The Wedding Meadow


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More pictures at the dinner, with the cake, throwing the garter and bouquet, and the obligatory dances. Even on the dirt and grass, Witch was a smooth dancer with her arms around my shoulders. I hoped there was enough space between us that she wouldn't notice the bulge. She didn't smell even remotely like I'd imagine a witch would smell.

Then we were free to change back into something more comfortable. All except Brian and Cathy; they had to stay in their wedding clothes up until the very end. I'd changed into a pair of shorts and Witch had as well. It was hot outside!

Some of Brian and Cathy's friends had stuck around until later in the evening and we sat around the bonfire again. I wasn't looking forward to going to bed and spending another night freezing in the refrigerator of our tent. Witch had pretty much reverted to her loathing of my very existence. I thought it was almost funny, all over a simple misunderstanding. Surely, she knew by then that I hadn't tried to trip her in the airport terminal.

I don't think she was particularly looking forward to bedtime and freezing again, either. We stayed around the campfire quite a bit later. Everyone else had left as they had a long way to drive back home and I was sure Brian and Cathy were anxious to enjoy their wedding night. We'd both mentioned that it was cold at night, so before they went to bed, Brian suggested, "You know, if you zip the bags together, it'd be a lot warmer."

Yeah, right. As if that was going to happen! At least I thought not, until, after everyone else had gone to bed, Witch said, "It was so cold last night!" She looked at me, asking, "Think we could? Would it be too weird?"

Weird? Yeah, most definitely! Too weird? That's an entirely 'nother question. I couldn't help but remember shivering in the cold all night. "Guess we could try it," I told her.

Together, we went to the tent, took the bags apart and spread hers out on the bottom, then mine on top and zipped them together. It didn't look any warmer. But, hopefully...

I waited outside, sitting by myself at the fire, while Witch climbed in. I couldn't help but think about Brian and Cathy in their trailer, not only in the warm, but 'in the warm' in more ways than one. I expected they were already enjoying themselves, the culmination of their day.

Finally, Witch called out that she was ready. I went inside and, like last night, she was snuggled off to one side, her face to the tent, and I undressed down to my shorts. I pulled the covers open just a little and climbed in, feeling bare skin against mine.

I jerked away, then scrambled out of the bag, "What the hell," I screeched, "You're naked!"

She acted indignant, SHE did! "Of course I am. I always sleep naked."

"In OUR sleeping bag! I thought you were cold!" I was still screeching. Didn't even think about Brian and Cathy hearing the commotion emanating from our tent.

Witch just looked up at me with those baby-doe eyes, like it was the most natural thing in the world, "It's the only way I can sleep. You can sleep on top the covers if you want."

On top! Hell, I froze inside last night. I grumbled a little more and climbed back inside, trying a little harder to keep distance between us. Last thing I needed was for Witch to discover how damned hard my schlong was.

I rolled over, my back to her and felt her scoot over so her butt, back and legs were up against mine. "Only way to keep warm," she explained.

Yeah, warm in more ways than one! I'd almost rather be cold and shivering.

I lay there, this gorgeous, naked, twenty-year-old she-devil snuggled up against my back, trying to go to sleep. No way in hell! I thought about how she'd felt with my arms around her earlier in the day, that silk dress, dancing with her, and almost forgot she was a witch. Almost. I was pretty damn sure she was torturing me on purpose. God, I was horny. Naked! Hell!

After the little bit of sleep the night before, I did finally doze off, still feeling the warmth from her body all through me. Sometime later during the night, I woke up again. This time, Witch had rolled over, her arm across my chest, bare breasts pressed against me, a leg thrown over mine and her face snuggled in the crook of my neck. I couldn't move. I didn't dare. She was breathing deep and slow, obviously asleep.

Any movement on my part and I'd be pulling her over on top of me, pulling her lips to mine, witch or no witch! She was a devil-woman in disguise; a black widow ready to devour me if I moved even a single muscle. If I'd thought my dick was hard before, I was severely mistaken. She made a small wriggle, squeezing a little tighter to me. Maybe she was just subconsciously cold and looking for warmth. But, God, a man can only take so much! I thought back to the last time I'd been with a woman, trying to remember when it had been; over three months before, a few days before my girlfriend broke up with me. We'd had an active, very energetic sex-life. Then nothing, for three-plus, long months! Even she hadn't smelled sweet and feminine like this witch in the sleeping bag with me!

Her leg was spread out, over mine. I couldn't feel any hair on her pussy. Of course that part of her was against my shorts... pressing against my hard-as-rock dick, nothing separating her from me except the stretched-out fabric of my Buck Naked underwear. Damn good thing I'd thought to button the one, lonely button on the fly. It was the only thing averting naked cock against naked pussy. And it was the only clothes I was wearing. It was more than Witch was wearing.

We lay like that for hours, Witch sleeping, me suffering. If I had thought the cold was uncomfortable, the warmth of her body was a thousand times worse. She occasionally squirmed in her sleep, rubbing her body against me, every tiny movement a torment to control my raging libido.

