then back to the front. I'm here for the long haul."

Her eyes filled with suppressed tears, "I do love you, Shaun, I didn't want to but it's happened."

He kissed her, her arms wound around his neck, pulling his head harder to hers. When he broke the kiss he saw her eyes were closed. He kissed her long neck, moving down to the hollow of her shoulder, feeling a shiver pass through her. His hand dropped to her breast, she was not wearing a bra under the blouse. He could feel the hardness of her nipple as his finger gently traced around it. A moan escaped her lips.

With a supreme effort, he removed his hand and used it to lift her face, "I want to make love to you, but I'm not going to until you're sure."

She looked into his eyes, "Darling you could have, but thank you for not doing so. You are very patient with me and I swear I'll make it up to you."

He climbed to his feet, "I'm going now. I have no idea when I'll get more leave, but will you write to me?"

"Of course," she said as she followed him to the door, then kissed him soundly, pressing her body close to his. "Be careful darling... please," she whispered through her tears.

Outside he lit a cigarette, drawing the smoke deep into his lungs. It had been a close thing. He knew he had wanted to make love to her, but some instinct had warned him now was not the time.

Chapter 16

It was a slow trip back to the base. Traffic going to the front slowed their progress, whilst ambulances and tank recovery vehicles with damaged tanks filled the other lane returning to Alexander.

Eventually they pulled up at the base, Ted Frazer was there to welcome them with a crown on his shoulder lapel.

He smiled as they spilled out of the Ford, "Welcome home chaps, I trust you all had a good leave." He indicated for them to follow him into the command tent. Once they were all in he began. "I believe you have all seen Captain Silverman and have expressed a desire to sign up for his unit. It remains to be seen if the rest of the patrol will feel the same. I intend to put it to those men tomorrow after breakfast, their answer will determine on our next move. Needless to say I have been roped in as well," he said with a grin.

"I believe congratulations are in order," Bobby said, followed by a few here, here's from the others.

Ted smiled self-consciously, "Thanks chaps."


That night Shaun dreamt of Sharon, she seemed to fill his thoughts as of late.

Ted had his meeting with the rest of the patrol after breakfast, Shaun was not surprised at the result. All volunteered to a man.

Ted left for Cairo the following day, with instructions that Shaun was in charge until he returned.

It was late evening on the next day that he returned, his brief case bulging.

They found out the results of his meeting the following morning. His desk had been cleared and a large scale map lay on it.

"My meeting with Captain Silverman was very interesting. We are now to be called Patrol Z, we officially will still be LRDG but come under the orders of Captain Silverman.

We are going to move the base back East to Subaya Oasis, its further south and off the Bedouin camel routes." He paused to show the location on the map.

"Only the patrol members plus my command staff will be moving, 32 in all. Our supplies and rations will be issued through Captain Silverman. Over the next few months we are going to be re-equipped, with what, I have no idea as yet. It's paramount that no mention of this unit should be divulged outside of our base. As far as the outside world is concerned we are carrying out normal LRDG missions. We begin moving tomorrow, you'll let your men know to start packing. That will be all for the time being gentlemen."

Shaun rounded up his section and informed them of the move, all their personnel effects were to be loaded on Sue. The tents and sleeping cots would be going in the three tonner. Titch asked about the spares he had for Sue. "Try to get as much as you can on to Sue, anything left over will have to go in the three tonner." He left Jack in charge of organizing it.

He walked over to the operations tent to check the map. Subaya Oasis was well off the beaten track he realised. South of Alexandra, and about a hundred miles from Cairo. There was a track they could use to reach it, which would keep them off the coast road.

"Checking the route?" A voice asked.

He turned round, it was Ted. Shaun nodded, "I presume we will be using this track?" he pointing to it.

"That's right, we have to keep a very low profile until we are set up there."

"But why so far back east?" Shaun puzzled, "Operation Crusader seems to be going very well, they'll soon be able to relieve Tobruk at their current rate of advance."

"Silverman is of the opinion that we are extending our supply line too far and too fast, and without sufficient stock pile to back up the advance. From intelligence that his department has acquired, Hitler is reinforcing Rommel with troops and equipment as well as Italian troops and equipment. The Luftwaffe has been beefed up with squadrons from Crete. He seems to think that Rommel will wait until we are too extended, and then attack. If he is right, our only defence line is at El Alamein were the Qattara Depression guards our Southern flank, and that's only ninety miles from Alex."

Shaun walked away disturbed with Ted's assessment.

Chapter 17

They moved out at eight in the morning following the faint camel track, at times having to stop to free either the three tonner or one of the 30 cwt. It was slow going under the burning sun. But at last in the late afternoon they arrived at the Oasis set in a depression. About a dozen date palms ringed a pool roughly nine feet in diameter.

It was almost sunset before the tents were erected and camouflage nets placed over them. Cookie and Bobby's cook started to make a meal, whilst Jack got the Benghazi burner going for a much needed brew.

Shaun was busy setting up the contents of his tent, when Ted called in.

"I've just heard from Silverman's office, we can expect a supply wagon tomorrow, let's hope it's something good." He said with a smile.

