The Werewolf's Sabbat


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* Bill Spencer pulled his keys from the ignition and sighed, happy to be home. He hadn't been expecting a half day at work, but who was he to argue. He opened the door to the three bedroom bungalow he shared with his wife and daughter. Shrugging his jacket off, he hung it on a hanger in the closet when he spotted his wife sitting on the sofa in the living room. "Hey there, babe. How'd your morning go?" He said closing the closet door.

Marie was surprised as she wasn't expecting him so early. "What are you doing home?" she asked nervously.

"They let us off early due to meetings in management, or some nonsense like that." Bill stepped up to his wife, wrapping her in his embrace and giving her a small peck on the lips. He noticed the timid look in her eyes and wondered if something had happened while he was gone. His brow drew together in worry. "Are you okay, baby?"

Marie took a deep breath and swallowed, trying to stop her hands from shaking. Here goes nothing she thought, looking down at the floor. "I went to the doctor this morning after taking Cindy to school." She looked up into his eyes to find them flicker with worry.

"Baby, are you okay? You didn't tell me you were feeling ill." He said, cupping her face in his hands.

"It's ok Billie; it was just a check-up."

He let out a relieved sigh, "Thank goodness. From the look on your face I thought you were going to tell me you had to have a leg amputated, or something." He leaned in and kissed her once more.

Marie took a step back, "There was one piece of bad news." She said trying to calm her now racing heart. "You see, you're going to have to relocate your home office. I know how much you like your own space when you're working, but I was thinking we could arrange it in a corner of the bedroom or something."

Bill cocked an eyebrow at her, "I'm confused. What does my office have to do with your visit to the doctor?"

"Well," she started slowly, blinking nervously, "when the doctor examined me, he found the strangest little growth right about here." She took his hand and placed it on her lower abdomen. She instinctively held her breath, waiting for the worse.

When he realized what his wife was implying, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he looked down to where his hand was. "You mean... we... we're..."

Marie slowly nodded her head in conformation. She wasn't expecting him to pick her up and she let out a yelp of surprise as he swung her around in circles, laughing.

"Oh my God Marie, we're having a baby!" He continued twirling her around until she was dizzy and then pressed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "You're going to have my baby. I can't believe it!"

Marie looked up at him, her eyes gleaming. "I was worried that you'd be upset." She said with tears in her eyes as relief washed over her.

He took her face in his hands again, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "Are you kidding me? How could I ever be upset with you, especially over something like this?" The look of pure adoration in his eyes was almost enough to make Marie's heart melt. "I love you so goddamn much, Marie. Nothing would make me happier than having another child with you. We have to find a way to celebrate."

Marie's sudden deep kiss took him by surprise. She smiled flirtatiously and brought her lips to his ear. "I know of a way we can celebrate." She whispered.

Cocking his eyebrow at her with a gleam in his eye he leaned in and growled his response in her ear knowing it sent shivers down her body. He breathed in her amazing sent. She was wearing the perfume he'd bought for her on her birthday. He didn't remember the name of it but the essence of jasmine did amazing things on her skin. He felt his erection begin to harden instantly, as she slowly trailed her hand down his chest and over his trim abdomen to the hardening bulge in his jeans. When she smiled and squeezed just a bit his breath caught in his throat for just a second. She let her tongue slide seductively along his earlobe. "We aren't due to pick Cindy up from school for another hour." She whispered. His voice suddenly husky with need, he sighed with mock resignation "Oh well, I guess if that's all the time we have right now then I will just have to make the most of it"

He knelt down and scooped her up in his arms the way he had the night of their wedding to carry her across the threshold. Marie smiled and giggled wrapping her arms around his neck. He carried her through the door and across the bedroom, sitting her gently on the edge of the bed. He pulled her shirt up along her arms and over her head before discarding it to the floor. The fact that she didn't have a bra on drove him wild and he leaned over to tenderly suck one of those perfect nipples into his mouth. She arched into him and ran her fingers through the back of his hair, silently begging for more. He finally released her nipple from his mouth, sliding his wet tongue slowly up her neck and finding her lips with his. She let out a tortured moan as he assaulted her mouth while his hand had its way with her other breast.

