The Weekend Getaway Ch. 08

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A different kind of test drive.
3.4k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 03/29/2010
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Ken called Brianna the next day and told her that Kathy had come by last night and agreed to buy the house. He purposely did not tell her about the encounter that happened on her arrival. Ken couldn't see what good it would do for him to tell her about the incident, and it might only make things worse. And right now he needed things to go as smoothly as possible so that he could once again be with Brianna.

"Hey Bri, why don't you come down this weekend and let's go car shopping? I spoke with the agent this morning and they have decided to total the car. He said that the insurance company would pay for the rental car for the rest of the week. So I need to get me a car by Saturday. Since you will be riding in it too, I want to have your input on what I do pick out."

"Ken, I would love to come down there. I haven't been shopping for a car in a long time. The last one I bought was with Paul, and that was quite some time ago. I will drive down after work this Friday and then we can get up early on Saturday morning and start looking. Do you know what kind of car you are thinking about getting yet?"

"Well, since we like to take trips I was thinking about getting a new Lincoln Town Car. That way we can be comfortable on long trips, and have plenty of room for our belongings. I do not like SUV's, and the Lincoln will ride smoother than any SUV anyway."

"Sounds like a plan to me then. I'll see you Friday night. And Ken, don't forget, I love you, and I want you to be with me soon."

"Brianna, I love you too. I will see you Friday night."

They each hung up their phones and smiled at the thought of being together once again in each others arms.

Ken told his boss that he was giving a two week notice and the reason why. The boss thanked him for giving the notice, and told him that if it didn't work out, that Ken always had a job waiting for him at the company. Ken thanked him and went back to doing his job the rest of the week.

Brianna got up Friday morning and packed her suitcase before she left for work. She planned to leave from work and drive straight down to Ken's house. She loaded the suitcase in the car and drove to work. Time seemed to fly by as Craig had her doing a lot of typing and filing of reports that the IRS required of their company. Finally it was quitting time and Brianna got in her car and started on the trip. She realized that it would soon be Christmas and that she should start getting all of the decorations out. She would wait until Thanksgiving weekend to start decorating. By the time Ken would be living there, and they could also go and pick out a fresh tree. She had an artificial one that Paul had brought home one year, but she decided it was time to put that one away and start out with a new one. And nothing smelled better than a newly cut tree.

It wasn't long until she pulled into the driveway of Ken's house and parked the car. As she was walking up the sidewalk, she noticed a few large boxes sitting on the porch just to the right side of the door. Brianna wondered what Ken would have ordered, but figured that it wasn't any of her business. Ken wasn't home yet, so she sat down on the porch swing, knowing that he should be home soon.

Ken pulled into the driveway shortly thereafter and smiled when he saw Brianna's car in the driveway and her in the swing that was on the porch. Brianna saw the car pull in and ran out to greet Ken. She threw her arms around him and gave him a big kiss. Ken returned the kiss and then Brianna turned around and they started on their way up to the porch.

"Brianna, are those your boxes by the door?"

"No, they have your name on them. Why? Didn't you order something?" Brianna asked.

"No, I really need to get rid of some of this stuff before I start packing. I certainly do not want to add to the pile."

Ken looked at the boxes and realized they were from Michelle. He opened one of the boxes and there were several sacks inside containing the items from their shopping trip in the mountains.

"Oh wow, I almost had forgotten about these things. She said they would send them, and she was true to her word." Ken opened up the rest of the boxes and they realized that all of their items were in good condition. Even the Coca-Cola sign was intact, and unscratched.

"I guess the shopkeeper really did do a bang up job, pardon the pun, at wrapping the sign" Brianna commented.

"Yes, I guess he did. I was truthfully kind of jealous that it would be at your house instead of hanging on one of my walls here at the house."

"Well Ken, let's take it inside and it can hang until we get ready to move all of your belongings."

"Oh wow" Ken replied. "I guess there really was one good thing that came out of having the car stolen and wrecked."

Brianna chuckled. "Yes, I guess you could say that."

Ken and Brianna picked up the packages and took them inside the house and put them in the corner of the living room. Ken went and got a nail and claw hammer from the tool shed and found the spot where he wanted to hang the sign. He drove in the nail and hung up the sign, then stepped back to inspect his work.

"I think that will be a perfect spot. Right over the TV so you can watch your shows and still glance up at your sign."

"Thanks Bri for letting me do this for now. It will soon be at your house where it will stay permanently."

"Not my house Ken. Our house. It will be where we both live, so from now on it is "our house".

"That is okay with me then."

That evening Ken and Brianna went out to eat at Ken's favorite Italian restaurant. The food was delicious and a violinist serenaded them while they ate. Then they returned back to the house, and after watching TV for a short while, they both went to bed and quickly to sleep.

Saturday morning Ken and Brianna awoke to a bright and sunny day. Ken and Brianna ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and then they each got dressed and ready to embark on their shopping adventure.