I think it was the biggest relief I'd ever felt in my life when I started to see some daylight begin to penetrate the tent. Except that it got light early; between four and five AM. I didn't know exactly because the morning before I hadn't looked at my watch when the frozen me saw the first daylight poking through. I knew, though, that there were still several hours before getting-up-time.

She'd wiggled around so that her lips were no more than an inch from mine. I could feel her warm breath against my cheek. I knew that if I moved my head and closed that inch, she'd hate me forever for taking advantage. Well, she hated me anyway, but still...

When I finally did feel her start to awake, I closed my eyes and began breathing deeply, like I was asleep. I wished I could see her as she realized what she'd done during the night, how she'd wrapped her body around mine. And hopefully, she'd just accept my hard-on as normal male morning-wood.

I feigned sleep until she dressed and left the tent, then waited another half-hour or so before beginning to move and get dressed, so she wouldn't think she'd awakened me.

I had nicknamed this woman 'Witch'. I needed something much harsher, more realistic. She had tortured me way beyond my ability to resist. I had, though, and was somewhat proud of myself for that. Not that it made it any easier.

I dressed, then climbed through the tent door, rubbing my eyes like I'd just awakened. Witch was sitting on a camp-chair so I asked her, "Sleep better? Boy, I did, like a log, didn't feel a thing all night. So much warmer." Hopefully, I was convincing.

She nodded, "I did, putting the bags together helped." That was it. No embarrassment, no acknowledgment how she'd spent the night snuggled up to me, no nothing. At least she spoke to me without venom in her voice, that was an improvement.

"What time's your plane leave?" Brian asked me. I looked at my watch, it was eight-fifteen. "Noon, God, we gotta hurry." It was a little over a three-hour drive getting up here, except we had stopped a couple times.

Witch jumped up, too, "Just like a damned man to oversleep and try and make us miss our flight!" It wasn't said with humor, either. Back to spite. That didn't take long.

I thought seriously about asking her why she hadn't brought her broom to fly home on!

We both threw what little things we had in our bags and in the back of the pickup. There wasn't any time for breakfast. Hungry, tired, still horny; it was going to be a long day, still with the witch.

At least we didn't have seats next to each other on the flight back to Seattle. She didn't have to pretend to be friendly, not that she would have in any case. And I didn't have to smell her perfume, remember last night, her lips so close to mine, her tits. God, I was in a bad way!

There was no goodbye at the Seattle airport. Witch went to her car and I went to mine. It was a long drive back to Sammamish, remembering her pussy pressed against my cock, her tits pressed against my chest. Never to see her again. Good!

I heard from Brian at the end of the following week. He and Cathy had taken their honeymoon right there, spending another week in paradise. I'd never realized how enjoyable a camping trip could be... except for the witch, of course!

Two weeks later, I finally remembered the dirty clothes in my bag from the wedding. I thought I felt something in the pocket of my good shirt as I was putting it in the washer. It turned out to be an earring, an expensive-looking one, diamond. At least it looked like it; sure didn't look like the costume jewelry I'd so often bought for Rachel, the girl who'd broken up with me. Maybe that was why - costume jewelry for gifts.

It had to be Witch's. I groaned, knowing I had to return it to her. I had no idea where she lived or even her full name. And the last thing I wanted was to see her again. All I knew was Sabrina and it must be in the Seattle area somewhere, since we flew in and out together. I called Brian, explaining, "Hey bud, I found Wi..." caught myself just in time, "Sabrina's earring in a pocket. You got her address or phone number?" He laughed, wondering how the hell her earring might have gotten in my pocket. I think he thought there was something nefarious going on. If only he knew! But we'd both tried to hide the scorn, at least somewhat.

Anyway, he said he didn't, that she was Cathy's friend but he'd find out from her and text me the information.

It was the next day when I got the text; Sabrina Stevenson, Kingston, and a cell phone number. It's only forty miles, but across the Puget Sound so there was a ferry trip to get there. I called her that evening; she was thrilled, thinking she'd lost one of her expensive earrings that her parents had given her. Hell, she was even friendly! That was an improvement. She wanted to meet me, but I told her I'd be happy to bring it to her Saturday. "I'll be home," she answered.

The rest of the week I was nervous about meeting her on her turf. I didn't know whether to look forward to it or fear it. At least she didn't sound like she would be accusing me of trying to steal it. From our last parting, I wouldn't have been surprised.

Saturday morning, I drove to Edmonds, where the ferry crosses to Kingston and waited with my car in line to get on the next ferry. At least I hoped the next one. It looked like at least a thousand cars lined up in front of me; row after row. I thought I was in the part of the parking that would get on the ferry, but since I hadn't ever crossed there, I wasn't certain.

I checked my pocket once again, to make sure I had the earring. Would have been just my luck to get there and not have the damned thing.

My car and I got on the ferry and two hours later, drove back off. I had Witch's address in my car's navigation system, another fifteen minutes. I realized I REALLY needed to get that terminology out of my head, her name is Sabrina, not Witch. Even if she is a witch.

I found the house, a duplex on the oceanfront. What a view she must have out the back of her house. I knocked on the door and she answered, wearing a loose pair of running shorts, leaving those legs, the one that spent the night thrown over my body, totally exposed. If only... I thought.