Bill stood up and started to take off his shirt and Marie reached out and swiftly unbuckled his belt. Once the button and zipper of his pants were unfastened, she slowly pulled them down to his knees, letting his erection spring free. She looked up at him to see his face flushed and his eyes filled with that look that turned her on so much; a look of pure animalistic lust.

Bill tilted his head to the side watching as Marie's little pink tongue darted out and traced small hot circles around the head of his manhood. He couldn't stop the groan that escaped him when she gently grabbed the base of his shaft, sliding her small hand slowly up and down its length, before sucking the entire tip into her hot little mouth. He swept the hair back from Marie's face and watched as his hard thick cock disappear into her mouth over and over again, he could feel his control shattering. This was just teasing, he had to have her.

Bill impatiently picked his wife up and lay her down in the center of the bed. His breathing growing ragged, he tugged at the button and zipper of her jeans before finally removing them and tossing them haphazardly behind him to the floor. He stood admiring his goddess of a wife, who was lying before him wearing nothing but a pair of barely there, pink lace panties. He had every intention of ripping the small piece of material from her but smiled as he thought better of it.

Marie wasn't sure that she had ever seen her husband this lustful before. That wild look in his eye both intimidated her and turned her on at the same time. She let out a squeak of surprise when he abruptly reached over, grabbed her by the hips and drug her to the very edge of the bed. She looked down at him to see a wicked grin cross his face before he lowered himself to his knees beside the bed. He raised her legs up and out beside her, opening her up as wide as he could. Keeping his gaze focused on hers, he slowly slid his hot tongue over her lace clad clit, forcing a moan from deep within her. She couldn't help but to lay her head back and close her eyes relishing the fire he was stoking within her. He continued lapping away at the cloth covering her little bud, teasing her relentlessly. She felt that familiar, knowing tension start to build in her belly and couldn't help the throaty moans escaping her. "God, Bill, please don't stop." She begged, bucking her hips against his mouth.

Bill loved the tangy taste of his wife. He wanted desperately to remove her panties that were presenting a barrier to heaven but wanted just as badly to watch her come. God, he loved watching her come. He continued his slow torture of her covered clit until he recognized the tell-tale signs of her impending climax. Only then did he carefully slide a finger under the lace, pulling it to the side, revealing his prize. His tongue met the bare flesh of her swollen clit and he gently sucked it into his mouth, hearing her cry out with her sudden climax. He thrust one thick finger into her center, feeling her muscles contract around his now soaked digit, slowly sliding it in and out imitating what he had every intention of doing to her just moments from now. Her body shuttered, unable to speak or move as the after shocks of her climax rippled through her body.

He stood between her still spread legs at the edge of the bed. Taking his erection in his hand he began sliding it teasingly up and down her wet hot slit. Just as he was getting ready to enter her he remembered Marie's news to him earlier. "Marie, are you sure about this? Are you sure it won't hurt anything?" He asked, his breathing ragged.

Marie looked up at him with half lidded eyes, still breathless. "God yes, I'm sure. I'm also sure that if you don't take me and fuck me right now, I'm going to lose my mind."

They groaned in unison as his thick cock drove deep into her tight wet sheath. Bill had waited too long and was too worked up to make it last. He hadn't intended to be so rough with her but he couldn't help it as he pounded every inch of himself into her ruthlessly. He tensed suddenly when he heard her scream out her second orgasm. The clenching of her muscles around his cock finally sent him over the edge and he growled his release, shooting his seed inside of her.

They both laid there wrapped in each others arms, chests heaving, and beads of sweat covering them, completely spent. Bill glanced over at Marie trying to read her expression. "Are you ok? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Still unable to fully calm her breathing, she kissed him lightly. "I'm fine." She said smiling up at him. "I don't think you have ever been that rough with me before. Usually you handle me so gently, as though you think I'm a china doll and might break."

"I'm sorry, Marie. I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to get so rough." He said, guilt washing over him.

"For goodness sakes don't apologize. I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but I really liked it. I haven't been that aroused in a very long time. Why haven't you done that before?"