Their first stop was at the local Ford Lincoln Mercury dealership. Ken liked several models that they carried, and as he pulled in to the dealership Ken saw a blue Lincoln that caught his attention. He pulled over to the car and they both got out and went to look at the car. It was Lincoln Town Car Signature Limited. It was full of options, and the invoice said that it was a dark blue pearl paint color.

"Brianna, I love blue, and I've always wanted a Town Car. I want to take this one for a test drive right now."

The salesman approached where Ken was standing. "Okay, I heard that. How about I go get the keys and let's do just that. This car is a dream to drive, and I believe both of you would look perfect in it." The salesman walked back towards the dealership office.

"Boy, he sounds like a true salesman, doesn't he?" Brianna said as she watched him walk away.

"That he does. It doesn't matter to me. I am the kind of man that knows what he wants. And no salesman is going to persuade me in any different way."

"Well honey, you do want me don't you?" Brianna gave her sexy little smile as she spoke.

"In more ways than one sweetie" Ken replied.

As they continued to look the car over and read the list of features, the salesman came back with the keys and handed them to Ken. Ken came around to the passenger side and let Brianna in, then the salesman got into the back seat and Ken got in the drivers side and started the car.

"How much gas does the fuel gauge read?" the salesman asked.

"It is almost on empty I believe" Ken replied as he pulled onto the highway.

"If you will pull into the gas station just up the road on your right, I will pump some gas for you so that you can take it for a nice ride."

Ken pulled up to the pumps and the salesman got out of the car and went around to the pumps and starting filling the car up. Ken and Brianna stayed in the car and Ken looked around at the displays and dials so that he could get better acquainted with them. Just then the salesman returned the nozzle to the pump, and said he was going to go inside to pay for the gas. Ken nodded in acknowledgement and watched as the salesman walked toward the store. All of a sudden an idea hit him, and as the salesman was inside paying for the gas, Ken put the car in "D" and pulled out into the highway.

"Ken, what are you doing?" Brianna asked.

"I can't stand it when salesmen ride in the car on a test drive. We'll come back and pick him up when I'm done" Ken replied.

"Whatever then. You're the driver."

Ken drove on down the street and turned onto a four lane highway where the speed limit was 55 mph. Ken accelerated and before long the car was doing 70. The ride was smooth and he couldn't even tell that he was driving at a higher rate of speed. A few miles further up a small country road turned to the left that was tar and gravel. Ken turned onto the road and accelerated back to 55 and checked to see if there were any vibrations and if he could feel the bumpiness in the handling. Ken couldn't detect any problems in the ride or handling. Satisfied with that, he turned into a dirt driveway that led up through a patch of woods and opened up to a fairly large pond that was surrounded on the outskirts by more trees. He cut the ignition off and turned around in his seat to look at Brianna, who was looking at Ken quizzically.

"Well Bri, when I said that I wanted you in more ways than one, I meant it. I want you in my life with me always, but right now I want you."

And with that he leaned over to where she was sitting. Brianna moved closer to Ken and they started to kiss. He reached once again to her, and gently began to give her kisses on the neck, trailing around to find those soft lips that he had enjoyed many times before. He felt more than heard a moan escape from her lips and he let his hand reach for her neck and he slowly let it ease down the front of her blouse until he could feel her breasts beneath the fabric of her bra. He cupped her right breast in his hand and fondled it for awhile. Then he let his hand slide further down the blouse until he got to the skirt that she was wearing. He found the bottom edge of the fabric and lifted it up so that he could feel the elastic band of her panties. He let his hand continue to slide over them and felt a moist, warm spot that told him she was feeling exactly what he was. She reached down and took his hand in hers, and whispered in his ear "I want and need you now."

Ken told her to climb out and get in the backseat. Brianna didn't have to ask why. She knew what he wanted. Brianna unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped her bra and removed them both and laid them on the front passenger seat before she shut the door. The warmth of the sun on her breasts made her nipples rise as though they were yeast exposed to heat. As Brianna and Ken got into the backseat, they met in the middle of the seat and began to kiss once again. He leaned over and began to lick and kiss her nipples, and she felt them harden up and ache to be taken in by his mouth. Ken took turns with one breast, then the other, sucking and clenching her nipples softly between his teeth.

Brianna reached down and unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out from his underwear so that she could feel his warmth in her hands. As she did that, he also raised his hips and allowed her to slide both the pants and underwear down below his knees. Then she pushed him gently down on his back and she started kissing him so passionately while still stroking him tenderly. Then she found her way down to his manhood, and slowly, she licked him and ran her tongue around the tip before taking him in her mouth. She started an up and down motion slowly taking in a little more each time as she did.