She invited me in and I handed her the earring. She smiled and showed me the matching one, explaining that they were an eighteen-year birthday gift from her parents. Strange, she didn't seem at all like a witch.

"You like to see the house?" she asked me.

"Sure, love to." Can you say 'Apprehensive'?

There's a deck at the back of her house, overlooking the Sound. We stepped out on it, "Beautiful view," I told her.

She looked at me, got a completely 'non-evil' grin on her face and closed the distance between us, pressing her lips against mine, then her tongue pressing mine apart and invading my mouth. We kissed like that, pulling closer and closer together, more and more heated.

Until she finally broke away, breathing hard, and whispered, "I wanted you to do that that night, but you ignored me. I know you were awake. You rejected me. Why?"

I groaned, remembering the torment of that night, "I thought... thought you were asleep. Didn't want to take advantage of hated me... wanted you... so bad!" and couldn't stand it any longer, pressing our lips back together again.

She pulled apart again, taking my hand and leading me into her bedroom. "I didn't trip you, you know," I told her.

She laughed, "I know, I was just embarrassed at my clumsiness," then she added, "and besides, I'd just come off a pretty lousy relationship, and pretty much all men were... "

"Assholes?" I asked her, remembering her exact one and only word to me when I'd tried to 'make nice' on the plane.

She grinned, obviously remembering the same thing, "Yeah, exactly. Assholes!"

So she put us through that whole nightmare scenario of a wedding weekend because some jerkwad had been a shithead to her.

Witch, I guess she wasn't, (well, maybe just a little) but by then it was habit, started to unbutton her blouse. I watched as she let it fall open, revealing a sheer, satin bra. "Take it off me?" she asked. I stepped a little closer and reached around her, pressing my lips to hers again, and unsnapped the bra strap behind her. She pulled back and let it fall off her. I'd felt those breasts pressing against me all night, but this was my first view of the topless girl. Of course, that bikini was pretty damned close, but close is a long way from bare. God, she was beautiful!

She stood, pushing her running shorts down, nothing on underneath them, either. Whether or not she was that night, I'll probably never know for certain, but the woman before me was totally bare... and now totally naked. God! Four. Freakin'. Months. It had been.

I was speechless, unable to move. This I hadn't expected, returning that earring. But she wasn't an apparition before me, she was a real, living, gorgeous, sexy woman!

"You know, I thought of you as 'witch', the whole time."

She giggled, didn't say anything, just stepped forward, kissed me again and unsnapped my jeans, then pushed my t-shirt up over my head. My pants fell to the floor, she pushed down my 'Buck Nakeds' then pulled me down on top of her on her bed.

"Make love with me, Devon, I want you!"

She had tortured me for hours that night. I wasn't about to give her what she wanted... at least not right away. I wrapped my lips around her left nipple and sucked it in, my fingers rubbed the lips of her pussy and she groaned. Her lips were baby-smooth and my fingers slipped inside her.

Sabrina was openly moaning and so was I, until she covered my lips with hers to muffle the noises. I could be muffled like that anytime! Her kiss was almost frantic, trying to consume my lips, until my fingers pressed deep inside her and she pulled back with a loud moan. "Please, Devon, please, I want you inside me!"

I couldn't hold back a second longer, either. I pressed my cock to her wet, slippery pussy and pushed inside her, both of us groaning anew. Her legs wrapped around me and her pussy contracted, squeezing me.

I'd like to say that we made love like that for the next half hour before I came inside her. But I'd be lying. It had been four months by then since I'd been with a woman and this particular woman was the sexiest I'd ever been with, no competition. It was only three or four thrusts until the cum started rising inside me, then ejaculating into her. I hadn't even thought about a condom or the possibility of pregnancy. We were way beyond that. There was no stopping my hard, deep thrusts as my cum exploded into her.

My body stiffened, Witch's body was shuddering and she orgasmed along with me, her screams still sounding in my ears. There would be no 'costume jewelry' gifts for this woman!

We made love off and on the rest of the night, experimenting, discovering how much we enjoyed each other; Witch pressed over the back of her couch, legs spread wide; then me sitting in an armless chair, Witch sitting on me with my dick inside her cunt and her tit in my mouth.

Later, after we'd gone back to her bed, she laughed again when I called her 'Witch'.

The following June, there was a second wedding in 'Wedding Meadow'.

If it hadn't been for that earring. I wonder...?

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OvercriticalOvercriticalover 1 year ago

As I've said before there's nothing wrong with a little make-believe in the Literotica Fantasyland, but this was just plain silly. Two very immature young people "find love" in a sleeping bag and get married after a courtship that borders on the idiotic. 3* for tying, but it's probably worth a lot less.

Asterix42Asterix42almost 3 years ago

Great little story, thanks Robert. First read it years ago. Just ‘rediscovered’ it!

lbeachamlbeachamalmost 3 years ago

Men don't cry. I told my wife I had something in my eyes when she walked in on me as I had just finished the story.

lovedefactolovedefactoover 3 years ago
Beautiful change of pace!

Story is a nicely setup "love" story. Didn't think we'd get there but we did!

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
Cute story with a steamy ending

'Nuff said. *****

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