"I didn't want to hurt you." He paused, considering what he would say next. His face took on a serious expression when his eyes met hers. "Marie, I know something happened to you before we met and got married."

Marie stiffened in his arms. "What do you mean?" Oh shit, he knew. Who would have told him? Perhaps it was her mother. Damn her, she thought. She was always meddling in other people's business.

"Baby, I'm not as ignorant or blind as you might think. I knew something bad had happened to you from the start."

Marie got up off of the bed and put on a bathrobe hanging on a hook in the closet. She couldn't bring herself to face him, feeling the guilt of having lied to him for the past five years. He had known all that time and hadn't said anything. She found herself wanting to be angry at him for not having told her but then realized she was the one in the wrong for having kept secrets from her husband for so long. She struggled to find her voice past the lump forming in her throat. "How did you know?"

"There were plenty of clues. For one, I couldn't so much as touch you without you jumping for the first couple of months after we met. It was as though you were afraid I would hit you, or something." Bill sat up moving to the edge of the bed and put his pants back on. He walked over to her and gently turned her to face him. Seeing the shame in her face, he lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. "I remember the first night we spent together in this house. You had a terrible nightmare and were struggling in your sleep as though someone was attacking you. You've had many nightmares like that over the years. I didn't know what to do to help you so I just held you until you calmed down."

Marie felt her bottom lip quiver uncontrollably, as she tried to contain the tears threatening to fall. She didn't like to cry, especially in front of her husband. She felt that it made her seem weak. "Why didn't you say anything? You have never asked about it. Why?"

"I don't really know." Bill sighed, looking at his wife with worry. "I have always thought that you would tell me when you are ready. I still do." He pulled Marie into his embrace and kissed the top of her head. "I don't know what happened to you before we met and I don't expect any answers right now." He tightened his embrace when he felt her shudder. "I love you more than anything. I always have. No matter what has happened in your past, I will always be here for you. I promise." He released her from his grasp with one more kiss and turned to finish dressing. He glanced at the clock before slipping on his shoes. "Why don't you take a quick shower and get dressed. I'll go get Cindy from school and we can talk some more later." He turned and walked to the door stopping suddenly when he heard his wife's shaky voice.

"His name was Leonard G. Marshall." Marie stood, looking out the window unable to contain the tears streaming down her face. She couldn't keep this secret from her husband any longer. She felt that if she didn't come clean and tell him everything, she would explode. "I met him six years ago at a bookstore I use to work at. I don't even know how it all started. He came in one day to buy a book and he started talking to me. It seemed innocent enough, at the time until I noticed that he started coming in everyday and would stay there for at least an hour, roaming the isles, watching me. He seemed like an okay guy, but something just didn't feel right about him. After a week, he approached me and asked me out. I wasn't looking to date anyone at the time and politely declined." Marie stopped to take a deep breath in an effort to calm her nerves, wrapping her arms around her middle. "I didn't realize he had been following me around town until one day I was on my way home from work and seen him slip behind a building as though he was hiding. That same night, I was walking to my mother's house three blocks from my apartment when I was attacked. He came out of nowhere. He tackled me to the ground and was lying on top of me, holding me down, grinding himself between my legs in the most disgusting way. He just held me there telling me how I was to be his and there was nothing I could do about it. I somehow managed to knee him in the groin and ran as fast as I could to my mother's house where I called the police."

Bill walked up quickly behind his wife and wrapped his arms gently around her, not saying anything for fear that she might not continue. He felt relieved that she finally trusted him enough to confide in him yet he was afraid of what she might tell him next. He squeezed her gently, urging her on.

Marie cleared her throat roughly before taking another breath and closing her eyes, seeing Leonard's face in her mind's eye. "I told the police everything that had happened. They advised me to take out a restraining order against him, and I did, right away. Nothing helped though. Nothing stopped him from harassing me. There were threatening phone calls; he would drive by my apartment constantly. I did everything I legally could but it seemed the police couldn't even help me. Hell, they couldn't even find him." Marie stopped to wipe the tears from her face. She hadn't even realized that she had been crying and suddenly felt embarrassed by it. "Anyway, about two weeks after the initial attack, I was sitting in my apartment alone, watching TV before bed. I didn't even know he was there. I still have no idea how he got in. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water when he grabbed me from behind." Her voice cracked just then and she felt her knees give out remembering the horror that she had gone through.