Wow, what sensations was all Ken could think of the whole time while enjoying everything that she was doing. It wasn't long before she was able to take him completely in her mouth, almost hitting the back of her throat as she did. Brianna stopped for just a second and relaxed her throat and let him slide the rest of the way in her mouth and partially down her throat. She let her tongue slide up and down as she gently sucked on him. She could feel him getting bigger and bigger as she went, but she wanted to save the best for later, so she backed off, gently tonguing him as she did.

Ken sensed what Brianna was doing, and ever so gently he rolled her over on her back. Ken rolled her skirt up to her waistline, and pulled her panties down her legs and off of her feet, placing them on the floorboard. Then he started at her feet and gently let his tongue make a trail up to her hips and then he found her warm moist lips of her vagina, and he circled his tongue up and down them, letting his tongue fall deeper into the folds until he could feel that spot that he knew would soon bring her to a climax. He took her clitoris into his mouth between his teeth and sucked and lightly used his teeth to roll it around. It wasn't long until Brianna started to lift her hips for him, and she spread her legs wider to allow him easier access to her pleasure spot. Ken could feel her moving and hear her lightly moaning, reassuring him that he was on the right track. He kept it up, stopping only briefly sometimes to lick inside her folds to enjoy the juices which flowed like a fountain from the depths inside of her.

The rhythm of her hips moving started to increase as he continued to suck and tease her clitoris until he felt her shiver and then saw the gushing of her climax. He stopped what he was doing and started to lick up her juices, which were flowing freely.

When it seemed she was spent, he left her with a quick couple of licks, and brought himself up to her level to kiss her sweet lips. Her mouth hungered for him, and she savored his mouth, the warm inviting tongue, and the taste which she recognized as her own. Brianna wanted to feel Ken's cock in her pussy, so she grabbed Ken by his cock and guided it to where her pussy now ached. Ken began thrusting, letting his cock slip in and out of her at a gradually increasing pace. Brianna could feel Ken start to grow and knew that he was getting close to a climax when suddenly he let out a long moan as he shot his cum up inside of her. He continued the thrusting until he was sure he had emptied himself of all of his juices into her dripping pussy. Then he lay down in her arms and they kissed and nuzzled their faces against one another for a few moments.

"Well, I guess you could say we just christened this car didn't we?" Brianna asked.

"I guess you're right" Ken replied.

"Whatever gave you the idea? And how did you know about this place?" Brianna asked.

"Well, there were times in my life when I would come out here with some of my friends. We would bring a cooler of beer and sit around the edge of the pond and drink and tell stories and jokes. Sometimes when we arrived, there would be someone already parked here, and you could tell by the steamed up windows just what they were doing. Usually after they saw the vehicles pulling in, they would start their car and leave. I always wondered what it would be like to come up here with my girl and make out like they were doing. Now I know."

"Well, it was wonderful. I have never had sex in the backseat of a car, so it was a new experience to me. But it was a very wonderful one at that." Brianna said.

"I guess we should be headed back into town by now. The salesman is probably going nuts trying to figure out what to do next" Ken replied.

They both got out of the car and got dressed. As they got back into the car, Brianna leaned over to the driver's side and gave Ken a quick kiss on the cheek as he started up the car and began to back out onto the country road. They rode in silence, both of them smiling and grinning at each other. In just a few minutes Ken was pulling back into the gas station. Standing near the entrance to the store was the salesman. The facial expression that he wore told Ken and Brianna that he was not happy having been left there alone. But when the salesman saw the smiles on their faces, he relaxed a little bit and got into the back seat of the car.

"Sorry about that, but I can't stand having a third party along on a test drive" Ken told the salesman. "But you will be glad to know that if we can reach an agreement on the numbers, you have made what is probably your first sale today."

The salesman noticed a different odor when he got into the car. It was a kind of musty smell, one that he was sure he recognized, but couldn't place at the moment. "I'm glad to hear that. I was worried that you might be car thieves and that I was in a lot of trouble. But when I called back to the office, my sales manager said to give you a short while and see if you return. He thought that you had probably done as you said, and wanted some time alone. You should have told me first though, and I would have respected your wish."

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that" Ken replied as he pulled into the dealership. "Let's go inside and see what figures we can work up on this car then."

Everyone got out of the car and walked into the dealership. Within the hour Ken and Brianna walked back out to the Lincoln. Ken got into it, and Brianna got into the rental car and they both drove to the rental agency and returned the car. Then Brianna got into the Lincoln and she and Ken drove back to his house.

"Wow, what a morning that was. And this is such a beautiful car. I know that you will enjoy it Ken."

"No, we'll enjoy it Brianna. This started out as our car, with both of us in the back seat, and it will remain our car."

"Well, I look forward to having many more adventures in the car, and maybe some repeats of our first adventure too" Brianna said as they walked up the sidewalk and went into Ken's house.

"I am sure that there will be plenty of adventures that we both will enjoy" Ken replied as he turned to kiss her at the door.

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