"I just hope it's something better than bullied beef," Shaun replied.

As they ate their meal, Sammy remarked that the sand flies had not caught up with them yet. "Give them time laddie, they'll get here soon enough," Jack growled

Shaun had a good night's sleep, exhausted from the journey and getting the base organised.

The next morning they put the finishing touch to the base. Jack organised a rope winch so that a man could climb to the top of the largest palm tree to keep watch. Titch made up a pump that was placed in the pool to supply water to the cook house and to a makeshift shower. He glowed with pleasure from the gratitude of the men.

Just before noon the lookout warned that a truck was heading their way. The men gathered up their weapons to be on the safe side.

It turned out to be a Royal Naval three tonner driven by a sailor. He hoped down and presented himself to Ted with a smart salute, and handed over an envelope. Whilst the men unloaded the truck Ted disappeared into his tent with the letter.

Later he gathered the Officers together, "I've been informed by Captain Silverman that he wants us all to report to him on Saturday at 10am, Bookings have been made for us at the Nile Palace Hotel, we can book in on Friday, and we leave on Sunday morning." Wide smiles appeared on their faces at the news. "Also," Ted continued, "Sargent Blake is promoted to Staff Sargent effective immediately, I'll let you inform him Shaun."

Shaun informed Sargent Blake, "It's not before time," he said smiling.

Shaun had not received any mail, either from home or Sharon, but then nobody else had either. He put it down to their change of command and knew it would catch up with them eventually.

He packed his valise knowing it would be an early start to reach Cairo. He wondered if he would see Sharon, hoping that he would.

The five of them managed to squeeze into the Ford, Ted drove. When they reached the Coast Road they were surprised at the amount of traffic returning to Alexandra and Cairo, mainly ambulances and tank recovery trucks carrying damaged tanks.

"It looks like it's not all plain sailing for the lads at the front," Ted murmured as they passed another recovery vehicle.

"I hate to say it," Bobby replied, "but Gerry has some equipment that's better than ours. Their 88mm flack guns have turned out to be deadly antitank guns."

"I heard that they're mounting those on their tanks now, God help the 7th Armour if they do," Tim replied.

They lapsed into silence as they continued their journey.

At the Hotel they climbed out stiffly from the cramped car, stretching their limbs. Porters hurried out to collect their luggage. After booking in they were shown to their rooms.

Shaun undressed and made his way into the bathroom turning on the shower, he stood under it letting the hot water soak away aches of his body. After dressing he called for an outside line connecting through to Sharon office.

He listened to her voice announce herself, "Hello Sharon, it's Shaun. I'm in Cairo at the Nile Palace." He heard her gasp at the other end of the phone line. "Shaun, oh god it's wonderful to hear from you, how long are you staying?"

"We return on Sunday morning, we have a meeting with your dad tomorrow. I was hoping to see you if we can make it between our schedules."

"I'll go home at the end of my duty and change, and meet you at the hotel. What room are you in?"

He told her. She said she would come up when she got there, and then broke the connection.

He glanced at his watch, 5:45, she should get off at 6:30. By the time she had returned home to the flat and changed she should be here at 8 he reasoned. He rang down to reception and ordered a bottle of Champagne and two glasses to be delivered at 7:50.

The waiter delivered the Champagne in an ice bucket along with the glasses. He placed them on the coffee table as Shaun tipped him.

Shaun was pacing up and down the room in a mixture of anticipation and doubt. 'Would she come? Had they extended her duty?' These and other thoughts flashed through his mind.

Then at 8:10 the doorbell rang. He flung the door open, and there she was standing in the doorway. They just looked at each other for a few seconds, and then she was in his arms.

He managed to shut the door and led her to the coffee table. She was in the white summer dress her eyes sparkling as she sat down on the couch.

"I've missed you" she purred, "The streets were filled with traffic, that's why I was late."

"You're here now that's all that matters," he replied as he uncorked the Champagne, then poured it out handing her a glass.

She looked at him as he sat down opposite her, "Shaun you do realise that this is only the fifth time we have seen each other, how can something like this happen so fast?"

He chuckled, "I can only speak for me, but I was attracted to you from the moment I saw you."

She smiled, "Ditto."

He changed the subject, "Have you eaten?"

She shook her head.

"No problem, we can eat here in the hotel," he smiled.

They had chicken salads and he had ordered her favourite dry white wine. They sat drinking their coffee while glancing at each other in a shy manner, "I feel like a school girl on her first date," Sharon at last whispered to him.

"Sharon, what's going to happen with us?" he asked.

Her face grew serious, "We hardly know each other, Shaun. I know I have strong feelings for you, I guess it's love, but it's all been so sudden. I've not had these feelings since Peter... and it scares me."

He reached over and took her hand, looking into her eyes, "Darling I know how this could scare you, what we feel for one another. But I won't rush you into anything. Let's just give it time. My feelings toward you will not change."

"Oh Shaun, you are so patient with me. I know I'm a selfish cow to keep you hanging on. When I'm with you I just want to be in your arms. But then I remember Peter and the heartache of his death."