Bill held on to her as she sank to the floor, suddenly sobbing. "It's okay, baby, I've got you. Nobody's going to hurt you again." He promised as he held her, her body shaking with misery.

She took a few more deep breaths trying to calm herself before continuing. "After he grabbed me, he held me down on the kitchen floor and ripped my clothes off." She said trying to stop her sobs. "He raped me. It seemed like it lasted hours. I wasn't able to get away from him. After the rape, he just kept hitting and kicking me. He was screaming at me about how I belonged to no one else but him. He just kept going and going." She could no longer stop the tremors racking through her body. "After about an hour of him raping and beating me, he suddenly got up and left as though nothing had happened. I just lay there on the kitchen floor covered in blood. I don't know how long I was unconscious. When I looked at the kitchen clock, it was one o'clock in the morning so it must have been a couple hours. It hurt to move, hurt to breathe but I somehow dragged my body to the living room where the phone was. I called the police and they sent an ambulance." She sat on the floor wrapped in her husband's arms. Her tears finally stopped and her sorrow turned to anger as she remembered what Leonard had done to her. "I spent two weeks in the hospital recovering from my injuries. The doctor said I was lucky to be alive after what that man did to me. Of course, even after this, the police still couldn't locate that son of a bitch." She said through clenched teeth. "When I was finally released from the hospital, my mother and aunt showed up at my apartment. I don't know how they knew what happened but they put me in their car claiming that we had to relocate to get away from this man. It was strange; they had new identification for all three of us. It was as though they had planned it, knowing it was going to happen. Mamma was crying and holding me, apologizing profusely for not having protected me from him. That's when we moved here."

Marie looked up at her husband's face, surprised to see tears running down his cheeks. She had never seen him cry before. Reaching up to wipe the tears away she kissed him gently. Bill looked down at her before clearing his throat. He took her face lovingly in his hands. "I wish this man was here right now. He would pay dearly for all that he's put you through, I promise you that." Bill had never been a violent man and was taken aback by the hate that filled him for someone he had never even met. "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. Do you understand me? I would die before letting anyone hurt you." He wrapped her once more in his arms, both comforting one another. They sat there on the floor holding each other for a good ten minutes before the phone rang. Bill reluctantly parted from his wife's embrace and answered the phone. He spoke briefly with whoever was on the other end before hanging up and turning to his wife. "It's the school. We are late picking Cindy up. He walked back to Marie and kissed her deeply. "Thank you." He whispered.

Marie looked at him in confusion. "Thank you for what?"

"For finally trusting me." He gave her a small smile before hugging her once more, and smacking her on the bottom. "Go get ready and I will pick Cindy up." She tried to walk away but he grabbed her, pulling her back into his arms. "I love you, so much."

She smiled at him with her tear stained face. "I love you too."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Of course let’s have a bitch that don’t believe her kid. She sounds like stuck up POS that will only trust herself. For that this story is unreadable. Don’t care what happened to the mom, child is crying and telling you that car will hurt you, take it serious. Least for the kid’s sake.

Tifani40dTifani40dabout 12 years ago

She got pregnant from the attack....the timeline fits....Especially cause he was so excited about her being pregnant with HIS baby.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great Start....

To an intriguing story. My one complaint is your time line is off. Their daughter is already 5 & they are days away from their 5th Anniversary. They got married 6 months after meeting. Factor in her attack was 6 yrs prior to the present day in the chapter ...its just wonky.

If ya corrected it in following chapters disregard my comment. If ya haven't I'll just mentally change it lol.


MizTMizTover 12 years ago
Nice Start

I'm really glad chapter 2 posted today because I want more....chapter 2 here I come

kitteh_katkitteh_katover 12 years ago
fabulous darling!

your style of writing is simply marvolous!

i love your story so far and I can't wait for the next ones!

you write so emotionally, i nearly cried.



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